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@EmmanuelMacron Genre.. il va nous faire croire que c'était un engagement de son programme de la campagne présidentielle, alors que c'est de l'instantané.
C'est facile de se la jouer "je tiens mes engagements" ainsi.
Bravo! Continuez à mépriser les intelligences du Peuple et à le dégoûter...
@EmmanuelMacron Bravo! Continuez à mépriser les intelligences du Peuple et à le dégoûter par vos magouilles politiques (dignes de la 3eme) et de partis (dignes de la 4eme) et donc de bafouer tjs plus notre 5eme République (comme #Sarkozy avant vous et l'inutile #Hollande). #Traitres
@EmmanuelMacron Votre nostalgie de l'empire donc non-Republicain, de la 3eme République anti-Republicaine & la 4eme anti-démocratique font le jeu des radicalismes #EELV, ultra #LR & extrêmes #RN #LFI, 3 courants contraires aux valeurs de la 5eme République de Charles De Gaulle !
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#ItsDone #SunakBomba N°2.
cc: @ Circonscripti18
#Russian intelligence confirms that the #NATO-#Ukrainian #terrorist regime is preparing to seize the #Zaporizhzhia #NPP by crossing the #Dnieper. This was also announced by the PDT of the "We are with Russia" movement V. #Rogov ImageImageImage
Next #FalseFlag in the #HeavenlyJerusalem - #Zaporizhzhia.
#Satanic #Zionists do not care about the lifes of the #goyims, cuz according to the #Talmud they are comparable to #insects and must be eliminated.

- #AshkeNAZI #Zelensky at #MSC: "#AtomicBomb" Image
Chapter II.
#Christians are to be #Exterminated
- Art. 1. Christians to be Harmed #Indirectly
- Art. 2. Christians to be Harmed #Directly

#mRNA-#WEF-#UkraineWAR-#WW3 Revelation 3 9 Look at thos...The Talmud Unmasked  [The S...
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@Europarl_EN #Merkel and #Hollande admit the west didn't want to achieve #peace in the #Donbas through the #MinskAgreements (2014 and 2015).
- They wanted to give the coup regime in #Kiev TIME to #prepare for #war - to help #CRUSH #ETHNIC #Russians Dec 28, 2022
@Europarl_EN cc: @ TaranQ
German '#Merkel' (#Hitler's daughter) in an interview with the German newspaper #DieZeit:
- "The 2014 #MinskAgreement was an attempt to give Ukraine #time. They used that time to get stronger, which you can see today.
Read 16 tweets
@IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 #Donbass #Genocide. Those who #illegally sold #weapons to #Ukraine should have been caught by now.
Pres Sauli #Niinistö: '#Finland does not give arms aid to Ukraine' | 02/05/2015
- 'The hand grenade pin is off and variations of the #WW3 have taken place'
@IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 #PatriaGate. Sauli #Niinistö dealt 200 armored vehicles to the Ukrainian army
-As early in the year, Niinistö declared that #Finland would not provide arms assistance to #Ukraine.
Read 39 tweets
🔴#DIRECT - #AssembléeNationale : #Commission sur l'indépendance énergétique de la #France et la gestion du #nucléaire : L'audition de l'ancien président Nicolas #Sarkozy vient de commencer, disponible canal 13 de la TNT sur @LCP, François Hollande suivra #énergie #LCP #DirectAN
@LCP 🔴#DIRECT - #AssembléeNationale : #Commission sur l'indépendance énergétique de la #France et la gestion du #nucléaire : Il fallait recruter 1200 ingénieurs de + /an dès 2010 ; le projet de la centrale de Panly arrêté par Hollande puis repris, "12 ans perdus" (#Sarkozy) #DirectAN
🔴#DIRECT - #AssembléeNationale : #Commission sur l'indépendance énergétique de la #France et la gestion du #nucléaire : "La succession de périodes d'investissements et d'arrêts" destructeur pour la filière, cela a découragé les "meilleurs étudiants" français (#Sarkozy) #DirectAN
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@amanpour @kajakallas Canned meat distributed by the #Ukrainian #Nazi A. #Gramanchuk with fascist symbols such as the shield of the Ucronazi collabrs and the colors of the OUN-UPA, on the label it says: "#meat of Russian-speaking #babies"
Alluding to dead children in #Donbas
@amanpour @kajakallas Thread 19
FROM: #Marin in #Nazi -funeral #Ukraine | Mar 7, 2023
TO: #Kotsyubaylo eliminated | Mar 7, 2023
- when the #Americans visited the positions in #Avdiivka, he said that he was feeding the tamed #wolf "the #bones of #Russian-speaking #children.
Read 70 tweets
@LCI, 14 03, "Brunet Hammet&Cie": journalistes et "experts" critiquant les propos où V.#Poutine se plaint de s'être fait berner par l'Occident font semblant de ne pas savoir que A.#Merkel et F.#Hollande ont avoué que les accords de Minsk => donner du temps à l'#UA pour s'armer... Image
Ils se prennent aussi à la plainte de V.#Poutine => le bloc américano-otanien vise à  dépecer la #Russie, cette fois-ci en faisant semblant de ne pas savoir que cet avatar est inclus dans des documents américains clé tels la doctrine #Wolfowitz et le rapport 2019 de la Rand Corp. Image
... Occulter sciemment des éléments clé pour la comprehension d'un sujet c'est une forme grave de mensonge car, cela brouille les esprits facilite l'occultation des responsabilités et des responsables du pourrissement grave d'une situation...
Read 4 tweets
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA Thread 31
From: In 2013, Sen. #McCain appeared on stage in #MaidanSquare, shoulder to shoulder with #Svoboda leader #Tyagnibok
To: “#Ukrainian People’s #Tribunal” Sentences #Kiev Leaders for #WarCrimes | Jun 23, 2018
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA cc: @ ivan_8848
How #Maidan turned into #War
From 2014 to 2022, the DPR and LPR territories was subjected to daily #shelling from 🇺🇦 side. It all started from Maidan movement, which gained momentum in Kiev in 2013.
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA cc:@ TaranQ
Nov 2013, days before the #EuroMaidan protests started. A deputy denounces in the #Ukrainian Parliament that the US is preparing a #civilwar in Ukraine -"NGOs" are organising a #coup from inside the #US #Embassy in Kiev. 1/2
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Les arcanes de la "démocratie française".

1983 : contraindre un Gvt progressiste à la rigueur
1995 : "mangez des pommes"
2002 : amener l'extrême droite au second tour pour éviter toute surprise
2007 : promettre des carottes et la sécurité aux pauvres
2012 : la carte "type de droite qui se prétend de gauche", normal
2017 : le "renouveau politique", la belle gueule (subjectif) + la peur de l'ext droite (again) & la caricature médiatique de la gauche
2022 : Rien à vendre, sinon moi ou le chaos.

Souriez, nous avons perdu 40 ans
Featuring #Taubira, #Royal, #Hollande, #Hamon (ça se passe avec ta lobbyste LVMH, kebab?) #Glucksmann, la #PrimPop, #Jadot, #Hidalgo, #Rousselcircus encore en lice. Sans parler de tous les #PS dorénavant "#Renaissance"

Merci à tous ces amis dorénavant reconnus du progressisme.
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@ZelenskyyUa cc: @ KanekoaTheGreat
12/ In 2013, Sen. #McCain appeared on stage in #MaidanSquare, where he stood shoulder to shoulder with #Svoboda leader #Tyagnibok and #protested the elected #government of #Ukraine.
#Nuland was caught on a leaked phone call ..
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @ KanekoaTheGreat
9/ In 2013, #Ukrainian Pres Viktor #Yanukovych rejected a $17 billion #IMF loan and #EU association #agreement.
In response, #McCain and #Nuland worked with neo-#Nazis,.. to escalate the violence and overthrow Yanukovych.
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @ivan_8848
How #Obama And #Biden Installed Neo-#Nazis In #Ukraine
Today’s war cannot be understood without first understanding the #US government’s role in Ukraine's #MaidanCoup.…
Read 32 tweets
@POTUS #Democracy? #NSDC bans eleven pro-Russian #parties in #Ukraine | 20.03.2022
- #Zelensky spoke about this in a video address overnight Sunday, #Ukrinform reports.…
@POTUS Why the #UkraineWar Spells #Doom For #US Hegemony and the #NATO Alliance | Feb 25
- Street protests across Europe are growing against NATO and governing #elites seen to be servile to American policy. The whole Western capitalist order is shaking…
@POTUS #Hitler was financed by the @bankofengland and the
- 4th: from 1933 to 1939 — financial cooperation with the #Nazi government and support for its expansionist foreign policy, aimed at preparing and unleashing a new #WorldWar.
Read 14 tweets
Am 11. 02. 2015, also vor genau 8 Jahren trafen sich #Putin, #Merkel, #Hollande und #Poroschenko in #Minsk, um nach der 🇷🇺🗑️Invasion 2014 über Waffenstillstand und Frieden in der 🇺🇦zu verhandeln Ein Zeitzeuge. 👇🧵
#giveUkrainewings #RussiaIsANaziState #RussiaIsATerroristState
1/1 Was beschlossen wurde und die Zusammenhänge hier, kann man gar nicht oft genug wiederholen.
2/1 Lassen Sie uns zunächst etwas Kontext hinzufügen. Das Treffen im Normandie-Format in Minsk erregte große Aufmerksamkeit für Belarus, das sich allmählich aus der internationalen Isolation befreite und überraschenderweise eine recht neutrale Haltung zum Krieg einnahm.
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Pavel #Slunkin può dire "io c'ero".

Non è chiaro se con orgoglio o con rimpianto, ma lui al Palazzo Presidenziale di Minsk, mentre #Ucraina e #Russia firmavano il loro cessate il fuoco l'11 febbraio 2015, davvero ce l'ha messa tutta per favorire una pace duratura tra i due
Paesi. Lo ha fatto nelle vesti di diplomatico bielorusso, sherpa fra altri sherpa, testimone di una Storia che col passare degli anni ha smarrito la maiuscola.
Nella capitale della #Bielorussia di #Lukashenko si riunisce il Formato Normandia: è la locuzione con cui ci si
si riferisce al gruppo composto da #Francia, #Germania, Russia e Ucraina. Prende il nome da quanto accaduto pochi mesi prima, il 6 giugno 2014, quando i rappresentanti di questi stessi Paesi si incontrano a margine del 70esimo anniversario dello sbarco in Normandia.
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🧵8 anni fa #Merkel, Hollande, #Poroshenko, #Putin si sono incontrati a #Minsk nel Palazzo dell'Indipendenza per negoziare il cessate il fuoco &pace dopo l'invasione🇷🇺 di #Ucraina nel 2014
La testimonianza di @PavelSlunkin-ex diplomatico BY che ci ha lavorato con delegazione🇺🇦
In primis un po' di contesto. L'incontro del formato #Normandia a Minsk ha attirato un'enorme attenzione sulla #Belarus, che usciva step by step dall'isolamento internazionale [risultato delle repressioni del 2010] e ha assunto una posizione inattesa e neutrale sulla guerra.
#Lukashenka non ha riconosciuto l'annessione della #Crimea e ha preso una posizione cauta in difesa dell'integrità territoriale dell'Ucraina. Ciò gli ha permesso di presentare la Belarus, come un paese relativamente neutrale, adatto ai fini dei #negoziati e #MinskAgreements
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Dopo aver visionato in anteprima "#Putin Vs the West", in onda questa sera sulla BBC, posso dire che l'anticipazione sulla telefonata intercorsa fra #BorisJohnson e Vladimir Putin è solo una - e nemmeno la più fragorosa - delle bombe giornalistiche di cui oggi i cittadini del
Regno Unito potranno godere in prima serata.
Il documentario è di fatto una ricostruzione storica attraverso il metodo del "dietro le quinte", un susseguirsi di retroscena raccontati dai protagonisti che mette sotto la lente di ingrandimento gli avvenimenti e le negoziazioni
che hanno condotto fino all'odierna situazione tra #Russia e #Ucraina.
La prima delle tre puntate della serie prende le mosse dall'#Euromaidan e arriva fino alla firma degli accordi di #Minsk, ma per rendere chiaro quanto la cronaca sia strettamente collegata alla storia di
Read 44 tweets

Interessant !

"Un hégémon a besoin d'un ennemi"
A. Onciu

Pour diverses raisons, de nombreux Américains, citoyens ordinaires, sont profondément préoccupés par ce qui se passe en #Ukraine. Je suis l'actualité officielle, les publications 🔽 Image
sur les réseaux sociaux, ainsi que les commentaires des journalistes indépendants. J'ai été surpris de constater à quel point ils comprenaient les causes de la guerre, la situation sur le front et comment la propagande des médias MSM déforme la vérité. Ci-dessous, j'ai 🔽
sélectionné les commentaires les plus intéressants que les lecteurs américains du blog appartenant à Larry Johnson (vétéran de la CIA, patriote) ont faits à la suite d'une de ses récentes analyses concernant l'envoi par l’Occident des chars en #Ukraine. 🔽
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@niinisto cc: @ s_m_marandi:
"#Merkel and #Hollande admit the west didn't want to achieve piece in the #Donbas through the #MinskAgreements (2014 and 2015).
- They wanted to give the coup regime in #Kiev time to #prepare for #war - to help #crush #ethnic #Russians
@niinisto cc: @ TaranQ
#Poroshenko has admitted that the 2015 #ceasefire (#Minsk) in #Donbass, which he negotiated with Russia, France and Germany as president of Ukraine, was merely a distraction intended to buy #time for #Kiev to #rebuild its #military.
@niinisto The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by #Ukraine a week before.
- The #OSCE #France is a witness to this.
#BULLETINNo27 | MAR 2022
- Il pourrait s’agir de #mercenaires de la #CIA...
Read 11 tweets
#Moscow is going to set up new military #districts and put together fresh units to counter the most pressing security threats it faces, including a hybrid war in Ukraine, as well as #Finland and #Sweden potentially joining #NATO.…
The #West has ‘grossly #violated#NATO promises - #Lavrov | Jan 19, 2023
- Joint press conference in #Minsk, Lavrov: #Moscow has ‘repeatedly #warned NATO that including #Ukraine in NATO’s #expansion and hostile activities against Russia is unacceptable.’…
Russian Foreign Ministry, #Lavrov reproaches #Finland for supporting “war party” in #Ukraine | 03/02/2015
- The Russian FM is unpleasantly surprised by the fact that the Finnish authorities allowed the delivery of #laser #rangefinders to #Ukraine.
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#Russian #Ruble relaunched linked to #Gold and #Commodities | 1 Apr 2022
- With Russia’s central bank having just profoundly altered the international trade and monetary system by linking the Russian ruble to both gold and commodities…
#GoldReserves in #Russia remained unchanged at 2298.53 Tonnes in the third quarter of 2022 from 2298.53 Tonnes in the second quarter of 2022.…
#Fiat #Money-[#USD]: What It Is, How It Works, Example, Pros & Cons
- is a government-issued currency that is not backed by a physical commodity, such as gold or silver, but rather by the government that issued it.…
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#Herzl: "It's essential that the sufferinngs of jews become worse." #TaShuVu.
#Brenner: #Nazi-#Zionist economic partnership. ImageImageImage
#Russia's President #Putin: 'Victory in #Ukraine is assured, I have no doubt about it.' | 18 January 2023
- Putin was speaking from his home town of St. #Petersburg in televised remarks.
He is trying to END war that has continued in #Donbas since 2014.… Image
The #HouseBill269 - against #nazi-#zionists.
Bipartisan bill targets anti-Semitic incidents by making them felonies | January 26, 2023
- State lawmakers of both parties are pushing a bill to counter the rising number of anti-Semitic incidents in #Florida.…
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@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri
Huomiota herätti, että kaikki kiittelivät #Sähkö-Pekkaa @Haavisto ja #Nuorisosäätiö -sankaria @anttikaikkonen, jotka äärimäisen härskisti #valehtelivat #NATO'n muka 'suuresta kansan suosiosta.'
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta
Pj oli #Lautakasa-Matti.
kiersi #persut -kysymyksen #Ydinasekielto -sopimuksesta, jota Suomi ei ole hyväksynyt ja ratifioinut, lukemalla paperista 'liirum-laarum' ja liukeni paikalta.
- Koko tilaisuus oli #NATO'n maksama, arvoton #ilveily Image
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta @MarinSanna #Mediapooli-#Yle.
Suomalaisia veronmaksajia ja äänestäjiä yritetään kohdella kuin sinisilmäisiä idiootteja.
- Hehkutettiin 'historiallista #NATO -päätöstä', mutta vain kourallinen #korruptoituja paikalla.

#Eduskunta Täysistunto 13.12.2022 klo 12.… Image
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@AdrienDeWiart @sandrousseau Et t'es fier de contribuer à l'#Idiocratie...
T'es une merde #Traitre qui tue la #République #DeGaulle et ce qui reste de #Démocratie et dans ce cas, arrête de te dire de "Droite" puisque clairement anti-Républicain, énième crétin nostalgique de la 3eme (pseudo) République.
@AdrienDeWiart @sandrousseau 3eme (pseudo) république où TOUS les Républicains étaient "envoyés" à "Gauche" par une "Drouate" composée d'anti-Républicains nostalgiques des Rois, Bonapartes ou Napoléon, monarcho-fédéralo-impérialiste...
@AdrienDeWiart @sandrousseau Et le pire, ces MERDES (Villiero-Balladuro-Sarkoystes) ont fini par s'imposer à la Droite de cette 5eme République en flinguant les derniers Gaullistes appelés "Gauchistes" à l'#UMP de Sarkozy, devenue #Drouate, en appelant leur parti "Les Républicains" (et les cons y croient...)
Read 7 tweets

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