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Apr 25th 2023

Wakati mwingine inaweza kuwa hatari kutoa maelezo ya kina kwa watu wasioaminika au wasiojali ambao wanaweza kuitumia habari hiyo vibaya au kushindwa kuelewa kwa usahihi.
#Dream #Vision Image
Inashauriwa kuchagua kwa uangalifu watu ambao unashirikisha ndoto na maono yako. Ni muhimu kuchagua watu wanaoweza kukusaidia kufikia malengo yako kama vile marafiki wa karibu, familia, washauri au wengine wenye uzoefu na mafanikio katika eneo lako la ndoto.
Ni vyema kuelewa kwamba kushirikisha ndoto na maono yako na watu wasioaminika au wasiojali kunaweza kusababisha kukatisha tamaa, kuzorotesha maendeleo yako au kuvunja moyo wako katika kufikia malengo yako.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 12th 2023
#Value proposition. I would like to disclose how we #support our #portfolio companies, because I do believe that neither #investments nor market making are enough, if there is nothing else provided. Our #vision is to be a #partner and friend for our portfolio companies and…… Image
Market making (#MM)- it has three main parts: Market #depth - we add more #liquidity on bid and ask side across exchanges where a token is listed on. Spread - we reduce the spread between the best bid and ask offers by adding more quotes around the middle price in the order book.……
#PR and #marketing - the most powerful tool to boost projects on the #crypto market. We support projects with everything from #media to KOLs, and we can act as an outsourcing marketing agency (spoiler - we will extract our marketing department to an independent company very……
Read 10 tweets
Apr 11th 2023
Well, we made some noise and I feel that it is the right time to explain our #vision, workflow and #investments thesis. Our vision is to be a leader of every liquid / investment / MM / Institutional niche in the #crypto and #web3 industry. It leads us to take care of our…… Image
1. Main investment target is #Layer1/#Layer2 #protocols. Investments and cooperation with such projects help us to reach a lot of promising early stage and super early stage projects in order to find brilliant investment #opportunities.
2. Second part of our investment targets includes the most promising and mainstream niches as #GameFi, #Guilds, #DeFi, Web3 #Derivatives, Web3 #Social platforms, #AI, #DAO and sometimes - #meme coins. Then we can play around our portfolio companies in order to find synergies……
Read 8 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
1/15 📰 "@reda_getachew From Spokesperson to President" 🇪🇹 Introducing Getachew Reda, former Tigray gov't spokesperson & now its president. Despite his resilience, his controversial past raises concerns. @ervstours #Ethiopia #Tigray
2/15 🚨 Getachew's tenure as spokesperson was marked by controversial speeches against the Amhara ethnic group. His inflammatory rhetoric has been widely criticized, and many question his ability to establish peaceful relations with other ethnic groups. #Amhara #Controversy
3/15 📣 During the war in Tigray, @reda_getachew was accused of engaging in criminal activities, which raised doubts about his moral standing and suitability to lead the region. #WarInTigray #CriminalActivities @NeaminZeleke
Read 16 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
Outdoor activity reduces the incidence of myopia in children
1. #Myopia is a refractive error of eyes, which causes near-sightedness (and impairment of far #vision). It is a lifelong disease and sufferers usually need glasses (or contact lenses) for life.
#MedTwitter #eyes
2. The incidence of myopia has been gradually increasing, possibly because children have been spending more time watching screens of computers and smartphones from very close (distance).
3. The incidence of myopia has further increased during COVID 19 pandemic, possibly because screen time further increased during the pandemic (for online classes as well as for recreation/leisure time activities).
Read 10 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
Think Bigger. Where your focus goes, your energy flows. The greater the focus the more clarity you get on your vision and mission.

#clarity #vision #mission

“I have no motivation in these times” is something I hear way too often. It’s putting the cart before the horse. The truth is that pure, positive, pleasurable motivation comes from having a vision for the future, but it’s up to you to paint this picture.


Most people are motivated just enough to avoid the pain of the past. Motivated just enough to not totally fail. If you do this enough, you will fail. Guaranteed.
If you are miserable, try setting a little goal. Maybe having a better daily routine.

Read 5 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
A common habit resulted in severe #vision impairment in a young woman

1. 30-year old Manju had severe disabling vision symptoms for one and half years. This included seeing floaters, bright flashes of light, dark zig zag lines and at times inability to see or focus on objects.
2. There were moments when she could not see anything for several seconds. This occurred mostly at nights when she got up to use washroom. She was evaluated by an #eye specialist and detailed evaluation was found to be normal.
She was referred to rule out neurological causes.
3. I reviewed the history. Symptoms had started after she quit her job of a beautician in order to take care of her specially abled child.
She picked up a new habit of browsing through her smartphone for several hours daily, including >2 hours at nights with lights switched off.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
Ignoring transient vision loss in right eye could have been risky for a 50-year old

1. 50-year old Mr Raj presented with symptoms of sudden onset loss of vision in right eye, which recovered in 30 minutes. It first occurred 30 days back and recurred a week back.
2. As his #vision had completely recovered a month back, Raj ignored it and did not seek medical help. When it recurred for the second time, he decided to see an #ophthalmologist.
Eye check up was normal and he was referred to a #neurologist.
3. On enquiry, he had complete loss of vision in right eye on both the occasions, which lasted for 30 and 20 minutes respectively. He had no headache or any other neurological symptoms.
He was taking medicines for high BP for two years.
The diagnosis was clear by now.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
Young woman who would lose eyesight in left eye each time she took hot water bath

1. 25-yr old woman consulted me with complaints of losing #vision in left eye after hot water bath. This had occurred 8 times in the past one month. Vision would get restored in a few hours on own.
2. Short-duration loss of #eye sight had occurred last Winter too, but she ignored them.
Last week, she was taken for an #ophthalmological examination after one such episode, and no abnormality was detected.
Her family members thought she was making up her symptoms.
3. She requested her husband to take her for further expert medical opinion, which he refused.
But the woman was convinced that her symptoms were for real, as she had definite loss of vision in left eye after hot water bath.
So, here she was in my OPD, against her family's wish
Read 8 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
(1/19) Message from CEO @brbordallo – Year Round up🧵🧵

You can bet that 2022 has been a rough year for crypto. #Global Economic factors like wars🎇, inflation📊,🔼interest rates made things challenging for #financial markets across asset classes
Read:… Image
(2/19) The decline of tech #stocks contributed to an outflow of money from #cryptocurrencies, and the internal issues within the industry only exacerbated the situation. It is fair to say that 2022 has been one of the most challenging years in the history of #web3🌐
(3/19) Despite the challenges we faced in 2022, the fundamentals of the #crypto industry are stronger than ever. Key players, from countries to banks and companies, have adopted #cryptocurrencies, #NFTs have had a successful year, and trading volume and #marketcap are at ATH🔥💡
Read 19 tweets
Dec 28th 2022
1/15 We are the underdogs. And that's your opportunity on #egld.
An underdog strategy involves a small and, usually, young firm taking on a much larger competitor into a challenge with much bigger opponents in order to break their monopoly. 100% DEFI and DAO on @MultiversX
2/15 That's our promise to you all: FREEDOM not the illusion of freedom. And here it is why and how:
3/15 There is a monopoly on @MultiversX and we are offering a secondary option truly DEFI & DAO where people can choose to earn 50% of anything we do. If the monopoly is Coca-Cola, we are Pepsi - because we love #pepsi more anyway.
Read 16 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
🧵Day 2 of Covid:

Observation - no swollen lymph nodes, no temp, still mild cough (I had it since September), is my permanent tinnitus from jabs gone or disappearing?, still strange feeling with my heart, not really tired, couldn’t sleep, will probably stay in bed #COVID19
2) Comparison:
Size of nodes: 1st jab - hazelnut, 2nd jab - walnut, booster - golf ball
Covid - my nodes are normal size.

Tinnitus: 1st - stayed for 2-3 weeks, 2nd - a month, booster - permanent
Covid - hours without it
What was is the jab? #pfizer #tinnitus #vaccineinjuries
3) Vision after vaccines
My vision in the right eye deteriorated: blurry, can't focus, grey/black spots when coughing, takes more effort to move my eye, squinting a lot.
My long distance was always perfect on the right eye now blurred.
MRI discovery next #vision #vaccineinjuries
Read 13 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
[Press] 221011 Press Showcase (1)

#드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #VISION
[Press] 221011 Press Showcase (2)
[Press] 221011 Press Showcase (3)
Read 38 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
A Deep-Dive Thread on #RateGain 🧵🧵. Let's go!

Have you heard about the movie - The Bucket List?  Jack Nicholson & Morgan Freeman portray the amazing story of two travelers in their final years, The main plot follows two terminally ill men on their road trip
with a wish list of things to do before they finally say goodbye to the world. No, this thread isn't about that movie, but decoding a company that's enabling the world's incessant desire to TRAVEL, especially that's in Turbo mode after the world being locked up for 2 years...
Hotels are striving hard to optimize costs, improve RoI and reduce the CAC (customer acquisition cost) by generating direct revenue through metasearch platforms, RateGain finds itself in a sweet spot - with its Tech stack offering.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
2 key milestones were attained for the future of our country and all of #Africa:
1) Sango has successfully launched, surpassing 10M Sango Coins;
2) Beac is urging the development of a common digital currency for all Central African states.
Thread 🧵 1/11
We knew at the start that it would not be an easy road. Being the first #African country to adopt #Bitcoin as legal tender and launch its own #digital currency.
Sango represents our country’s opening to the world: attracting global talent, #investment and resources.
Sango is not any regular #cryptocurrency, it is the first attempt to have a sovereign National Digital Currency.
Sango is the future of our country.

Our #vision. Our past. Our future.
We support #Bitcoin and #blockchain adoption at a national level.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 22nd 2022
اگر در زندگی یا حرفه خود نظم و انضباط ندارید، این پیام رو بخوانید.
۸ راهکار برای زندگی بهتر؛
۱- اگر میخواهید زندگی شاد و موفقی داشته باشید نمی‌توانید صرفا به انگیزه تکیه کنید.
انگیزه خالی شما رو شکست خواهد داد. این انضباط هست که شما را در مسیر اهدافتان نگه خواهد داشت.
۲- بهانه‌جویی، امروز شمارو آسان می‌کنه اما آینده رو سخت‌تر. نظم و انضباط امروز سخت هست اما آینده رو آسان‌تر می‌کنه.
گزینه سختی کشیدن خودتونو انتخاب کنید!

۳- اهداف خودتونو انتخاب کنید و آنها رو یادداشت کنید.
شما باید دید واضحی از جایی که قراره برید داشته باشید وگرنه گم میشید.
۴- روی عملکردتون تمرکز کنید، نه نتیجه.
به جای گفتن «ماهی ۱۰۰۰ دلار بدست میارم» بگید «من فلان‌کار رو ۱۰۰ بار در ماه میکنم»

۵- خواب با کیفیت رو در اولویت قرار دهید. حدود ۸ ساعت خواب شبانه بسیار مهم هست.

ترجیحا زود بخوابید تا زود بیدار بشید.
زود بیدار شدن شما رو منظم‌تر میکنه.
Read 6 tweets
May 24th 2022
Sr. De @ATTTPanama esto es un relleno ilegal en el drenaje central de la carretera David Boquete que vierte todas las aguas sobre la carretera y con capacidad potencial de accidentes y pérdidas de vidas actuemos en Prevención.
c.c @AlvaradoJoswar
Esta localizado localizado la antigua entrada del vertedero de Basura de Boquete.
Deseo Felicitar la iniciativa y la inmediatez del equipo del HR. José Manuel González en el Distrito de Boquete Corregimiento en menos de 24hrs realizó la tarea de mitigación y prevención removiendo obstrucción del drenaje pluvial de milla 4
Read 6 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
Yesterday @SpyWolfNetwork had an #AMA with @PoorQuack. It turned out to be a session full of valuable information, which deserves to be spread further around.

So here we go! Slightly edited here and there to save some space. Enjoy the ride!

$POOR #PoorQuack #CryptoNews
Intro by Gyro Gearloose, [9-3-2022 19:08]:
@PoorQuack is all in one #Ecosystem where we are attempting to make it easier for #investors to #research crypto projects and avoid #scams whilst allowing holders to earn via #DeFi.

$POOR #PoorQuack #cryptocurrency #Web3 #Metaverse
We also have entered the #NFT space with our own #NFTcollection and all of these will have #utility within our own #Ecosystem.

The #NFTmarketplace V2 will be released soon and this will allow third party #NFTs like the #OpenSeaMarket.

$POOR #PoorQuack
Read 25 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
Today's @olof_rockner creation is a diagram designed to help show how I see and communicate with my Upsight Vision. Upsight is a form of visual consciousness, a layered network of moving images available to me when I turn my attention to them. #ufotwitter #aliens @LuAngeles 🧵1/ Image
This ability evolved after my encounter. I use my eyes to focus on Upsight images the same way you would use your vision to focus on a person walking across a room or catch sight of a bird flying past your window. 2/#uaptwitter #UFO #ufotwitter @ExoAcademian @UFO_Rabbit_Hole
I’ve broken Upsight into three levels for easier understanding. Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing, and Astral Projection/Abstract Knowledge. The first level, closest to my eyes in the diagram, represents lucid dreaming. 3/ #ufotwitter @the_jandashow #uaptwitter
Read 24 tweets
Mar 8th 2022
As our platform launch date is approaching (Q2), we want to take this opportunity and introduce ourselves to the #World using this THREAD👇

#DeFi #Blockchain #Metaverse #NFTs #NFTCommunity #Ethereum #BinanceSmartChain #SolanaNFTs #opensea
What is @poolify_finance?

#Poolify is a hybrid multi-chain #DeFiProject that allows leveraged #YieldFarming and provides a Crowd Metaverse Marketplace for #CrowdInvestments.
We are a team of like-minded individuals that all share the same goal of revolutionizing the #DeFi and #Metaverse space by providing every single individual - no matter his/her financial power - the tools to join the game of the whales.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
Let's talk roadmaps. And how they are mostly useless in their current form. And how every project has them and doesn't use them right!

Why? Because I'm tired of finding every project cargoculting roadmaps and missing the point of the exercise.

Maybe this thread will help.
2/So what's a roadmap? Well, in the most basic level, it's meant to be a map of a road, but usually people understand it as also containing directions from point A to point B.
3/The problem is immediate when you even look at this basic definition of roadmap:

NFT Project roadmaps aren't stating point B.

They're like a map with a bunch of towns circled, and no apparent destination.
Read 27 tweets
Oct 7th 2021
While preparing my #EyeTracking 👀Lectures, I learned a bunch of new #vision science things & updated my outdated knowledge.

If I got something wrong/incomplete, I'd be happy to know it before I tell my students ;-)

If you stabilize the image on the retina, it doesn't necessarily fade. It strongly depends on what exactly you are showing & often fades in & out - it often fades in "logical" structures.

Images from Pritchard 1961 - a good read is 10.1177/0301006615594957
Visual Tremor (high freq eyemovements, smaller than drift), might be too small for function. Using AOSLO (tracking the photoreceptors with lasers), Bowers et al 2019 found tiny tremor (<1 arcs), much smaller than photoreceptors (~30arcsec) - different to dualPurkinje data?!
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Sep 11th 2021
Building Expertise

Even if you are someone who dabbles in multiple topics, you can still build expertise.

Find HOW from the following threads🧵
1/ If you have multiple interests, it means you are more curious than others.

In fact, I had to go past 200 books to understand my keen interest in (cognitive + behavioral) psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy.

And mind you, I’m an economist by training.

So Have Patience!
2/ If you are still struggling to pick a topic, then choose a topic based on something you already find fascinating and love to learn.

For instance, if your bookshelf is filled with leadership & Development books, then there lies the hint.
Read 30 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
Concernant la #vision ans son rapport de 2019 le HCSP note que 'Il n'existe pas ni de consensus, ni de preuve d'effets de l'exposition aux écrans sur la vision des enfants et des adolescents, ce qui ne signifie pas qu'ils n'existent pas".
L’utilisation prolongée d’appareils électroniques avec écrans peut potentiellement entraîner des symptômes oculaires et visuels tels que :
✔️Gêne, fatigue et sécheresse oculaire, maux de tête, vision floue voire double
(La suite au tweet suivant)
✔️La lumière bleue conduit à un stress toxique pour la rétine et des lésions du cristallin.
✔️L’utilisation prolongée des écrans pourrait conduire à une myopie à cause de la vision de près
(On est toujours sur des symptômes potentiels en cas d'utilisation prolongée)
Read 5 tweets

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