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Jun 3rd 2023
News two days ago from 1st June: Kerala: Alappuzha-Kannur Express was set on fire 100M from a Massive BPCL fuel storage tank…

#OdishaTrainTragedy #OdishaAccident #OdishaTrainDerailment
Read 4 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
#Udaipur #LoveJihad

A 54 year old Muslim man)Ajmal Khan) village development officer accused of raping and forcibly converting a 38 year old Hindu woman, all while filming it to blackmail her. He even changed her and her daughter's name.

Read detail report: Image
The allegations of rape and forced conversion of a 38-year-old Hindu woman by Ajmal Khan, a Muslim man who is a village development officer, are deeply troubling. It's reported that he also filmed the shameful act to blackmail the victim into accepting his demands.
The victim has stated that the accused Ajmal Khan raped her after drugging her drink. She claims that he then filmed the act and threatened to kidnap her 8-year-old daughter and sell her if she didn't accept his demands.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
12 divine mandirs in Rajasthan

1. Shri Khatu shyam ji Mandir, Sikar

2. Shri Jagdish Mandir, #Udaipur
3. Shri Eklingji Mahadev Mandir
Read 13 tweets
Jul 5th 2022
BREAKING: Judges, army officers and bureaucrats release a statement against the observations made by #SupremeCourtOfIndia in #NupurSharma’s case. It notes "Such an approach of the Supreme Court deserves no applause and impacts the very sanctity and honour of the Highest Court.”
The statement, having over 100 signatories, notes that “Recent comments by the two judges of the #SupremeCourtOfIndia have surpassed the Laxman Rekha and compelled us to issue an open statement.”

According to the statement, the observations of #SupremeCourt in #NupurSharma ’s case have “have sent shockwaves in the country and outside. The observations, simultaneously relayed by all news channels in high decibel, are not in sync with judicial ethos.”
Read 13 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
📌Hate Speeches across the state against Muslims & Islam

"Not only Muslim orgs but the entire #Islam is hazardous to the whole world. All the Killings which happened earlier are made by Communal Islam & Muslim. Islam is very very dangerous": @hjvkar leader SriKrishna Upadhyaya +
"Media should put the same in their reports, I will start by saying directly that as long as Islam is there in this country, this kind of brutality will not end here, only when Islam will be removed from this country, then Peace can be established here": @hjvkar Narasimha Maani +
"#Quran is a criminal book, it orders to k*ll people by stoning & beheading who doesn't believe in it, those who follow Quran won't they do what it says, All of them who read Quran hve became terr0ri$ts": #Sanghparivar leader at #Kolar during protest against #Udaipur incident. +
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Jul 1st 2022
BREAKING: #SupremeCourt is hearing plea by #NupurSharama asking transfer of FIRs registered against her in many states to be transferred to #Delhi for investigation. “The petition shows her arrogance!!” Justice Surya Kant remarks
Justice Surya Kant says “Sometimes power goes into head! People think that I have back up and say anything."

Sr. Adv Maninder Singh appears for Sharma.

#NupurSharama #SupremeCourt
Justice Pardiwala says “This statement by #NupurSharama is responsible for the unfortunate killing in #Udaipur "

Read 10 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
The worst tragedy and trauma for parents is to see their son/daughter dying before them.. that too in a brutal pisslamic slaughter.. Shame on @narendramodi @AmitShah .. #UdaipurHorror #KanhaiyalalTeli ..
And the killers of Kishan Bharwad and Kamlesh. Tiwari are still not punished.. what a faaltu country...
And while #KanhaiyalalTeli was being slaughtered in #Udaipur .. Modi was still crawling for his "Arab brothers" .. you know this country is destroyed by him...
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Jun 28th 2022
Some of the important quotes that we need to remind ourselves now & then ! 🧵 #UdaipurHorror #Udaipur Image
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Jun 28th 2022
Motive behind #UDAIPUR incident:

Radicalised Jihadis r remote controlled by their masters to cause chaos.
~TIMING: PM is in UAE today to discuss #I2U2.
~Place: Udaipur, not a pro-govt state.

Chaos ws created to RE-IGNITE issue which had died few days ago.Far fetched❓❓
2/3 Ideally both the nations would not have discussed this issue but they r being FORCED to. More examples of “timing” INTERNATIONALLY: March 27: Negev Meeting in #Israel, representatives from UAE and other countries are in country when an attack takes place killing 2 policemen.
3/3 Ilhan Omar introduced res in US condemning India for human rights violations, US released a report condemning India on “religious freedom”, UN and others made statements. Still dont believe me? Why did they record VIDEO in Udaipur? To cause SENSATION! Do u get me now?
Read 6 tweets
Jun 28th 2022

This is absolutely horrible. Islamist extremists in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India have beheaded a man for allegedly supporting Nupur Sharma. The Islamist extremists also posted a video after the beheading, in which they can also be heard threatening PM Modi.
Looks like he also made a video before the murder. #India
Read 19 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
The time has come.
Get out of your comfort zones. Find out ways you can defend this civilisation and help people who are seriously defending it.
Don’t just sit back and outrage. Start doing your bit. Organise. #Udaipur
* Look beyond your narrow, selfish personal lives at what’s happening in nation, civilisation.
* Take helicopter view of history to understand it better.
* Identify exact cause, place you want to be involved in. Start your own, or identify genuine orgs, people. [contd]
* Contribute money every month, according to your ability. Even as little as Rs 500 a month is invaluable.
* Money, resources are crucial in this struggle. Stretch yourself a bit to donate. Ask around and find genuine ones on the ground.
* Work quietly, involve others. #Udaipur
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Jun 28th 2022
Trigger warning: Blood and Beheading

A tailor is killed by 2 person for supporting @NupurSharmaBJP

Accused has posted their confession also. 1/3
This is their confession of crime.

#NupurSharma #Beheading 2/3
State of the body right now.

We don’t know what would be Justice for this crime

#NupurSharma #Beheading 3/3
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Apr 23rd 2022
#Thread Let's face the facts on religion of peace.

Quran Verse(9:5) KILL idolaters(Non-Muslim) wherever you find them & capture them & besiege them.

Taliban follows ISLAM.
Just like Al-Qaeda
Lashkr E Taliban
Al Badr
Al Barq
countless more ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROUPS🔻 Image

April 2022
- TERRORIST attack in Shia mosque in Mazar e Sharif #Afghanistan by TERRORIST GROUP ISLAMIC State K, 2nd attack in the past 48 hours.

- In #Nigeria 10 KILLED & 160 missing after ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROUP Boko Haram bombed a train…

- On 4 March 2022,
ISLAMIC State TERRORIST [ISIS-K] group attacked a Shia mosque at Qissa Khwani Bazaar in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, #Pakistan

- KILLED at least 63 people and injured another 196.…
Read 10 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
This #HijabRow has finally got me to understand what's this faux secularism at its most fundamental level:
- It basically guaranteed same conditions as existing in Pakistan/Islamic State within India for those who supported but could not go to Pakistan.
- 50% of outrage factory on Twitter is courtesy just genius journalists who absolutely lack in common sense, logic or reasoning.
- A private school can run its business as it wants. Is any Muslim student being forced to chant Hanuman Chalisa?
- All the Rana Ayyub types would be feeling so glad inside. I mean, so much to outrage about, so many topics on which to write articles, give interviews, make money!
- Really Acche Din for them 😂
Read 136 tweets
Jan 25th 2022
#Hindu #Funerary Monuments - Chhatri

Chhatri is a memorial chapel built over a #tomb found throughout the region of #Rajasthan, #MadhyaPradesh and #Maharashtra. These memorials commemorate the death of rulers, their consorts, relatives and the elite. 1/🧵
If Samadhis were funerary monuments of saints in #Hindus, Chhatris were #Rajput's choice of the memorial. They made sure that the memory of the chivalry of their ancestors passed on to the next generations. Though, all Chhatris did not necessarily contain the mortal remains. 2/
Chhatri i.e. umbrella, first appeared as a canopy above the tomb in #Islamic #architecture. #Hindu kings transformed the tomb into Chhatri. By the 16th C, Rajput courts had started building Chhatris. It was a place where a noble was cremated, memorialized and later worshipped. 3/
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Oct 25th 2021
REVEALED: The #Rajasthan govt. ordered internet shutdowns for petty reasons like “preventing cheating” in exams! IFF filed RTIs with the state's divisional commissioners (responsible for #internetshutdowns) to investigate compliance with #AnuradhaBhasin directions. #KeepItOn 1/4
IFF received a response from the #Udaipur Divisional Commissioner, stating their office has issued ❗️26 different #internetshutdown orders❗️ since the decision of the Supreme Court of India in #AnuradhaBhasin. 2/4…
According to the #AnuradhaBhasin directions, governments can only issue an order to shutdown the #internet if it is “necessary” and “unavoidable”.

Were these shutdowns necessary and unavoidable? See for yourself! 📲 #KeepItOn 3/4
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Apr 18th 2021
राजस्थान में कहीं भी किसी को भी #COVID19 रिलेटेड कोई भी समस्या हो,हॉस्पिटल में बेड, ऑक्सीजन , दवाई ,एम्बुलेंस आदि तो आप मुझे टैग, रिप्लाई,कमेंट कर सकते है एवं मैसेज द्वारा संपर्क कर सकते है , मेरा पूरा प्रयास रहेगा कि आपके कोई काम आ सकूँ । #Rajasthan #COVIDー19
अब कलेक्टर और ड्रग इंस्पेक्टरों के माध्यम से रेमेडिसविर इंजेक्शन उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा।
1800222365 इस टोल फ्री नंबर पर कॉल करें और इंजेक्शन के लिए पूछें। वे आपसे क्षेत्र ड्रग इंस्पेक्टर के संपर्क नंबर साझा करते हैं। #Rajasthan #COVIDSecondWave #Covid_19
राजस्थान में कहीं भी किसी को भी #COVID19 रिलेटेड कोई भी समस्या हो,हॉस्पिटल में बेड, ऑक्सीजन , दवाई ,एम्बुलेंस आदि तो आप मुझे इस नंबर Helpline - 7410996555 पर मैसेज द्वारा संपर्क कर सकते है ,
मेरा पूरा प्रयास रहेगा कि आपके कोई काम आ सकूँ ।
Read 6 tweets
Apr 4th 2021
Sad to hear about the death of veteran actress #Shashikala, An extra to start with, graduating to a heroine & a charming character actor,a sizzling dancer & a vamp with a strong impact. Shashiji was part of some very significant cinematic memories & songs
#Shashikala had a charming presence and carried an oomph factor onscreen but the way she utilized her acting skills for the onscreen vamp as a club dancer (Kala Bazaar), a blackmailer (Gumrah), a torturous step mother (Sargam) or a cruel Saas in many of 80s, she delivered a punch
Yet I would remember #Shashikala for some of the unforgettable musical memories, the songs she got featured in and graced the songs giving them a character.

Loved her in films like Bimal da's #Sujata & Hrishi da's #Anupama as a sibling contrast to lead

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Sep 27th 2020
We have been hearing that #Internet has been suspended in various districts of #Rajasthan. Tweet to us @NetShutdowns and @SFLCin to tell us your district and status of Internet in your area. #LetTheNetWork
The districts where Internet has been suspended in #Rajasthan are #Dungapur #Udaipur #Banswara and #Pratapgarh. Tweet to us to let us know about the status of #Internet in #Rajasthan. #LetTheNetWork.
Users have reported receiving the following messages in #Udaipur in #Rajasthan
'Data Alert: As per the Government's instruction, internet services have been temporarily stopped in your area'
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Apr 21st 2020
The world is passing through a strange situation brought upon by the fear of the #COVIDー19 Most of us are unaware of what it actually means but it has generated a high level of crazy speculation, #stress resulting into a rise in #depression.There is a global #lockdown ImageImageImage
Chelsea reminded that she could share her stories despite being in lockdown and, with her, we had a thrilling journey of erstwhile #Mewar Read more on:…
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Apr 10th 2020
9 yearold Akshay made this for us ♥️ isn’t our relentless effort to make the #world a #beautiful place worthwhile?#StayHomeSaveLives #CoronavirusPandemic #HelpEachOther #HealthHeroes @MumbaiPolice @devduttmyth @thevirdas @virsanghvi @SudhaRamenIFS @ParveenKaswan @listenshahid Image
Please retweet, he’ll be very happy 😊 Akshay lives in #udaipur and is the son of Volga Singh, a dear friend. He’s helping her in the kitchen and doing household chores 😍
Akshay actively enjoying his chores and helping his mother at home 😊 apart from doing his schoolwork and painting
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Nov 21st 2019
"At times I feel that there's no god; if there was one, why would women like me die filling pots with water?"
Every day, Dali Bada, an #Adivasi wage labourer in the water-scarce #Udaipur district, has to undertake exhausting treks with her donkey to bring water for her family. Image
In Pacha Padla, a village roughly 70 kilometres from Udaipur, humans & animals drink water from the same rain-fed stream. When that dries up, people dig pits in the ground to draw out water. When it rains, these large holes get filled with waste material…
@TribalAffairsIn @AdivasisMatter We hope this catches your attention!
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Aug 16th 2019
One in Billion ... Strategic Think Tank ... - This is JB.
#Public #Health vs #Policy vs #Sustainability

Quit #India ... !!! Indians are precisely doing that ...

#Surat #Ahmedabad #Vadodra #Gujarat Image

#Surat #Ahmedabad #Vadodra #Gujarat #SanJose #NewYork #NewJersey #LA #Chicago #Houston #Texas #Boston #Atlanta

#JAYUNOMICS: #Reality_vs_Publicity ImageImage
Read 12 tweets

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