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Feb 22nd 2023
Did you know over 30% of Ukraine is contaminated with landmines and unexploded ordinance (UXO)? It's time to tackle this problem head-on. Join us for a conversation on innovation in humanitarian demining efforts. #landmines #demining #humanitarianaid
We need to transform the demining process to bring it into the 21st century. Join us for a discussion on leveraging AI and robotics to reduce costs, speed up mine clearing, and make the world a safer place. #AI #demining #21stcentury
Today's demining solutions are expensive, slow, inefficient, and dangerous. That's why we need to bring entrepreneurs, donors, AI and robotic experts, research scientists, and other key stakeholders together to focus on the mission. #entrepreneurs #donors #demining
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Feb 2nd 2023
We have insights! Learn about how insurance companies have gamed the medical coding process to deny #breastcancer patients access to modern #reconstruction treatments @DavidArmstrongX @propublica @PatrickMRucker @mayatmiller

This petition explains:…
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Jan 19th 2023
#OTD in 1871 the US Senate passed a resolution creating the Select Committee to Investigate Alleged Outrages in the Southern States. The select committee investigated white supremacist violence in North Carolina and was pivotal to the passing of the Second Enforcement act.
The select committee was made up of five Republicans and two Democrats and held hearings in Washington D.C. to investigate Klan violence in North Carolina during the Kirk-Holden War.
The two Democrats concluded that the racial violence in NC was carried out by Northern "carpetbaggers" while the five Republicans rightfully determined that the Klan “sought to carry out its purpose by murders, whippings, intimidations, and violence, against its opponents.”
Read 9 tweets
Jan 18th 2023
Richard H. Cain passed away #OTD in 1887. Cain represented South Carolina in the US House of Representatives. He was one of six Black men to represent South Carolina in Congress during Reconstruction. Cain was also an abolitionist, newspaper editor, entrepreneur, and minister.
Cain was born to free parents on April 12, 1825, in Greenbrier County, Virginia (modern day West Virginia). He and his family moved to Gallipolis, Ohio, in 1831. Because Ohio was a free state, Cain was provided an education and learned how to read and write.
He became a licensed minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1844 and moved to Hannibal, Missouri. He left the Methodist Church in 1848 to join the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church where he became a minister and deacon.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
William Breedlove, a free Black man and future member of the Virginia Constitutional Convention in 1867, was convicted of harboring a fugitive enslaved man #OTD in 1863. Breedlove was pardoned in December, sparing him the punishment of being sold into slavery.
Breedlove was born free around 1820 in Virginia. His father, James Davis, was white and his mother, Polly Breedlove, was a free Black woman. William became a blacksmith and also captained a ferry that crossed the Rappahannock River
He was able to purchase real estate that in 1860 was valued at $1,500. On November 2, 1863, Breedlove and his ferry employee unknowingly transported a fugitive enslaved man across the Rappahannock.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
#OTD in 1868, approx. 300 (mostly) Black Republicans embarked on a 25 mile march from Albany, Georgia, to the town of Camilla. They were protesting the expulsion of 33 Black state congressmen (known as the Original 33). Armed white Democrats were waiting for them in Camilla.
The white mob was incensed by Georgia's new state constitution that was ratified in April of 1868. The new constitution granted Black men the right to vote and hold political office.
Many of the marchers were armed as well. When they reached Camilla the local sheriff, Mumford S. Poore, ordered them to put down their guns or face the wrath of the white mob. The marchers refused to back down and continued to the courthouse lawn to hold a political rally.
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May 4th 2022
#OTD in 1864 the House passed the Wade-Davis Reconstruction bill. The House version of the bill was written by Rep. Henry Davis of Maryland. By this time Congress attempted to preemptively take control of post-war policy, creating a rift with President Lincoln.
Lincoln issued the "Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction" on December 8, 1863. It required only 10 percent of a seceding state's population to take an oath of loyalty before a new state government could be formed. These states would also be required to abolish slavery.
Radical Republicans in Congress felt Lincoln's plan was too lenient and began crafting legislation of their own to address the issue. They asserted that Confederate states were not states, but conquered territory. Lincoln maintained that those states never legally seceded.
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Jan 31st 2022
#OTD in 1865 the Thirteenth Amendment passed the House of Representatives, sending it to the states for ratification. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States “…except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."
The amendment ended race-based chattel slavery in America, but did not rid the nation of forced labor, which exists through America’s prison system today. #13thAmendment #Constitution #slavery #HistoryMatters #CivilWar #USCivilWar #AmericanCivilWar #PoliticalHistory #knowhistory
Congress abolished slavery in Washington D.C. in 1862. The Emancipation Proclamation outlawed slavery in rebelling states Jan. 1, 1863 and former rebel states were forced to ban slavery in new state constitutions. Republicans in Congress still wanted a Constitutional Amendment.
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Jan 23rd 2022
Black(#ADOS) communities were shut out of entrepreneurial investments in the seafood industry during #Reconstruction. “Bohemian”, or Romanian/Yugoslavian immigrants, migrated to Biloxi, MS from Baltimore, MD. to offset The Natl. Child Labor Comm’s ruling.…
The National Child Labor Committee was formed in 1904 to combat the growing number of children who were working in what would be considered shocking and appalling conditions today; especially in Mississippi’s seafood industry.…
“In the Child Labor Bulletin for 1912 and 1913, Hine stressed the importance of bringing the abuses and mistreatment of child labor practices to an end.”…
Read 22 tweets
Dec 15th 2021
5/12/2021: covid protest in #Brussels🇧🇪 ends in #riots.
Police 👮 use water cannon and tear gas, but two kids (11 & 5 yo) are present.

Police brutality or recklessness of the mother?

I looked for #facts in a #visual #investigation.
How? Check 📽️: 1/13
A clip of 17 seconds or less is shared on #Telegram, #Instagram, #Facebook and #Twitter. We see two kids in a chaotic scene.

Someone shares the video with this quote: “Even in North Korea 🇰🇵 they would not dare use a water cannon against children.” 2/13 Image
What really happened?

With the use of open sources (#OSINT) I made a #reconstruction of the events. 3/13

#Verification 🔎
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Dec 13th 2021
A shocking thread about...historiography. Really.

Our story begins in 1901, when John Garner published his dissertation—what became for decades the standard history of #Reconstruction in #Mississippi—with adviser William A. Dunning at Columbia, the leading historian.
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Garner had to answer why in 1875 an armed insurrection overthrew the elected government of Mississippi under Gov. Adelbert Ames. He started with the carpetbagger stereotype: thieving yankees came to despoil the prostrate South. But he found that Ames didn't fit it.
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A few facts. Mississippi had a Black majority. Ames was made provisional governor under Congressional Reconstruction. He named its first Black officeholders & oversaw a constitutional convention that enfranchised Black men—creating real "home rule," lifting federal control.
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Oct 31st 2021
Can we all have a serious bipartisan conversation around the history of immigration in America and it’s impact on #ADOS? The Immigration Act of 1864 was one of Lincoln’s most signature pieces of legislation prior to the #EmacipationProclomation of 1865.…
“This law legalized and bureaucratized labor recruitment practices similar to indentured servitude to encourage immigration to the United States and economic development.”
“Although many poor Europeans had arrived as indentured servants during the colonial period, the practice had ended in the 1820s.”Congress repealed this law in 1868 after protests by labor organizations.…
Read 18 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
A woman of African descent inherits significant property. Hubby and son have her hospitalized as insane. She challenges them and gains her business back, founds/sells a town - much as her mother did. Meet Gertrude Covington Phillips. #Keweenaw #BlackHistory #WomensHistory 🧵 Image
Gertrude was born in Detroit in the late 1850s to Anna Ward Covington & unknown Covington (#genealogytwitter 👀 for a challenge? Find Covington lol) in 1860 she and her mother are in the household of barber James Evans in Owosso. Might Mary Evans sister to Anna? #MichiganHistory Image
By 1864 Anna and Gertrude Covington were established in Houghton (MI state census) where soon, Anna remarried to recent widower Larkin J. Jones Image
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Jul 17th 2021
What would it look like if Christianity was shaped more by capitalism than by Christ?

- We would be preoccupied with branding, marketing, and production
- We would use numbers and metrics to measure success
- We would assume bigger is better

- We would see pastors functioning more like CEO’s or small business owners than shepherds
- We would see hype and self-promotion as normal
- We would see more competition than cooperation

- We would see some churches and leaders amassing power and wealth while others struggle to survive
- We would see churches with mostly passive consumers rather than active disciples

What else?

Read 4 tweets
Jul 2nd 2021
I am trained in #developmental #psychology and #neuroscince. I have been screaming the #teenagebrain is #underreconstruction from the rooftops! Am totally ashamed of my peers who wilfully ignore this. #neuroplasticity #frontallobes #psychologists #gender #rogd #trans #detrans
The teenage brain is under reconstruction. The prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until minimum aged 25. A bit longer for males. The prefrontal cortex is largely responsible for: decision making, planning, organisation, focusing, impulsivity, aka executive functions
Managing emotions, predicting consequences of one’s choices and moderating social behaviour. This is #science #facts Anyone who says otherwise is brainwashed by #ideology Shame on any professional who ignores this #gender #trans #detrans #shame
Read 46 tweets
Dec 19th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/19/2020…
Albert Edwards: The 10-Year Yield is Heading to Zero - Articles - Advisor Perspectives…

#investing #deflation #forecast
Optimization is as hard as approximation – Machine Learning Research Blog…

#optimization #MachineLearning
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Dec 10th 2020
1/x Big kitchen rebuild. Complete new kitchen from scratch. Calling it Project K! Daunting & difficult during #covid. Wish us luck! SVP #kitchendecor #kitchendesign #newkitchen #moderninteriordesign #reconstruction #remodel #interiordesign #ProjectK @preetipatankar @MeetaPatankar
2/x The consultant to this project is Preeti Patankar Interiors, NY. I know no other designer I’d trust more. And not just coz she’s family! Will show you our plans & progress as we go. SVP #kitchendecor #kitchendesign #newkitchen #moderninteriordesign #interiordesign #ProjectK
3/x First set of look options for #ProjectK. White with wood/grey look. Love all these. Any favourites guys? More design options coming. SVP #kitchendecor #kitchendesign #newkitchen #moderninteriordesign #interiordesign #ProjectK #remodel
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Oct 22nd 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/22/2020…
A digital reconstruction of the 1630–1631 large plague outbreak in Venice | Scientific Reports…

#reconstruction #venice #epidemic
Religion, Violence, Tolerance & Progress: Nothing to do with Theology | by Nassim Nicholas Taleb | INCERTO | Oct, 2020 | Medium…

#tolerance #religion #theology #violence
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Sep 12th 2020
Nous sommes ce matin en direct pour la Rentrée des Territoires d’@enmarchefr pour parler Transition Écologique avec @EmmWargon, @b_abba, @StanGuerini, Bruno Bienaimé et Mélanie, la Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat…
La crise sanitaire que nous connaissons, d’une ampleur inédite nous amène aussi à nous interroger collectivement sur notre société.
C’est tout le travail de #réflexion et de #Reconstruction que notre Mouvement a souhaité structurer à travers 10 thèmes et en moins de trois mois, ce sont près de 60 000 contributions écrites qui ont été récoltées !
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Aug 18th 2020
There is an economic war being prosecuted against American workers through global wage arbitrage. The U.S. economy was hijacked & by globalists when Reagan ascended to power and broke the backs of organized labor. Successive administrations have proceeded apace.
It was executed by the BOTH corporate (they're corporations) political parties reaching peak treachery under Clinton. His administration unshackled monopoly finance through t/repeal of Glass-Steagall, ended limits on foreign & consolidated media (control the narrative) & telecom.
He did the mass immigration version of tariff reductions, stripping U.S industry ass-naked b4 putting it on the pole for de-industrialization & "global competition" (WTO); which was really the ownership class divesting of U.S. industrial preeminence for cheap Asian labor.
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Jun 14th 2020
It is not difficult to understand why Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) has been influential in Iran along with other major theorists in #phenomenology and #hermeneutics like #Gadamer - both visited #Iran in 2002 - a thread on #Ricoeur in #Iran 1/
Especially for those interested in religion and making sense of the word and the world, of text, action and hermeneutics, it is often the triumvirate of Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), Paul Ricoeur, Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002) and Emanuel Levinas (1906-1995) who come to mind 2/ ImageImageImageImage
The revolution of 1979 brought up issues of authenticity, a desire to reconcile one's political and social being with one's faith; it brought political theology to the fore; no doubt both the #hermeneutics of suspicion and #reconstruction of #Ricoeur were attractive 3/
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May 7th 2020
Décideuses, décideurs, il est temps de revoir nos priorités ! Nous appelons à ce que la reconstruction se fasse au service d’impératifs écologiques, sanitaires et solidaires.

Rejoignez notre #AppelReconstruction au côté de 70 organisations sur
Le “business as usual” n’est plus une option. Plusieurs pans de la société civile l’affirment aujourd’hui. C'est pourquoi nous appelons à mettre en œuvre les mesures suivantes.
🚑 Garantir la pérennité des activités essentielles rendues par nos services publics.
👨‍🌾 Développer les activités et métiers nécessaires à une #reconstruction écologique et sociale.
📉 Imposer le ralentissement des activités qui nous mènent au désastr
Read 8 tweets
Jul 1st 2019
26. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria

#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria🤨👇🏼…
Read 124 tweets

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