Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #ETc

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Ik vond dit opzich echt een goed artikel door Rinske van de Goor. Ze slaat op vele vlakken de spijker op z'n kop, maar ik was jammer genoeg ook teleurgesteld.

Ik zie vaker artikelen door artsen en wetenschappers voorbijkomen waar over de terechte
wanhoop rondom #longCOVID geschreven wordt, maar ik zie maar weinig artsen die het aandurven om over de geschiedenis van dit soort post-infectieuze aandoeningen te schrijven.

Over het gebrek aan biomedisch onderzoek en subsidie.
Het hoofdzakelijk focussen op gedragsmatige interventies die niet alleen ineffectief waren/zijn, maar vanwege de post-exertional malaise (#PEM) en de focus op het opbouwen van activiteiten bij ME in potentie ook schadelijk kunnen zijn.
Read 11 tweets
1/ With a turbulent 2022 in the rear view, #Bitcoin miners are on the retreat. After tipping ~265 EH/s last month, hashrate has tumbled -6% 📉

In response, we saw a massive -7.3% network difficulty adjustment, the largest downtick since the Chinese miner exodus of summer '21. Image
2/ Still, miner margins have been compressed all year, so the burst of hashrate in late Q3 is a bit mysterious.

One theory offered by @Data_Always is that miner rackspace was rapidly reallocated from GPUs to ASICs in the wake of the Ethereum Merge. Image
3/ As explored in the Q3 @coinmetrics mining special, only 25% of Ethereum's hashrate found a home in its estranged sister chain #ETC, giving even more credence to the rackspace reallocation rumors.
Read 20 tweets
#Ukraine "Les Russes évacuent Kherson" selon la @RTBFinfo qui relaie la propagande russe sans état d'âme... Il s'agit de #déportations, enfants compris ! Lisez le rapport de l'@ONU_fr nom di dju! Vous cautionnez ce qui a tout d'un #génocide! 😡 #Shame 1/…
Dès le mois de mai 22, communiqué de l'#ONU sur le sort inquiétant des enfants déportés d'#Ukraine:… 3/
Read 6 tweets
Voorkom miljardenclaims van biomassa-centrales.
Wij roepen het kabinet @MinPres @RobJetten @LSchreinemacher op: Stap uit het Energiehandvestverdrag #ECT!
Hieronder een draadje 🧵
Op basis van het #ECT kunnen fossiele-energiebedrijven in geheime procedures voor internationale arbitragehoven miljardenclaims tegen overheden indienen wanneer zij klimaatmaatregelen nemen die hun fossiele winsten bedreigen.
Zo werd Italië aug jl. veroordeeld tot het betalen van €240 miljoen aan @Rockhopper voor het niet langer mogen boren naar olie & gas voor de Italiaanse kust. Dikke winst voor @rockhopper: schadevergoeding was 8 keer zo hoog als hun totale investeringen.…
Read 15 tweets
Spotting the next 100x in crypto isn't easy.

Most of these can be found hidden in DEXs - if you know where to look. @GeckoTerminal helps to unearth these gems by tracking over 1M+ cryptocurrencies across 60+ blockchains and 320+ DEXs.

Here’s a guide to using GeckoTerminal 🧵

⛓️ Networks list: Navigate through all the chains.
🔥 Show Trends: View the hottest pools, top gainers, and losers.
💧 Pools: Filter and view all the pool stats by % gains, volume, liquidity.
Perhaps the most important feature - Search bar 🔎

Look up any network/chain, DEX, or tokens (name or contract) that pique your interest.
Read 12 tweets
【投资必读| ETH2.0的叙事机遇和迷雾】
前几日我在推文里写:ETH合并是2022目前可以看到唯一的史诗级事件,随着2.0合并预期,以及Merge之后能效和质押收益的提高,#ETH 可能成为下半年的主要叙事周期来带动行情

接下来几天 #ETH#ETC 很给面子,同时开启暴力反弹,但实际上背后的逻辑是截然不同。 Image



这中间充满了机遇,也同样弥漫着杀机,老吴今天就带你一探其中的迷雾: Image

Read 17 tweets
(1/20)@MessariCrypto 关于ETH2.0的到来将给矿工带来的巨大冲击作了分析,译了一下,饭后谈资。
1. 2.0将迫使以太坊价值 190 亿美元的采矿业寻找新家。

#Ethereum #eth2 #Miner #以太坊 #挖矿
(2/20)不包括 ETH 的 GPU 可开采代币的总市值为 41 亿美元,约占 ETH 市值的 2%。 ETH 还占 GPU 可开采硬币的每日矿工总收入的 97%。
矿工可以将他们的 GPU 贡献给 @RenderToken 、@Liverpeer 和 @akashnet_ 等 Web3 协议
(3/20)基于 ETH 核心开发者的论调和最近在 Ropsten 测试网上的成功,假设没有挫折,主网Merge似乎在 8 、9 月步入正轨。
2022 年 5 月,以太坊的哈希率或用于保护网络的总算力达到顶峰。从那以后,它的哈希率一直呈下降趋势,这表明矿工们预计Merge将很快发生,关停并开始售卖矿机(图为以太坊的哈希率)
Read 23 tweets
Why is #ETH dumping? 🫤

Something is not right with Ethereum recently!

Why has #ETHEREUM taken maximum hit after #LUNA crash amongst Large Cap Coins? 😵‍💫

Let's find out the top 3 reasons in this #Thread! 🔍

#Price #Predictions on last thread! 📈
1) #Eth Time Difficulty Bomb #Delayed 🧐
EIP 3238: Inbuilt into Eth is a difficulty time bomb that makes Eth Mining increasingly more difficult. The time it takes to mine a new block will be so long that profitability for miners will drop, and transactions will be too slow.
Developers want miners to stop mining #Eth1.0 and move over to #Eth2.0 upon release. Else, miners could continue using Eth 1.0, similar to the split seen with #Eth & #ETC. Due to delay in Time Difficulty Bomb, Eth 2.0 is directly or indirectly getting delayed, which is not + 😵‍💫
Read 11 tweets
My take on $LUNA 2.0 🧵

I don't know whether it's gonna be a failure or a success but as far as I understand it's not a re-creation of the same LUNA/UST mechanism as before but rather a new L1 without the $UST part & decent ecosystem

People might think if 1.0 failed why should 2.0 work?

Well as I said I don't know if it will work in the long run, but under certain circumstances, I can see it working if it's just L1.

After all, the old UI worked very smooth and the LUNA ecosystem got pretty big and solid

We have seen this in the past.

Even #Ethereum has split into #ETH & #ETC and eventually has become 2nd biggest crypto coin by mcap

We have seen #Solana had their blockchain stopped several times and it's still going, trying to fix bugs and so on

Read 8 tweets
Dziś kolejna część #Pancernanitka na temat przyszłości czołgu. Na tapecie: IV generacja #MBT. Poprzednio było o przyszłości czołgu w #NATO i o programach #Wilk #MGCS #OMT #DLP:
Dziś sobie powiemy na temat tego, co to za zwierz ta IV generacja. 1/X
Generacja czołgów podstawowych (o historii samego pojęcia innym razem) oznaczają pojazdy, które z grubsza sobie nawzajem odpowiadają parametrami technicznymi (mimo różnic: M1A2 SEPv3, K2 i T-90M to to samo pokolenie). W załączniku skrótowy przewodnik po generacjach MBT. 2/X
Czym może się wyróżniać IV generacja MBT? Cóż, w uproszczeniu można napisać, że zmiana generacyjna może nastąpić wówczas, gdy możliwości techniczno-technologiczne i potrzeby pola walki wykażą, że potrzeba zmiany większej, niż modernizacja dotychczasowych wozów. Właśnie mamy 3/X
Read 22 tweets
Lessons from #RPA22 which just wrapped up in Dallas, a 🧵 1) Value-based care (#VBC) has injected a jolt of energy into the private practice sphere. Half the exhibitors on the convention floor were new since 2019. It was THE topic of conversation during the breaks - who are you
working with, have you signed up with anyone? The 3/25 deadline for KCE participation added to the frenzy, as did news of the Cricket-Interwell-Fresenius merger. Talks about VBC and the new payment models were well attended and garnered lots of questions and discussion.
2) The mandatory #ETC model is a dead letter, at least on the nephrologist side. For all but the big practices, the dollars at risk are too small, and the performance results too long delayed, to warrant making any changes. The dialysis companies have more $ at risk, but it was
Read 14 tweets
Fantastic real world application of the financial implications of the #ETC model - what’s the dollar amount of the penalties/bonuses? By the wonderful Terry Ketchersid at #RPA22 Image
And with these numbers personally the relevance of #ETC drops significantly.
What about JV owners? The monetary amounts are bigger but is it enough to drive investment and change practice? I don’t think so. The dialysis companies have more to risk so may drive the response to ETC. Nephrologists need to be at the center! Image
Read 9 tweets
Bitcoin Thread W/B 13th March

1/ There’s no point in trying to trade PA like this weekend. It’s designed to chop you up. We’re in the middle of a range. MM is deliberately trying to get retail traders into bad positions

My personal areas of interest are: $36800, $44.5k and $47k
2/ Looking for a 3 tap bounce for a long position around the Fair Value Gap at 36800 and possible shorts at mid-high 40s where a manipulation tap of the highs/false breakout could occur #bitcoin $btc Image
3/ A key thing I’ve noticed over the weekend is how the influencers are shilling the narrative that this coming week is going to be a big week for Bitcoin and that it’s going to be “exciting”. Ie watch out for some heavy manipulation.
Read 74 tweets
I feel like bragging about my class discussion a bit. We were talking about how and why information communities ask questions and judge new information. Really relevant, right? #vax #etc
Well, I started class with a "current events" item, which I try to do almost every week. This week it was close to home (which is more true than I would like these days). UNC is cutting $5 million dollars from its library budget.…
I may know more than the typical professor about higher education funding and structural changes in higher ed finance. You will also want to look for a new book from @CharlieEatonPhD on financialization of higher ed…
Read 40 tweets
1/ @dfinity China presents, "DFINITY Meetup Party" at 6pm CST tonight. This is the first event organized by DFINITY China team since the 5-city road show before Genesis in May. A few hundred have signed up to attend this highly buzzed event during #ShanghaiBlockchainWeek Image
@dfinity 2/ Agenda for #DFINITYMeetup1025 :

- Opening by Dom
- Keynote "Final Fantasy Before IC Singularity" by Herbert
- Global panel by @beavskis with @ORIGYNTech @OpenChat @DistriktApp @DscvrO @FleekHQ
- China panel by Herbert with @snzholding , @icpleague_com and @Astrox_Network .
3/ The venue for tonight's #DFINITYMeetup1025 is Planet One in #Shanghai , a futuristic and chic e-sports themed restaurant/party destination. We thought we could do better than boring hotel function halls (meh...). It's got VR games, immersive huge screens and open bar. ImageImageImageImage
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#XRPHolders 🆚 @SECGov 🆚 @Ripple


Mar. 23, 2017: Clayton agrees to recuse himself from voting on any matter related to his law firm’s (Sullivan & Cromwell) clients;

Nov. 30, 2017: Lubin & Consensys announce the Brooklyn Project
Dec. 13, 2017: Hinman has a meeting w/ Lubin & Consensys and lawyers from Sullivan & Cromwell (Clayton’s law firm);

Dec. 14, 2017:
Matt Corva of Consensys (along w/ lawyers from Sullivan & Cromwell) state that they are building an alliance with the SEC;
Jan. 25, 2018: Clayton meets with Andreesen & Horowitz and instructs them to put together a group and write up a memo. Perkins Coie, a member of the EEA, leads this group of Ether investors;

Mar. 12, 2018: @bgarlinghouse speaks publicly about Ripple using #XRP to replace SWIFT;
Read 26 tweets
Libfems: down with rape culture! down with sexism and objectification! #timesup #metoo #etc
Radfems: ah we agree! rape culture is terrible isn’t it
LF: ooh it’s awful. we HATE it
RF: so what should we do about it?
LF: (confused) um… I don’t quite follow…
RF: Ok how about… porn! It overwhelmingly depicts scenes of verbal and physical aggression vs women and…
LF: (suspicious) are you kinkshaming?
RF: uh no but…
LF: Kinkshamers! Porn is EMPOWERING! Many women choose to make it and watch it! Porn is FEMINIST!
RF: Ok. How about the sex trade? Tens of thousands of women are trafficked into the sex trade every year and…
LF: How DARE you deny those women their AGENCY!!
RF: I mean it’s not me that’s denying them agency, it’s the
Read 8 tweets
Exponential Growth: a short thread with pictures

Physicist Albert Allen Bartlett said, referring to overpopulation, "The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function."

It's also the shortcoming of a #crypto trader atm.
So we all saw $ETC's face melting run recently. Look at this disgusting chart. Obviously #cryptocurrencies are all scams, and nothing means anything anymore right?
But have a look at it on Log scale. Log is an exponential scale (same distance between 1 and 10 as it is between 10 and 100).

If crypto follows an adoption cycle, follows Metcalfe's law, then we should expect exponential growth.

This chart looks normal, right?
Read 10 tweets
Who else was looking at $etc before it broke 2017 ATHs?

Give me a retweet and a follow if you'd be so kind, so I can share my charts and thoughts with more people :)

#etc #altseason #btc #trading
@Zen_Trades1 see this?
Read 5 tweets
$10M exploited. BTW I screenshot these so they will survive in case someone deletes a tweet one day in the future. Image
$17M in hacks this week Image
This one is being emptied as we speak I think. $14M so far lost Image
Read 59 tweets
$51M rug pull on yet another BSC scam. ImageImageImage
$30M exploitted Image
$10M exploited. BTW I screenshot these so they will survive in case someone deletes a tweet one day in the future. Image
Read 60 tweets

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