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Dr. Dena Grayson @DrDenaGrayson
7 years ago, 24 tweets, 16 min read Read on Twitter

THREAD: Elliott Broidy flooded the @GOP Congress & WH w/political cash to **buy access & influence** that he & George Nader allegedly **sold ILLEGALLY** to the crown princes of #SaudiArabia & UAE‼️🤬1/

Broidy & Nader pitched themselves to the crown princes as being able to pass the princes' MESSAGING straight to Trump’s ears.🤨

With NO lobbyist or #FARA registration‼️2/

Of course, convicted FELONS Broidy & Nader expected a BIGLY payoff for their treachery👉🏼>$1 billion in shady “consulting” contracts from #SaudiArabia & UAE in return for pushing anti-#Qatar policies to Trump & @GOP leaders in Congress.🤬 3/

Broidy & Nader tried to push an anti-#Qatar bill through Congress while **HIDING the source of the funding** behind their influence campaign👉🏼ILLEGAL‼️

They lobbied (ILLEGALLY) to isolate #Qatar & pushed to move the US’s largest military base OUT of Qatar.🙄 4/

Broidy — convicted of a FELONY for **bribing** NY state pension officials — claims he was not required to register #FARA b/c his anti-#Qatar campaign was “not directed by a foreign client & came entirely at his own initiative.”🙄 5/

#SHOCKER: documents show Broidy’s ILLEGAL lobbying was tied w/his **own pursuit of LUCRATIVE contracts**👉🏼did specific political tasks for the Saudi/UAE crown princes — listed as his "clients " for the lobbying campaign in a spreadsheet from HIS company, Circinus LLC‼️🙄 6/

Summaries written by Broidy of 2 meetings w/Trump — **one of which has not been disclosed before** — report that he was passing messages to Trump from the Saudi & UAE princes and that he TOLD Trump he was seeking business w/them‼️

👆🏼Definition of #corruption.🤬 7/
Nader's ties w/the UAE prince “MBZ” & Erik Prince caught Mueller’s attention, specifically 2 meetings that BOTH Nader & MBZ attended:

👉🏼#Seychelles btwn Prince & #Russian🇷🇺banker Kirill Dmitriev to establish a backchannel btwn Putin & Trump.
👉🏼Trump Tower in New York

Sorry...need a brief break. Be back in 5 min.😎8/
So Broidy & Nader are war profiteers & proposed multiple plans to the Saudi/UAE princes for >$1 billion of work In the war-torn country of #Yemen (basically, a proxy war btwn Saudi Arabia & #Iran).🤬 9/
As part of their ILLEGAL lobbying, Broidy & Nader tried to get the US to sanction #Qatar & move our military OUT.🤔

Broidy: "Mnuchin is a close friend...I can help in educating (him) on the importance of the Treasury Dept putting Qatari individuals & org’s on #sanctions."🤬10/
Repeat: Broidy & Nader allegedly worked ILLEGALLY to lobby the US to make MAJOR foreign policy shifts, so that these grifters could get >$1 billion in contracts from #SaudiArabia & UAE‼️🤬11/

Broidy BRAGGED that he got the @GOP Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Comte to back an anti-#Qatar bill.🤨

#SHOCKER: Broidy used $600,000 in political donations to #Republicans to grease the skids.🤬 12/

Clearly, Broidy & Nader tried to HIDE their illegal acts👉🏼funneled $2.5 million of payments for Broidy’s lobbying from Nader’s UAE company to a Canadian firm (Xiemen), which is run by one of Broidy's friends👉🏼money then routed to Broidy’s account in LA.🙄13/

Broidy persuaded a think tank, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, to hold an anti-#Qatar conference + planned 200 articles from them & other think tanks. The foundation's CEO said Broidy told him the $ were NOT from a foreign govt & that he had no contracts in the Gulf.🙄14/
And gee, where was @realDonaldTrump’s first foreign trip? To one of our closest allies in Europe⁉️

Nope. To #SaudiArabia.🤨

And folks, the ORDER of these presidential visits DOES matter‼️🤬15/

Just 2 weeks after Broidy’s “non-lobbying” anti-#Qatar conference, UAE, Saudi Arabia & others launched an economic blockage against #Qatar.🤨

One day later, Trump tweeted support for the two countries' actions and embraced an anti-Qatar stance.🙄

What a “coincidence”‼️ 16/
In Oct’17, Broidy met w/Trump at the WH & passed along the Saudi/UAE messages urging Trump to stay out of the dispute w/#Qatar. He also said he told Trump of Circinus' (Broidy’s firm) pending contract to build a Muslim fighting force.🤨

This sounds like #Corruption‼️17/
Despite the fact that Nader is a convicted PEDOPHILE, Broidy somehow managed a photo op w/Trump (usually, the Secret Service blocks people w/certain criminal backgrounds from getting close to POTUS).🤨

You know how.

MONEY‼️ 18/


Even though “Secretary of Everything” Kush is leading Middle East “peace” talks, looks like the Saudi & UAE princes see right through Jared‼️

“Nobody would even waste cup of coffee on him (Kush) if it wasn't for who he is married to (Ivanka).”🤣 19/


Days after Broidy's meeting w/Trump, the UAE awarded Broidy a contract for up to $600 million w/other lucrative contracts still pending‼️ 20/

Are you starting to get the sense that Broidy is in serious hot water⁉️

Well, yeah.

And George Nader (his partner in #FARA crime) and Rick Gates (Trump campaign’s liaison to #RNC) are SQUEALING‼️😎 21/

And don’t forget that Broidy supposedly used Cohen to make a hush-money deal to silence a Playboy playmate who has an abortion.🤨

Let’s see if Broidy was really the one having the affair, or of Broidy paid the $$ for TRUMP‼️22/

Both Nader & Broidy are convicted FELONS. Nader already let’s keep a close eye on Broidy, who raised >$100,000,000 for Trump & @GOP campaign coffers.🤬

#Mueller will FOLLOW THE MONEY...straight to the #Kremlin, Saudi Arabia, UAE, #Qatar & elsewhere.😎

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