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Dieser Thread beinhaltet eigentlich einen Lesebefehl für jeden, der sich wirklich für die #Ukraine interessiert 💯‼️ Vor allen Dingen die #Ganser Fans.

Zitat: Kann es vielleicht sein, dass ein Separatistenführer zum Thema #Maidan und #USA eine tendenziöse Meinung vertritt und…… Image
Ich stelle zur Untermalung der Beweisführung @chrisbl360 auch noch einmal meine bezüglich des Maidans ect. geschriebenen Threads in drei Teilen ein.
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🧵🗣️ #EuroMaidan
Le mouvement EuroMaidan a démarré avec mille manifestants pacifiques à #Kiev, le 21 novembre 2013, protestant contre le refus de #Ianoukovytch de signer l’accord avec l’#UE.
Pourtant, un sondage montrait que 48% des #Ukrainiens soutenaient la décision du Président de ne pas signer l’accord à ce stade, 35% la désapprouvant.
Le mouvement a alors gonflé, atteignant 500 000 manifestants le 1er décembre – la majorité des manifestants venaient de l’Ouest. On voit dans cette vidéo édifiante des milliers d’étudiants scandant à #Lviv des slogans : « Pour l’UE », « Mort aux ennemis »
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Un nazista a Roma....a firmare un Memorandum d'intesa tra la Camera dei Deputati e la Rada ucraina che ha come obiettivo il rafforzamento della cooperazione parlamentare tra le due assemblee sia sul piano politico che su quello amministrativo. Image
Altrove, ad esempio in Uk, la visita del Presidente della Rada ucraina non è passata sotto silenzio, anzi, è stata oggetto di numerose critiche da parte dell'opinione pubblica e dei partiti politici sinceramente democratici ed antifascisti.

(In 6 anni la deriva)
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Thread #Ukraine #Biden #BidenLeaks

2020 hat Thomas Röper vom @SpiegelAnti ein 2 stündiges Interview mit Alexander #Onischenko geführt. Onischenko ist ein ehemaliger Vertrauter von Ex-Präsident Petro #Poroschenko und er war 2014 beim #Maidan an vorderster Front mit dabei.

Zu dieser Zeit war er ein enger Freund und Unterstützer von Vitali #Klitschko, dem späteren Bürgermeister von #Kiew.

In diesem Interview spricht er davon, dass der Maidan unter anderem von ukrainischen #Oligarchen und den #USA finanziert wurde.

Außerdem geht es um die #Korruption von #JoeBiden in der Ukraine, die kriminellen Geschäfte von #Poroschenko und um die Finanzierung des Maidan. Dabei nennt er jede Menge Namen und auch konkrete Summen, die damals geflossen sind.

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My Maidan massacre article is accepted by major peer-reviewed journal: Revelations from trial & investigation in #Ukraine confirm that #Maidan protesters & police were massacred by snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings with implications for #UkraineWar 1/…
Online video appendix of my new article shows Maidan massacre trial & investigation testimonies by 52 wounded Maidan protesters about being shot by snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings or witnessing snipers there. Total blackout in Western media. 2/
Another online video appendix of my new article shows Maidan massacre trial testimonies by several dozen prosecution & Maidan witnesses about snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings shooting Maidan protesters & police. Total media blackout. #Ukraine 3/
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@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Children of #Donbass - THE #WAR IS ON! CHILDREN vs THE #NAZIS | 5 months ago…
#SaveOurChildren deNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt cc: @ DaniMayakovski
#Ukraine. Images from the #Azov Battalion children's camp, where children from the age of 8 are #brainwashed into #Nazism and prepared militarily by indoctrinating them into a #hatred of #killing Russians. (2015)
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Ukrainian children drugged and indoctrinated by the #Nazis into shouting the #Hitler salute of "#SiegHeil" while being laughed at. (2016)
This video was captured from the flash drive of a press reporter from the #AzovBattalion at the #Mariupol base.
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@IntlCrimCourt Broke?! Hobbyist level #Zaporizhzhia #FalseFlag. The cameraman was waiting for explosions that came from #inside the apartments to the #outside. He dared to go and take close-up pictures because he knew that no more #explosives had been #planted.
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimAAKhanKC This is just the appetizer from 'Thread 62'⬇️ mentioned:
#Ukrainian #fascists hold a party at #Kyiv's "BarHot" organized by #cartoonist Anton #Chadsky, eat a cake depicting a #Russian #baby
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC
FROM: @amanpour “What is #Russia afraid of? #Democracy expanding,” says #Estonia’s Prime Minister @kajakallas | Mar 14
TO: #NATO #Stoltenberg On Air, Let's Count The [A]s | Mar 14, 2023.
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@PM_ViktorOrban #US planned the #War and the #EnergyCrisis in #Europe | Sep 13
- In what appears to be an exceptional internal leak from the close-to-gov think tank #RAND Co., known among other things to have been behind American strategy for foreign and defense policy.
@PM_ViktorOrban #RAND Co | Jan 25
- There is an urgent need for resources to flow into the national economy, especially the #banking system
Only European countries bound by #EU and #NATO commitments will be able to provide them without significant mil and pol costs for us
@PM_ViktorOrban #Rand Co | Jan 25
- 'The key objective described in the doc is to #divide #EU by placing #UsefulIdiots in political positions in order to stop #Russian #energy supplies from reaching the continent'
- The entire #EU #economy will #collapse.
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Truth on Ukraine. What are you chanting?
#SlavaUkraini #Slava_Ukraini

{PDF} Stepan Bandera - The OUN was the League of Ukranian Fascists which invented the fascist greeting "Glory to Ukraine !"…
In September 1941, A Young Ukrainian Boy Kept a Diary as He Watched Thousands of #Jews Marched to Their Deaths in the Vast Canyon of #BabiYar.
The Resulting Book Became the Definitive Account of One of the Biggest Massacres of the #Holocaust
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🧵 Why the war in 🇺🇦 #Ukraine?

Beyond the #propaganda of war which makes us more stupid than we are, let us rather analyse the deep reasons of this fratricidal war.

#WarInUkraine #RussianUkrainianWar Image
1. First of all, let's leave aside any #TikTok analysis, in a #war it's always about desecrating the enemy, making him more horrible than he really is.

Ukraine is not full of Neo #Nazis, and the #Russian army is not a bunch of rapists — You won’t believe it? but it’s true.
2. Also, it’s not a language or culture war, all these micro societal fights have strictly no interest.

This is only a question of geopolitical / geographical position of #Ukraine in the world — and nothing else.

To be more convinced of this, let's go back a bit.
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@amanpour @kajakallas Canned meat distributed by the #Ukrainian #Nazi A. #Gramanchuk with fascist symbols such as the shield of the Ucronazi collabrs and the colors of the OUN-UPA, on the label it says: "#meat of Russian-speaking #babies"
Alluding to dead children in #Donbas
@amanpour @kajakallas Thread 19
FROM: #Marin in #Nazi -funeral #Ukraine | Mar 7, 2023
TO: #Kotsyubaylo eliminated | Mar 7, 2023
- when the #Americans visited the positions in #Avdiivka, he said that he was feeding the tamed #wolf "the #bones of #Russian-speaking #children.
Read 70 tweets
German TV program @tagesschau denies statement by ex-Israeli prime-minister that West blocked possible #Ukraine peace deal.
"Responding to a tweet by US political scientist Ivan Katchanovski that "Western leaders blocked the peace deal," Bennett replied"…
@tagesschau My tweet, which had over 19 million views and which was cut by @tagesschau, said, quoting ex-Israeli PM, that there was good chance of such deal to be reached.
#Ukraine #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #Ukrainekrieg #UkraineRussianWar
And @tagesschau "fact-finder" falsely claimed that one of self-admitted Georgian Maidan snipers was not in Ukraine. #Ukrainian border guards confirmed that he visited #Ukraine just before Maidan. His video testimony was shown at #Maidan massacre trial.…
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[#885] #Zhurikov #Sergey #Nikolaevich with the callsign "#Romashka" (November 21, 1980), #Seredina_Buda, Sumy region (also lived in #Sevastopol and #Kiev), #Ukraine🇺🇦.
(A traitor, a quilted jacket, and a supporter of the so-called "#Russian_world." He fought against Image
#Ichkeria🟩⬜️🟥⬜️🟩 on the side of the #Russian invaders🇷🇺. He served in the #Ukrainian "#Alfa," which was subordinate to the #SBU. He had more than 1500 parachute jumps, including freefly. Before #Maidan, he worked as a photographer and even had his own photo studio in #Kiev.
Another traitor was called a freelance sexton of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra -Strelkova, which was a sniper by position)

Status: #Eliminated (May 2, 2014, according to some sources from a sniper's bullet on the day of the assault on #Slavyansk (according to others, they pissed in
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@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA Thread 31
From: In 2013, Sen. #McCain appeared on stage in #MaidanSquare, shoulder to shoulder with #Svoboda leader #Tyagnibok
To: “#Ukrainian People’s #Tribunal” Sentences #Kiev Leaders for #WarCrimes | Jun 23, 2018
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA cc: @ ivan_8848
How #Maidan turned into #War
From 2014 to 2022, the DPR and LPR territories was subjected to daily #shelling from 🇺🇦 side. It all started from Maidan movement, which gained momentum in Kiev in 2013.
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA cc:@ TaranQ
Nov 2013, days before the #EuroMaidan protests started. A deputy denounces in the #Ukrainian Parliament that the US is preparing a #civilwar in Ukraine -"NGOs" are organising a #coup from inside the #US #Embassy in Kiev. 1/2
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@ZelenskyyUa cc: @ KanekoaTheGreat
12/ In 2013, Sen. #McCain appeared on stage in #MaidanSquare, where he stood shoulder to shoulder with #Svoboda leader #Tyagnibok and #protested the elected #government of #Ukraine.
#Nuland was caught on a leaked phone call ..
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @ KanekoaTheGreat
9/ In 2013, #Ukrainian Pres Viktor #Yanukovych rejected a $17 billion #IMF loan and #EU association #agreement.
In response, #McCain and #Nuland worked with neo-#Nazis,.. to escalate the violence and overthrow Yanukovych.
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @ivan_8848
How #Obama And #Biden Installed Neo-#Nazis In #Ukraine
Today’s war cannot be understood without first understanding the #US government’s role in Ukraine's #MaidanCoup.…
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Maidan in Ukraine combined elements of mass protest, political revolution, coup & US-led regime change. Last two were dominant in political transition. Semi-democratic Ukrainian government was overthrown by means of Maidan massacre & assassination attempts…
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1/ C'est ainsi que tout a commencé en 2014. Des soldats russes et des #mercenaires russes armés ont commencé à s'emparer des administrations dans l'est de l'#Ukraine pour conquerir le #Donbass. Quelqu'un peut-il dire que ce n'est pas la Russie qui a tout déclenché ?
2/Les propagandistes russes qui prétendent que Maidan est responsable de tout, je veux répondre une fois pour toutes que #Maidan est une reaction contre les autorités pro-russes corrompues, pour l'intégration européenne, la liberté et la démocratie.
3/ Les mercenaires russes armés ont organisé un référendum dans le Donbass alors que la plupart des gens étaient déjà partis ou déplacés et n'ont pas pu voter. Ainsi, le sort de la région a été décidé par une minorité pro-russe de ses habitants
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Alla vigilia dell’anniversario del lancio dell’Operazione Militare Speciale, ripropongo in pochi tweet (relativamente all’importanza e complessità della materia) i punti principali sul conflitto: fatti e realtà, ragioni e implicazioni. #Russia #Ucraina #Guerra #Zelensky #Putin Image
#Russia e #Ucraina nascono come un unico stato ed un unico popolo. Le origini della Rus'di Kiev, estesa da #Kiev a #Novgorod, risalgono a quando un gruppo di origine vichinga e slava si congiunse all’Impero Romano d’Oriente (guardia Variaga).…
Non per caso il primo principe santo a battezzarsi cristianizzando la Rus' di #Kiev porta lo stesso nome dei presidenti russo e ucraino attuali: Vladimir (#Putin)/Volodymyr (#Zelensky)…
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1/10 Let’s talk about @UnderSecStateP Viktoria Nuland and her role in US policy of #warmongering Because it’s look like she is just on her way under the bus! Image
2/10 Toria Nuland father real name was Nudelman, her father parents was born in Moldova and Belarus, this is how everything what happens in #Ukraine and retaliation on #Russia it is personal vendetta for Toria Image
3/10 It all began at Brown, when Nuland developed an interest in Russia. She had read and loved Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and wondered how a culture could both have produced writers like those and also developed the brutal Communist system under which Russians were living. Image
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#Biden in #Kyiv: Why didn't Russia strike a decapitating blow? | Yesterday, 19:59
- Contrary to previous statements, the main overlord of the Kyiv regime, Joe Biden, came to Kyiv on a visit.…
#Biden Speech LIVE: US President Lands In War-Zone Ukraine | Zelenskyy, Biden Walk Together In #Kyiv
Thread | 20 tweets
#US planned the #war and the #EnergyCrisis in #Europe | Sep 13
#Pressure Mysteriously Plunges in #NordStream1&2 | Sep 27, 2023
#Poroshenko #Minsk was merely a distraction intended to buy #time for #Kiev to #rebuild its #military | Jun 17
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Maidan massacre 9 years ago led to democratic overthrow of Ukrainian government, civil war in Donbas, Russian annexation of Crimea & Ukraine-Russia conflict which Russia escalated 1 year ago by launching war with #Ukraine. Nobody is convicted or arrested.…
Maidan massacre misrepresentation & cover-up of mass murderess of protesters & police continue despite testimonies of absolute majority of wounded protesters, over 500 witnesses & 14 members of #Maidan sniper groups, videos, & forensic expert examinations…
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Day 362 of #Russia's illegal war in #Ukraine, so almost a year.

But many of the problems the free world face now is because of inaction almost a decade ago.
A bigger anniversary is today it's exactly 9 years since #Russia invaded #Crimea. Putin even gave medals showing the date Image
And, before we go any further, here's the link to Sunday's thread, in case you need to catch up:


More and more support for #Ukraine.
Today a delegation from #Israel's parliament has arrived in #Kyiv:

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine
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It's Sunday 19 February and this is the start of another thread on #Russia's illegal war.

#Ukraine continues to fight for its very existence.
This is another daily thread with all the news, all day.

Here's the link for yesterday's thread:

Starting today with a video which came out last night, supposedly showing a snapshot of the ongoing power-battle inside #Russia's war effort. This even extending to the troops now as #Wagner's mob of mercenaries comes up again "official" Russian army troops in #Ukraine
Here are the daily losses for #Russia in its bid to obliterate #Ukraine and its people.

Numbers well down across the board, except for the two cruise missiles which were hit, though the other two landed in #Khmelbytskyi.

#RussiansGoHome #StandWithUkraine
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🇭🇺⚡️Hungarian Prime Minister Orban accused the European Union of prolonging Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine.
#ukrainewar #hungary #orban #ukraine #russia #nato #usa #europe #europeanunion #maidan
In his State of the Union address on Saturday, he said the EU fanned the flames of war by imposing sanctions on Russia and giving Ukraine money and weapons instead of seeking peace talks with Moscow.
"When Russia launched the attack, the West did not isolate the conflict, but raised it to a pan-European level. The war in Ukraine is not a conflict between the armies of good and evil, but between two Slavic peoples fighting each other. This is their war, not ours" .
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