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Many liberals are amazed that people believe the obvious lies that the Modi government puts out about China. There's a clear inconsistency between Modi saying that China didn't take any territory and army commanders regularly meeting their Chinese counterparts to negotiate.

They're practically begging the Chinese to leave, and the Chinese are refusing. If that were not the case, there would be no need to talk.

Also, the #Indian #Military position MUST BE WEAK, otherwise we would have kicked out the #Chinese. We simply cannot.

So why isn't the Indian public angry with #Modi?

For the same reason they were not angry with #Nehru in 1962.


Indians have a tendency to place their heroes on a pedestal and worship them. As long as they are on that pedestal, they can do no wrong.

Read 21 tweets
This message is for Hospital trusts #NHSTrusts #GPs There are many thousands of people who are vulnerable and in a very difficult situation with #COVID that need safe access to medical care for some of the following reasons:
1. They are immunocompromised and have an allergy so can’t be vaccinated
2. UKHSA isn’t offering all cev vaccines who are still high risk. They are continuing to narrow the criteria and are leaving many with lung/heart/kidney conditions out in the cold.
3. Children who shielded
are now not all being vaccinated. These children were indoors for 20 months and many are understandably anxious at now not having vaccine protection.
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#LongCovid is fundamentally important to the #CostofLivingCrisis in two ways.
1. 1 in 10 infections lead to long term care #LongCovid. If you can’t work you can’t pay the bills. Many have become homeless who have long covid.
2. Long covid is causing high levels of staff …
shortages, which is causing inflation to spiral as employers are forced to raise wages to try to find staff.
This government are playing down the importance of these shortages from long covid. 1 in 10 infections are leading to long covid. This situation will continue to deteriorate until they start to address covid infections. #Denial
Read 13 tweets

more I watch this moment 👀
more I feel full manipulation 😳

why did you do accept this scientific humiliation @DrTedros ?
yup 😳 #CovidIsAirborne

first BA.4 and BA.56, and then a veritable zoo of second-generation saltation variants and recombinants – have appeared since then
🔥🐸🔥 hot


2 million people 😳 expected
between 26. -31.06.2023
⬇️ Image
Read 14 tweets
“The only other virus that attacks and kills T-cells is HIV, which causes AIDS, said Katzenback.”

Maybe repeatedly infecting our kids with SARSCoV2 wasn’t such a great idea?

Guess we’ll find out.

#Covid #LongCovid #LongCovidKids #Health #CovidIsntOver…
“With the loss of these T-cells, we are now more vulnerable to all of these other infections, other viruses, other bacteria,” said Katzenback.

#Covid #LongCovid #Health #Strep #StrepA #Flu #pneumonia
“Individuals who are infected with COVID have many fewer T-cells,” said Katzenback. “That’s a problem for us because T-cells are a really important part of our immune system that helps defend us against infection.”
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Every week in the UK hundreds of people are dying all year around in hospitals. This is because we have an airborne virus and the government guidance is incorrectly based on droplet transmission. Even though medical staff are aware that clinically vulnerable people aren’t all ..
Protected from #COVID by antivirals or vaccines and that many patients of all ages in this group are dying before their time , staff have chosen to follow the government guidelines and not wear a mask.
I realise this isn’t all staff but to the ones who have dropped masks imagine how terrifying it is for patients. Do you think this is kind medical care? Why have you supported the Tories over caring for patients? I am really disappointed in hospitals. #RightToLife
Read 4 tweets
Bei mit #COVID infizierten Föten besteht das Risiko langfristiger Hirnkomplikationen

Eine aktuelle Studie liefert neue Beweise für neurologische und motorischen Entwicklungsdefizite bei Neugeborenen, die #COVID19 während späterer Entwicklungsstadien des…

#Corona #SARSCoV2 Image
Fötus in der Gebärmutter
durch die infizierte Mutter ausgesetzt waren. Die Forscher haben nachgewiesen, dass SARS-CoV-2 in späteren Phasen der Schwangerschaft (zweites und drittes Trimester) möglicherweise über den Blutkreislauf von der Mutter auf den Fötus übertragen wird. ImageImage
„Im fötalen Gehirn haben wir festgestellt, dass SARS-CoV-2 Blutgefäße, Neuronen, Gliazellen und Zellen des Plexus choroideus infiziert und zu einer Zunahme der Gliose führt, selbst nach Beseitigung des Virus. Insgesamt deuten unsere Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass ein pränataler Fall ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Etwa 28 Millionen Amerikaner, die an #COVID19 erkrankt waren, haben ihren Geschmacks- oder Geruchssinn nie wieder vollständig zurückgewonnen, und die Patienten sagen, dass dies ihre Lebensqualität erheblich beeinträchtigt. 🧵

#LongCovid #Coronavirus #SARSCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver Image
„Äußerst frustrierend": Millionen von #COVID-Patienten leben ohne Geschmacks- und Geruchssinn

Etwa ein Viertel der Amerikaner, die an #COVID19 erkrankt waren, haben ihren Geschmacks- oder Geruchssinn nie wieder vollständig zurückgewonnen, so die Forscher von „Massachusetts Eye
and Ear“. Ohne eine Möglichkeit der Behandlung kann die Krankheit nach Ansicht von Experten zu einer Verschlechterung der geistigen und körperlichen Gesundheit führen. "Unsere Studie untersucht auf Haushaltsebene - quasi von Tür zu Tür - wie viel Prozent der Patienten ihren
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Les #vaccins #CovidVaccines augmentent les chances de contracter #Covid au lieu d'être protecteurs. Image
La plupart sont vaccinés contre le COVID,une minorité(11 990 employés)a choisi d'être«à jour»sur ses vaccins COVID,la majorité(36 344 employés)a choisi de refuser les vaccins COVID.Le groupe qui avait le+de COVID?Les personnes à jour environ 25%+d'infections à Covid. Image
Read 11 tweets
“They wouldn’t let #Covid spread if it was THAT bad…”

Miners Lung
Sewage in waterways

Historically, governments ALWAYS put short-term financial gains above public health.

Studies showed organ damage in 2020! (Pre vaccines)

Read 5 tweets
Le #PDG de #Pfizer épinglé par le gendarme des labos pour «fausses déclarations» sur le vaccin #Covid…
@AlbertBourla, #PDG de #Pfizer, a été épinglé,en novembre 2022,par la Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority,haute autorité britannique en charge de surveiller les activités des industries pharmaceutiques,pour déclarations trompeuses sur le #Covid Image
Le patron #Pfizer @AlbertBourla,a été épinglé par la PMCPA,le gendarme britannique en charge de surveiller les activités des industries pharmaceutiques dans ce pays.Que lui reproche-t-on? Image
Read 8 tweets
[#VeilleESR #DataESR] L'État de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation en France 2023
La bible du #SIES est en ligne…
D'abord, « l'investissement sans précédent » de madame @VidalFrederique
(courbe bleu tout en bas) Image
@VidalFrederique Toujours, « l'investissement sans précédent » de madame @VidalFrederique, mais cette fois-ci en comparaison internationale.

Voilà voilà. Image
Read 59 tweets
Aun hay mucha gente que no sabe que es esto del #CovidPersistente. Al hilo de esta noticia voy a hacer un miniresumen.…
El #CovidPersistente o #LongCovid ocurre a personas con un Sistema Inmune y una condición de salud totalmente normal, tras la infección de SARS-CoV-2 (#Covid19). Como dice en la noticia, en España son casi 2 millones de personas que lo padecen o han padecido.
El nombre, #CovidPersistente, procede de la suposición de que el virus SARS-CoV-2 tiene la capacidad de persistir durante largos períodos en el organismo, como ocurre con otros virus, y todos tenemos alguno persistente en nuestro organismo.…
Read 22 tweets
Ce qui s’est réellement passé dans le laboratoire de #Wuhan quelques semaines avant que la #Covid n’éclate,De nouvelles preuves tirées de dossiers confidentiels révèlent que des scientifiques chinois ont fusionné des agents pathogènes mortels peu avant la pandémie. Image
Des scientifiques de #Wuhan travaillant aux côtés de l’armée chinoise ont combiné les #coronavirus les plus mortels du monde pour créer un nouveau #virus mutant juste au moment où la pandémie a commencé. Image
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#Information cascade alert!

The US #intelligence agencies are supposed to reveal all information they have with respect to the #OriginOfCovid

I wanted to use the opportunity to explain exactly what you will see happening in the media, no matter the content of those reports
🧵 Image
First, let's talk about expectations.

From the get-go, it is absolutely clear that there is no #smoking gun or similar to be expected.

The intelligence services all had access to the same information and most assessments are low confidence, with 4 agencies favoring #zoonosis. Image
Within the 'manmade' mythology, too many unverified stories are taken as gospel truth.

Overall, the best LLs can hope for is that the IC can verify some #circumstantial evidence that they have spun into their #mythology; but honestly, I highly doubt that.
Read 18 tweets
1) BREAKING: A month after Japan downgraded #COVID19 to the seasonal flu, the country is now beset with a 9th wave of infections. In this thread, I will explore the persistence of the #pandemic that everyone — especially politicians — wants to forget. Image
2) First, it's worth noting that the number of #COVID hospitalizations in the nation of 125 million rose to 4,330 from 4,122 a week before. The seven-day average for the number of patients in intensive care units was 79, according to the Japan Times.
3) It appears that XBB subtypes of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are driving the latest wave of infections in Japan. Meanwhile, China has recorded a more than five-fold surge in the number of people diagnosed with COVID in hospitals since April. China is also bracing for another wave. Image
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But she would be eligible for antivirals if she were positive.
Is anyone even getting antivirals any more?
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Gestern ist Radprofi Gino Mäder (26) bei Tour de Suisse schwer gestürzt und ist heute verstorben. Was mich beunruhigt, ist das dieser junge Mann Anfang Mai aufgrund einer #Covid Erkrankung nicht am #Giro Italia teilnehmen konnte. Werden bei den Geschwindigkeiten im Radsport…
…und den enorm langen Konzentrationszeiten die erforderlich sind vergleichbare Testungen wie bei Piloten in Australien gemacht um Fahrer nach so kurzer Zeit wieder als fit zu erklären? Weiß das jemand?………
…zumal high school Sportler in USA nach COVID Erkrankung 3x häufiger und schwerere Gehirnerschütterungen erlitten…
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Behandlung einer anhaltenden Erektionsstörung nach einer #COVID-19-Infektion: erst nach 18-monaten wieder erholt: Fallbericht (könnte spannend werden bei 2 Infektionen pro Jahr) ImageImage
Neben der Endothelschädigung können auch andere Mechanismen der COVID-19-Infektion für die ED verantwortlich sein. SARS-CoV-2 kann die Hoden beeinträchtigen, da die Leydig-Zellen ACE2 exprimieren, was zur Entwicklung einer Form von hypergonadotropem Hypogonadismus führt
Darüber hinaus sollten die Komplikationen in der postakuten Phase von COVID19, nicht übersehen werden. Dazu gehören Dyspnoe, Müdigkeit, Angstzustände, Schlafstörungen, Myokarditis und Kardiomyopathie [24] und Lungenfibrose (die eine Hypoxie im penilen Gefäßbett verursacht) [25];
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You might’ve heard that Joe Biden renewed Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism List. Being on this list isn’t just a label, it has serious consequences for everyday Cuban people.

6.25 RIDE TPF BUS to DC to take Cuba #OffTheList:

5 Reasons Why
🧵👇🏽 Image
1. In fact, Cuba should be on the sponsor of PEACE list
Cuba was placed on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list by Trump in 2021 for hosting peace talks to end the civil war in Colombia.
Just days ago, Cuba brokered a ceasefire, helping to resolve a civil war that raged on for over 70 years and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. Trump decided to punish Cuba for promoting peace, and Biden is following suit!
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@RepPress @TRyanGregory "Explain how Lockdowns supposedly caused the deaths"?!😲

Like this😱🤦‍♂️

🧵 ImageImageImageImage
@RepPress @TRyanGregory "Explain how Lockdowns supposedly caused the deaths"?!😲

And this😱🤦‍♂️

🧵 ImageImageImageImage
@RepPress @TRyanGregory "Explain how Lockdowns supposedly caused the deaths"?!😲

Also this😱🤦‍♂️

🧵 ImageImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
In 2021 @CDCgov recommends ventilation to prevent #Covid & @POTUS announced the distribution of 123B in emerg relief funds to support schools. Yet, CDC’s April23 report shows <49% of Sch. Districts have implemented ventilation improvements @GoodMenProject How Indoor Air Quality in S...
Among the <49% School Districts in the U.S. that have taken action to #CleanAir, only—
😮33.9% Replaced or upgraded HVAC
😮28% Installed HEPA filters/AirCleaners
😮8.2% Installed UVGI
😮50.7% Increase airflow by opening windows & using fans
What's stopping them from doing so? Does your child's school us...
👉Healthy learning environment reduce absenteeism, improve test scores, enhance productivity @EPA
👉CO2 levels in our blood reduces the amount of O2 that reaches our brains, which can increase sleepiness/anxiety, impair cognitive function @NewsMedical
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1/ Fascinating new🧠#COVID study published in @ScienceAdvances

Haven't done a 🧵 like this in a while, but let’s break down what it does and doesn’t say

#SARSCoV2 infection & viral fusogens cause neuronal & glial fusion that compromises neuronal activity… Abstract Numerous viruses u...
2/ The authors pose the question regarding potential neuropathological mechanisms other than neuronal cell death that help viruses spread infection within the host that then leads to brain dysfunction

⚠️Brain damage can be caused without infecting neurons…
3/ What they found is VERY intriguing.

Instead of multiplying inside the cell and requiring the cell to burst & die in order to spread virions, the virus actually keeps the cell alive & uses it like a little trojan horse that docks on other similar neurons & fuses with them to
Read 42 tweets

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