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Op 12 juni ’23 heeft de kamer een “Aanbiedingsbrief @rivm-advies afschalen A-status #COVID19” ontvangen van @MinVWS met de brief van het RIVM aan @ministerVWS… Image
Het afschalen van #Astatus past bij de fase waarin we zitten. Maar #CovidIsNotOver

Voor de huidige #COVID19 #surveillance 🦠📊 is meldingsplicht overigens niet nodig: rioolsurveillance 💩, kiemsurveillance (varianten 🧬), infectieradar (🫁luchtwegklachten?) en ZH-opnames 🏥
Ook al heeft registratie ZH-opnames niets te maken met de meldingsplicht, ik voorzie dat het afschalen van meldingsstatus onbedoelde gevolgen kan hebben voor de ‘bereidheid’ van ziekenhuizen om de #COVID19🩺🏥🦠 ZH-opnames te blijven registeren 🖥️
Read 26 tweets
#RA2022 📢 Le rapport d'activité 2022 de la CNIL est présenté ce matin à la presse ! 👉…
🗣️M-L Denis « Les 4 principales missions de la CNIL :
1⃣ Informer et protéger
2⃣ Accompagner et conseiller
3⃣ Anticiper et innover
4⃣ Contrôler et sanctionner Image
"Se rapprocher de nos publics et les sensibiliser avec :
➡️ Des journées RGPD en région
➡️ Une présence en radio
➡️ Une campagne d'info et de sensibilisation pour les 8-10ans
➡️ Une nouvelle offre d'accompagnement renforcé lancée en 2023"
Renforcer notre politique d'accompagnement des professionnels avec :
➡️ 12 guides et référentiels
➡️ 3 recommandations adoptées ou MAJ
➡️ 10 projets accompagnés via le "bac à sable" EdTech
➡️ 6 consultations publiques
➡️ 27 000 nouveauc comptes sur le nouveau MOOC
Read 16 tweets
A Swiss tech expert runs a global phone surveillance system for Deep State, and it is a spider's web we never knew, existed.

Let us decode, how it works:


#Assange #Snowden #surveillance #CIA #MOSAD #MI6 #USA #UK #spying #TechSurveillance #China #Russia… Image
1. Welcome to the world of surveillance contractors, telecom access brokers, and an industry of grey actors with seemingly legitimate businesses. Some are regulated, some are procured by state clients - and some are sold to private actors, providing hackers and criminals alike…… Image
2. At the center of this global telecom surveillance web is a tech expert and telecom entrepreneur, a former ally of Julian Assange and vocal critic of the security state, now turned surveillance industry enabler.
His name is Andreas Fink.

#Assange #Snowden #surveillance… Image
Read 25 tweets
'3 Ways to Limit Government Surveillance' 👀
How do we maintain balance and order in a world of increasing surveillance technology?

*Notes from a live conversation between Yuval Noah Harari & Sapienship Youth
🧵 #thread #surveillance #technology Image
1. If you collect information on me it should be used to help me, not manipulate me.

Example: When providing health care, a doctor is obligated to use the collected data to help the patient; not for manipulation or reselling.
2. Never allow all the data to
be concentrated in one place.

Data is power and power requires a system of checks and balances to ensure it's being used responsibly.
Read 5 tweets
#SARSCoV2 is still an international BSL3Z
2020 letter for dental medical boards of directors was ignored until now

#COVIDisAirborne german Version
2/ Image
engish AI translation version
2020 letter
to ask for
#awareness & #Accountability

3/ Image
Read 6 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A vintage postcard illustra...
Tonight (5/5), I'm at @BooksIncStores #MountainView with @mkapor for *Red Team Blues*:…

Sat, I'm in #Berkeley for #BABF2023 at 1530h with @glynnwashington:…

Sun, it's an 11h event with @dellsystem:…

2/ Image
Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk: We swapped pandemic aid, new spending and minimum wage hikes for wage suppression and mass layoffs.

3/    Image: Mosaic 36 (modifi...
Read 24 tweets
#ElonMusk : La #SiliconValley et le complexe militaro-industriel (4/5) Les technologies de Musk ont un très haut potentiel de #surveillance. Ainsi, les caméras embarquées des voitures #Tesla inquiètent la plupart des services de renseignements. Source : @LaurentOzon Thread 1/7 ⏬ Image
La Chine a carrément interdit ces véhicules lors d’un important colloque du PCC cet été. On le sait, la Silicon Valley est liée depuis plusieurs décennies au complexe militaro-industriel américain dans le développement de technologies de surveillance. 2/7 ⏬
Ainsi, Peter Thiel (le cofondateur de PayPal avec Musk) a fondé Palantir, une société spécialisée dans la collecte et l’analyse des données pour les services de renseignement (notamment français). 3/7 ⏬
Read 7 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The seductive, science fictional power of spreadsheets; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet w...
Tomorrow (Apr 30) at 2PM, I'll be at the #SanFrancisco Public Library with my new book, *Red Team Blues*, hosted by…

2/ Image
The seductive, science fictional power of spreadsheets: Maybe the map IS the territory?

3/ Image
Read 29 tweets
DATA: Americans Fear Their Own Government Spying on Them Almost As Much as Foreign Adversaries 🕵🏻‍♂️ 👁️ #RESTRICTAct #PatriotAct #Surveillance #Cybersecurity #1A…
Read 14 tweets
#Frontex to spend hundreds of millions of euros on #surveillance and deportations

The Management Board approved the 2023 Procurement Plan in mid-February. Here's an overview of what's on the shopping list 👇

@Migreurop @abolishfrontex @ecre @Border_Violence @PICUM_post Image
€40 million for deportations

For the purchase of chartered aircraft to enable Frontex to carry out forced returns during the period 2023-2027.
€50 million for transport services

For car rentals, transportation of Frontex vehicles and large items within and outside the EU, transportation of weapons and ammunition, and a new ferry service to facilitate returns from Greece to Turkey.
Read 7 tweets
🇫🇷 "Le #renseignement est l’arme du XXIe siècle."

Retour sur l'audition à huis clos du directeur de la #DGSE @BernardEmie sur le projet de #LPM 2024-30 devant la commission de la défense.

THREAD ⬇️ Image
🇫🇷 "Le #renseignement est l’une des clefs de l’autonomie de la France, de sa souveraineté et de son influence dans le monde." @BernardEmie #DGSE
🇫🇷 "Nous sommes le seul service spécial et secret de la communauté du #renseignement : certaines de nos actions ne peuvent pas être assumées, ne peuvent pas être revendiquées, ne peuvent pas être imputées à l’État." @BernardEmie #DGSE
Read 38 tweets
1/50 #Science is an ongoing process that serves to investigate phenomena, gain new insights or "correct prior knowledge" and this only works in #discourse. This includes diversity of #Opinion, #tolerance and a broad debate space. This is a large thread.
2/50 "#trust the science" is in my view the most #antiscience statement ever. #Questioning science is how you do #Science. This thread gives some examples and further questions.…
3/50 What about good ##scientific #Practice? I found a glaring example here (of all things, in what I consider to be a rush to #vaccine #approval). #blotgate…
Read 28 tweets
Read 20 tweets
The classic #trilemma goes: "Fast, cheap or good, pick any two." The #ModeratorsTrilemma goes, "Large, diverse userbase; centralized platforms; don't anger users - pick any two." 1/  A trilemma Venn diagram, showing three ovoids in a triangul
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The Moderator's Trilemma is introduced in "Moderating the Fediverse: Content Moderation on Distributed Social Media," a superb paper from @ARozenshtein of @UofMNLawSchool, forthcoming in the journal @JournalSpeech, available as a prepub on @SSRN:… 3/
Read 73 tweets
Durchseuchungskurs ist okay
@mikrowie #LMU2023
"weil wir nicht mehr nackt sind"
"Menschen sterben halt"
"Es gab schon immer Pandemien"

#justsaying its stupid
to lift mitigation measures
during ramping mutating voc evolution of biohzards biosafety grade 3/4
@rki_de so geht @mikrowie & #sarscov2 bleibt unterm Radar
ab nächster Woche null #surveillance ,
was für eine Schande🤬
Read 6 tweets
In nieuwe #OMTadvies wordt geadviseerd terug te gaan naar de normale maatregelen bij luchtweginfecties:
- thuisblijven als je ziek bent
- hoesten/niezen in de elleboog
- handen wassen

Volgens #OMT geen reden meer voor standaard testen en #isolatie

- timing nu alle indicatoren een stijging van besmettingen aangeven, net na #Carnaval en tijdens #wintersport en relatief lang na #herhaalprik voor ouderen en andere kwetsbare groepen niet ideaal
- gaat tegen advies @WHO en @ECDC_EU in

- #Covid_19 is niet hetzelfde als andere infecties door groter langdurig verhoogd risico op o.a. hartvaatziekten en #LongCovid
- er is geen infectie die in zijn eentje verantwoordelijk is voor zoveel ziekenhuisopnames door het hele jaar heen

Read 5 tweets
This photo shows an account that's been hacked to remotely activate the camera.

But in this case, the author of the intrusion is not a government or hacktivist; it's an open-source intelligence company you've probably never heard of.

#Thread on #StoryKillers part VII (1/8) ⤵️
Hidden in a trove of Colombian military docs leaked to @FbdnStories by #Guacamaya, we discovered a brochure for a powerful social media surveillance tool.

Its capacities include influence operations, mass geolocation of targets and even automated phishing campaigns. (2/8)
The leaked brochure highlights use-case examples that demonstrate targeting of activists and journalists.

We linked the brochure to S2T Unlocking Cyberspace, an open-source intelligence company with current and former offices in Singapore, Sri Lanka, the UK and Israel. (3/8)
Read 8 tweets
🧵1/ PANDA's @bell00david uses his working experience with WHO to analyse proposed IHR amendments in-depth.

🚨 Some key points in thread ⬇️…
2/ #WHO is working on two agreements that will expand its powers & role in declared health emergencies & pandemics. These include widening the definition of ‘health emergencies’ within which such powers may be used.
3/ The #IHR amendment process in WHO is relatively transparent. Amendments are proposed by national bureaucracies & collated by WHO. WHO has gone to unusual lengths to open hearings to public submissions.
Read 16 tweets
In the #WEF-#Marxist-#Nazi-#GreatReset-#Revolution-#Finland, the serial #HappiestCountry, #Nena's #99Luftballoons is the most popular song you can hear in every shopping mall now.
#BalloonHouse official John #Kirby denies US has flown 99 #balloons over #China | -2h
- "Not true. Not doing it. Just absolutely not true," Kirby told MSNBC's Morning Joe. "We are not flying balloons over China."…
Read 4 tweets
#Surveillance must be done in a population with high risk of that disease. Nevertheless, patients at the higher end of the spectrum (e.g., cirrhosis with Child-Pugh C) carry a restricted #prognosis even with radical therapies. @EleanorBarnesOx @CR_UK @NIHRresearch 1/7
Cirrhotic patients with advanced liver failure or Child-Pugh B with #decompensation are usually not screened for HCC because they could not tolerate effective therapies. This changes if they are listed for transplant, however. 2/7
HCC onset can trigger changes in priority on the list as well as lend someone ineligible for #transplant. It is important, therefore, to maintain surveillance of HCC for this population. 3/7
Read 7 tweets
1. #China has been involved in illegal fishing in #EEZ of over 80 countries with over 10 million hrs of fishing.

This is a mega report and tweet thread on #Chinese illegal fishing in world's oceans and its impacts.

Read/download the complete report:…
2. The #Chinese fleet is often found guilty of #overfishing,
killing protected species,
falsifying licenses and docs,
seizing territories &
producing tons of sea #waste.

Read/download the complete report:…

3. IUU: #China has been consistently ranked num. 1 on various parameters of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUU) rankings.

According to the IUU rankings report 2021, over 60% of its vessels are involved in IUU fishing worldwide.

Read 24 tweets
Multiplexed barcoding of cells:
Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy…
I fucking knew it. That's just wonderful. 😑
Read 64 tweets
Virtual media briefing with @hans_kluge on the #COVID19 situation across the European Region, including international travel & the growing spread of a new sub-variant.…
Science. Surveillance. Responsibility.

Three words that encapsulate my three main messages to the @WHO European Region today, amid the latest developments in the #COVID19 narrative.

First, going with the #science.

From the information available to @WHO, the SARS-CoV-2 virus variants circulating in #China are those that have already been seen in Europe and elsewhere.

Read 22 tweets

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