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Great text - @AllisonPearson via @Telegraph:

1/ „But elsewhere, the deafening silence from the majority of politicians, and parts of the media, can only be professional embarrassment, maybe even shame. I do hope they feel at least a sliver of shame for their failure to hold …
2/ … the legislature to account during an unprecedented and frightening confiscation of our civil liberties. …

I have just had an email from Rob, a father with an autistic son. This is what Rob wrote: ‚Lockdown sent him from a happy 14-year-old into a complete …
3/ … psychological breakdown. The fear of why everyone was wearing masks, the breaking of routine (so important for SEN children) and closing of schools. He was utterly terrified. The knock-on-effect for our family has been devastating. Thanks to anti-psych meds he‘s slowly …
Read 8 tweets
#Lockdownfiles #UK #Hancock #Quarantäne

1/ Was hätten #Hancock und auch dt. Politiker unzähligen Kindern doch ersparen können, hätte man bereits in 11/20 die 14-tägige Kontaktpersonen-Quarantäne ersetzt durch mehrtägiges Testen -

Ich erinnere an den verzweifelten Appell …
2/ … von @IsabelWebster_ aus 07/2021: „Official figures show 385500 children were off school last week, despite only 15000 testing positive. It has meant thousands of healthy children, without Covid, have been sent home under virtual house arrest.“ ……
3/ Ein ähnlicher Aufruf aus dieser Zeit auch hier:

„There were more than a quarter of a million children isolating at home last week, due to incomprehensible diktats that entire year-groups must quarantine should one pupil test positive for Covid. … It‘s claimed it‘ll help …
Read 12 tweets
#Lockdownfiles #UK #Hancock

1/ Die damalige Leiterin der brit. Vaccine Taskforce, Kate Bingham, hatte in 10/20 der @FT ein Interview gegeben, in dem sie sich dafür ausgesprochen hatte, nur Risikopersonen zu impfen - nicht die ganze Bevölkerung:

„It‘s an adult-only vaccine, …
2/ … for people over 50, focusing on health workers and care home workers and the vulnerable. … Ms Bingham … noted that vaccinating healthy people, who are much less likely to have severe outcomes from #Covid19, ‚could cause them some freak harm‘, potentially tipping the …
3/ … the scales in terms of the risk-benefit analysis.“ ……
Read 8 tweets

#UK "Si j'avais 80 ans et que je devais choisir entre détruire l'économie, ou risquer une maladie avec 94% de chances de survie je sais ce que je préférerais"

Sympa, les discussions entre Boris #Johnson et Matt #Hancock des #Lockdownfiles

100.000 messages.. Image
..publiés par le Telegraph entre le secrétaire à la santé et d'autes ministres pendant le confinement de 2020

⏩Vous apprécierez les petits arrangements avec les #médias, où ils leur demande leur aide pour augmenter artificiellement le nombre de tests Covid pour.. Image
..pousser la population à le faire...

Selon le Telegraph c'est la panique au Royaume-Uni

⏩En #France le challenge sera de trouver des gens choqués dans l'ambiance gaslighting actuelle…
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#Firefighters to go on #strike across the #UK after union members vote for action | 1h ago
- More than 80% of members who voted backed strike action across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland when they were balloted last month.…
#UK #Teachers set to #strike after pay #talks with #Tory ministers collapse | Jan 30
- Despite years of falling take-home pay, the government offered most teachers just 5 per cent for 2022-23 — about half the rate of 40-year-high double-digit #inflation.…
Tiny #Britain is sinking.
Who will be on strike on walkout Wednesday? | Jan 30
- 100s of 1000s of workers will go on #strike on Wednesday in separate disputes over pay, jobs and conditions - the biggest day of industrial action in more than a decade.…
Read 26 tweets
#BoJo branded '#provenliar' as Met Police issue fines over Downing Street parties -2 hrs ago
- #ScotlandYard statement confirming twenty fixed penalty notices will be issued for breaches of Covid-19 rules following lockdown-busting parties in #SesameStreet
#SesameStreet's Awards, The Worst Actor Winner.
The #UK health secretary, #Hancock #CrocodileTears | Dec 09, 2020
- “It’s been such a tough year for so many people and there’s William #Shakespeare putting it simply for everybody...
Read 25 tweets
Matt Hancock to join #ImACeleb!

When @DawnButlerBrent asked Hancock if he was aware of the rprtdly links between Palantir (who he allowed to run the NHS Covid data store) & Cambridge Analytica, he said:

“ don’t think I was aware of that”
In Sept 2020, #MattHancock launched a 10-year strategy, #GenomeUK, which will transform the NHS & put genomics at the heart of the programme for govt

Incredibly it was launched quietly (on a Saturday!) & received no media coverage

Were #Palantir central? #ImACeleb @imacelebrity
“Still boiling!”

On 13 May 2020, I broke the #CareHomeScandal

The govt had ordered hospitals to send elderly #COVID19 patients to care homes without testing

Who signed the order?
#MattHancock #ImACeleb @imacelebrity #ImACelebrity #Imaceleb2022 #Hancock
Read 11 tweets
1/. “We want to make the UK fully autonomous, from a regulatory and geopolitical point of view”

Palantir, the shadowy data, surveillance & genomics, that run the NHS COVID data store, plans to shift its entire UK data processing operation from the US!…
2/. “Are you aware that #Palantir & #FacultyAI have links to the discredited #CambridgeAnalytica?”

“ don't think I'm aware of that, no”

@DawnButlerBrent tells @MattHancock that Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalyica to scrape data!👇
3/. Whistleblower @chrisinsilico says that Palantir showed #CambridgeAnalytica how to harvest data from Facebook users ahead of #Brexit vote

Palantir run the NHS’s #COVID19 data store with #FacultyAI (linked to Vote Leave & rprtdly to Cambridge Analytica)

Read 159 tweets
"Hancock Cock Inn Cockup”

Ystdy, @MattHancock tried to get @AnnelieseDodds to withdraw a comment re his helping the ex-landlord of his local pub, the Cock Inn, to get a PPE contract

We’ve see the emails

Hancock & Lord Feldman helped 47 firms win 'VIP' contracts worth millions
Ystdy, @MattHancock went on the attack claiming Alex Bourne "never got a contract from the govt" & this was a "fabrication pushed by the Labour Party"

He was lying

@NAOorguk found PPE suppliers with links to Tory MPs were 10x more likely to win contracts
Digging by @JolyonMaugham reveals the contract went to Alpha Laboratories

That contract stipulates that Alpha Laboratories will sub-contract the manufacturing to Hinpack Ltd, owned by Alex Bourne

This info was redacted before publishing in what seems a clear attempt to deceive!
Read 10 tweets
Andrew Marr is leaving the BBC

In Sept 2020, #Marr wrongly & publicly cast aspersions about me

I asked him for a retraction & an apology

I’ve been waiting 14 months

I’ll accept @AndrewMarr9’s apology if given - publicly or privately - in good faith

A proper apology is needed
#MARR: Is it raining?


MARR: But we're standing here getting wet, so surely - even by your own definition - it’s raining - & why are you holding an umbrella?

@MattHancock: I'm holding an umbrella to keep the bloody rain off me.

MARR: I see.
A fortnight after @AndrewMarr9 had failed to comprehend my criticism of his @MattHancock interview & had insulted me on @Twitter, I was in a pub & he & his wife sat nearby me

My friend said I should say something to him

I let him eat his supper in peace.
Read 4 tweets
Another #Johnson Wizard of Oz moment.

You'll recall Johnson's position was the #Hancock matter was closed, no need for him to resign.

Now the reality shift. Instead believe:

#Johnson removed #Hancock decisively, within 24 hours, after considering the matter thoroughly.
Is Johnson blind to his reality dysfunction, has he become so used to denial that like a sociopath, he no longer understands objective truth?

Does he believe reality is what he says it is?

If a tree falls and #Johnson was not there, no sound was heard, for no tree existed.
A reminder why accepting reality denial may kill people.
Read 4 tweets
Collection of memes/ tweets produced about Matt Hancock.

A few are borderline sexist and almost all are crude, I found them funny anyway, you've been warned.

Before I start, some Tories are already saying that no Social Distancing rules were broken.
Lying is what they do!⬇️
Eat Out to Help Out is a general theme in many of the memes. Some are unambiguous about the point they're making.
A number point to Hancock's obvious hypocrisy
Read 12 tweets
1/. It isn’t remotely credible that #Hancock had no idea of the links btw #Palantir & #FacultyAI - who run the NHS #COVID data store - & #CambridgeAnalytica

And yet, had due diligence been done, Palantir wouldn’t have been embedded at the heart of the NHS
2/. It also isn’t remotely credible (or intelligible) that #Cummings had no knowledge of what #Palantir are doing in the NHS “other than on ICU bed capacity”

It also isn’t credible when he claims he thinks #FacultyAI “do not have personalised data at all”
3/. Two questions by about #Palantir & #FacultyAI

Two garbled, nonsensical answers from @MattHancock & @Dominic2306

It’s a shame it’s taken 16 months before these question have finally been asked

It’s a shame the media still ignore it

But as this👇shows, Palantir are central.
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“We were guided by the science. We didn't always follow the science" @MattHancock

So @BorisJohnson was lying when he said “we stuck to the science like glue”

Were they following the cod behavioural science of Halpern’s Nudge Unit & the ‘data science’ of #Palantir & #FacultyAI?
2/. On 13/5/20, I broke the #CareHomeScandal

On 2/4/20 the govt had INSTRUCTED hospitals to send people “who may have #COVID19” to care homes WITHOUT TESTING

The govt KNEW about asymptomatic transmission in Jan/Feb 2020

The question is which Minister signed off this directive.
3/. Hancock claims that no one knew about ASYMPTOMATIC SPREAD

This is not true

The govt knew asymptomatic transmission of #COVID19 was likely in Jan & had this confirmed in Feb

SAGE minutes on 28 January 2020 state that early indications suggest there was asymptomatic spread.
Read 17 tweets
The true horror of this prime contender for a UK V-passport would make even an Orwell gasp.

Remote scanning. geolocation & tracking. Constant monitoring of contacts. Geofencing to erect an invisible prison around you. Push notices demanding vaxx/test updates...

Camp #COVID19
This leering technoloon is already in talks to help realise the #BillGates/#Rockefeller/#KlausSchwab dream of the whole global population being tagged; their faces, interactions, possessions, finances, movements intrusively monitored. #SkyNet, indeed.

And don't think it ends with the Trojan Horse of #coronavirus. As Mad #Hancock said, the ambition is to keep this permanently in place for ALL diseases (soon, no doubt, for compliance with any other behaviour They wish either to restrict or promote). Meanwhile look fwd to this:-
Read 9 tweets
Lawsuit Filed Against #Denmark PM For #COVID-19 Restrictions & Killing 17M Mink
- Epidemic law contrary to the Constitution and the Convention on #HumanRights
- Lied about permission to #lockdown and slaughter 17M mink.
- Spread #panic with false emails.
Govt of #Norway Indicted for #CrimesAgainstHumanity Over ‘Planned False #Pandemic
- A group of researchers from Norway have filed a #lawsuit against the #corona policy.
- A report on this has been sent to the #Ålesund police station.
#Hancock, #Whitty, #Vallance & #Ferguson Stand Accused of #Pandemic #Fraud | 14th February 2021
-three counts of fraud by false representation and seven counts of fraud by non-disclosure, under sections 2 and 3 of the Fraud Act 2006…
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Britanniassa skandaali puuttuvasta #CovidVaccine haittavaikutus -datasta. Arviolta kuolleisuus on 377 jokaista 100K rokotettua kohden.
- Datan keräämisestä on luistettu alusta alkaen, syynä että 'määrä on liian suuri ja sopivaa AI -sovellusta etsitään.'…
@THLorg #Perustuslakivaliokunta #hallitus
Private Criminal Prosecution Papers Laid Alleging #Pandemic Fraud Against #Hancock, #Whitty, #Vallance & #Ferguson | Mar 22
- a case is being brought against the four key players of the Covid scam in the #UK…
At 16:23 pm Friday, March 19, 2021, one year after the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens’ decision to reclassify #COVID-19 as no longer being considered a High Consequence Infectious Disease was published by Public Health #England…
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#LongCovid bei Kindern
Eine Zusammenfassung von Studien und Meldungen:
Klinische Merkmale, Aktivitätsniveaus und psychische Gesundheitsprobleme bei #Kindern mit LongCovid
Die bislang umfangreichste Studie über #LongCovid von 510 betroffenen #Kindern: Clinical Characteristics, Activity Levels and Mental Health Problems in #Children with Long COVID: A Survey of 510 Children
#LongCovid in England: Bericht über #Kinder die nach milden COVID-Verläufen unter #Atemnot, #Gelenkschmerzen und #Schwindel leiden. Das chronische Erschöpfungssyndrom ist bei einigen so stark, dass sie auf einen #Rollstuhl angewiesen sind #twlz #kmk…
Read 140 tweets
As a cancer specialist I think it’s important to respond to the #HealthSecretary’s comments about cancer treatment not being available if #COVID19 gets out of control. Firstly, it’s important to state that #Hancock and his own Government’s failures have contributed to the problem
Secondly, I think it’s unlikely that those in most need will miss out. We have learnt an enormous amount about managing cancer in a #COVID19 environment and are now much better prepared. At present we are managing generally very well, although surgical waiting lists are a problem
Non surgical cancer treatment like chemotherapy and radiotherapy is mainly outpatient based and we should be able to cope. Initial concerns about risks to patients on chemo have not turned out to be as serious as we first thought.
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"Concerns were raised after the prime minister unveiled the "moonshot" approach to returning to normal lives, which includes testing millions of people per day."
"Leaked government documents show that this approach could cost £100 billion, with minister Grant Shapps confirming that the technology does NOT currently exist."

Maybe someone ought to closely examine the flawed ideology blindly trusted by #LiarJohnson, #Cummings and #Hancock!!
Read 14 tweets
"Concerns were raised after the prime minister unveiled the "moonshot" approach to returning to normal lives, which includes testing millions of people per day."
"Leaked government documents show that this approach could cost £100 billion, with minister Grant Shapps confirming that the technology does NOT currently exist."

Maybe someone ought to closely examine the flawed ideology blindly trusted by #LiarJohnson, #Cummings and #Hancock!!
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Marking #LiarJohnson, #Hancock and UK Government's homework on response to COVID-19 👇


"You can cut the data in different ways but the UK sits at or close to the top of the league tables for death whichever way you slice it"
"The UK on the other hand is among countries that seem to be significantly under reporting deaths compared to excess deaths."
"On August 12, PHE tweaked the way it defines a Covid death. Rather than counting any death which followed a positive test as a Covid death, it said only those deaths which occurred within 28 days of a positive Covid test would be counted."

Ministerial decision!!
Read 38 tweets
If you've missed the latest #Hancock Half Measure it's due to noise [thread]
1. Gagging Scientists
2. Hiring cronies to medical jobs
3. Undoing data transparency.

Yet he still has time to oppose a Heathrow testing plan.
I wonder. Is it one he should have delivered? [Next🐦 ]
Heathrow is doing the right thing by TESTING, even if they are 100% motivated by profit.
Blanket quarantines have awful compliance (people cheat), and compliance is worse if, like us, your Track and Trace is deficient.

LHR MAY not prove out but they should test. That's science.
Superficially Hancock's objection is sour grapes.
Save his ego to risk human lives.

Well, no change there then.

Except nothing is ever simple. This knee jerk Hancock reaction is part of a dangerous trend.

To read about that you need another thread⏬

Read 3 tweets
Mit Sorge beobachten derzeit mehrere Länder Fälle einer gefährlichen Entzündungskrankheit bei Kindern.

Ärzte warnen vor einer Verbindung zum #Coronavirus.… via @TOnline_News
"So sind etwa in #Großbritannien laut Gesundheitsminister Matt #Hancock schon mehrere #Kinder an einer womöglich 'neuen Krankheit' gestorben, die mit #Covid19 zusammenhängen könnte."…
"Die verstorbenen #Kinder hatten ein schweres Entzündungssyndrom entwickelt, das offenbar durch eine Überreaktion des Immunsystems ausgelöst wird und seine Ursache im neuartigen #Coronavirus und Covid-19 haben könnte."
Read 5 tweets

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