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There is an unmet need for effective treatments for #BladderCancer, especially for advanced stages of the disease.

Innovative treatments for bladder cancer have the potential to capture a significant share of the market.
Bladder #cancer is a common and costly disease, with over 600,000 new cases diagnosed worldwide each year. This high prevalence of the disease creates a large potential market for treatments.

Saw this article on #Theralase in @YahooFinance:…
Theralase is a biotech company focused on the research, development, and commercialization of advanced medical technologies, with the potential to be used in a wide range of medical applications, including the treatment of cancer, arthritis, and other diseases

What do you think?
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Vacuna cubana ABDALA 💉

¿Qué sabemos de ella?

Les hago un resumen de 8 puntos 👇🏼


#SARSCoV2 #COVID19 #Vaccines
1️⃣ Esta vacuna no utiliza tecnologías de vector viral o mRNA como #Pfizer, Moderna, Jansen o Sputnik V para lograr que produzcamos anticuerpos

Utiliza a la proteína Spike* recombinante, es decir, producida en laboratorio

*con la que #SARSCoV2 se ancla a nuestras células

2️⃣ La versión de Spike que usa Abdala es la primera que conocimos, es decir, la del #virus original que salió de Wuhan antes de que mutara en las diferentes variantes como Alfa, Delta u #Omicron 😷

Se requieren 3 dosis para completar el esquema de vacunación 💉

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So thrilled about #RadRes2022 Jack Little Legacy Plenary Lecture featuring 2019 Nobel Prize Laureate Bill Kaelin📢🔥

Also glad to snatch #Twitter selfie with @DKirschMDPhD who is introducing the speaker🤗

Dr Kaelin starting off with a few pearls of wisdom:

1️⃣ He advises that he actually does not have a PhD🙃

That is good news for some of us that this not a principal #physicianscientist career killer😁

(Though it probably does not hurt 😅)


2️⃣also, keep believing, and disregard predictions like this one from one of his prior advisors who questioned his career trajectory 😁 #NobelPrize

3️⃣Great #Mentorship is key⚠️
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#KRAS alert! Over the past 4 years, a multi-disciplinary team from @hopkinskimmel @VUMC_Cancer @DanaFarber @MSKCancerCenter & @Amgen has been studying the distribution and co-mutations of KRAS, NRAS and HRAS mutant #cancers under the auspices of @AACR project #GENIE. Read the 🧵 Image
Our work is now published online at @CR_AACR and represents the largest study of RAS genomic architecture to date, leveraging #NGS data from >600,000 mutations and >66,000 tumors across 51 #cancer types.

Full text here….
Our findings provide insights in the genomic architecture of RAS mutant cancers and may serve as a blueprint for mapping therapeutic vulnerabilities for mut RAS. Given the vast array of findings we have put together a shiny app for interactive #dataviz:
Read 22 tweets
Excited to share our new paper out at @NatImmunol today! We discovered the limiting factor for #brain #Tregs is #IL2, and developed a new #genetherapy to treat #traumaticbraininjury and other #neuroinflammatory pathologies. 1/12…
The work started more than 10 years ago, after my brother Russell died following a #traumaticbraininjury. The more I read into it, the more treatable #neuroinflammation seems. Obviously there is a #brain delivery problem, but stopping #inflammation is basic #immunology! 2/12 Image
We had a great post-doc, @EmanuelaPasciu1, drive a project showing #Tcells in mouse and human brain, with key functions. Among these T cells were a small population of anti-inflammatory #Tregs, again in mouse and human. 3/12…
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A positive step at #WHA75 today! Cochrane is pleased to see that @WHO Member States passed the resolution on strengthening #clinicaltrials and improving research quality & coordination. ➡️… 1/5 Image
This @WHO resolution that was passed at #HA75 calls on Member States to:
⬆️increase #clinicaltrial capacity globally
🌟 prioritise well-designed trials
🤝 better coordinate trial efforts
🔎affirms the importance of clinical trial transparency
Many of the #clinicaltrials issues highlighted in today's passed #WHA75 resolution were recommendations in the Cochrane Convenes report. 📜
#ConvenesReport @CConvenes 3/5 Image
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ICYMI: We recently announced results that expand our knowledge of NVX-CoV2373 and its ability to help protect from COVID19 over a longer period of time. Let's talk about what it means. Thread:
Our new data build on findings from our #UK Phase 3 #clinicaltrial (randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, with crossover), where we examined vaccine performance in 15K adults. Publication:…
There, we found an overall vaccine efficacy of 89.7%. A median of 55 days of surveillance was used for the final analysis. The Alpha (B.1.1.7) strain predominated during this time, with 86.3% efficacy vs Alpha.
Read 12 tweets
Our new data build on findings from our #UK Phase 3 #clinicaltrial (randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, with crossover), where we examined vaccine performance in 15K adults. Publication:…
There, we found an overall vaccine efficacy of 89.7%. A median of 55 days of surveillance was used for the final analysis. The Alpha (B.1.1.7) strain predominated during this time, with 86.3% efficacy vs Alpha. Image
Now, we're sharing data from an extended efficacy collection window from the UK Ph3 study: the 6-month period of 10 Nov 2020 - 10 May 2021, with a median of 101 days of surveillance. Alpha continued to dominate. Image
Read 11 tweets
This is what targeted racial harassment looks like: nitpicking things like “smiled” or “wore clothes like a celebrity, as a celebrity” or “bought cookware.” It is part of the “gold digger” narrative.
This is common in #healthcare#professionalism” where there is hazing & bullying by racist &/or classist made up non-rules lacking standards…yet people are called “breaking the rules.”

It’s exactly how bullies operate: double standards, mislabel/smear, exclude, marginalize.
In the U.K., “BAME” includes the formerly colonized, thus making race constructs or power different from U.S. as latter had race-based chattel slavery.

Thing is, those formerly colonized have many who have internalized self hate & racism.…
Read 76 tweets
Basic research by Dr. Brian Druker @OHSUKnight in the 1990s contributed to the development of #imatinib (Gleevec), a landmark drug that has improved the outcomes of patients with #chronicmyelogenousleukemia.… #NothingWillStopUs Photo of Dr. Brian Druker
He discovered that a compound called STI-571 (a.k.a #imatinib) specifically inhibits growth and tumor formation by #leukemia cells expressing BCR-ABL (a fusion oncoprotein that drives #chronicmyelogenousleukemia) in an @theNCI funded @NatureMedicine study.…
Based on these findings, Dr. Druker et al. tested #imatinib in a phase 1 #clinicaltrial. They found that the drug was well tolerated and an effective treatment against #chronicmyelogenousleukemia in patients with late-stage disease.… #NothingWillStopUs
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India's 1st coronavirus vaccine for kids could be ready by September, said Dr. Randeep Guleria, AIIMS chief said. "COVAXIN's data for children after completion of Phase 2/3 trials will be available by September, approval is expected the same month."… Image
For context, AIIMS-Delhi had this month started screening children for the clinical trials of COVAXIN. A week before that, AIIMS-Patna had begun this jab's clinical trials on children. #AIIMS #clinicaltrial Image
Further, #BharatBiotech, which developed this vaccine, had last month obtained permission from the Drugs Controller General of India to carry out its trials on children. COVAXIN is India's only fully indigenous COVID-19 jab so far. #DCGI Image
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Not only experience, which is important, but clinical #research does not parse out the Japanese man or woman from the South Asian man or woman on heart disease risk, epidemiology, treatment.

#EBM lacking for us then

#MedTwitter #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter
And then there is the question of who is white.

Iranian/Persian & Arabs are white on census.
Does the rest of America agree?

Racists & xenophobes tend to use loophole to say being anti-Muslim (whom they consider to all be Arab) is “not racist.”…
Proving again: race is a social construct

Not until 2020 Persians really started to call selves “POC” (for self protection)

Have lots of Persian friends
Urdu culture has Farsi roots

But let’s be honest: Persians have seen selves as superior race, apart…
Read 38 tweets
News: Janssen Investigational COVID-19 Vaccine: Interim Analysis of Phase 3 Clinical Data Released
Data from the Phase 3 #ClinicalTrial for @JanssenGlobal’s single dose #COVID19 vaccine shows it's 85% effective in preventing severe disease & completely protects against hospitalization & death, including from variant strains in the U.S., Latin America, & South Africa. (1/4)
Overall results showed the vaccine is 72% effective in the U.S. at preventing moderate (generally symptomatic #COVID19 that could include symptoms ranging from cough, sore throat and fever to pneumonia, difficulty breathing, & deep vein thrombosis) & severe illness. (2/4)
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The government has announced an intent to go ahead with vaccination as of 16th Jan 2021 with both Covishield and Covaxin. There is going to be no choice. You will only be able to receive one of the two, whatever is allotted to you by the govt.
While you have an option of opt-out, it will put potential vaccinees in a tough situation. You have to decide for yourselves based on publicly available (or the lack fo it) information-- on safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy on both vaccines.
If you are allotted Covishield, you will follow the current protocol as described and practiced in the dry runs. Image
Read 42 tweets
#Plasma from recovered #COVID19 patients with high levels of #antibodies appeared to delay / stop progression of illness in mildly ill older adults infected with #SARSCoV2, a study published in @NEJM concluded. 🧵…
Researchers at Fundacion INFANT in Buenos Aires, #Argentina, led the small randomized, controlled, double-blind #clinicaltrial of the effects of infusing #convalescent #plasma in 160 older adults within 72 hours of symptom onset, half of whom received the treatment.
The patients were either 75 years and older with or without underlying illnesses, or 65 to 74 years with at least one underlying condition. The trial was stopped early because #COVID19 cases substantially declined in #BuenosAires, precluding continued recruitment.
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Special Session: Monoclonal Antibodies #covidtreatments /1
Dr. Robert Salata, Case Western
Convalescent Plasma - not been highly effective
so monoclonal antibodies signaled to be better /2
#Regeneron abandoned use in Hospitalized patients
#NIH pivot HIV trials in monoclonal antibody
target ambulatory patients, not using oxygen /3
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Sharing a few tweets of resources we've developed @clinicaltrialON in the past year to help people engage with #clinicaltrials (as participants or as collaborators on research teams). Thank you to our partners who have helped us. #talkclinicaltrials /1
Added to #TalkClinicalTrials -… - so people can hear from many perspectives about #clinicaltrials, including from participants, caregivers, and @GovCanHealth cc @Maureenchats @LMCManna @CeroniTina @LaraCeroni @HuntingtonSC @anetto @mgfrenchmph @mcintose /2
Created a Participant Experience Toolkit… to help people doing #clinicaltrials ensure participants feel more informed and valued #talkclinicaltrials /3
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Apropos of @thesundaytimes article, a few thoughts: firstly, as I tweeted 2 days ago 👇 & in stark contrast to the #transparency around other tech/data intitiatives - *cough* @NHSEngland #DataStore *cough* - the team published a blog on what it was doing:…
In this blog, the app team gave an explanation of the latest changes it had made - including a reduction in the #RiskThreshold, which took account of TWO factors: the inclusion of a measure of #infectiousness in the API *and* a new #distance algorithm...…
In case folks aren't aware, @Google & @Apple's #ExposureNotification API is quite frequently updated. As the #Android developer pages (and #nhsxCOVID18app's blog) say, the #infectiousness field was only added at v1.6; with functionality changing at 1.7 👇…
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Looking forward to leading one of only two nationally awarded ‘Anti-Opioid Vaccine Development Programs’, along with @levy_o, and working with our fantastic @PrecVaccines team and collaborators from several institutions! Here is the official news:…
A brief thread to give an overview of our team, some background science on our anti-opioid vaccine strategy and put into perspective why I choose to work on this problem personally...
First, as outlined on our @PrecVaccines account, the goal of the award is to develop an adjuvanted #vaccine for treatment of #opioid use disorder, and bring it to a #Phase1 #ClinicalTrial right here @BostonChildrens:
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🎉CELEBRATION ALERT!! We reached 10K followers @NatureCancer - massive thank you to our wonderful community for the warm welcome! Given it is also 10 months of our online life, here are some of our best articles (although all are *fantastic*) #thread 1/n

January @NatureCancer: Nabel &co @SanofiUS develp #trispecific antibodies against CD3, CD28 and CD38, with preclinical efficacy and safety in humanized mice and NHPs 2/n

February @NatureCancer: Golub and Co @broadinstitute develop PRISM, a tool for non-oncology drug repurposing in #cancer 3/n

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.@NIHDirector to testify today at 10:00 am ET w/@CDCDirector & @BARDA Gary Disbrow before Senate Appropriations LHHS Subcommittee on Operation Warp Speed – developing a safe & effective #COVID19 Vaccine. @NIH will live tweet his remarks. Watch LIVE here:
.@NIHDirector on the Hill: #NIH is at the forefront of research to address #COVID19 public health emergency. We need answers to many urgent questions about how to diagnose, treat&prevent this disease. NIH’s mission to help find those answers, using best science&tech in the world.
.@NIHDirector on the Hill: When it comes to new infectious diseases, knowledge is power. #COVID19 is a novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. The distinctive array of spiky proteins on its surface open the door to infection. Once inside a cell, it takes over&begins replicating #NIH
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Why politicians or others can promote HCQ/Other stuff as GameChanger while we just watch. They know MDs/Academics haven't yet made public understand the meaning/relevance of
Though its a public health crisis, we can't expect the public to understand the critical importance of these terms as we do in Medicine/Regulatory Agencies. COVID is not the 1st or last public health crisis. Let's try to make people know & ask about these as their rights & safety
We can engage and educate the public using examples they can relate to or remember. If they get it right they will be less gullible, esp during public health crisis
#ClinicalTrial Phase 1-3
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We need some #GoodNews. Yes, this is a study in mice but this is so far the first peer-reviewed #coronavirus #vaccine study with promising results in @EBioMedicine published by @TheLancet from @PittTweet @UPMCnews @PittHealthSci vaccinologists
When tested in mice, the #vaccine, delivered through a fingertip-sized patch, produces #antibodies specific to #SARSCoV2 #virus. Researchers were able to act quickly because they already laid the groundwork during earlier #coronavirus #epidemics.
Compared to the experimental #mRNA #vaccine that entered clinical trials, this one - called #PittCoVacc, short for #Pittsburgh #Coronavirus Vaccine - follows a more established approach, using lab-made pieces of viral protein to build immunity (same way current #flu shots work)
Read 8 tweets
Exciting AM talk by @HollyLynchez
2 issues: paying people to be in research & people paying to be in research
Why is #clinicaltrial under-enrollment problematic?
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