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Jun 19th 2023
1/3. Presently there is no investigation/ground penetration radar analysis of grounds at #Bessboro planned where 859 children’s remains are lost, this letter is proof the State knew but why was this inquiry halted? Many will point to the power of the #church but it’s more than Image
that. To not have knowledge of a burial spot is to deny families the opportunity to visit; to mourn; to move on with their lives. @ctcantwell mum’s testimony is harrowing; her son born healthy at 7lbs 11ozs. She recalls his perfectly formed features. She is entitled to truth 2/3
Not conjecture, nor faux outrage. How can we accept hierarchies of victim; a mother of Bessboro who lost her child suffered just as a mother on our site in Tuam. Afford due respect @rodericogorman + Cabinet. You owe them that much at the very least. 💔😢@danielmloftus
Read 5 tweets
May 23rd 2023
#Ukrainian Orthodox Church (#moscow Patriarchate) - #Disinformation #Overview Image

‘According to #Archbishop #Evstratiy, a spokesman of the #Ukrainian #Orthodox #Church, the statements of #Patriarch #Kirill are #untrue.
Since the #annexation of #Crimea, the #Moscow #Patriarchate has lost most of its #adherents in #Ukraine.
Read 16 tweets
May 9th 2023
5 Simple Steps to Recruit Volunteers In a Small Church
#church #pastoring #ministry #leadership

The primary calling of the pastor is to equip God’s people to do the work of ministry (Eph 4:11-12).
But what if you can’t find volunteers to do that work, including specific events and ministries?

Should you make a general announcement? Or do one-on-one requests?

Especially in a small church, do both.

Here's a five-step process:
Step 1: Make General Announcements
Use your bulletin, weekly email, Facebook page, Sunday announcements, and so on.

Don’t be surprised if you receive little or no response. You’re not expecting them yet, so if you get any it’s a bonus.
Read 10 tweets
Apr 27th 2023
I just spoke (and listened) at #DevEngage2023 conference.

A gathering of bright, thoughtful people grappling with the big questions:



And how to build bonds of #trust between the public in rich and poor countries..

Here are five things I learnt.

A 🧵 Image

👉🏿Talking to the public about supporting aid and development only really works when they feed it’s the right thing to do.

👉🏿Making a foreign policy or a trade argument doesn’t.

#DevEngage2023 Image
2️⃣ TRUST ⛓

👉🏿The public don’t often believe that institutions are going to be able to change things.

👉🏿A charity mindset of helping people isn’t empowering. Better to build bonds of solidarity and learning between people.

#DevEngage2023 Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
Alhamdulillah, after a long wait, the construction of our #Mosque has resumed.
As expected, "Pastors" from a particular church along with neighbors were present and constantly threatening and abusing the constructor verbally and physically.
It is important to note that this is not just a conflict between "Neighbors vs Muslim Students". These pastors from a particular #church group have been leading the protests from the very start, not just "morally" supporting the neighbors.
As these pastors even lead them in official negotiation meetings, this is the primary reason why all our negotiation efforts for peaceful coexistence failed with neighbors. The role of this particular group in this conflict cannot be ignored.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
“An endowment of King Stefan Uroš I of Serbia, was built from 1259 to 1270, near the source of the Raška River in the region of Ras.”

#Sopocani #Orthodox #Christian #Church ImageImage
“In 1331–1346, during the reign of King Stefan Dušan, the church expanded and took on characteristics of a cathedral, expanding the art and decorations seen in the exo-narthex of the church.” ImageImage
“The classical art style of the church is largely influenced by late Byzantine art, such as that of the Basilica of San Vitale” ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Apr 9th 2023
What important messages would Jesus share if he found himself resurrected at Walmart?
#HappyEaster #JesusChrist #Church #Christianity #WorshipAI #HealthyLiving #Walmart #AIArtCommunity #MidJourney #MindJourney
🧵Thread - Share your thoughts on AI merging with religion and…… Image
Would he have anything to say about kosher food? Image
What would Jesus think about plastic Easter eggs? Image
Read 15 tweets
Apr 1st 2023
#DeathToll from #tornadoes in South, Midwest continues to rise | -48min
-The dead included seven in one #Tennessee county, four in the small town of #Wynne, #Arkansas, four in Illinois, and three in nearby #Sullivan, Indiana.…
#Death toll from #US #tornadoes, storms climbs | -1h
- Death toll from a major storm system that has lashed south-central and eastern US with devastating winds and powerful tornadoes rises to 21, with dozens of others injured…
#Photos show destruction in US as #tornado #deathtoll rises | Apr 1
- #LittleRock, Arkansas, where the mayor said more than 2000 buildings were in a tornado's path.…
Read 20 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
Eight Priorities Of A Healthy Church

Here are eight ways healthy churches prioritize what matters to them. 🧵

#Church #ministry #Jesus
1. People Before Buildings
There are too many churches that remain unwilling to adapt the facility to the needs of the ministry. Healthy churches see facilities as a tool to reach people in Jesus’ name, not as an end in themselves.
2. Generosity Before Budgets
A generous church gives of their money, time, and skills based on the need, not on the budget. Generosity is not about finances, it’s gratefulness turned outward.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
Derek Jarman´s "Caravaggio": Chiaroscuro, Baroque and the ashes of Pasolini.
#DerekJarman, was a bold and unapologetic filmmaker and artist, highly influenced by Pier Paolo #Pasolini, whose work he emulated in his career. 1.- Image
@Dexfletch 2.-His films, such as "#Caravaggio," pay homage to Pasolini's aesthetic and thematic concerns, while also reflecting his experiences and perspectives as a #gay artist living in #Thatcher's #Britain.
3.-"Caravaggio" is a visually stunning and thematically rich film that remains a highlight of Jarman's career. It is a meditation on the power of #art to transcend time and space, as well as the ephimeral nature of #fame and #celebrity.
Read 29 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
@IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 #Donbass #Genocide. Those who #illegally sold #weapons to #Ukraine should have been caught by now.
Pres Sauli #Niinistö: '#Finland does not give arms aid to Ukraine' | 02/05/2015
- 'The hand grenade pin is off and variations of the #WW3 have taken place'
@IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 #PatriaGate. Sauli #Niinistö dealt 200 armored vehicles to the Ukrainian army
-As early in the year, Niinistö declared that #Finland would not provide arms assistance to #Ukraine.
Read 39 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
#Congress n #Hinduism

#Hindus still couldn’t understand Congress even after :

Article 25, 28, 30 (1950)
HRCE Act (1951)
HCB MPL (1956)
Secularism (1975)
Minority act (1992)
POW act (1991)
Waqf act (1995)
Ram setu affidavit (2007)
Saffron terrorism (2009)
They legalised conversion by article 25

They snatched religious education from Hindus through article 28 but allowed religious education to #muslim and #christian in article 30

They snatched all temples n temple money from Hindu by enacting HRCE Act 1951
They destroyed Hindu families by divorce law, dowry law under Hindu Code Bill but didn't touch muslim Personal Laws. Allowed them polygamy so that they cud keep increasing their population.
Brought Special marriage act in 1954 so that muslim boys can easily marry with Hindu girls
Read 13 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
What an exciting first day in #Iraq. It was a great pleasure for me to walk the streets of Old #Baghdad, to see its monuments which testify to the rich history of Iraq and to have direct talks with the Baghdadis. ImageImageImageImage
I especially wanted to go to #AlMutanabbi Street, famous in the Arab world to have long drawn bibliophiles. Its bookstores and its very dynamic life highlight the return of peace and prosperity to #Iraq through culture. #Baghdad ImageImageImage
I spoke with the booksellers and we have the same conviction: culture has a central role for the future of #Iraq. It is an important factor of social cohesion, as well as it is a source of job creation and economic activity. #AlMutanabbi #Baghdad Image
Read 27 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
#Biden in #Kyiv: Why didn't Russia strike a decapitating blow? | Yesterday, 19:59
- Contrary to previous statements, the main overlord of the Kyiv regime, Joe Biden, came to Kyiv on a visit.…
#Biden Speech LIVE: US President Lands In War-Zone Ukraine | Zelenskyy, Biden Walk Together In #Kyiv
Thread | 20 tweets
#US planned the #war and the #EnergyCrisis in #Europe | Sep 13
#Pressure Mysteriously Plunges in #NordStream1&2 | Sep 27, 2023
#Poroshenko #Minsk was merely a distraction intended to buy #time for #Kiev to #rebuild its #military | Jun 17
Read 38 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Shortly after the Holy Synod of the the #Ethiopian #Orthodox Tewahedo #Church (EOTC) declared that it has cancelled its protest rally following its meeting with #AbiyAhmed, the government issued street closure statement essentially closing all streets leading to Sidist Kilo, 1/4
Meskel Square & Arat Kilo for vehicles & pedestrians for Sunday Feb 12, the day of cancelled rally. Specifically about Arat Kilo where Abiy Ahmed’s palace is, the statement read “It is forbidden to go to Arat Kilo from any direction.”
The government said the reason for 2/4
the streets closure including parking is the life size military drills to be held by its joint security
forces ahead of the upcoming #AfricanUnion General Assembly the capital is hosting soon.The duration of closure overlaps with the time of the Sunday Holy Mass of the #EOTC 3/4
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Feb 2nd 2023
In 2013, #Pual Yazigi and #Yuhanna Ibrahim, two Syrian Orthodox Clerics, were abducted. We continue to keep them and their families in our thoughts.
Thread about Bishop Pual Yazigi.1/11 Image
The interest of Bishop Paul Yazigi in #Greek culture was widely known. He was passionate about preserving the rich heritage of the Greek Orthodox Church.2/11
Bishop Paul was fluent in #Greek and often spoke the language during his sermons and lectures. He was known for his strong connection to the Greek Orthodox Church and his commitment to its teachings.3/11
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Jan 6th 2023
1. The apostle Paul said: "If God is for us, who is against us?"

On this day, exactly 4 years ago, a great historical event took place, in which God was with us, and we were with God! The Orthodox #Church of Ukraine received Tomos from the Ecumenical Patriarch.⬇️
2.The creation of the autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine is a guarantee of our independence.This is the foundation of our spiritual freedom. We broke the ties that tied us to Moscow with its fantasies about Ukraine as the canonical territory of the russian Orthodox Church⬇️
3. And today we have to finish what we started once and for all.
I will not stop thanking the Ecumenical #Patriarch as the spiritual leader of the #Orthodox people, as a global figure who heard our voice and our requests. I am grateful to all Ukrainians who sincerely believed⬇️
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Nov 19th 2022
1/ To Tithe or Not To Tithe by Kenneth E. Hagin (culled from Midas touch)

From time to time over the years, people have asked me if the practice of tithing is still valid for the Church today. "The New Testament really says very little about it," they say.
2/ "Should pastors and other ministers preach and encourage tithing with so little New Testament information on the subject. Should Christians be bound by the Old Testament Law?"
3/ It is true that there is very little mention of tithing in the New Testament. Two of the Gospels, Matthew and Luke, report the only recorded incident of Jesus saying anything about it. But in this instance, Jesus clearly affirmed His belief in the practice of tithing:
Read 18 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
کانپور میموریل چرچ (کانپور, اتر پردیش) 1875
Kanpur Memorial Church (Canpur، Utter Pardesh)__1875
لومبارڈی گوتھک (Lombardi Gothic) اسٹائل میں ایسٹ بنگال ریلوے کے آرکیٹیکٹ والٹر لانگ بوزی گرانویل(Walter Long Bozzi Granville, 1819-1874) کا تعمیر کردہ شاہکار
یادگاری چرچ ایک متاثر کن تعمیراتی عمارت ھے جسے "All Civil Cathedral" بھی کہا جاتا ھے۔
یہ چرچ 1875میں برطانوی فوجیوں کی جرات اوربہادری کی یاد میں تعمیر کیاگیاتھا جنہوں نے1857 کےکانپور، اترپردیش میں ہنگامہ خیزسپاہی بغاوت میں اپنی جانیں قربان کی تھیں۔
میموریل چرچ مصلوب شکل(Crucifix)
میں سرخ ریت کے پتھر سے بنا ھے جس کے درمیان میں اسپائر کیساتھ کیمپینائل (گھنٹی ٹاور) ھے۔چرچ کے مرکز میں ایک فرشتہ کا ایک خوبصورت مجسمہ کھڑاھے جسے نامور بیرن کارلو ماروچیٹی نے ڈیزائن کیاھے۔
چرچ کے اندر یادگاری میزیں، نوشتہ جات اور یادگاریں ہیں جو ان فوجیوں کوخراج عقیدت پیش کرتی ہیں
Read 4 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
#childabuse: A Nine-Year-Old Girl Set To Give Birth In #Zimbabwe 😭
Recall the painful death of 14-year-old Anna Machaya (in the pix) while giving birth in a #church shrine in July 2021, a 9-year-old #girl (Grade 3 Pupil) has been admitted to the United Bulawayo Hospital (UBH) as Image
she is 33 weeks pregnant and expected to give birth by caesarean section this November.
She was just 8 when she fell pregnant, and is being monitored by a team of specialist doctors and nurses owing to the delicate nature of the pregnancy.
She has refused to give police the name
of her abuser though shockingly, her 29-year-old father claimed that the goblins🤷🏾 visited the 9-year-old #girl on the nights only when her mother was away from home and inserted things into her privates. The police believe she's being threatened!
There are only 6 known cases in ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Sep 2nd 2022
@midgetmummsie The appearance of the smiling child—therefore all is ok is made worse I think in homes or circles where geniality is deemed the norm. Presenting at a school or #church with those smiles hides such pain & fear the child may lose a parent or physical security. #ParentalAlienation/1
@midgetmummsie 2/is certainly a systematic and circular circumstance by facilitator and recipient. When you first come across it all events seem one offs. However over time the mindset of the abuser & understanding their intent to harm the child — while the child smiles in blind trust becomes/3
@midgetmummsie 3/ apparent. We should not be surprised that an aggrieved parent who is rejected by a partner for abuse of a child or self lashes out this way. To suggest alienation — abuse of child and parent does not occur is highly ignorant.Again it is systematic, involves isolation, use /4
Read 7 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
Saint George Church (Lalibela, Ethiopia)
سینٹ جارج چرچ (ایتھوپیا)____11th AD
زیرزمین صرف مندر، محل یا یادگاریں ہی نہیں ھوتی بلکہ چرچ بھی اس میں شامل ہیں جیساکہ ایتھوپیاکایہ چرچ جسےبصارت داد دیئے بغیرنہیں رہ سکتی۔
ایتھوپیامیں چٹان کو کاٹ کرقبطی عیسائیوں
(Coptic Orthodox Christians)
نے زیرزمین یہ چرچ بنایا۔
قدیم مقدس بائبل جن عیسائی عبادت گاہوں کا حوالہ دیتی ھے وہ یہی ایتھوپیائی چرچ ہیں۔ ایتھوپیا میں 341ء میں رسمی طور ہر عیسائیت کو اپنایا گیا تھا۔
ملک کے شمال میں امہارا ریجن میں واقع للی بیلاشہر (Lalibela جو کہ یہاں کے بادشاہ کا
نام تھا) کے کھلے میدان سے منسلک پانچ زیر زمین گرجا گھروں کی ایک سیریز ھے۔
آس پاس میں مختصر گزرگاہیں اور خندقیں ہیں۔ یہ چٹان گویا ایک سرمئی، مٹی کی طرح کا ذخیرہ ھے جو 6 میٹر تک گہرے اور کشادہ صحن کو راستہ فراہم کرتا ھے۔
چٹان سے کٹے ہوئے چرچ بنانے کا عمل اکثر اوپر سے نیچے تک کھدائی
Read 5 tweets
May 16th 2022
غار کا چرچ (قاہرہ، مصر)
Cave Church (Cairo, #Egypt)__10th CE
کیامصر صرف اہراموں اور حنوط شدہ لاشوں (Mummies) کی سرزمیں ھے؟
ہرگز نہیں۔
مصر ایک بار پھر تاریخ کے جنونیوں کوحیران کرنے والا ھے۔
وہ ایسےکہ جنوب مشرقی قاہرہ میں مقتم پہاڑ (Mokattam Mountain) کے قلب میں
واقع ایک غار کے اندر دسویں صدی عیسوی کے فاطمید عہد (Fatimid Era) میں بنا یہ چرچ مصر کا ہی نہیں بلکہ مڈل ایسٹ میں واقع سب ے بڑا ھے۔
غار کے اندر بنے ھونے کیوجہ سے ہی اسے "Cave Church" کہا جاتا ھے۔ اس St. Simon Monastery کا اصل اور قدیم نام "The Tanner" ھے۔
اس حیران کن اور شاندار
خانقاہ میں 20,000 عبادت گزار کے بیٹھنے کی گنجائش ھے.
چرچ ایک شاہکار ھے جس کی دیواروں اور پہاڑی چٹانوں پر نقش شدہ دیواروں اور کہانیوں کے ساتھ ساتھ کنواری مریم (Lady Mary) اور مریم میگدالین (Mary Magdalene) کا مجسمہ بنایا گیا ھے۔
اگرچہ یہ چرچ ٹورسٹ سائیٹ نہیں ھے مگر
Read 5 tweets
Apr 3rd 2022
Charles Kaye Okoye wrote: -

There is a common saying that problem is not giving water to the mo*nkey, the challenge is how to get back the cup from him.

This is the current dilemma in Igboland today.

The Igwe of Onitsha, Igwe Alfred Nnaemeka Achebe rose up from a meeting
yesterday in Anambra to announce that IPOB has accepted to cancel the ongoing Monday sit at home.

He went on to declare that the decision followed the meeting by the state government, the traditional rulers and the IPOB leaders.

Igwe Achebe informed
Nigerians and Ndigbo in particular that the IPOB leaders rose from the meeting and placed call to all their members to sheath their sword.

He went on to announce that all churches in the entire Igboland will open to worshippers on Monday 4th April, for Ndigbo to pray for
Read 14 tweets

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