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You effing #GerashchenkoWarCriminal , you are a lying piece of sh..ite !!
You perfectly know these young people are happy in Russia, and do not want to go back to the Kiev warmongering corrupt regime, puppet in the hands of its american handlers.
You also know that the people from Marioupol want to be left in piece, and not "liberated" by the criminal corrupt Kiev regime.
Read 5 tweets
Allez, un petit medley des meilleurs cassages de gueule de ce vieux mafieux pédophile sénile et criminel de guerre qu'est #BidenFallsAgain 🤣🤣
Le 2 juin 2023, lors de la remise des prix à l'académie militaire de l'US Air Force:
Read 22 tweets
Ricordiamo che il #Kosovo nasce da una guerra di conquista #NATO
Bombardata a tappeto Belgrado (Jugoslavia) per dare l'indipendenza al Kosovo
Che è subito diventato territorio NATO (USA per essere precisi)
#WarCriminal #NATOCOLONIZATION #USAcolonization
#Belgrado venne bombardata per imporre alla Jugoslavia il trattato di Rambouillet
Firmato solo da USA UK e Kosovo, quindi imposto con le bombe
Per «garantire la pace», la #NATO realizzò la più grande base militare europea: #CampBondsteel
Il dispiegamento militare di Camp Bondsteel (#KFOR: Kosovo Force) è parte integrante dell'«Accordo Provvisorio per la pace e l'Autogoverno in Kosovo» del 23 febbraio 1999 (Accordo di #Rambouillet, per l'appunto)
Read 9 tweets
🧵Thread : La qualité vie des libyens, et un aperçu de l'économie libyenne sous Kadhafi,

un article commenté et traduit issu du site Libya SOS

#OTAN #Libye #kadhafi #WarCrimes #WarCriminal #Libya #CPI #Gaddafi
1/?➡️ Image
Quelques informations sur la vie en Libye avec le dirigeant Kadhafi:

1. L'électricité à usage domestique était gratuite
2. Les prêts étaient sans intérêt
3. pendant la période d'étude, le gouvernement donnait à chaque étudiant 2 300 dollars/mois
4. Chacun recevait le
2/? ⤵️
salaire moyen de la profession étudiée s'il ne trouvait pas d'emploi après l'obtention de son diplôme
5. l'État payait certains travailleurs pour travailler dans certaines professions spécifiques
6. chaque chômeur recevait de l'aide sociale 15 000/an
7. pour les mariages,

Read 17 tweets
🧵Thread : Assassinat de Mouammar Kadhafi : une opération visant à éliminer le dirigeant libyen, planifiée par l'OTAN

Article traduit et commenté issu du site Libya S.OS - War Diary 2011-12 - 3/12/2011
#OTAN #Libye #kadhafi #WarCrimes #WarCriminal #Libya #CPI #Gaddafi
1/?➡️ Image
Il y a quelques jours à peine, la secrétaire d'État américaine, Hillary Clinton, en visite en Libye, avait déclaré: “Nous espérons qu'il [Kadhafi] pourra être capturé ou tué bientôt."Combien de fois avons-nous entendu le ministre des Affaires étrangères d'un pays proclamer
que le chef d'un autre devait être éliminé? Un agent français derrière la mort de Kadhafi
Le journal italien Corriere della Serra, a rapporté, citant des sources diplomatiques dans la capitale libyenne Tripoli, qu'un assassin étranger avait tué Kadhafi… 3/?
Read 40 tweets
@NATO Sc. pres #Niinistö has not had a #mandate to sign laws.
THREAD 13 Finland #ElectionsCrimes
FROM: #Finland's #PresidentialElections 2018.
TO: The #IPU. In 2015 #ParliamentaryElections their votes were #RESET in the #ElectionNight.
@NATO cc:@ janus_putkonen
An illegal #NATO #coup to the end, and such systematic #fraud is certainly not thoughtless. Any other #NATO member country can use the harsh truth to throw #Finland out of NATO or leave it to its own... Image
@NATO #Niinistö took #Finland to the #Euro zone with #treason (a crime that does not expire), and now we are going to #NATO even though the #Paris #PeaceTreaty is still #valid with #Russia and #prevents Finland from becoming a NATO member.
Read 30 tweets
@kajakallas #Niinistö took #Finland to the #Euroz one with #treason (a crime that does not expire), and now we are going to #NATO even though the #Paris #PeaceTreaty is still #valid with #Russia and #prevents Finland from becoming a NATO member.
@kajakallas #Treason.
cc:@ janus_putkonen
An illegal #NATO #coup to the end, and such systematic #fraud is certainly not thoughtless. Any other NATO member country can use the harsh truth to throw #Finland out of NATO or leave it to its own... Image
Read 20 tweets
🧵 Thread : les circonstances inexpliquées de la mort de Mutassim billah Kadhafi, fils de Mouammar Kadhafi.

Qui sont les responsables ?

Article traduit et commenté issu du site Libya S.OS - War Diary 2011-12
#OTAN #Libye #kadhafi #WarCrimes #WarCriminal #Libya #CPI
"Le meurtre délibéré d'une personne en détention est une grave violation des lois de la guerre et constitue un crime de guerre qui pourrait faire l'objet de poursuites devant la Cour pénale internationale.
Les lois de la guerre obligent également les parties à un conflit à
fournir des soins médicaux aux combattants capturés." (Petit rappel) "Nous l'avons trouvé mort. Nous avons mis son corps et celui de (l'ancien ministre de la Défense) Abu Bakr Yunis dans une ambulance pour les emmener à Misrata", a déclaré Mohamed Leith commandant des forces 3/?
Read 23 tweets
@NATO @jensstoltenberg The Ministry of #ForeignAffairs organized an official opinion poll on joining #NATO, which ended on Nov 23. The #Finnish people (92%) #REJECTED joining NATO.
The MFA, in #violation of the #PublicityAct, refuses to hand over copies of stats free of charge.
@NATO @jensstoltenberg @IntlCrimCourt #Eduskuntavaalit2023. @niinisto @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @Puolustusvoimat @kokoomus
The #People of #Finland will fiercely fight against all invasion attempts by #NATO #WarCriminals, freed criminals hired to fight and their equipment. ImageImage
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SitRep - 17/03/23 - MiG's from Slovakia 🇸🇰🛩️

An overview of the daily events in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Slovakia confirmed that it will transfer 13 MiG-29 to Ukraine. Also Canada sent another batch of Leopard 2A4 and Putin is now a WANTED #WARCRIMINAL.

1/X Image
If you missed yesterdays SitRep you can check out this thread
As usual we start with Russian losses per 17/03/23 reported by the Ukrainian general staff. We include visually confirmed damaged, destroyed or captured enemy equipment/personnel.

+760 men
+2 tanks
+13 APCs
+13 artillery systems
+1 Helicopter (Ka-52) Image
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1/4. The effects of Putin being charged over #WarCrimes by the International Criminal Court #ICC

There is one detail people are passing over in this report, and that is the charges laid against Maria Lvova-Belova for similar charges involving the……
2/4. To understand the impacts of these charges, my view is that #Putin will at best be irritated by this event as a demonstration of the West’s hypocrisy and desire for regime change. The adverse affect for the civilised world, is that this event will likely lead to a……
3/4. Maria Lvova-Belova’s charges will have the biggest impact.

That is because all of these charges are symbolic in reality. The fact that charges and accountability has been extended to a relatively low level politician and bureaucrat is critically important.

This is because……
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Pete Reed, a 33y old civilian volunteer medic and founder of GRM (Global Response Medicine) was murdered in #Bakhmut #Ukraine️ on 2nd of February by Russians deliberately shooting an #ATGM at him and his crew.
Pete and his crew where taking care of a wounded civilian after a mortar attack when the ATGM hit their civilian vehicles.…
"bring_me_the_swampy" on Instagram released a statement on behalf of Pete's wife on his Account (source for the stills in first tweet)
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@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri
Huomiota herätti, että kaikki kiittelivät #Sähkö-Pekkaa @Haavisto ja #Nuorisosäätiö -sankaria @anttikaikkonen, jotka äärimäisen härskisti #valehtelivat #NATO'n muka 'suuresta kansan suosiosta.'
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta
Pj oli #Lautakasa-Matti.
kiersi #persut -kysymyksen #Ydinasekielto -sopimuksesta, jota Suomi ei ole hyväksynyt ja ratifioinut, lukemalla paperista 'liirum-laarum' ja liukeni paikalta.
- Koko tilaisuus oli #NATO'n maksama, arvoton #ilveily Image
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta @MarinSanna #Mediapooli-#Yle.
Suomalaisia veronmaksajia ja äänestäjiä yritetään kohdella kuin sinisilmäisiä idiootteja.
- Hehkutettiin 'historiallista #NATO -päätöstä', mutta vain kourallinen #korruptoituja paikalla.

#Eduskunta Täysistunto 13.12.2022 klo 12.… Image
Read 21 tweets
Friday 28 October, Day 247 of the illegal war in #Ukraine.

#Russia continues to kill civilians while inventing stories with zero proof

Catch all of the important news in this thread, updated in real time.

If anyone wants to buy me a coffee, click here💜
The bodies of 10 more civilians killed by #Russia in this war were found yesterday. Details coming up.

If you need to catch up on yesterday's news, scroll through the stories here:

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
Having listened to all of #Putin's speech yesterday, it was clear his intention was to portray the US (and allies) as aggressors, and how #Russia only wanted peace.

The world's heard this before.
Putin playing games, seeing how long he can copy his hero

#Putler #WarCriminal
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Le minacce di #Kissinger a #Moro depositate alla Procura Roma 1983

"Onorevole lei deve smettere di perseguire il suo piano politico di portare tutte le forze a collaborare..qui, o lei smette di fare questa cosa o lei la pagherà cara,veda lei come la vuole intendere"
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1/5 According to #Amnesty the #Zelensky regime in #Ukraine is committing #warcrimes. Civilians are used as shields. Schools, universities and hospitals are used as military bases. Attacks are launched from highly populated areas. #ZelenskyWarCriminal…
2/5 Since 2014, Ukrainian forces committed genocide against ethnic Russians, which make up the majority of the Donbas population. Ethnic Russians are not considered humans by state funded ultra-right wing groups training children. #ZelenskyWarCriminal
3/5 Petal mines are scattered in #Donetsk by Ukraine to injure civilians as much as possible. The Russian army has been defusing these mines to make the streets safe. #ZelenskyWarCriminal
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#USCIRF will release its annual report today
degrading India as a Country of Particular Concern!


DisinfoLab Unearths a 50 year old plan hatched to Bleed India with a Thousand Cuts- Operation Tupac

Behind all the labels - #Islamophobia, #Fascism, #Genocide etc - there are always same set of individuals & fronts –an intricate web of multiple fronts - all connected to a core network.

We will dissect all the fronts, but first the Core.
Fronts worried about India’s human rights -IAMC, Kashmir Civitas, OFMI, London Story, Polis Project, HfHR, Equality Labs, SWK - all setup in US/ EU & operate with same set of ppl with diff names.

ALL connected to a core–Justice for All (JFA)!
Read 53 tweets
Looks like #western & #Australian analysts are finally waking up to what I've been publicly stating here for the last two weeks .
#Kiev & #Kharkiv are distractions , the real game is in #southeastern #Ukraine .…
In the Southeast sector #Russia has no #logistics problems with supplies getting trucked in via the DPR & LPR .If anything the #Ukrainian forces stuck here have logistics trouble with supply lines stretching to #Lviv nearly 1200km away ,nothing is getting out of #Kiev ,#Kharkiv .
To their credit #Ukrainian forces seem to have Prepositioned significant ammunition , troops & equipment in hardened dispersed storages in the east which they're using to fight on .
Of late #Russians have been Targeting these stores unerringly.
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1/n It seems that these are trying times in #Ukraine at the moment, for those in that country with a slightly dark sense of humour this #Discworld reading list may be morale building & also informative in your current situation
2/n #GNUTerryPratchett also has a range of books more suitable to the younger reader & may also be a good distraction if you can get hold of them in your current situation see full reading list below.
3/n The real point of this thread is to get some ideas to @DefenceU & people of #Ukraine on how to #StopTheWar by persuading the Russians currently in #Ukraine to cease their actions & go home, by the very careless use of words to paint a vivid picture of some of their possible
Read 165 tweets
#RSS is least of our concern when #India's #secularists are exploiting B'desh #riot to bestow legitimacy on a #fascist #colonial administration - by #Hasina.

Unlike #Kashmir, B'desh doesn't have a discourse - largely due to not having access/fluency in #English..


With no B'deshis around to resist their hegemony, the #colonizers have a free stadium to kick the ball - protraying B'deshi #Muslims as '#extremists', '#violent', '#WarCriminal' and so on.

#Riot is a football match, again producing consent for #Hasina's... 2/n.

...government in #Delhi.

A lot of '#Kashmiri scholars' (who doesn't have to face the wrath of the state) & their silence around this #Hindu-#Secularist 'saviors' axis are equally complicit.

The #colonizers are sealing our fates. 3/n.

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So since the dude that got popped embezzling and has been accused by multiple comedians of sexual harassment and sexual assault wants to know why I am considered a leader let’s fucking do this. #thread #palestine #NJ #DisCo
When I was 16 I became student council president that’s when my interest in leadership and government began as a result I went to leader ship training camp as a teen. I became a counselor at that camp for 13 years so I literally train future #NewJersey leaders.
At 18 I volunteered on my first campaign. It was for Bob Torricelli. Yes I know how his career ended and a lot of New Jersey politicians that I volunteered for ended up resigning in disgrace or going to jail but this is #Jersey #CripTheVote
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9. Further Proof. The Truth may be long, but it always prevails.
Who fights against #Syria, against the Govt of #Syria & #Syrian Army?
As you can see, they are #Not Syrians!
Any question?
#ForeignTerrorists #RegimeChange #Imperialism #WarCriminal #Lies #Conspiracy
1. Further Proof. The Truth may be long, but it always prevails.
Who fights against #Syria, against the Govt of #Syria & #Syrian Army?
As you can see, they are #Not Syrians!
Any question?
2. Further Proof. The Truth may be long, but it always prevails.
Who fights against #Syria, against the Govt of #Syria & #Syrian Army?
As you can see, they are #Not Syrians!
Any question?…
Read 9 tweets
50. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 547 tweets

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