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“If you could have anything, what would you want right now?”
“Doc, I know it’s counterintuitive, since it’s what got me here... *long pause* but I haven’t had a drink in over 13 years.”
“What’s your drink of choice?”

7:45AM: I left the hospital and crossed the street. Image
He wanted a glass of wine. A red. But not just any red. A Cabernet Sauvignon, dry but not too dry.

Fortunately we have similar tastes. I picked out a familiar label.
For good measure, I sauntered over to the kitchenware aisle and picked up a set of 4 long stemmed, round bowl-shaped glasses. I checked out and wrapped the wine in enough bags to obscure the shape and label. I crossed back to the hospital parking lot and returned to his room.
Read 10 tweets
Thread on Atheism 🔥🙏🏼🤔

1/ As an atheist, I've often been told that I'm soulless, immoral, and a danger to society. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Atheism is simply the absence of belief in a god or gods.
2/ For me, atheism is about finding meaning and purpose in this life, rather than waiting for an afterlife. It's about taking responsibility for my own actions and making the most of the time I have here on earth. 🌍💪🏼
3/ Atheism doesn't mean I hate religion or religious people. It means I respect their right to believe what they want, as long as it doesn't harm others. 🤝🏼👍🏼
Read 10 tweets
#Science/#Society: "This #bias is explicit for Sir John Houghton, a former #IPCC vice president who is not only an eminent climatologist but also a fervent catholic and zealous proselytiser. Houghton has made a great contribution to the #climate cause, and no-one could accuse ...
... him of ignoring the magnitude of the challenge. Nevertheless, when he was asked one day if he was an #optimist or a #pessimist, he replied: ‘I am an optimist for three reasons; #scientists the world over are working hard and collaborating, the necessary #technologies are ...
... available, and #God takes care of His creation’. Taken to this extreme, his #optimism borders on recklessness. But this quote speaks volumes about the limited view of some #scientists, religious or not, who, between their ultra-specialised domain and 'human nature' ...
Read 8 tweets
What's happening? Image
A moral society puts people first.
Not wealth.
Not power.
Not nation states.
Not archaic forms of govt or law.
Not royal families or venerable castes.
Ordinary people.

Intelligent Ethics by Luke Andreski…

#humanism #environmentalism #hope
Neoliberal propaganda?
Corporate lies?
Media bias?
Had enough of it yet?

Ethical Intelligence
Luke Andreski…
#understanding #reality #perception #truth
Read 7 tweets
1/🧵🎥 How do “Dominoes of life” fall in critical illness⁉️

A pt arrives awake & talking but vomiting. In just 8 hrs he nearly dies of sepsis 🤯

Lung & kidney failure, heart attack, coma.

How can this happen & can we save him?

This🧵can help us understand the “arc of illness”
2/ His disease is Ascending Cholangitis

A gall stone lands in his common bile duct

📍Pain & vomiting
📍He’s admitted to the ICU
📍GI performs an ERCP to place a stent, bypass the stone, drain pus & control the source of sepsis
📍Add fluids & antibiotics
📍But he gets worse
3/ We bypassed the septic source (stone) & drain the pus, but dominoes were already falling.

Bacteria had gotten into his blood.

Too much inflammation & capillary blood clotting occurred, just like in COVID.

What happens when “cellular” dominoes start to fall uncontrollably?
Read 11 tweets
1/🧵 Wanna learn from a 61-year love affair? ❤️

They met at a drive-in burger joint in Memphis. Elvis blaring.

He peered into a car of 6 teenage girls & saw her.

💭 “That’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

They’ve been madly in love ever since.

(Pics & story w perm)
2/ Pain feeds pain, but love & gratefulness starve pain…

Mr. M came into the ICU w sepsis & shortness of breath.

We placed him on life support to help reduce his suffering. The disease proved too much.

Fortunately, sadness & despair took a back seat to what happened next…
3/ In 1961, the night they met, the teens went to a bowling alley.

She didn’t have permission, so she walked home.

He found the girls & asked, where’s your friend who was sitting in the back seat?

He couldn’t get his mind off her smile…
Read 14 tweets

New edition of

FREE eBook 15–19 Oct…
#politics #power #propaganda
I think it’s time we talked….

Luke Andreski
Short Conversations: During the Plague

Populism. Privilege. Propaganda. Power.

eBook FREE ‘til Oct 19…
Read 12 tweets
Your patient has acute SARS-CoV-2 infection.

They are unvaccinated.

What’s the best way to talk to them about their vaccination status?

In most patients with intact immune systems, vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 work to reduce incidence and severity of COVID-19.

However, to date, approximately 40% of eligible Americans are unvaccinated.

/2 Ref: Google
As the delta variant spreads, and hospitals fill, these morally challenging encounters are on the rise.

And we are tired.


Read 24 tweets
1/ 🧵Wisdom in Medicine
What’s going on here? And why it’s key in #COVID19
It’s quite simple: we finally had the #wisdom to ask Mr. D the right question! He and his wife encouraged us to use this picture to teach what we learned.
#PalliativeCare #MedTwitter #NurseTwitter
2/ What we learned was to switch the preposition!
Mr. D was a pre-#COVID patient. On this day, he was taken off the vent after a MONTH. The incessant mantra had been, “What’s the matter WITH Mr. D?” He was surprised when we asked, “What matters TO you, Mr. D?”
3/ He has a tracheostomy, as you can see. We insert this airway through the neck to improve #comfort when someone is on a vent well beyond 10 days. He’s more comfortable because he no longer has a tube in his mouth. We used a program called the #A2Fbundle to reduce his #delirium.
Read 13 tweets
When you want to know why
-women & minorities leave medicine
-why research lacks data to serve needs of anyone not white & male
-why different mortality rates in patients by gender, race, SES

this is why

This is #MedBikini#professionalism” again

Is insidious
but highly effective
-different access

As women, LGBTQ, minorities, disabled enter or advance in medicine, this professor’s public stance will be cited to mislabel having #ethics as “lacking #professionalism…
#medbikini is not one article
=attitude of many physicians
=drives this

We saw this happen with @ayshakhoury and @uche_blackstock and so many others. It especially happens at midcareer to WOC, especially black. Also if Muslim, LGBTQ, disabled, #mentalhealth

Read 52 tweets
Further, suboxone has required special training and certification, adding an administrative barrier and creating an added fear barrier among risk-averse clinicians whereas oxycodone can be prescribed easily with the DEA certificate we all have.
Because doctors/prescribers are definitely lacking in administrative burden and CME obligations, we're just twiddling our thumbs eager for someone to ask us to get MORE educated, taking time off from patient care to get this:…
The law enforcement side sees doctors through this lens. So doctors seek to limit their risk and liability. I'm all for taking down those who harm patients. I've testified in cases like the ones below for the AG's office as a medical expert.…
Read 7 tweets
This is VERY important because we already have a mistaken belief that being "a good person" or "having empathy" can erase or mitigate racial bias or disparity when study after study proves opposite. Now we're encoding bias into #algorithms and #AI that will be called #DataDriven
This is the new frontier of #systems driven #bias. Look at the demographics of who is in #technology and #BigDataAnalytics and #AI. Look at the reputation of culture of these spaces. This puts everyone at risk even if you think you "benefit" from the bias. Inaccuracy is harm.
Just look at the #COVID19 #pandemic. Who correctly predicted AND took correct actions for good outcomes?

The risk of the most vulnerable became YOUR risk

if your #sytems and #bigdata and #BigDataAnalytics fail to capture reality

your real life results will be failure.
Read 4 tweets
"The Muslims Who Inspired Spinoza, Locke & Dafoe"

The wisdom of #IbnTufayl & #IbnRushd in reconciling religion & reason helped the European #Enlightenment.
Today it can help us Muslims, too.

My new piece in @nytopinion - and a teaser for my new book:…
"Hayy ibn Yaqzan," the world’s first philosophical novel by 12th c Muslim polymath #IbnTufayl, made a bestseller in early modern Europe.

It inspired Enlightenment thinkers & Quaker theologians. They were allured by its religious #humanism: a cure to religious violence & bigotry.
“Hayy ibn Yaqzan”s message was bold for its time: man was blessed with divine revelation from above, and with reason & conscience from within.

So, religion was a path to truth, but not the only path.

So, people could be wise & virtuous without religion or a different religion.
Read 10 tweets
As a physician, can say this about doctor culture in the U.S.: we are a socially stunted puerile bunch easily manipulated by sales & marketing ppl or by metrics of competition, obsessed with status, prestige, ego..

...not my doctor friends...but we hang out at the margins.
The high school level drama that plays out in hospitals, then the replica, amplified, on #MedTwitter is 😱 No wonder our profession kills so many patients when we are so busy policing on pettiness & ignoring standards of quality, safety, population health…
There are many reasons why I am hanging up the stethoscope, one of which is that I cannot in good faith go into any clinical setting and feel confident about “first do no harm” - The system is too misaligned, not driving quality, safe results

Then, the human dynamics are
Read 30 tweets
1/ This past Thurs, I was honored to ‘emcee’ a grand rounds @HofNorthwellDOM, presenting the Candee Award for Education Excellence in Medicine 2our beloved Ron Rosen of @NorthwellDGIM

Ron is a 50 yr general internist who has taught no less than 40 yrs worth of learners -> 🧵
2/ Ron had so much to tell us about his aunt and uncle, who were early family medicine practitioners in the Bronx/Manhattan. Ambulance drivers would take them to a patient’s home. A beautiful sepia tone showing his aunt going to a call, and another of his uncle in the office
3/ We heard about Dr. Rosen’s medical school yrs @nymedcollege in the early 60s &how he knew the civil rights movement, the movement for reproductive rights, the attempts to mitigate poverty and the birth of Medicaid and Medicare would affect all his future pts &his work ->
Read 15 tweets
Thank you @ColleenKraft for being consistently vocal 💪🏼💪🏿💪🏽

Let’s work on #tweetiatrician #advocacy training by @AmerAcadPeds to have more robust & effective strategies vs increasing backlash & #bullying
as experienced by @NicoleB_MD @DrToddWo, worse for #minoritiesinmedicine
From @bfrist on #LinkedIn: concerning loss of scientific #integrity by political agendas

#scicomm teaching has been to “avoid politics” = sitting in sidelines

why engaged #tweetiatrician were a separate species apart from other #STEM professionals…
We need to be multidisciplinary like work with school nurse leader @RobinCogan

When I have taught official @AmerAcadPeds guidelines to trainees in hospital settings & staff member has walked by, they assumed “political” & “unprofessional” when per AAP
Read 20 tweets
🗣️And it is finally out!

👉Amazing shared forum from @OPENPediatrics about #PedsICU rehab and patient (family)-centered care

👉Please share/RT this paradigm shift lecture

#thrive #ICUrehab @McMasterU

@karen_choong from 🇨🇦…
🗣️Al final llegó!

👉Increíble foro compartido desde @OPENPediatrics sobre rehabilitación en #PedsICU y cuidados centrados en el niño y su familia

👉Comparte/RT esta charla sobre cambio paradigmas

#thrive #ICUrehab @McMasterU

@karen_choong from 🇨🇦…
Thread/Hilo (🇬🇧🇪🇸)

Epidemiology has changed. New children population: SURVIVORS
La epidemiología cambió en #PedsICU : nuevos niños: SOBREVIVIENTES

Cambio el patrón de MORTALIDAD
Read 16 tweets
From #Pericles to #Trump: A brief history of the West in 21 tweets (including this tweet). Purpose is to show how through the muddled history there is a direct ideological train connecting Western Civ that is meaningful to talk abt. Obvs lots is missing. it's a tweetstorm. (1/21)
753 BCE: A little town called #ROME is founded on the banks of the Tiber in #Italy. It will invent the word Emperor & become the standard for all future western empires. Its language is still used on the seal of the American President, along w/ its symbol of the Eagle. (2/21)
387 BCE: Plato founds his Academy for philosophy in #Athens. In between bouts of mansplaining & homoeroticism they trailblaze the concept of using logic & reason to make sense of the world & develop tools for doing so we still use today. (3/21)
Read 20 tweets
Now we get to strand b/ of criticism of Steven Pinker's "Enlightenment Now". That is, "Inequality! [& often then] Therefore Pinker is a racist, sexist, transphobe scumbag who should be scorned".
As @salonium pointed out, most of that criticism is easy to dismiss. And yet...
Here are @salonium's own words (in…) on dismissing some such criticisms; and let's face it, she's right. Except, arrghh whoops, this means an entire system of "#humanism" values being adopted *as well as* techno yada, and things really aren't that simple.
As @salonium herself points out, that vague values bundle includes #liberalism. And that's OK... except liberalism (& objective science) are under attack, & except Pinker simply unconsciously assumes far too much, as we shall see. But first, @salonium on some critics:
Read 14 tweets

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