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🧵Fellow humanists: do you care that the largest academic publishers in the world are suing the government of India for allowing their people to access free online libraries? Do you care that Harvard & Oxford UPs have “taken down” online libraries? #crimes
Fellow humanists: do you care that one of the richest unis in the US stood by & said nothing after one of the fiercest advocates for free information was prosecuted for wire fraud for daring to make knowledge open & that they, @MIT, called the police & that he committed suicide?
Fellow humanists: do you care that some of the richest unis in the world, @Harvard_Press & @UniofOxford, have used US copyright laws to “take down” online libraries that provide access to everyone in the Global South & your students who can’t afford access to your own books!
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One year anniversary!
It started with a huge loss and ended with a huge loss for me. In btw I helped more than 450 families with food packages, few with medicine and other stuff. Just today, I provided meals to more than 350 people. Take part by donating:…
Packing the food. In my neighborhood more than 200 houses are damaged. People are affected a lot. So much losses incurred. People need help not only with food items but in rebuilding their houses. I will do my part as long as I can. I need your contributions. #Afghanistan
Together with my team, we delivered food to families who were gravely impacted by the flood. I remain hopeful that with your contributions, I will be able to help them more and lessen their pain and grief. Plz donate and share the campaign link with anyone who can help.
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Il est à peine 5h et déjà je suis lasse de la bėtise.
Sujet : #incendies
Réactions 😭 :
1️⃣ @SergeZaka fait ... de la récupération (bah voyons)
2️⃣ la comm. du Ministère @ChristopheBechu est au choix raciste / sexiste / comment fait-on car il n'y a plus de cendrier dans les 🚗
Alors fatalement je le répète @Elysee @EmmanuelMacron @gouvernementFR @Elisabeth_Borne @Seb_Delescluse @Sante_Gouv @FrcsBraun il n'est pas possible que les invitations à la #responsabilité et à l'#altruisme du #vivreavec la #covid19 (et subséquemment le #monkeypox et tous les
virus ré-êmergents) aient la moindre chance d'être suffisamment entendues pr protéger les personnes #vulnérables (et se sachant fragiles) & encore moins les personnes qui se révéleront sensibles aux #séquelles sans qu'aucune prédisposition ne leur permettent de se l'imaginer
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Last Thursday (s. ; or for the full live stream, s. ), @SevimDagdelen from #DieLinke has discussed with @RaniaKhalek & @EugenePuryear esp. the recently decided & billion-dollar rearmament of the German #Bundeswehr... a result of the #RussianFederation's military invasion of #Ukraine, as officially justified by the #GermanFederalGovernment. A recommendable interview! Besides her opposition to such rearmament & the associated fundamental departure...
...from the so-called „#Entspannungspolitik“ established by #WillyBrand & #EgonBahr for #Germany's relationship with the #USSR (& also its territorially largest & politically strongest successor state in the form of the #RussianFederation),...
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27. RADIXers, for the last time this is @akgungor_c. So, when a disaster happens, society looks for #leadership and an efficient #response. While issues related to #crisismanagement & response usually seem to be the primary reason for public outrage in the first moments, doesn’t take long for a louder contestation to emerge, this one being about causes and responsibilities: How it happened; why it happened;
what could have been done in order to prevent it, and, if it wasn’t prevented, then who is responsible?
29. Clearly, #catastrophe is a legitimacy test for the political elite, as it is for the public administration. Leaders certainly prefer avoiding such debates about their presumed irresponsibility, indifference, or lethargy but for many others, starting with victims & journalists
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17. Hi, this is @akgungor_c again. Let’s come back to where we had left: Post-disaster controversies… These are indeed closely associated with how we individually and socially (re)construct the #catastrophe.
18. A disaster is the outcome(s) of a physical occurrence as well as how we perceive and process them. Like any “event”, for every disaster, there are as many accounts as the number of people who’ve been exposed to it.
19. Individual #narratives of a disaster are the expression of how we position ourselves vis-a-vis the catastrophe and its effects on us, in a sense, fabricating our own #reality.
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#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
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"#NajiAlAli created #Handala to depict the complexities of the plight of #Palestinianrefugees. It remains a potent symbol of the struggle of the #Palestinian people for justice & self-determination." Image
"#Handala's hands are clasped behind his back as a sign of rejection at a time when solutions are presented to the #Palestinians the #American way."

"It was born ten years old, and he will always be ten years old."

#NajiAlAli ImageImage
"#Handala was a #Palestinian child first , but his consciousness developed to have a national, global & human horizon. He is a simple yet tough child, & this is why people adopted him & felt that he represents their consciousness."

#NajiAlAli ImageImage
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"Added to the food crisis and fallout from the explosion is the increasing bite of U.S. sanctions, mostly targeted at Syria, but also hitting its Lebanese neighbor."
by @AlanRMacLeod… #BeirutBlast #Beirut #Lebanon #explosion #thursdayvibes #Beruit
In addition to those who died, more than 3,000 other people were injured, with bodies buried in the rubble, officials said.
AP Photo
#BeirutBlast #Beruit #LebanonExplosion #Lebanon Image
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#Advice - #DONT drink #AloeVera or eat its #extracts
📌Very #liver #toxic, especially #cirrhosis
📌Possibly cause #Cancer
📌Damage #cell #DNA
See: &
👇patient #liverbiopsy - lightpink area all liver cells #DEAD
1/2 Image
📌Check your #nutrition #supplements
📌Double check #famous #weightloss supplements
📌Aloe-Vera = #Herbal liver injury
📌Some benefit in #skincare #dermatology, nothingelse!
📌Always disclose to your #Doctor
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #Ayurveda
Nobody follows this. Whole #plant is mostly used! #plantbased supplemental diets with whole Aloe-Vera for treating conditions like #diabetes and #jaundice leads to #catastrophe
#regulation = 0 in #India. All Aloe Vera treatments by #WhatsApp #Doctors Image
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#Tchernobyl : dans la nuit du 25 au 26 avril 1986, une série d’erreurs pendant un essai de sécurité entraînent l’explosion du réacteur n°4 et la fusion du cœur. La plus grave catastrophe nucléaire, longtemps la seule classée au niveau 7 sur l’échelle #INES, avant #Fukushima Image
#Tchernobyl, 2019, 33 ans depuis l’accident. Dites 33 : retour sur le rôle déterminant des #satellites d’observation dans le suivi de la #catastrophe : comme les nuages radioactifs, les satellites ne sont pas arrêtés par les frontières. Un #thread à dérouler… #space #nucléaire Image
En 2019, il semble facile d’avoir rapidement une image de n’importe quelle région du monde. Ici, la région et la centrale de #Tchernobyl , près de Prypiat, vue le 13/04/19 par le satellite européen #Sentinel2 (#Copernicus). Les images n’ont pas toujours été aussi disponibles… ImageImageImage
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Ah, the #EuropeanParliamentElection knocks at the door! Let’s see who is #campaigning for what…In #Italy, a #rightwingcoalition calls for a #guaranteedincome, #largerpensions, and resistance to the heavy-handed #austerityprograms enforced by the #EuropeanUnion.
In #France, some #rightwinggroups champion #fight against #climatechange, decry #exploitation of #foreignworkers, growing #economicinequality. What about the #centerright and #centerleft parties? #Polls show they will lose their #majority, and the Euroskeptics bag 30+% of seats.
However, #Euroskeptic, like #populist, is a term that obscures more than it reveals. #Spain’s leftist #Podemos isn’t likely to break bread with #Italy’s rightist #NorthernLeague-#M5S, but both are considered #Euroskeptic. Some are really #wolves but wear #sheepskins.
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'Israel was given by God'😡👉Preposterous & Insulting
!! 1948 Documented Massacres by #Israel !!
!! 1948 #DeirYassin Massacre !!👇🇮🇱🇵🇸
#MenachemBegin was called a terrorist and a fascist by #AlbertEinstein and 27 other prominent Jewish intellectuals in a letter to the #NewYorkTimes which was published on December 4, 1948:…👈LETTER #GazaReturnMarch
#AlbertEinstein's 1948 letter to the #NewYorkTimes, denouncing #Israel's Massacres of #Palestinian Villages.
Letter Archive:…👈#NAKBA #GazaReturnMarch
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