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Life is Fast!

We all feel like we never have enough time, so i bring you:

15 Mind-Blowing AI Tools to Revolutionize Your Life and Save You Time!

Let's get to it! 👇 15 Mind-Blowing AI Tools to...
1. Text Blaze

🔸 Revolutionizing Typing and Automation!
🔸 Say goodbye to repetitive typing and errors with Text Blaze!

#TextBlaze #AITool #Automation #Writing
2. Loopin

🔸 Enhancing Meetings with AI Assistance!
🔸Revolutionize your meetings with Loopin’s AI meeting assistant!

#Loopin #AITool #AIAssistant #AI
Read 20 tweets
Welcome to day 2 of the 5th World Chatbots & Voice Summit, hosted the the beautiful city of #Berlin

I'll be keeping this thread going to cover all the presentations and learnings of the day.

As co-chair, I'll be looking after the chatbot track, today.

First up, Alin from @SapienceS2P

Talking about how to deliver value and a competitive edge through customised chatbot solutions

SapienceS2P is an #SAP procurement consultancy Image
Taking us through their #procurement chatbot, Sapience Satori, which can integrate with #ChatGPT, most SAP APIs and also communication channels - #teams #slack #whatsapp
Read 75 tweets
Session TH103A Leading for Wellbeing with @KristinMDCT. Let's go! #hapc23 @AAHPM
Point 1: Wellbeing of leaders predicts wellbeing of staff. There are indices that are specific to leaders. #hapc23
Point 2. Psychological safety is critical to team wellness. (@AmyCEdmondson)
Defn: If you speak up, there is not a threat that you will be punished.
When people need help, they ask.
People can process mistakes, dissent, name problems even when hard. #hapc23
Read 14 tweets
What manager are you Good 👍, Bad 👎 or Ugly 👺?

Check the traits of 👍👎 👺 Managers and how to improve. 🧵

#management #growth #teams #culture
The most important traits of a manager are

⭐ Communication
⭐ Decision-making
⭐ Emotional intelligence
⭐ Leadership
⭐ Motivation
⭐ Problem-solving
⭐ Support and guidance
⭐ Teamwork and collaboration

We will unpack each of them below 👇
⭐ Communication

👍 Clearly explains tasks and expectations
👎 Uses jargon or difficult to understand language
👺 Yells or belittles team members
Read 11 tweets
#字幕 の存在」
前述の通り、もはや「#字幕」は聴覚障害者のためだけの配慮ではなく、全ての人がいずれ必要となる #情報保障 でもあることに気づいていただけただろうか。

Read 8 tweets
We learn as we work. Usually, that means we discover new stories as we work, and often, those are more valuable to our customer than anything on the backlog, so they go to the top. That means that stories at the bottom of the backlog will probably never be implemented. →
There's also the issue of "work in progress." Putting any effort at all into stories we won't implement is waste, and we don't know if we'll implement or not because we can't predict if something more important will come along. →
Finally, everything we release _changes_ the domain. Stories based on the old state of the domain are commonplace, and worthless. →
Read 4 tweets
Seven core principles to achieve a #DevOps culture (Thread)

Implementing a DevOps culture is challenging at the beginning and may face high resistance. These seven core principles can make the journey effective Seven Core Principles to achieve DevOps Culture
1. Create a highly collaborative environment:
- #teams work together can achieve any tasks easily
- Silos may end up in confusion and failures
- Collaborative environment provides a unified process and continues improvement toward business goals
2. Automate when possible:
- Repeated automated tasks can lead teams to focus on innovation
- Automation means rapid #development, #testing, and deployment
- Automation may include integration, reviews, testing, security, deployment, and monitoring - Check for the right tools
Read 8 tweets
Finally, the #GoldacreReview is published! (During Parliamentary Easter holidays, mid-ping-pong on the #HealthAndCareBill...)

It's 221 pages - each PDF page is a double page spread - so this could be a lo-o-o-ong [Thread].

Here goes...
First point to note, in the Terms of Reference (p5), is that this is about "access to #NHSdata by #researchers, #commissioners, and #innovators" - i.e. #Planning and #CommercialReUse - so it is directly relevant to the operation of millions of people's #NationalDataOptOuts... Terms of reference for the review  1. How do we facilitate a
"185 wide-ranging recommendations for us to explore", says @sajidjavid (p6). Gulp! Time for some coffee...

"systems that ensure #underrepresented groups are well represented" may (partly) refer to this "landmark review", which got off to a slow start:… The far-reaching independent review into potential ethnic bi
Read 159 tweets
#AboutRSS 电报频道上的 “与 RSS 有关的 Coding 向 #教程 分享” 已发布 6 期,同样开个 #Thread

「基于 Liuli 构建纯净的 RSS #公众号 信息流 」…

「Add RSS Feeds to Your Website to Keep Your Core Readers Engaged」

「给 #hexo #博客 新增 RSS 功能支持」
Read 51 tweets
"European solidarity in action: the future of the European Union" is about to start! If you haven't already, join us and @FIIA_fi on #Teams to discover and debate #EuropeanSolidarity throughout Member States.


This debate takes place in the framework of TEPSA's new book "Solidarity in Action and the Future of Europe", edited by @MichaelKaeding (@unidue), Johannes Pollak (@WebsterVienna), and @_PaulSchmidt (@oegfe).

@JarmoOikarinen of the @Europarl_FI presents the debate on Solidarity and introduces our speakers.

Read 10 tweets
Warum? 👇 (1/4): Der heutige Umgang mit Energie, Rohstoffen & Fläche entscheidet darüber, wie wir in 10, 30 oder 50 Jahren leben werden. #Nachhaltigkeit im Bauen & Wohnen wird immer wichtiger. Bestehende Gebäude #nachhaltig zu sanieren ist daher eine zukunftsweisende Aufgabe.
(2/4) Mit dieser Aufgabe beschäftigen sich Studierende aus aller Welt. Zusammen treten sie in 18 #Teams aus 11 Ländern gegeneinander mit Ideen für Konzepte für nachhaltiges #Bauen, #Wohnen & #Leben beim #Wettbewerb gegeneinander an.
(3/4) Das Ziel des #SDE 21/22 und der teilnehmenden Teams: Die technischen, architektonischen und sozialen Lösungen für die europäischen #Städte von morgen zu entwickeln. Dafür bearbeiten die Teams reale urbane Szenarien in #Wuppertal.
Read 4 tweets
3 steps
How to start your idea (#startup) from scratch
No needs:
- #hiring #engineers (product developers)
- #UI/#UX #designer
- #PM
- #Marketing #teams
- #angel or #vc #investors

- increasing curiosity
- #skills growth
- intentions for great

Check the thread 🧵 👇
Step #1
Use #nocode or #lowcode solutions to build your #product from scratch (needs $15-30 for domains and nocode platform)

You don't need funds or hire engineers/designers to build your product just grow your skillset.
Build on @bubble by single person 👇
Read 14 tweets
It’s interesting I’m being told how long is ideal in #NHS for Clinical Consultations in Outpatients by ‘management’, who can hold as many meetings of undefined purpose and length as they wish at short notice & expect my participation @djnicholl @PeteGordon68 @vincentconnolly
The most important Meetings in #Healthcare are between Patient and Clinician but are not the ones valued and prioritised by management…
Imagine if management’s meetings were subject to same rules as outpatients?
Schedule 6 weeks in advance
New Agenda items 30 mins max, Reviews 15 mins. Extra items can be added by anyone but all items must still be discussed. Items for other meetings can be added in Willy Nilly
Read 13 tweets
Nr 1 REASON Why most teams fail as they scale from a small group of 3-5 to a large company of >50 employees.

Secret from inside Amazon 🤫

THREAD (1/10)

Via @cbryar's book "Working Backwars"… #Communication #Teams #Collaboration
(2/10) Large projects often have many dependencies

Managing dependencies btw teams requires coordination.

Coordination requires meetings, emails and other forms of communication.

Most organizations spend too much time coordinating and not enough time building.
(3/10) While the growth in employees (nodes in a network) is linear, the number of their possible lines of communication grows exponentially.

Potential connections in a network can be calculated as follows. source:…
Read 11 tweets
The KPIs and OKRs

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. Organizations use KPIs to evaluate their success at reaching targets.
The acronym OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results, a popular goal management framework that helps companies implement and execute strategy. The benefits of the framework include a better focus on results that matter, increased transparency, and better (strategic) alignment.
OKR achieves this by organizing employees and the work they do around achieving common Objectives.
Read 9 tweets
Queridos todos: hilo breve de #LiteraryDeathMatch.

Ayer no pude conectarme en todo el día mientras se acercaba el final. Parece ser la historia de mi vida: nunca estoy en los grandes momentos de mi propia vida.

Pues quiero, primero, dejar esto claro: gracias.
Gracias, sobre todo, a quienes están desde el inicio: #LDM fue una tabla de salvación para mí cuando la pasaba muy mal en el confinamiento en España, cuatro meses y 9.000 km de distancia de mi hijo.

El humor perro de todos evitó que pensara. Nunca viví tan feliz mi tontería.
Nombrarlos a todos sería un error, porque han sido, fácilmente, 40-50 amigos y nuevos amigos que acompañaron, día a día, estos meses de juego y lectura asociada.

Cada uno de ustedes saben cuánto han ayudado. Muero de ganas por dar sus nombres, pero un solo olvido me torturará.
Read 8 tweets
¿Cuál es la mejor herramienta de comunicación, con tus alumnos o con cualquier persona?

Sin límites de tiempo, sin límites de usuarios, sin proporcionar datos personales...



Os lo cuento en este 🧵⬇️
Cuando comenzó el confinamiento realicé este tutorial de, @jitsinews

En mi caso, mis alumnos tienen todos un dispositivo de trabajo (#Chromebook) y usamos #GoogleMeet.
Read 20 tweets
📣Microsoft annonce aujourd'hui :
➡️Les évolutions grand public d’@Office365, qui devient #Microsoft365Famille & #Microsoft365Personnel
➡️L'arrivée prochaine de #Teams pour le grand public
Et d'autres fonctionnalités & apps révélées dans ce thread 💡⤵…
📝 #MicrosoftEditor pour dévoiler l’auteur en chacun de nous !
➡️Accessible dans #Word et #Outlook et disponible dans 20 langues, #MicrosoftEditor propose désormais des fonctionnalités avancées pour rendre un texte plus fluide ou encore plus inclusif 💡
🗣️#PresenterCoach dans #Powerpoint pour devenir un ténor des présentations !
➡️Véritable coach boosté à l’#IA, cette nouvelle fonctionnalité aidera chacun à améliorer son discours à l’oral et vous conseillera via une fenêtre en bas de l’écran.
Read 4 tweets
I've finished setting up #Microsoft #Teams for one of agencies in major city in Poland. They have to #switch to #remote because of #coronavirus

Not bragging but - as IT crowd we have huge opportunity to help. It took me an hour and it will make their life easier. 1/2
There is urgency and they want to act - sometimes what is needed is a bit of knowledge and will.

Ask your local gov agency/service provider/NGO if they need help with switch to #remote.

It might be one hour for you - it will save them tons of time 2/2
On the sidenote: it is amazing were we landed with pushing compute to commodity. I got it up and running for them in 15 min. #Office365 and #AzureAD #FTW!
Read 3 tweets
The 4 biggest discoveries about high performing teams (thread) #productmanagement #agile #management #teams #coachingsystems
1: Team performance has almost nothing to do with its leader. 60% of team success can be attributed to the design and constraints, none of which the team typically has access to. Based on Richard Hackman's work.
2: Behaviors are a function of the personality and the environment b=f(p+e). How much the personality actually matters differs who you talk to ranging from 5% to about 30%. Based on Kurt Lewin's work. And still, companies try to maximize the value they get from that 5-30 %.
Read 12 tweets
President Mwai Kibaki was in his office at State House. It was early 2008 and he had a lot to mull over in his in-tray, not the least of which was the PEV that was raging in the Rift Valley and threatening to consume his presidency and destroy the country.
Suddenly, the Comptroller of State House, Mr Hyslop Ipu, came barging in with a mobile phone in hand. Waiting to talk to him urgently on the other end of the line — 7,500 kilometres away in the UAE — was his Information minister, Mr Mutahi Kagwe.
All the way from Abu Dhabi, Mr Kagwe could hear the President tell Ipu to hand over the phone in his famous baritone, “Leta hiyo kitu.”
Read 37 tweets
On defining #creativity @rexjung :

Distinct from #intelligence – a superhighway; #creativity as a slow meandering process down dirt road / side road

Must be both #novel and @useful – beyond simple #utility – something #new within a social context. Unexpected links ✨🤓✨
Read 9 tweets
ok let's do a mini #semiotics lesson on Avenatti's Twitter profile (I'm blocked by him 🤣) aka how he wants to be seen by the public.
I want to focus on his header photo and his avi photo.
Let's do his avi first:
The photo is staged to make Avenatti look like a tough fighter.
The American flag in the background is there to show how "patriotic" Avenatti is. The ropes for the boxing ring are there to show that Avenatii may be a fighter, but he's not a dirty no-rules street fighter, he's a nimble boxer who stays within the lines. The "Spalding" and
"GLEASON'S" logos reaffirm his athleticism & "fitness." The watermarks on the image show he's a cheap bastard who wouldn't pay for rights to the photo w/o watermarks. His watch is fully outside of his shirt cuffs, because it shows he's wealthy enough to own a prestigious watch.
Read 9 tweets
Limiting Beliefs...

1) to upskill we need to hire externally vs. train internally
2) we’ll fail at X because we failed at X once before
3) we can’t innovate internally
4) [some group] can’t handle transparency
5) we can’t afford “good” developers/designers

(1/5) #teams
6) the team needs to start with training wheels
7) the best people have already left
8) we can’t prioritize w/o a solution in mind
9) they’re not management/leadership “material”
10) I need to do it myself for it to be done right

(2/5) #teams #limitingbeliefs
11) there’s no way we can all work together on that
12) this is too rough to show a user/customer
13) w/o supervision, they’ll just slack off
14) w/o a strict process, chaos will ensue
15) this decision is too high stakes to involve the team

(3/5) #teams #limitingbeliefs
Read 5 tweets

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