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1/ #Restaurant Remodel Thread 🧵

Remodel / capex a big consideration in Restaurant M&A. A look at restaurant capex at various #QSR restaurants 👇
2/ Arby's Remodel

% of System Remodeled: 39%
% Newly built last 7 yrs: 15%

Remodel Cost: $250k-$350k. Current image "Inspire", moving on from "Pinnacle" image that was introduced in 1996. Both interior & exterior finishes Image
3/ Burger King Remodel $QSR

% of System Remodeled: 33%
% Newly built last 7 yrs: 16%

Remodel Cost: $750k-$850k for "Burger King of Tomorrow" Doesn't pencil for these low volume BKs. Carrol's has reported $150k-$250k for minor remodels Image
Read 16 tweets
☕️ Le café de Flore est un lieu mythique de Paris. De Simone de Beauvoir à la série Emily in Paris sur Netflix, il s'inscrit dans une certaine histoire. Mais loin des paillettes, l'ambiance est moins idyllique, dévoile @pch__alexandra.

Déroulez le #thread pour en savoir plus 🧶 Image
Depuis + de 6 ans maintenant, un bras de fer administratif et judiciaire oppose le Café de Flore à un ancien délégué syndical.

La direction du lieu souhaite le licencier pour des motifs disciplinaires et a entamé plusieurs procédures en ce sens depuis 2016. Sans réussite.
Le 13 janvier dernier, le ministère du Travail a encore tranché en faveur du salarié.

Le Café de Flore lui reprochait d'avoir subtilisé 43 euros, le prix d'une bouteille de vin, et d'avoir mal encaissé quelques tables.
Read 6 tweets
GST relief for hotels, and restaurants soon? Govt to change GST structure?

Know Here ⬇⬇


#GST #GSTITC #GSTcredit #Restaurant #Hotel #GSTwithBimalJain #a2ztaxcorpllp
Sources says:

➡️ Hotel and restaurant industry may soon get relief on GST
➡️ Finance Ministry is considering their demand to change current GST structure
➡️ GST on Hotels/Restaurants may be increased to 12% from 5% with ITC benefit

Source says:

➡️ Alert: At present Hotels/Restaurants attracts 5% GST without input tax credit
➡️ Finance Ministry has sent the proposal to the fitment committee of the GST council

Read 5 tweets
Zum verheerenden #Erdbeben in der #Türkei und #Syrien kursieren zahlreiche #Falschinformationen. Alte Aufnahmen werden aus dem Kontext gerissen und unter unter das echte Material gemischt. Einige Beispiele:
Dieses Foto eines Hundes, der neben einer unter den #Trümmern verschütteten Person liegt, ist ein Stockfoto von 2018 und nicht vom jüngsten #Erdbeben in der #Türkei und #Syrien.… Image
Dieses Foto zeigt kein Kind aus #Syrien, das über den #Trümmern des jüngsten #Erdbeben|s weint. Es ist von 2021 und stammt aus einer Stockfoto-Datenbank.…
Read 11 tweets
🚨 7 Ways Your Restaurant Can Use Social Media

A Thread 🧵 :

#MarketingStrategy #SmallBusiness #restaurantowner #smallbusinessowners #socialmediamarketing #MarketingTips
1. Promotions and discounts: Restaurants can use social media to advertise special deals and promotions to attract customers.

#MarketingStrategy #SmallBusiness #restaurantowner #smallbusinessowners #socialmediamarketing #MarketingTips
2. Menu updates: Restaurants can use social media to showcase their new menu items and specials.

#MarketingStrategy #SmallBusiness #restaurantowner #smallbusinessowners #socialmediamarketing #MarketingTips
Read 9 tweets
American copium regarding China has evolved over the years.

From “China is poor” to “China IS collapsing” to now “China is rich but WILL collapse.”

Here’s a quick debunking about the demographic crisis, one of the alleged reasons for future collapse:
1. A smaller population will be a blessing in the coming years. A lot of people still don't understand the coming revolution of AI and robots.

Like this autonomous taxi, for example.
2. If there are jobs that cannot be done by robots, there are two options:

A. Offshore those jobs to other developing nations. This will also mean higher profit margins for Chinese companies.

B. Bring in immigrants -- perhaps even on a short-term basis.
Read 14 tweets

There are many other things though intangibles that can distinguish you from your competitors. ....

#environment #hotel #hospital #restaurant #nigeria Image
Some of these include your parking space, ambience of your office or environment and possibly the cleanliness of your environment.

#brand #experience #security
If you have a restaurant and people find it difficult to park or they have to park on the main road at the risk of being caught by law enforcement agents, then you may be losing clients without knowing.
Read 9 tweets

To get the best from your employees who relate with customers, you must train them on managing customers.
#people #hotel #restaurant #empathy #people Image
Training and retraining is important for staff interfacing with customers. I have seen employees who are attending to customers shouting on them because of a little disagreement. When this happens consistently, it is a sign that there is little or no training for these employees.
Every front desk staff must be patient with customers. They must learn the art of listening and empathy. Whether it is new customers who want to make enquiries or existing customers who will like to be attended to, you must treat them with dignity.

#sales #experience #training
Read 8 tweets

Many service providers have found it difficult to distinguish themselves as they remain lost in the crowd.

#people #customerservice #restaurant #banks #hospitals #hospitalityindustry
They are unable to have a unique selling point hence consumers see them as not different from others who provide the same kind of service.

Over the next few days, I will be sharing tips on what can help you carve a niche for yourself in the midst of a lot of competitors.
First is that you must provide good and quality service. As a service provider, you must never get to a level where consumers complain about your service.

If you are Quick Service Restaurant (QSR), you must ensure that your food is delicious.
Read 7 tweets
Avis aux personnes valides qui : 1/n
Se permettent de me toucher avant de m’avoir parlé, m’expliquent comment et où je dois marcher, m’intiment l’ordre de tenir la rampe d’escalier, ne m’expliquent surtout pas de quel côté je peux les contourner quand ma #CanneBlanche se prends 3 fois de suite dans leurs pieds 2/n
Ne lèvent pas le nez de leur portable et se prennent eux-mêmes les pieds dans ma #CanneBlanche sans s’excuser parce que ce doit être plus cher, me bousculent pour aller s’asseoir dans les transports sans m’indiquer qu’une place vient de se libérer, 3/n
Read 19 tweets
Divonne-les-Bains : Karin Schneider, l'insolente qui fait du vin ...
Elle réfléchit déjà au vin qu'elle veut faire l'année prochaine, certainement avec du raisin en culture biologique ou en biodynamique.… #biodynamie
Le Hofgut Rengoldshausen célèbre 800 ans de ferme et 90 ans d'agriculture biodynamique. Depuis la fondation au XIIIe siècle, une ferme progressiste s'est développée et les femmes sont toujours influentes. #Biodynamique…
Château d’Estoublon: le jardin provençal du couple Bruni-Sarkozy Depuis longtemps conduite en agriculture biologique, les vignes se voient appliquer les principes de la biodynamie depuis quelques années.… Image
Read 1517 tweets
Running a #restaurant Italian style vs American style.


“I could run this whole place with 4 people”

A thread.
Think about your most recent experience at a restaurant in America:

Your waiter:
- took your order
- brought your drinks
- brought your food
- maybe even bussed your table
- brought you the check
They probably were doing this for a section of the restaurant aka a bunch of tables.

This means that any given time, the server is managing a 2 dimensional status board in their head with tables on one axis and order, drinks etc on the other.
Read 12 tweets
This 12(!) car #train arrived at #budapestnyugati from #záhony at the #Ukrainian #border this afternoon, it was a special train for the #Ukrainianrefugees fleeing the #WARINUKRAINE

And I have to say that I am positively surprised by how much help is happening in Eastern Europe!
And to put it in context, the "normal" train back to Zahony had 5 cars...
This is at the #keleti station in Budapest, normally this hall is completely empty, now it full with stands and people who #HelpUkrainianRefugees
Read 27 tweets
1/n Thread on #restaurant labor
2/n Labor market for restaurants is more difficult than it has ever been. I have heard more franchisees / large operators say that they have spent more time "flipping burgers" or something similar than in the last 20 years
3/n COVID + unemployment + stimulus made this all the worse. Who wants to make $10/hr when you can chill at home for less? It's hard to blame these people that have probably never really had a real vacation in their entire lives
Read 11 tweets
1/ I build the Customenu startup and I’ll #buildinpublic, using this thread.

What is #customenu?

A digital menu platform for #restaurant.

Instead of using boring paper were to check the #dishes, you can see a nice representation on your smartphone.
2/ This is the second release and this time I decided to share my journey on Twitter.

I started for the first time, one year ago in June. It was a pandemic situation and in #Romania, new rules were coming for the #restaurants' businesses.
3/ Only me thinking about this project.

What should do?

1. Scan a #QRCode
2. Open the #menu
3. Check #products in categories and subcategories
Read 35 tweets
🚀Thread Live #tierslieux

Bonjour à tous ! Aujourd'hui, @plevywaitz remet le premier rapport de France Tiers-Lieux au PM @JeanCASTEX.
4 ministres font le déplacement pour l'occasion à Caen à ses côtés : @Elisabeth_Borne, @j_gourault, @alaingriset et @cedric_o
Marie-Laure Cuvelier, secrétaire générale de France Tiers-Lieux @les_ressources, et Jérôme Payen, Fondateur de l'Atelier normand, sont déjà sur les starting-blocks pour les accueillir et leur faire découvrir l'Atelier normand.

Tiers-lieux de production artisanale exemplaire !
La visite commence avec Jérôme Payen qui présente au Premier Ministre et aux ministres le fonctionnement de son tiers-lieu avec les ateliers partagés et équipements mutualisés. Retour sur les apports pour les artisans et entrepreneurs, la richesse créée par la coopération.
Read 33 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 07/26/2021…
400-year-old baroque restaurant Three Roses receives a sensitive facelift…

#monastery #restaurant #architecture #preservation
These microscopic robots swim through the ocean and dissolve microplastics…

#MicroscopicRobots #MicroplasticDegradation #OceanCleanup
Read 8 tweets
When you’re in a pub, restaurant, bar or café and things are out of stock, a bit slow, or generally less than perfect. Please have a little think before you kick off at the staff.

Your mate who decided they didn’t want to go back to their job driving a lorry….
They didn’t deliver your favourite beer or food… that’s why it’s not available.

Your friend’s kid who stayed at Tesco and didn’t go back behind the bar, that’s why the service is a bit slow, they’re a person down.
The chef you know who became a gardener and now prefers flowers to flour, they are why your lunch is taking a bit longer, because the person who did come back is on their own, hot, tired and doing their best.
Read 5 tweets
Le petit #thread du matin, pour tenter une énième fois de ré-expliquer pourquoi conserver 20 ans des #DonnéesPersonnelles numérisées d'un #PassSanitaire est une connerie monumentale, point #Godwin included.
Il y a bientôt un siècle de ça, les Pays-Bas, plein de bonnes intentions, souhaitaient répartir équitablement l'argent public pour financer les lieux de cultes. Ils ont alors fait appel à une petite "startup"...
La petite startup est aujourd'hui connue sous le nom d'#IBM. Elle a alors recensé la population, un bon gros fichier sur cartes perforées avec la confession religieuse de toute sa population...
Read 10 tweets
1/ Last week I put a thread out about the performance of the Top 1,500 #restaurant chains. Today, our @Technomic much-anticipated top 500 chain report was issued, & it's worth digging a bit into the biggest of the chain market. The details are here:…
2/ Several years ago, it was a big deal when none of the top 10 #restaurant chains in the US were full-service. This reflected the ongoing strength of #fastfood and #fastcasual.

With 2020's results, none of the top 20 restaurant chains are full service.
3/ Overall, the top 500 chain #restaurant sales decreased 8.2% in 2020 - not bad during a pandemic. Importantly, those limited service chains in the top 500 only decreaed 1.9% - a pretty good performance during a #pandemic.
Read 10 tweets
Logik zum #Öffnungsplan der #Bundesregierung
Wo, wie und wie schnell infiziert man sich mit dem #Coronavirus? Solange die Regierung Entscheidungen - magels Datenlage - ohne Evidenz trifft, solange ist es Willkür, wann welche Bereiche geöffnet und andere geschlossen bleiben #Spahn
Die Mutante #B117 erreicht in diesen Tagen -in den ersten Bundesländern- ihre #Dominanz. #R steigt zeitgleich und die #Regierung erhöht per #Öffnungsplan die #Mobilität: B117, Öffnungsplan u. gesteigerte Mobilität sind drei Faktoren die logisch #R exponentiell beeinflussen können
Zeitgleich werden #Kitas u. #Schulen geöffnet, also die Versammlungsorte, vor deren Öffnung uns Experten und Ärzte aus #Israel u. Kanada warnen. Begründet wird die #Öffnung mit "Meinungen" von Wissenschaftlern, deren #Studien -manipulierte Daten- aus #Schweden zitieren #twlz #KMK
Read 243 tweets
The "#physicaldistance economy":

"what's driving automation right now is the
physical distance economy, which has accelerated the push towards off-premises #dining,"


"80% of #restaurant jobs could be taken over by robots"…
"COVID accelerated the push towards #off-premises #dining, which requires a different kind of staffing set up. You don’t need servers if there are no customers sitting at tables to serve."

#ControlledDemolition of #MomAndPop

May 5, 2020, #Canada:…
"... #COVID has us re-thinking the amount of human-to-human contact as we get our food. We won’t know what the lasting impact [] on our #psyche will be, but there is a good chance we will be more wary of strangers & more cognizant of the number of people who touch our food."
Read 5 tweets
🚨🎄#Christmas #Help🎄🚨

We only have 2 #families left 2 be sponsored for this #HolidaySeason

If you want to help a #family be #sponsored, please call the HHCC team at 403-608-7224 for more info!

Family information for each family is below!

#PleaseDonate #AlbertaCares #YYC
Family 1:

#FrontlineWorkers #Mom is on the #Frontline at a local #Hospital.

#Dad is a maintenance worker that worked for #WestJet, he was laid off. (He’s been #LaidOff since May of #2020.

This #Family has 4 #Children & #Pets.

They are looking to be #Sponsored for #Christmas
Family 2:

#Dad is a #FRONTLINE #Worker.

#Mom was a #Waitress until she was laid off in #April of #2020. The #restaurant #ClosedDown

There are 5 children ages 7 months to 8 years.

They too are #Looking to be #Sponsored for #Christmas this #HolidaySeason.

#CalgaryCares #YYC
Read 7 tweets

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