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A Christmas story… I’m sure many can relate to. #MerryCovid

My brother’s family were coming to visit my family in regional NSW from Tassie for Chrissy. We haven’t seen each other for >2 years (pandemic). I haven’t met my niece. She is 1.5 yrs old. My brother’s a virologist…
None of us have had covid #CovidMiracle. On the 22nd my brother’s wife tested positive. She’s a teacher. My niece also unwell. Not sure who was patient zero, she attends daycare. She wasn’t allowed to be vaccinated. #ThanksATAGI #ThanksAlbo. Then my brother tested positive…
They canceled flights immediately with the “positive” news. Obtained credits and surprise surprise @Qantas have been a fucking nightmare. With hours spent on the phone trying to book flights in a few weeks.

Instead, we had family Christmas with my 75 yr old Mum…
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In an Invited Editorial in @JAMAOnc today, my colleagues & I call for health systems to develop “Comprehensive #Pandemic Support Programs” for their most vulnerable patients.

These are our Top 10 Tips!

THREAD 🧵… JAMA Oncology article, "Variability in COVID-19 Vaccine
Tip #1: Health systems should explain to all patients that #COVIDisAirborne and is best avoided through multi-layered mitigation. Swiss Cheese model of COVID mitigation
Tip #2: Health systems should prioritize getting the most vulnerable patients vaccinated & boosted.

Offer #vaccines on-site w/the SAFEST options.

Vulnerable patients want highly-ventilated or outdoor options & high-quality (e.g., N95) masks for safety. Make it happen. Vaccination given while clinician wears an N95 outdoors
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Now we are hearing from @RANZCP President, Assoc Prof Vinay Lakra @DrVinayLakra, who acknowledges that "If we have strong connections with the government, we will be able to deliver better health services for the community" #RANZCP2022 Image
.@DrVinayLakra also acknowledges it is pleasing that #RANZCP2022 can meet in person for the first time in two years but some measures to keep #COVIDsafe - wear a mask, take a RAT test before attendance & to not attend if feeling unwell.
Some #RANZCP2022 facts - 1500 in-person delegates, 500 attending virtually & 310 presentations incl posters- A bumper Congress!
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🦠Covid Update: Data up to 1st Jan 2022 shows 11,316 confirmed cases for the last 7 days, an increase of 4692 cases on the previous week. The latest weekly rate of COVID-19 in Liverpool is 2272.1 per 100,000 population & the latest positivity rate is 27.1%…
🦠this is our highest recorded rate ever, and is very high. Please be aware of covid risk when out and about #covidsafe
🦠over 60’s rate is 1120/100,000, again very very high!
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🦠Updated Contain Framework: COVID-19 contain framework: a guide for local decision-makers - GOV.UK…
Key elements of contain framework as follows🧵. Full details contained in framework
1) Symptomatic testing for #Covid19. If you have symptoms please get tested, and if positive please self isolate…
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This shift to personal responsibility for #COVID is straight out of the (poor) epidemic response playbook. The exact same thing happened during Zika.

Government told people not to get infected thru insecticide/long sleeves, improve vector control and not to get pregnant. 1/
What then happened was that govs were then able to place responsibility onto individuals to avoid having children born with #CZS - The approach was "we've given you all the guidance, if you choose to get pregnant and not protect yourself from infection, that's your decision" 2/
The problem with this was the multiple structural barriers which prevented many people from following this guidance... affordability of insecticide, poor sanitation which meant mosquito proliferation, poor access to contraception 3/
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The sheer audacity. Gavin Williamson's incompetence and lack of action to minimise disrupted schooling has been a national disgrace during #COVID19. He failed to provide #CovidSafe school environments, free school meals to children out of term time & laptops for remote learning
The Education Secretary's inappropriate focus on children lacking "discipline and order" because they have been in 3 lockdowns (two of which his government could have avoided if they had taken EARLY action) is not only divorced from reality, but an insult to parents and children.
If it were me, I would be asking what the Dept for Education are up to: why are they focusing on behaviour and discipline in the middle of a pandemic when parents and children have been completely overlooked and neglected? What's Gavin Williamson building up to/deflecting from?
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Following reduced exposure risk and low community transmission, new #COVIDSafe settings begin on Friday evening.

From 6pm on Friday 26 March:
- You can host up to 100 people in your home per day
- Outdoor gatherings in public places can increase to 200 people
- The 75% cap on private and public office workers will be removed
- Some density limits in locations such as live music venues are relaxed
- Face masks not needed in retail settings.
It’s still important to wear a mask to protect yourself and your loved ones:
- On PT, rideshares and in taxis
- In aged care facilities and hospitals.

For more information visit…

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Logik zum #Öffnungsplan der #Bundesregierung
Wo, wie und wie schnell infiziert man sich mit dem #Coronavirus? Solange die Regierung Entscheidungen - magels Datenlage - ohne Evidenz trifft, solange ist es Willkür, wann welche Bereiche geöffnet und andere geschlossen bleiben #Spahn
Die Mutante #B117 erreicht in diesen Tagen -in den ersten Bundesländern- ihre #Dominanz. #R steigt zeitgleich und die #Regierung erhöht per #Öffnungsplan die #Mobilität: B117, Öffnungsplan u. gesteigerte Mobilität sind drei Faktoren die logisch #R exponentiell beeinflussen können
Zeitgleich werden #Kitas u. #Schulen geöffnet, also die Versammlungsorte, vor deren Öffnung uns Experten und Ärzte aus #Israel u. Kanada warnen. Begründet wird die #Öffnung mit "Meinungen" von Wissenschaftlern, deren #Studien -manipulierte Daten- aus #Schweden zitieren #twlz #KMK
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1) #ScoMo recently seen in AAP photo with Aussie flag face diaper on upside down. Various theories about that. Laughing at our demise, or cry for help? I think prolly the latter. #Auspol
2) Reason I say this is because he posted another highly symbolic photo on Instagram, also taken in #Melbourne. #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownFall
3) He looks like utter doofus next to 2 expert chicks. Often happens these days. It's part of globalist man-bashing psyop. He wears Oz flag on face (right way up now). It's his 2 arms against their 4. Evokes #Shiva #symbolism Dr Tedros the Mega-Flog shared in Jan 2019.
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I’ve been thinking about the disparities between ‘what is known’ about #COVID19, and what our response has been in Australia.
A brief flirtation with ‘herd immunity’, make-believe apps, schools, children, and now most recently, masks has many on this platform pondering on whether
those responsible for our response are up to speed. What if another approach was in play? What if the appropriate responses have been ‘attenuated’, according to the implications they carry? This is the explanation that dare not speak its name...
Need everyone back to work, and...
making money for you? “Herd immunity”
Can’t get your workforce back in action, because of childcare issues? “Schools are safe” & “kids don’t get #COVID19
Need to give the impression that you are doing something (anything) as a government, that will make it safe for people to go
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More coronavirus cases linked to Brisbane Youth Detention Centre…
Briefing on youth detention center (YDC) #COVID19 cluster
📺1st case was confirmed (not false +)
📺more positives produced - 6 additional cases (n=7)
📺3 extra POS from shio crews - unrelated
📺people have been out and about from YDC cluster
📺gatherings i him reduced to 10ppl
📺10 also in outside gatherings - Brisbane, Ipspwich, Logan etc
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The government is urging people to download the #COVIDSafe app. This week parliament is debating new laws to safeguard the app and any personal information it collects. But there are still some concerns over how effective it will be. #abc730 @FarrellPF #Covid19Aus
“The app’s really there for one purpose and that purpose is to assist the disease detectives to find the evidence and put together what might be a cluster of cases.” Deputy CMO Paul Kelly. #abc730 #Covid19Aus #COVIDSafe
Health officials have acknowledged the #COVIDSafe app doesn’t work well on iPhones. “There are some issues if you have other apps open and so forth and Apple themselves are working through that.” Deputy CMO Paul Kelly. #abc730 #Covid19Aus
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Here’s what we’ve learned about #COVIDSafe app from today’s #COVIDー19 Senate hearing. Remember, the PM has made app uptake central to relaxing restrictions, to be discussed at National Cabinet in two days’ time.
5.1 million Australians have downloaded & registered the app. That’s 20% of population - half the 40% the PM said was “the minimum” needed for it to work.
Govt reps told Senate hearing the app’s performance was “variable” and it may not always work on locked iPhones, when app is in background, when Bluetooth signal is poor.
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The #COVIDSafe app legislation has landed. It mainly creates offences for stuff govt said would be banned - eg the main offence of collection/use/disclosure by those not conducting contact tracing (pen: 5 years prison, 300 penalty units or both) #auspol #auslaw
There seems to be a very small amount of leeway if the collection is "permitted under an Australian law" - provided info is deleted immediately.
But elsewhere the legislation says it "cancels the effect of a provision of any Australian law" that would permit or require something banned in it.
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Has anyone asked the question of whether the #COVIDSafe app is effective? Is there evidence that apps like this one have worked elsewhere?
What are the downstream consequences of using this app? If it identifies dozens of false contacts, are we stretching the resources of human contact tracers that have to follow up these contacts? If it doubles the contacts, do we need double the human contact tracers?
Will contact tracers change their behaviour and rely more on this untested app? Might they start to miss actual contacts because they weren't identified by the app? Could it actually reduce contact diagnoses?
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The government launched its #covidsafe tracking app this week but there are other technologies that could be used to track and fight the spread of #coronavirusaustralia. And many raise concerns about privacy. #abc730 @nadiasdaly #COVID19Aus
“Heart rate can be measured in two different ways. From a drone, we normally would measure it by a subtle change in skin tone that's associated with each heartbeat. And it's caused by changing the volume of blood in the skin.” Prof. Javaan Chahl @UniversitySA #abc730
Prof. Javaan Chahl is developing software for a #pandemicdrone which can monitor heart rate, body temperature and social distancing. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia
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Had a great panel on #covidsafe tonight with @alecdtucker, @matthewrdev, @GeoffreyHuntley and @kcarruthers. I had a bit of an epiphany on where I believe a lot of the misunderstanding is coming from so bear with me here:
A theme across my intro was that I encouraged people to ask not whether #covidsafe ensured privacy or not, but rather how it *changes* privacy from what it would be without the app. If you test positive, for example, how will privacy differ with or without the app?
The epiphany is that people are frequently associating digitised records directly with the app. They ask questions like “how will data from the app be protected on the server” but never seem to consider that even without the app, your data will still be on a server if positive.
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1. from the very beginning of this tragedy, #COVID, I have tried to alert you on how #COVID will be used to build a #MassSurveillance #Leviathan which will make the 9/11 #massSurveillance programs appear modest, if compared to this new Leviathan
2. never before #HealthData were integrated into #massSurveillance: not even the #NSA had tried it, as far as we know. BUT now with this huge tragedy, #COVID, we risk such #massSurveillance Leviathan.But there is further huge risk: the future of our #PUBLIC #NationalHealthSystems
3.if you are lucky(as I am)to live in a country with a PUBLIC #NationalHealthSystem,you have to wonder what is going to happen with these new "APPs" tracing #COVID and in some cases acquiring your #HealthData.Will #Amazon,#Google,#Palantir seize our PUBLIC #NationalHealthSystems?
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SPECIAL ANALYSIS: Each year Palestinian #PrisonersDay comes and goes while the prisoners remain in their cells. The destructive effects that Israel’s imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians has on society cannot be overstated.
By: @mikopeled
#Israel justifies its treatment of these prisoners with false claims that the Palestinian men, women, and children who languish in its jails are terrorists. These false claims must be rejected in their entirety.
#Palestine #COVID19 #Dubai Image
Palestinian prisoners are political prisoners, they are prisoners of conscience and must be viewed and treated as such by the international community.
#COVID19 #covidsafe #FreedomDay #pandemic
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SPECIAL ANALYSIS: U.S. took two-and-a-half years to identify #HIV/AIDS after the discovery of the first symptomatic case in the country, #China discovered, identified and contained #COVID19 within a few months.
By: Roger Stoll…
In the #US , over half a million people have died of #HIV/AIDS; worldwide that same number die every year. Even now, in the U.S., 13,000 die each year of the disease.
#COVID19 #covidsafe #China #covidsafe…
On December 26, Dr. Zhang saw four patients at the hospital with flu-like symptoms, an elderly couple and their son, and a seller from the seafood market.
#COVID19 #covidsafe #pandemic…
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Contact tracing app launched in Australia… #covidsafe #Covid_19
The Australian Government has launched its contact tracing app COVIDSafe to citizens across the country.

On a voluntary basis the app can be downloaded now and forms part of the Australian Government response to managing the spread of COVID-19.
As of this morning over 1 million people in Australia have downloaded the app.
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I've just installed #covidsafe and want to capture my thoughts on the experience and the general principles behind the app here, especially as they relate to privacy and trust in the government. My last thread on this was 11 days ago and is still relevant:
The summary of that thread is that in essence, I viewed the app as very low risk to privacy due to the intended design and assuming it's effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19, it has significant potential upsides. I also suggested ways to maximise privacy and transparency.
I'll defer to health professionals on how effective the app is in managing the pandemic, but I will say this: we all have confirmation biases that draw us to people reinforcing our own views. If you don't like the app, you'll find professionals agreeing with you, and vice versa.
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Just got this notification on iOS implying the app DOESN’T work properly on iPhone unless you have the #covidsafe app open and phone unlocked. No mention in the documentation about a ‘power saver’ mode? Simple ‘fix’? Turn the phone upside down of course. 🙄 ⁦@SaysSmithy
People will think they need to turn on iOS’s Low Power Mode, which as @arielbogle has pointed out, could make the functionality worse! At best @GregHuntMP & @stuartrobertmp don’t understand the technical detail. At worst is irresponsible implying that this app will work on iPhone
France, Germany, the UK & Singapore have been unsuccessful in asking Apple to lift the restriction on continuous Bluetooth scanning while the app isn’t open on screen - how is the Australian app different having solved this iOS privacy based limitation?…
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