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Feb 3rd 2023
As of Jan 21, an estimated 7547 Canadian children have lost a primary or secondary caregiver to Covid-19.
24% of those have been since protections were removed in individual provinces.

Individual provincial impacts are in this thread.
#canpoli #cdnpoli Infographic portraying the figure of a child holding the han
As of Jan 28, an estimated 117 NB children have lost a primary or secondary caregiver to Covid-19.
57% of those have been since protections were removed.
#NewBrunswick #nbpoli Infographic portraying the figure of a child holding the han
As of Jan 21, an estimated 107 NS children have lost a primary or secondary caregiver to Covid-19.
68% of those have been since protections were removed.
#NovaScotia #nspoli Infographic portraying the figure of a child holding the han
Read 15 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
But the impasse wasn't about compensation, Hossain said.
"We are fighting for democracy, equity and fairness in this deal, money is just a distraction. They want to make it a money matter, it's not all about money."

@MemorialU @MUNFaculty #FairDealAtMUN #nlpoli #cdnpse #canlab
@MUNFaculty President Ash Hossain says it clearly here - the employer will spin this as a money issue, but this is about so much more. Do we want a public university where a professor can be on contract for 5 yrs, 10 yrs, 15 yrs, with no hope of a permanent job?
Do we want a university where decisions are made by overpaid administrators behind closed doors. Collegial Governance doesn’t just mean more faculty involvement, it means students, workers, community, & alumni have a say. This is OUR university.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
In March 2022, Higgs said COVID was like the cold or the flu. Over the coming days I'll be combing through the @PoPNB_kindness RTI to find out what was known by GNB about long COVID by March 2022 that shows they knew COVID was not like a cold or flu.… Screenshot from article: 'Just like the flu'  Premier Blaine
From July 30, *2020* they already knew this from PHAC:…
I guess it took them until Nov 2022 to vet this info and decide long COVID was relevant to the public tho Screenshot from presentation PDF at the link: "The evidScreenshot from PHAC presentation at the link: "A reporScreenshot from PHAC presentation PDF at the link: "The
Again this is from July 2020 - looks like they well knew it wasn't a typical "respiratory" illness. Next slide from the link in previous tweet. "The evidence – cardiovascular/chronic disease implic"Puntmann et al. Outcomes of cardiovascular magnetic re"Adds to previous postmortem case reports describing di
Read 31 tweets
May 15th 2022
1/ Rising gas prices: The perfect opportunity for @MetrobusTransit to have @Joanne_NL @SeamusORegan coordinate with @TownofCBS @townofparadise @CityofStJohns @Mount_Pearl to get #parknride and #publictransit across the Metro region. #nltraffic #nlpoli #design709 ImageImage
2/ In all reality, a dependable public transit system could alleviate traffic in @TownofCBS, reduce car dependency, actually help with GHG reduction, and save constituents money. @DarrinBent @ShelleyMoores79 @AndreaGosse @mjhardynl @JoshBarrettCBS thoughts? Image
/3 The fact that we have no wide urban transit system is abhorrent. We dedicate nearly all transportation to personal vehicles, leaving a large chunk of the population venerable to small fluctuations in #gasprices. Also with no alternative option, it's own a car or poverty.
Read 9 tweets
May 11th 2022
1/ The @CityofStJohns tells me I am to engage in vehiclular cycling. Cool: I got an #ebike and I ride in traffic. Cool: I've had cars zoom passed me at lethal velocities because there is no real bike infrastructure. But... How do I trigger traffic lights?
2/ I've been patiently waiting on the vehicle magnetic sensor with nothing happening and cars behind me. Sorry #nltraffic cars but I literally cannot trigger the light.

Why don't people cycle? It's not the rain eh @kerriclaireneil. It's not the wind eh @BicycleNL. It's the cars
3/ The sooner we can convert wasted on street parking (aside from downtown) and convert those to at a MINIMUM painted enforced bike gutters the better.

Pedestrians and cyclists don't match easily. For a casual ride sure but not for commuting.
Read 8 tweets
May 2nd 2022
All the talk about wind and the green future.

But you cannot replace oil with any form of wind, talk included.

h/t to @krobar44 who pointed to OC2006-026 that bans wind farm projects.…

That just makes matters worse for GNL.

The 2007 energy plan, which seems to be what the recent "moratorium" announcement was based on, states a completely different policy.

But GNL never rescinded OC2006-026, which was an outright ban, not a moratorium, that is, a temporary halt to development.

Read 13 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
#Newfoundland & #Labrador's Liquor Corporation has for a long time, set some of the highest alcohol sticker prices in #Canada. And they're rising again! As much as 5 per cent per bottle, from wine to beer to coolers to spirits.…
Last year #NLC brought in about $363M dollars in revenue, posting earnings of about $200M "the
highest in NLC’s history." #nlpoli This is from CEO & President Bruce Keating.
As per #Newfoundland & #Labrador’s Compensation Disclosure agreement, about 18 (management) members of #NLC 600 employees were paid more than $100,000 in 2020.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
A #covid19nfld 🧵 : Less than 24h from now, The Science™️ apparently changes.

Mar 13th: Proof of 💉 to keep everyone safe. Masks mandated. Lowered capacity. Dance floors “permitted” but you must mask while dancing…

Mar 14th: No restrictions. (but đź’‰ Req. for work still).
Here’s the same health minister @Johnrockdoc saying in *2018* that the government cannot force people to get vaccinated “Regardless of how beneficial vaccines are to public health,” because of the Charter. Little bit of a flip-flop there, hey?
Here’s a summary of a briefing from February by @PeterCBC, in which our @PremierofNL (who’s also an MD) stated that the vax pass will remain in place if it “alters behaviour and encourages people to get boosted.” To make the “right choice.” Medicine is a one size fits all now.
Read 15 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
So here’s what happened on the #EmergenciesAct in @SenateCA today: speeches were going ~50/50 for & against. Solid legal arguments were presented against the Act and emotional ones presented for the Act…#unityconvoy #cdnpoli #nlpoli #freedomconvoy22
Cabinet ministers and the gov senate leader started calling senators to assess support for continuation of the Act. The numbers weren’t looking good - suggestions of around 45 against - despite most of the senators being Trudeau appointees. That’s when the decision was made and…
a hastily called news conference was arranged. The government saw the writing on the wall and pulled the plug. This is a huge victory for Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and for the people of Canada. I was voting NO, btw. See my speech here:
Read 3 tweets
Feb 14th 2022
Not me dropping all of my work mid-day to find the NLers on the GiveSendGo truck convoy donor list
Looks like our boy @ChesCrosbie gave $1600 to the Ottawa occupiers just last week... #nlpoli
@ChesCrosbie Glen Burry from The Burry Group in Clarenville gave $50
One of the Coleman daughters and someone named Scott Simms (but could be a common name?) donated as well!
I organized the spreadsheet by postal code to look at the NL donors if anyone else wants to have a look thru
Read 3 tweets
Feb 14th 2022
NL and the Federal Government have signed a term sheet agreement on Muskrat Falls rate ministration. Details are very similar to what was announced last July $5.2 billion restructuring #nlpoli Image
The goal is still the same. Keeping rates below 14.7 cents (instead of going to 23 cents) is still the goal. In the first year alone there’s about $500 million going into reducing rates #nlpoli
A chunk of this money (around $200 million) is money the federal government receives from Hibernia and it’s turning it over to the province to pay for electricity.

The province is also giving up some revenue for they money it put in to find construction #nlpoli
Read 10 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
What the hell is going on in Stephenville?

A thread:
Sep 9: The Dymond Group announces the purchase of Stephenville Airport, investing 1.4 BILLION dollars.

Has anybody ever heard of the Dymond Group before?

No? Me neither.

A quick google search doesn't bring up much, but it says they have two employees.


1/x Image
A company investing 1.4 billion dollars only has two employees? Seriously?

Let's have a look at these names shall we?


2/x Image
Read 17 tweets
May 6th 2021
*BREAKING* The Greene report is out and it's recommending a huge change in how government operates. Tax increases and big cuts to government. It's called "The Big Reset" #nlpoli
“The Big Reset” it focuses on four main areas:
- Reimagining government and governance
- Transition to green economy
- Focus on technology and skills development and supporting seniors
- Improving finances through tax increases and cuts

When you look at the total debt and obligations it’s $47.3 billion. That means each household owes $215,000
If unchecked we will add another $7 billion in debt in the next 6 years. Moya Greene says that’s unsustainable #nlpoli
Read 37 tweets
Feb 23rd 2021
There are 15 new cases of COVID-19 today, all in the Eastern region.
There are 372 active cases, thanks to 50 new recoveries today
There are 5 people in hospital, 2 are in the ICU
Public Health is asking people on AC 7484 from Toronto to Deer Lake on Feb 19 to get a covid test, this is connected to the case in Western announced yesterday #covid19nfld
The province has gone back to reporting how many people are in the ICU (after the media pushed the issue yesterday) bringing it in line with other provinces that report these numbers #nlpoli
Read 6 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
This just came out from the RCMP. It references taking a man into custody who was going to Deer Lake to "stop the election." Police officers seized various knives. #nlpoli
The RCMP are not saying at this time outside which local candidate's office the truck came to a stop. No other details expected until tomorrow. #nlpoli
I called Andrew Furey's local campaign office in Deer Lake. The woman who answered the phone said they didn't they didn't see anything outside their office. As far as they know, it didn't happen there. #nlpoli
Read 5 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
1/4 I understand the #FakeNews print edition of #EpochTimes was delivered to mailboxes across Canada

It's important to know what to be concerned about, who's behind it & why they'd target #CDNpoli

See thread

#ONpoli #BCpoli #ABleg #SKpoli #MBpoli #polQC #NBpoli #NSpoli #NLpoli
2/4 See military history

1992 Li invents #FalunGong/Taoism

2000 Tang invents #EpochTimes/Mercer-Bannon $$

⚠️Li ruled Tang Dynasty/history repeats/#Uighurs⚠️

Li & Tang today
3/4 If you read those links in their entirety, you'll see it's no small propaganda op. We're talking about a nearly identical repeat of history, by decedents of the original Chinese Tang Dynasty via parallel political/military conditions that cover everything from Iran to Uighurs
Read 7 tweets
Nov 18th 2020
It’s a beautiful morning at @MemorialU’s Signal Hill Campus.

Premier Andrew Furey and Min. Bernard Davis are here this morning to announce a new immigration pathway for highly skilled newcomers to the province. #nlpoli
Min. Gerry Byrne is also on hand for today’s announcement.

In the crowd are Mary Shortall from the Federation of Labour and Richard Alexander from the NL Employers Council, among others. #nlpoli
“It is no doubt in anybody’s mind that we have a demographic challenge,” says Min. Byrne, starting the news conference.

He says the challenge provides an opportunity to compliment the workforce in the province. #nlpoli
Read 6 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
Minister O'Regan just announced $320m for the NL offshore oil sector... it'll go to maintenance and upgrades, R&D, environmental services and clean tech. That's in addition to the $75m for emissions reduction months ago. #cdnpoli #oilandgas #nlpoli
O'Regan says his government has "unrelenting support" for the offshore sector. This will help workers and support jobs, he says #cdnpoli #oilandgas #nlpoli
O'Regan also gives a shoutout to the NL government for pledging net-zero emissions. #cdnpoli #nlpoli #oilandgas
Read 11 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Oof. // @VOCMBen to @FureyAndrew: "Are you confident your federal counterparts will come to the table (on oil sector support)?" // Premier Furey: "Well that's a question that's best addressed to them." ...It's really not. #nlpoli
If the point was: federal support is up to the feds, then should say that. But that's even no indication of what is being done or said between prov and feds. This shouldn't be a nail biter/big reveal here. Where does it stand?? When do you expect an update? Throne speech? What?
I'm not advocating for new support or no support, but this 'will we, won't we' is enough to... well, tweet about. / But I'm posting before coffee, so we'll see how that goes for me.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
The Netherlands has the world's most democratic democracy. With 150 seats in their house, they have 13 parties in parliament right now!… Image
The only country where one can almost do a political compass with a full board.

#nlpoli #nlpol Image
The reason for this pluralism is that countries differ in how many % a parties must at least get to have any seats. Most countries impose an artificial limit, called election threshold. Netherlands does not.

DK has 2nd lowest at 2%. 12 parties right now.… Image
Read 3 tweets
Apr 27th 2020
Yesterday. Also worth noting this could have been formal, in depth public discussion already here if ATIPPA review start hadn't been pushed. #nlpoli…
Worth noting Haggie's not disclosed the name of the local company that'd be involved, that seems to be in the process (?)/ already contracted (?) without a public tender or any info on what exactly has been requested of them.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 12th 2020
seek ye first the kingdom of God, or failing that the mute button. it is Thursday 12 March 2020 at Newfoundland and Labrador's House of Assembly #cdnpoli #nlpoli
will muskrat falls or covid19 dominate debate? let's find out
question period!

Ches Crosbie up first. Expresses sympathies for families of Cougar 491. Wells' Inquiry requested a standalone safety regulator. why hasnt this been done?

Coady: this is a difficult day for many. justice wells did a v comprehensive report. all rec's implemented
Read 35 tweets

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