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@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate:
Buried #corona mutated zombie minks rising from the graves, may have contaminated groundwater in Denmark scientists warn - some resurfaced from the mass graves as gasses from the decomposition process pushed the mink out of the ground
@teppaniaki Tanskan pääministeri #Frederiksen Korkeimpaan Oikeuteen.
- Totalitaarinen epidemialaki perustuslain ja ihmisoikeussopimuksen vastainen.
- Valehteli luvasta #lockdown :iin ja 17M minkin teurastamiseen.
- Levitti paniikkia valheellisilla sähköposteilla.
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate #covid19dk #VaccinePassport
Danes take to the streets at night to protest traffic ban and #Corona dictatorship
- credit: 'No Restrictions No #Masks #KBF @ NoGreatReset'
Read 21 tweets
Powerful #storms slam South; at least 6 #killed in #Alabama | Jan 12
- A giant, swirling storm system billowing across the South killed at least six people Thursday in central Alabama,…
#PowerOutages across the #US | 2023-01-13 T03:04:03 AM GMT+1
- States and territories by customers out
#Georgia: 74,730
#Alabama: 33,858
#California: 21,170
#NorthCarolina: 17,778
#Tennessee: 13,314 Image
Severe #storm slamming the south of the US kills at least 6 people in Alabama | Jan 13
- There were multiple #tornado #warnings issued Thursday in Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee as the storm system moved through the region.… Image
Read 16 tweets
President #Biden ignores question on why #classified documents were found at his think tank | Jan 10
- the classified documents that were found at the #PennBidenCenter for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in #Washington, D.C.…
'Storm Joe #Biden's homes', #Trump tells #FBI after classified documents found in private office | Jan 10
- "When is the FBI going to #raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the #WhiteHouse? These documents were definitely not declassified."…
#Trump Wildly Speculates #Biden Gave #Classified Docs to #China Before Adding Denial No One Asked For: 'I Certainly Wouldn't Do That' | Jan 10
- #Not a good situation for our Country to be in!”
Read 104 tweets
Massive 6.4 #earthquake rocks #California leaving people without power | Dec 20
- Its #epicenter was 210 miles north of #SanFrancisco, where a quake hit last week…
6.4-Magnitude #Earthquake Hits Northern #California | -3h
Northern #California #earthquake causes 'widespread damage' to roads, homes | -2h
Read 56 tweets
Skyrocketing #global #foodprices, panicked low income and poorer fringes of the population facing severe #hardship, struggling #emergingmarkets and #SriLanka on the verge of #anarchy - all wrapped up in a massive #market sell-off: what is happening 🌎 ❓
Things did not improve in April on #food prices:
the #FAO Food Price Index fell 0.8% month-over-month to 158.5 points in April 2022, but still remained close to the all-time high of 159.7 points in March.
#vegetableoil prices declined significantly (-5.7%) after hitting an all-time high in March under pressure from #palm, #sunflower and #soybean #oils.

In addition, #grain prices fell slightly (-0.4%), after also rising to all-time highs in March.
Read 9 tweets
Yooo, yes, it's not just laggy internet — your socials are 🚧BLOCKED🚧
#LKA #EconomicCrisisLK #StateofEmergency
Now to get back online - tell friends and fam to get a SAFE VPN. Most steal data. Use Tor or Opera.
Download Signal. Safe and secure, with the bonus of disappearing messages.
Read 4 tweets
Read 76 tweets
A🧵on emergency safeguards. No #stateofemergency is safe, & all safeguards ultimately depend on citizens holding leaders accountable, but the #EmergenciesAct has several excellent features that make it safer than most. It's well designed. What are these safeguards?
First, & most importantly, the #EmergenciesAct fits w/ & must conform to the Charter of Rights &Freedoms, & Canada must uphold its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. S.1 of the Charter, & ICCPRArt. 4 allow for emergency rights limitations.
Second, after an emergency is declared, both the House and the Senate must debate and vote on the declaration within 7 days. That is, legislative power can check executive power. If they vote it down, the emergency is over.
Read 8 tweets
#COVDIOTUpdate 2021/8/30🇯🇵Without #lockdown & 20,000 daily #COVID cases in Japan, the #Aichi prefecture (1,300 daily cases, 1,034 total deaths, hospitals 554% overwhelmed) hosted a music festival without enforcing stringent anti-COVID measures.
One of the #COVIDIOT artists #Zeebra apologized for appearing in the show itself, saying the event violated the “3Cs” doctrine recommended by the government. The artist was aware of the situation going out of control before showing up, but improvements were not made in time. Image
#Aichi prefecture is one of the hardest #COVID-hit regions in Japan and has been under #StateofEmergency as of AUG 27. Inter-prefecture travel has been strongly discouraged (but not enforced). It recorded 1,385 cases on Sunday with over 12,000 people #StayHome without treatment. Image
Read 5 tweets
#CoronavirusUpdate 2021/7/29🇯🇵 A physicist argues by using a brilliantly crafted animated scale to show how #StateofEmergency measures #緊急事態宣言 “cannot be used over and over again” because its effectiveness is limited without hard #lockdown measures.
#Tokyo2020 #Olympics
Dr. @ryseto updated his infographic after 3,177 cases were confirmed in Tokyo on July 28, saying "SoE declaration which can have some effect by just 'declaring" cannot be used over and over again," suggesting the declarations have not been enough.
Earlier on, he also used his infographic to show how #VoC (Variant of Concern) has been replacing the original strain of #COVID19 in #Asia. It shows a more strong measure is needed or otherwise we will be crushed by the 'apparent shift' in the equation.
Read 5 tweets
#Olympics Athletes. #Tokyo2020 is held under a #stateofemergency . #COVID19 infections are TRIPLING and #DeltaVariant is becoming DOMINANT. Hosting the Games during a pandemic is deemed as an 'affront to humanity'. DON'T BE A PART OF IT.
#オリンピック 選手の皆さん。 #東京2020#緊急事態宣言 下で開催されます。#新型コロナ の感染は3倍に広がっており #デルタ変異株 が優勢株となるのは必至です。パンデミックの最中に大会を開催することは「人類への冒涜」とみなされます。その一端を担わないでください。
🇧🇬 #Токио2020 се провежда в условията на #извънредно положение . Инфекциите с #COVID19 се увеличават с три пъти, а #DeltaVariant става доминиращ. Провеждането на Игрите по време на пандемия се счита за "оскърбление за човечеството". НЕ БЪДЕТЕ ЧАСТ ОТ ТОВА.
Read 38 tweets
#Tokyo2020 Athletes. 🇯🇵 Tokyo is under #StateOfEmergency until August 22 for the full duration of the Games. Experts predict #COVID19 cases will DOUBLE by the end of July. SERIOUSLY, don't be a part of an 'affront to humanity'. #SaveLivesNotTheOlympics
訳: "#東京2020 アスリートの皆さん。🇯🇵東京は 8/22までの間、大会の全期間中 #緊急事態宣言 下となります。政府の専門家は7月末までに #新型コロナ の感染者が倍増すると見ています。『人類への冒涜』の一部と見做されて、貴方は平気ですか?” #オリンピックではなく命を守れ
Japanese subtitled version. 日本語字幕バージョンの英日ツイート。
Read 26 tweets
I think there should be serious discussion in the US for a male president who out of fear of COVID will send HIS WIFE INSTEAD OF HIMSELF and that makes it OK. What does it say about the country? Is it OK because it is diplomatically OK, even during a global pandemic?
There is a historical precedent where President Obama sent The First Lady during the London Olympics. But that was during normal times. It was a diplomatic decision made during peace time. But today, we are in the midst of a global pandemic.…
Health experts around the world, including government advisors are warning about #Tokyo2020 becoming a possible place for mixing of variants & super-spreader event. And the possibility is getting REAL by the day. I wonder if the Americans are caught up.
Read 10 tweets
#CoronavirusUpdate 2021/6/7🇯🇵Tokyo has done it again. Government of Japan has decided to change the calculation for hospital usage so as to manipulate the resulting risk level assessment. Accordingly, with new calculation # of Stage 4 prefectures are reduced from 20→11.
According to #報道1930, the new calculation would affect the overall assessment of risk levels by lowering the definition of hospital capacity from “all positive AND other patients” to “all whom are committed to COVID beds”, thereby understating the actual hospital capacity. Image
In actuality the “COVID beds” are often near-full and the beds are extended to other beds to accommodate severe patients. The original calculation reflected this. Now the ground reality would be understated to create a false pretense of “less risk”. This has serious repercussions Image
Read 6 tweets
Just in: Federal/provincial/territorial information and privacy commissioners (including B.C.'s @McEvoy_Michael) call on governments to respect Canadians' quasi-constitutional rights to privacy and access to information. #bcpoli #cdnfoi #coronavirus #stateofemergency #righttoknow ImageImage
Here is the full resolution. But is it too little, too late? @BCInfoPrivacy has given @jjhorgan @bcndp too much freedom to trample on citizens' #FOIA rights, starting with the temporary March 18, 2020 disclosure holiday. #bcpoli #cdnfoi #coronavirus #stateofemergency ImageImage
Today's statement from information and privacy commissioners comes MORE THAN A YEAR after Canadian COVID-19 Accountability group, including @seanmholman, sounded the alarm.
The statutory watchdogs waited more than a year to speak as one. #bcpoli #cdnfoi…
Read 4 tweets
Before COVID, the #Aichi @irouren nurses were able to express their frustrations like any other worker. Now under the #StateofEmergency, they will not walk but just hold a presser and engage the social media. #看護の日
Leading up to the presser, @irouren & labor unions nationwide unleashed a fierce SNS campaign expressing the anger & frustration of the nurses on the field, gathering almost 0.5M tweets to date. This nurse exclaimed, “WE ARE NOT DISPOSABLE PAWNS!” #看護は自己犠牲じゃない
But despite the fierce protest, the Japan Nursing Association reportedly succumbed to the demands of the #Tokyo2020 organizers to ‘secure’ 500 nurses for the Games. #Aichi @irouren have rejected saying, “It is unimaginable: one sick-leave is rendering our operation useless!”
Read 14 tweets
#CoronavirusUpdate 1/2🇯🇵Japan's four major governors met for 3 hours with economic minister to request the state to invoke the #StateofEmergency declaration amid massive surge of COVID19 cases in 18 prefectures. State responded it will 'consider'.…
Meanwhile, the state asked the governors to 'act on immediately' to (1) limit the restaurant hours to until 20:00 and restrict outing after that hour, (2) enforce teleworking in workplaces, (3) enact countermeasures in schools/workplaces, (4) restrict further on events.
While making these requests to the prefectures, the GoJ focuses on amending the current special law on COVID19 to strengthen enforcement powers of the state and prefectures to allow penalizing people for disobedience. The National Diet will be meeting on January 18.
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Meanwhile in #France,
"the peak of this second wave is over"

(according to the President in his Adress to the Nation):
Wait... "the peak is over" doesn´t mean "it´s back to normal"!

Confinement will only fall on December 15,
if there´s less than 5.000 new cases a day.
(today it´s ~9.000).

France is disappointed.🙁

Although they certainly can make it happen.
Meanwhile in #Switzerland:
(excess mortality of the second wave is significant)

Good news: fastest decrease in infections happens in the worst hit areas now.
Read 2817 tweets


Due to the increasing number of infections with the corona virus, Hungary is imposing a dangerous emergency situaion and a night curfew. Restaurants and clubs have to close, theaters,
cinemas and other event organizers are only allowed to allocate a third of the available seats, Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced in a video that appeared on his Facebook page. "The spread of the pandemic has accelerated," Orban said.
"It is time we took new steps to protect the functioning of hospitals and the lives of older people." The curfew applies from midnight to 5 a.m. The emergency situation allows the government to adopt extraordinary measures by ordinance.
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#Thailand #Coronvavirus #COVID19 #โควิค19
1 new case is an asymptomatic Thai citizen from #Singapore already in #quarantine. Thailand also extending #StateofEmergency till end Sept, the 5th time ImageImageImage
#Thailand @NatapanuN at #COVID19 briefing in English explains why nation is extending #StateofEmergency #พรกฉุกเฉิน for the 5th time despite not having any local community infection for almost 3 months. Says key reason for decree is to continue to ensure there'll be no 2nd wave
#Thailand @NatapanuN also gave updates on how 71 testing labs are situated in 77 provinces & nation has conducted combined testing of more than 800,000 to date. More than 73,000 #Thai citizens have been repatriated from abroad while more than 7,200 foreigners allowed to come in ImageImageImage
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#Thailand #Coronvavirus #COVID19 #โควิค19

All new cases are that of Thais returning from #Egypt, #Germany & #US. All already in #quarantine. No local community infection for almost 2 months now. ImageImageImageImage
This as Thailand plans to further extend its #StateofEmergency. Country had introduced the decree since late March due to #COVID19. But it has been extending it on a monthly basis. Had already done so 3 times. Latest decree will expire July 31. Will be 4th time if extended again
Some #Thai citizens have staged protests against the extension of the #StateofEmergency, saying the law is unnecessary & accusing the government of using the decree to suppress & intimidate the people. But authorities have consistently insisted decree is needed to manage #COVID19
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As #COVID19 cases are found to spread, #Melbourne (city of ~5 million) tries to contain them by going into #Lockdown.
(The interview features the idea of a dedicated #Quarantine building - that would actually help, I guess)...
"People acting as if the pandemic was over was 'not the answer, it is part of the problem' ".

"The virus had leaked from postcodes already under the stay-at-home orders to other parts of #Melbourne."
(and beyond, it is feared).
Due to #Melbourne's outbreak, neighbouring South Australia is about to completely close it's borders to #Victoria.

(Nearly) no exceptions. And those essential few who are allowed in, will have to wear facemasks the entire time...
Read 2915 tweets

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