New week-end thread w/ @spencerlatu
#Covid19 as catalyst for #WEF #greatreset

"Until 2011, Mr. Malleret was a senior partner at the Geneva-based IJ (Informed Judgment) Partners, an investment boutique for ultra-high-net-worth individuals."
#WEF #GlobalRiskNetwork…

for #COVID19 #stimulus packages globally1 & trillions more will have to be spent over the course of a long recovery. We now have an opportunity to ensure #nature is integrated into economies as part of a #greatreset..."

#PES #CarbonMarkets #NetZero #EmergingMarkets
#UnlockingCapitalMarkets #CorporateCoup
"Concomitantly, a sharp increase has taken place in the oldest form of #activism: #industrial action."
"In the US in particular, while many #whitecollar workers were riding out the #pandemic while working from home, many low-wage #essential #workers “out in the trenches” who had no choice but to go to work staged a wave of #walkouts, #strikes & #protests."
"As issues of worker safety, pay & benefits become more central, the agenda of #stakeholder #capitalism will gain in relevance & strength."
Branding/marketing are critical for #WEF corporate entities & ruling class - in order to obtain social license. #BLM #purpose #XR

They will then be willing to give up a lot of #privacy & will agree that in such circumstances public power can rightfully override individual rights."



"In Britain, less than 1 percent of initial #medical consultations took place via video link in 2019; under #lockdown, 100 percent are occurring remotely."


#SocialEngineering the #NewNormal
Growth Strategy for #4IR, Carbon Markets, Increased Militarism:

"With the #pandemic, the "digital transformation" that so many analysts have been referring to for years, without being exactly sure what it meant, has found its #catalyst."

"The Regulator"
"What was until recently unthinkable suddenly became possible... New regulations will stay in place."
#corporatocracy #C40Cities #GND #GreenNewDeal


"The #pandemic has had a devastating effect on mental health."
They knew what would happen. They know what is happening. They don't care. The shared bourgeoisie #Machiavellian ideology.