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This summary provides an update on the situation in #Bakhmut, as reported by the General Staff.

The fighting in the area has continued, albeit with decreased intensity.

#Ukraine #warzone #militaryoperations #battlefield #conflict #defense Resume: This summary provid...
The AFU has managed to make gradual advances in the suburbs. The enemy has conducted offensives in multiple directions, resulting in 23 skirmishes in the past 24 hours. They have also carried out air strikes and shelling from MLRS.

#combat #UAVattacks #artillerystrikes
The Defense Forces' aviation responded with seven strikes targeting enemy personnel and military equipment. Ukrainian defenders successfully destroyed two Shahed strike UAVs and an Orlan-10 reconnaissance UAV.

Read 5 tweets
1🧵#UsArmee startet 1 Projekt zur Entwicklung des🇺🇲M142 #HIMARS #MLRS mit 🇪🇺 #NATO-Verbündeten & anderen interessierten Ländern. Das Programm nennt sich #EuropeanHigh #MobilityArtilleryRocketSystemInitiative, kurz #EHI & zielt darauf ab, A#rtillerieSpezialisten aus verschiedenen
2🧵Ländern zusammenzubringen, die bereits über hochmobile #M142 #HIMARS- #Artillerie-#Raketensysteme verfügen oder daran interessiert sind sie erwerben.
3🧵Im Rahmen dieses Projektes sollen in mehreren Ländern Mittel- & #Osteuropas stattfinden. das #EHI-Projekt soll bereits in diesem Frühjahr starten. Es wird angenommen,dass die 🇺🇲 die Einrichtung eines Zentrums in 🇪🇺 planen,um Bediener von #M142 #HIMARS-Systemen auszubilden.
Read 7 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 343 - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 #EEUU aprobará en breve un nuevo paquete de ayuda militar a Ucrania de entre 2.200 y 2.900 millones de $, según fuentes.

🟥 Podría incluir #ATACMS, #GLSDB o #GMLRSER.

🟥 #RETWEETME 🙏 ImageImageImage
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 343 - Aquí tenéis, para quien no lo haya leído, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, martes 31 de enero de 2023.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 343 - Según @elpais_espana, #España entregará a Ucrania entre 4 y 6 Leopard 2A4 de los 53 almacenados en Zaragoza. Image
Read 26 tweets
1/12 Lessons from @rusi_org #Finland. The overall military doctrine of #Finland is correct against the expected adversary. As situation, particularly in long-distance precision fires is better than #Ukraine, the results can be expected faster.
2/12 The area defence doctrine can be expected to blunt, wear out and destroy an invading force, possibly in space of days or couple of weeks if the supply chain can be destroyed. The #Ukraine fighting resembled closely #Finland doctrine.
3/12 The mobilization plan of #Finland cannot be blocked by #Russia entirely, but dispersal must take place, and the first stages of mobilization must be ordered early enough. The mobilization of the remaining force must take place in short time.
Read 14 tweets
1/17 Own conclusions on @RUSI_org report: #Russia set out to conquer and annex all of #Ukraine and to commit #genocide by murdering #Ukraine government and all those who would resist #russification.
2/17 The plan was based on mistaken assumptions of opinions of #Ukraine population and military, in particular a faulty perception that the majority would not resist a #Russia invasion
3/17 #Ukraine intelligence estimated that instead of the overambitious actual plan the #Russia main effort would be a general attack in #Donbas. While dispersal was mostly done in time, redeployment started too late.
Read 18 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 278 - Aquí comienza nuestro #hilo diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 Lo que vemos en el siguiente vídeo es un ATGM AT-4 "Spigot" montado sobre un pequeño UTV ucraniano.

🟥 Gracias por vuestro #RETWEET 🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 278 - Este es, para quien todavía no haya podido leerlo, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, domingo 27 de noviembre de 2022.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 278 - #URGENTE - Según publica @Reuters, el #Pentágono estadounidense estaría valorando la posibilidad de enviar a Ucrania en primavera sus Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) para #MLRS con 160 km de alcance ⬇️…
Read 33 tweets
Sergey Shoigu's statements at the X #Moscow Conference on International Security (11 points):
1- #MLRS #HIMARS during the special operation is ground in battles, they did not have a significant impact on the situation;
2- #Russia is carefully studying captured Western weapons, taking into account its features in its tactics;
3- The #Russian Federation does not need to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine to achieve its goals;
4- No one in #NATO has any doubts that the goals of the special operation set by the Russian Federation will be achieved
5- The unconditional dominance of the United States and its allies remains in the past, the special operation in #Ukraine marked the end of the unipolar world;
Read 7 tweets
by @ASBmilitarynews

Analysis of current military situation in Ukraine

This analysis will touch up on commonly discussed topics around the Russian Military Operation in #Ukraine, from both sides of the conflict.

#Thread #ukrainerussiawar
1. #Russia - #Iran

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir #Putin arrived in Iran to meet with the Supreme Leader of Iran and the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to public information and statements released, the meeting focused on economic and industrial relations between the two countries, specifically in the energy sector. There was no public mention of a military component being discussed.

#Russia #Iran
Read 41 tweets
#Kaliningrad - "The land border between the 3
#Baltic states & #Russia, #Belarus, which for all intents & purposes a military district of the Russian Federation, & Kaliningrad is 1,635 km..." #Latvia National Security Advisor Jānis Kažociņš tells #EUDFF22
"The land border between the #Baltic states & @NATO is a massive 104km" per #Latvia's Kažociņš

Kažociņš calls it "a massive challenge"
EU currently providing #Ukraine w/long-rage artillery, tanks & #MLRS, per @eu_eeas Amb Charles Fries at #EUDFF22

"We have adapted our offers to the #Ukrainian needs"
Read 12 tweets
Hindsight on #Russia-#Ukraine: "We did an enormous amount of diplomacy in advance, trying to give #Putin an off-ramp so he would not have to make this absurd & tragic decision" to go to war in #Ukraine, @DeputySecState Wendy Sherman tells #EUDFF22
Unity in face of #Russia's war in #Ukraine - "I've rarely seen the kind of unity that I've experienced...this sentiment is very much there" @SanninoEU tells #EUDFF22

But "the work that is needed is more intense"
#Russia's Vladimir Putin - "Understand that Putin really in his own words has really said he wants to be 'Peter the Great' of the 21st & 22nd centuries" per @DeputySecState
Read 13 tweets
Press briefing: US Def Sec #Austin and Gen. #Milley after the 3rd #Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in Brussels.
Selected points: (note, this is *not* a NATO meeting. It's an ad hoc group, that has now grown to 50 countries.)
DefSec Austin:
Fact we have 50 countries pledging mil aid to #Ukraine testament to how RUS unprovoked invasion has horrified and galvanised the world, and testament to #heroism of Ukrainian people
DefSec Austin:
In May, US #Congress approved 40 bn USD in assistance to UA. On 1 June, POTUS auth. further 700 mill USD mil package incl #HIMARS rocket system and guided munitions, plus #Javelins, helicopters, counter-battery radars and ammunition.
Read 17 tweets
US view of developments in #Ukraine: "At the broadest levels, there's no doubt that thus far #Russia has failed to achieve it strategic objectives" @DOD_Policy Colin Kahl tells #CNAS2022

"Vladimir Putin went into this war seeking to gobble Ukraine up..."
#Russia "has had more progress in the south" of #Ukraine, per @DOD_Policy

Russian gains-"To some degree that is true although the gains on any given day really measured in blocks" he says "They are not large, sweeping breakthroughs of Ukrainian defenses"
"There are significant casualties, but that is true on both sides" per @DOD_Policy at #CNAS2022 on #Russia-#Ukraine fighting

"The Ukrainians are taking casualties, The Russians are taking a lot of casualties, as well, & the front lines are not moving very much"
Read 24 tweets
🧵#100daysofwar. They said, #Ukraine would fall in max.3 days, but we surprised the whole world. Maneuvering defense, sophisticated tactics, top-level military skills. Huge motivation and spirit in the army and society. In this 🧵 some major conclusions so far 1/
Military summing up:
1A)#Russia failed in majority of attacks: #Kyiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Odesa, Mykolayiv.
1B) RU “success” in major part of #Luhansk region isn’t due to RU offensive, but rather bcs of tactical step back of #UAarmy. 2/
1C) Where UA army seriously fought in Luhansk obl (#Sievierodonetsk, Popasna, Rubizhne), Russians can’t take the towns for 3 months already!
Their only tactics is to destroy city to zero (Popasna, #Rubizhne), to occupy this empty land 3/ #ArmUkraineNow
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Happening now: @DeptofDefense briefing @PentagonPresSec
#Ukraine requests for #MLRS - "We're working every single day to get weapons & systems into Ukraine" per @PentagonPresSec, saying #Washington is aware of the requests by #Kyiv

"We're in constant communication w/them [Ukrainians]..."
"I won't get ahead of decisions" per @PentagonPresSec, re the #MLRS request by Ukraine
Read 16 tweets
A @cnnportugal acredita q "descobriu-se agora um terreno onde estão centenas de carros destruídos" em #Bucha, #Ucrânia...
E se descobrissem quem são os incompetentes q não verificam o q é emitido? É terreno onde depositam veículos recolhidos das ruas:… Image
Nem esse vídeo da @AP, nem vídeos/fotos de outras agências mostram (até agora) 'centenas de carros':……………
(q este #factcheck ñ sirva para minimizar aquela barbárie)
Ñ tinha visto, mas vi comentado no FB: como é q @RTPNoticias passa 1m15s a ilustrar cerco a #Mariupol e guerra na #Ucrânia com imagens do exército alemão num exercício da @NATO em 2017, em Pabrade, #Lituânia? Bastava #verificar (deixo apenas 1 exemplo): ImageImageImageImage
Read 142 tweets
Étant d'origine Russe, ayant de la famille sur place, j'en ai plus que marre du #RussianBashing des médias français, et des occidentaux moralisateurs en général. Que dirait les USA si la Russie allait installer des bases opérationnelle avancées au Mexique et à Cuba ? 1/2
De plus, n'oublions pas que les accords de Minsk ne concerne que les territoires de la Crimée et du Donbass. Les termes était l'arrêt de l'avancée des pro-russes au-delà de ces territoires. C'est ce qui a été fait. Poutine ne fait que reconnaître une république qui a déjà 8 ans.
Biden et les représentants de L'OTAN n'ont qu'à arrêter de prendre les gens pour des cons. N'avaient ils pas promis en 1989 de ne pas s'étendre en direction des frontières Russe ? Qui sème le vent, récolte la tempête.

#Ukraine #RussiaUkraineCrisis #Russia #UkraineCrisis #Donetsk
Read 90 tweets
#Thread - 1/9: According to media reports, #Russia and #Japan have been in contact over the #Kuril Islands in recent months. New #ISI #intelligence #report shows that despite the negotiations Russia continues to build #military #infrastructure in the islands.

#IMINT #satellite
2/9: Coastal defense system in #Iturup Island, 18th Machine Gun #Artillery Division.
3/9: Coastal #Missile Systems Deployment, #Iturup Island: Two #Russian #Rubezh coastal missile systems.
Read 9 tweets

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