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🧵#Razzien gegen die Terrororganisation Islamischer Staat (#IS) in zehn Bundesländern, 1000 Beamte 100 Objekte, wurden sieben mutmaßliche Unterstützer des Netzwerks festgenommen, vier davon in #NRW. 1/x…
2/x Sieben Beschuldigte wurden der Mitteilung zufolge festgenommen: in #Ulm (Baden-Württemberg), im Landkreis #Neuwied (Rheinland-Pfalz), in #Bremen sowie im Kreis #Heinsberg und im Rheinisch-Bergischen Kreis (beide Nordrhein-Westfalen).
3/x Sie sollen als Finanzvermittler in das Netzwerk eingebunden gewesen sein. "Durch ihr Sammeln von Spenden und deren Weiterleitung an den #IS nahmen sie eine zentrale Rolle innerhalb des Finanzierungsnetzwerkes ein", hieß es.
Read 10 tweets
Turkey conducted a raid on ISIS in Jinderes, northwestern Syria, on April 28 that likely resulted in the death of an ISIS leader, but not the group’s “caliph.” Read this week's Salafi-Jihadi Movement Update here:… (1/4)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip #Erdogan claimed Turkey killed IS “#caliph” Abu al Hussein al Husseini al Qurayshi during the raid. #US officials said they could not confirm the raid's target was the #IS "caliph." (2/4)
#Erdogan may seek to inflate his military successes in #Syria to improve his standing ahead of #Turkey’s presidential election on May 14. The Turkish president is currently losing according to election polls.
Read 4 tweets
So langsam lohnt sich auch über diesen nützlichen Idioten "Hodentöter" wie von Herbert Wehner genannt, eine Sammlung anzulegen, unschlagbar seine Rolle und "Besuch in Gaza", beim #IS und bei den #Warlords in #Afghanistan.
#Hodentöter #Putinknecht #RussiaIsATerroristState #Orcs
Read 5 tweets
[THREAD] 1/ In 2022, the Islamic State claimed 2,028 attacks in 24 countries. It carried out large-scale operations in Syria, Nigeria and Afghanistan. Sharp decline in #IS operations in Iraq. Africa was the continent most afflicted, with a sharp increase in attacks at Christians.
2/ Detail about the methodology: I have analysed all the information provided by the Islamic State in the 52 issues of its weekly magazine al-Naba’ (cf. the front page of the issue 369). For every single IS claimed attack, I have analysed the target(s)/weapon(s) used/geolocation.
3/To start with, interestingly, the number of Islamic State’s attacks has dropped consistently since the fall of Baghûz (March 2019), last #IS stronghold in Syria. This is particularly striking in the case of #Syria and #Iraq, where the group is a mere shadow of what it once was.
Read 10 tweets
@ajboekestijn @g900ap Robert van der Noordaa..zelfbenoemde #trollenvanger en #factchecker bij @volkskrant #activisten kliek die..zie ik nu..geen factgecheckte #feiten van een wel deskundige ter zake verdraagt met zijn blijkbaar (te) grote ego en gevoelige tenen..

Je moet het maar kunnen..🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@ajboekestijn @g900ap @volkskrant >Geen idee waar Robert de deskundigheid, kennis en inzicht vandaan haalt om dit zo stellig te beoordelen als dat de wel objectieve en verifieerbare feiten zijn oordeel alleen al ontkrachten. Hoezo #factchecker? Hij #trolt nu zijn #complottheorie zelf als een volleerd #wappie.>
@ajboekestijn @g900ap @volkskrant >Wie wie heeft #vergiftigd en waarom is nog helemaal niet glashelder noch in enig rechtszaak vastgesteld. Weer volstrekt #wappie reactie en duiding van #RobertvanderNoordaa. Als ook feitelijk onjuiste conclusie wat Rusland van plan was of is. Dat is #propaganda, #complottheorie.>
Read 48 tweets


All Systems #GO (26) 17 + 27

48 Cardinals
John & Browning
John #MOSES Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert Barrett Browning

Robert F Kennedy
John F Kennedy Jr #GEORGE

#BELLA !!!

Queen Elizabeth & all the royals stole my families identities!!

Diana knew !!
Read 19 tweets
I read AG Rantos' #SuperLeague Opinion (available at…) for you and here are my main takeaways 🧵🧵🧵

#Sportslaw #EUlaw #BosmanDay #FIFA #UEFA
It opens with some drama, "the very existence of the organisational structure of the modern game" and "the the future of European football" are at play. (§2)
The first really interesting part of the Opinion concerns the AG's assessment of the relevance of Article 165 TFEU and the European Sports Model in the case (§§27-42).
Read 36 tweets
Stop playing, Taylor Swift + Shane Cross …

Shane was from Australia.
Time stamp, 4:07/47.
47 = Shane

The games being played really suck & this is what the TRUE MEANING behind #Reputation is about …

A BIG Conversation.

God coming back & finding his Bride.
That is


EVERYTHING happening in the world has drug on & On & on all because of two lovers ..

Her enttire life is FAKE, it’s staged, it’s scripted with ACTORS playing roles as A way to leave comms in time ..

EVER HAD was NOT real ..
Same as EVERYTHING else that has happened in the world, not real BUT real people have gotten hurt because of what was done in the past.
(Not talking about us/myself)
Much further back.

But what do I know?
Absolutely NOTHING.
Read 13 tweets
1. In recent months, we’ve been tracking chatter about the World Cup in #Qatar across #IS, #AQ, and Shi'a militant group (#SMG) networks online.
2. Interest has been fairly limited in #AQ & #SMG ecosystems but #IS|ers have been calling for attacks, with momentum for these calls spiking in recent days.

Graphs show incidence of posts with “Qatar” (yellow), “World Cup” (blue), and “football” (red).

1: #SMG; 2: #AQ; 3: #IS
3. One #IS call-to-arms singles out teams / supporters of Coalition member states, above all #US and #France.

There have also been multiple assertions that attacks needn’t happen only in #Qatar, the logic being that an attack anywhere during the WC will be maximally disruptive.
Read 5 tweets
Nach den schwachsinnigen Äußerungen des türkischen Innenministers zum "#Taksim-Anschlag" in #Istanbul, kann man vermuten, dass der türkische Geheimdienst MIT involviert ist.
Es deutet nichts auf die #PKK hin und erst recht nicht auf die #YPG.

Solch ein Anschlag entspricht nicht der Handschrift der PKK, es gab auch nie Hinweise auf einen solchen Anschlag und es wird abgestritten (normalerweise bekennt sich die #PKK zu jedem Anschlag). Ziele der PKK sind Militär, Politik oder die Polizei. Niemals Zivilisten!

Die #YPG ist eine Volksverteidigungseinheit in Nordsyrien und kämpft dort gegen den #IS und andere Dschihadisten. Sie operieren nicht in der #Türkei und haben noch nie die Türkei angegriffen. Sie verüben keine Terroranschläge und sind keine Terrororganisation.

Read 7 tweets
ISIS's Amaq news agency has released video said to show #Shiraz attacker giving pledge of allegiance to the "caliph".
Pledge is prompted line-by-line by someone offscreen
#Iran Image
2/Pretty much impossible to confirm if this is the same person seen in CCTV footage of the Shiraz attack Image
...and now an unmasked photo from #IS - strong resemblance to the attacker
Read 3 tweets
Jameza/Jameesha #Mubin was 29y.o. man from the area #Ukkadam.

Reports say that he was radicalised by the #IS philosophy and was planning an #EasterBombing style operation in #Coimbatore and was planning to kick start the same from Konniyamman temple or Kotta Eswaran temple.
It is also being said that he was already on the watchlist of the #Tamilnadu police as he had tried to set off an explosion few years ago.

He is also set to have close contacts with Mohammed Azharuddin, now in #Kerala jail for his involvement with #ISIS.
It is important to know that Azharuddin had close contacts with #ZahranHashim, the chief mastermind of the #EasterBombings in #Srilanka in 2019.

Mubin was NOT driving a gas vehicle but a petrol vehicle and the early triggering of the cylinder could have been an accident.
Read 14 tweets
Did the #IS negotiate with the #USA in 2006?
Shortly after the establishment of the Islamic State in Iraq, a speech by its leader Hamid al-Zawi (Abu Umar al-Baghdadi) entitled "Truth Has Come and Falsehood Has Perished" was published on December 23, 2006. Image
In his speech, he rejected any negotiation with the U.S. However, he said "we announce to you today our demands so accept them obedient and humiliated before before you regret it.. We order you to withdraw immediately.. without any heavy equipment or weapons.."
Read 5 tweets
1. Time for a status update on #IS.

We’ve been collecting and analysing #IS comms and chatter continuously for the last few years.

This is what the short- (50-day) and long-term (200-day) rolling averages look like for #IS attacks as of 10 October 2022.
2. In #Syria, after a three-fold decline across 2020/21, #IS’s reported activities have been hovering at roughly the same level since last summer.

Note that there was a fleeting surge after the #Ghwayran prison-break, but nothing sustained.

See tweet #12 for caveat.
3. In #Iraq, #IS’s network is seemingly in a similar place.

These days, less than half as many attacks are being reported on average compared with this time in 2020 and 2021.

See tweet #12 for caveat.
Read 13 tweets
Some "milestones" Jawlani achieved after few months to mubāhalā (scholars say it's calculated within an year)

Al-Maqdisi - took back his support after Jawlani fought Jund al-Aqsa

(according to hts shar'i , mud'hir alweis , Maqdisi made takfir of hts)
Al-Atawi: Departs from Jawlani, exposes his taking 1 million dollars from Saudi "mouth piece" (As Maqdisi calls him) Sheikh Al-'Ar'ur. Gives several statements against Jawlani and gets caught in Saudi border (or surrenders)
Saleh Al-Hamawi: founder member and shar'i, defects and is full time critic against Jawlani front, supporting Ahrar.

Mufti of JN, al-Ureidi: Departs from it after Jawlani broke away from AQ, nd joins founder member of JN, Abu Juleibib along with (allegedly) 500 members.
Read 13 tweets
1. In his latest statement, #IS spokesman Abu ‘Umar al-Muhajir spoke at length about #IS’s targeting of Christian communities in #Africa.

This continent-wide campaign is likely to intensify across #Mozambique, #DRC, and #Nigeria in the next few months, peaking in December.
2. As part of this, Muhajir spoke about recent developments in #Mozambique.

September has seen #IS’s cells penetrating further south there than ever before, razing "Christian villages" to the ground as they go.

L: #IS-related violence in 2021
R: #IS-related violence in 2022
3. At the beginning of this month, about 20 #IS fighters from #CaboDelgado crossed the #Lurio river and entered #Nampula province.

Up until that point, #Nampula state had seen just one attack claimed by #IS. As of today, that number is at eight and counting.
Read 7 tweets
A thread about the tactical difference with local forces between #IS and #AQ.
The big difference between the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda in dealing with local armed groups that cooperate with them is that #IS demands a merger under its complete control. #AQ, on the other hand, is satisfied with military cooperation without any control over these groups.
Al-Qaeda hopes to gain long-term loyalty by cooperating with these armed groups, even though they know that these groups do not pursue jihadist goals. The same tactics were used by jihadists in the past decades in countries like #Algeria, #Egypt or #Libya.
Read 8 tweets
#Ministerivastuu #demarit
@anttirinneexpj - Maksatko Antti, osamaksulla +korot, vai mitataanko omaisuus.
€8 miljardia mahtuu tiukkaan pakattuina satasina, kahdeksaan rekka-autoon.
@anttirinneexpj #IS kävi läpi #hallitus­ -neuvotteluiden ennätysmäiset kulut – irtokarkeilla ja suklaalla herkuteltiin
yli 3000 euron edestä | 31.10.2019
- #Loppulasku oli 595396 euroa, kun eduskunta oli budjetoinut hallitusneuvotteluihin 180000 euroa.…
Read 19 tweets
1) Vehbi Koç’un #yaşamını aktardığı ilk kitabı Hayat Hikayem ile

#İş ve hayat #tecrübelerini aktardığı ikinci kitabı olan Hatıralarım, Görüşlerim, Öğütlerim’in derlemesi olan, 7 ana bölüm ve 395 sayfadan oluşan Vehbi Koç Anlatıyor kitabını,

#kitap #işdünyası #yatırımnotları Image
2) yaşanmışlıklardan ders çıkartmak ve yeni kazanımlar edinmek adına özetlemeye çalıştım.

“Benim #anayasam şudur: Devletim ve ülkem var oldukça ben de varım. Demokrasi varsa hepimiz varız.

#Ankara’nın bütün #ticareti Ermeni, Rum ve Musevilerin elindeydi.”
3) “Müslüman #Türkler, ülkenin sahibi olmakla birlikte, çoğunlukla bu üç zümrenin emrinde çalışan, #basit hayat süren kimselerdi.

En güzel #binalar, en güzel #mağazalar, en güzel #yazlıklar gayrimüslimlerindi.

İyi bir okul #eğitimi göremeyişimin ve #dil bilemeyişimin”
Read 28 tweets
Thread: 17 August 2022: Day 175 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
Latest @DefenceHQ update: notes the explosions on 16 August in Dzhankoi, home to one of two "most important Russian airfields in #Crimea" and "a key road and rail junction" supplying Russian forces in southern #Ukraine. "The cause ... is not yet clear" 😶
#Russia's state media is upset at the "repressions" of Donald Trump. In a strange segment, Vladimir Solovyov even wondered if "Teflon Don" might not be "[declared] a Russian spy" and if so would #Russia do a prisoner exchange "to bring Trump to Russia?".…
Read 31 tweets
1) #yatırımnotları kapsamında faydalı olacağını düşündüğüm, okuması kolay, insanların #parayla ilgili düşünme biçimlerine farklı bakış açıları sunan,

Robert T. Kıyosakı’nin, #alfayayınları’ndan yayınlanan #zenginbabayoksulbaba kitabını özetlemeye çalışacağım. +

#kitap #finans Image
2) “Bugün insanlar, #zenginlerle diğer kişiler arasındaki gittikçe büyüyen bölünmenin daha çok farkındalar.

#Gelirdeki artışlar,

#çalışanlara -para için çalışan insanlara değil-, #girişimcilere ve #yatırımcılara gitmektedir.”

#finansalokuryazarlık #kitap
3) “Eviniz paraya çevrilebilir bir #aktif varlık değildir.

Zenginler #para için çalışmaz.

İnsanlar para için çalıştığı sürece #vergi ödeyeceklerdir.

#Zenginlerin daha zenginleşmesinin, yoksulların daha yoksullaşmasının, orta sınıftakilerin de borç içinde çabalamasının” +
Read 36 tweets
1. The attack on #Kabul Cricket Stadium is as yet unclaimed, but it’s worth noting that, as of today, #ISKP has been inactive for 13 days in a row.

That’s the longest period since September 2021, when it was gearing up to launch the most intensive campaign in its recent history.
2. This summer’s slump has seen #ISKP become somewhat sidelined as an issue in #Afghanistan.

This graph shows mentions of the keyword “Daesh” on #Taliban social media since mid-2020.

Note how things peaked in Q4 2021 when #ISKP was at its most virulent.
3. We’ve also seen a slump in official #ISKP media releases (as in, those published through #IS’s Central Media Diwan).

Importantly, this lull hasn’t been reflected in the activities of #ISKP’s less globally prominent Pashtu and Dari media offices.
Read 7 tweets
1) Okuduğum kitapları özetlerken farkettim ki @Scala_Kitapci olmasa #ekonomi alanında dilimize çevrili eser yok denecek kadar az sayıda. İyi ki var (:

Bugün, Phılıp A. Fısher’ın Sıradan Hisseler Sıradışı Kârlar kitabını özetlemeye çalışacağım.

#temelanaliz #yatırım #kitap
2) #SıradışıHisselerSıradışıKârlar kitabı,

Üç ana ve bir ek bölüm olmak üzere toplam 357 sayfadan oluşmaktadır.

3) “Ancak gerekli fikri edinmek için yegane ve mutlaka en iyi kaynak rakipler değildir.

Tedarikçilerden ve müşterilerden de birlikte çalıştıkları kişilerin yapısı hakkında öğrenilebilecekler aynı ölçüde şaşırtıcıdır.

Şirketin, hiç değilse birkaç yıl boyunca satışlarında” +
Read 20 tweets
1) Bugün #yatırım #notları alma serisinde yine @Scala_Kitapci tarafından dilimize kazandırılan @RobertGHagstrom’ın 12 ana bölüm ve toplam da 310 sayfadan oluşan değerli eseri #WarrenBuffettTarzı’nı özetlemeye çalışacağım.

#temelanaliz #finansalokuryazarlık #kitap Image
2) “Kuvvetli bir şirketin hisseleri #içseldeğeri’nin altında işlem görüyorsa, kararlı bir şekilde harekete geç.

Mantıklı şeylere derin bir saygı duyarken, ahmaklıktan tiksiniyor.

Basit olanı kucaklarken karmaşık olan her şeyden uzak durmaya çalışıyor.” +
3) “Biz #Buffett’ın kesinlikleri iskontolu satın alma yönünde bir tercihi olduğunu biliyoruz.

Kesinlikler bir şirketin ekonomik verilerinin öngörülebilirliği olarak tanımlanır.

Bir şirketin ekonomisi ne kadar öngörülebilir ise bu değerlendirme de o kadar çok kesinliğe” +
Read 30 tweets

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