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Auditors lubricate capitalism, keeping finance's gears smoothly a-whirl, so investors can move money in and out of companies without poring over their books or walking their facilities. Without auditors, capitalism's gears would grind to dust:…

1/ Two business-suited male fi...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Unfortunately for capitalism, auditing is irredeemably broken. The Big Four auditors (#PWC, #EY, #Deloitte and #KPMG) have merged to monopoly, becoming #TooBigToFail and #TooBigToJail.

Read 34 tweets
@retheauditors @premnsikka 1/ UK audit regulator (#FRC) fines #KPMG £1.25m (+ a former KPMG director fined £50k with a severe reprimand) for serious failures in LSE listed electrical product manufacturer/distributor #Luceco’s 2016 #audit (…). Image
2/ Luceco IPO’d on LSE in 10/2016 (130p : £210m mkt cap). Luceco’s long term auditor KPMG ‘triple dipped’ as auditor plus tax & IPO transaction services. Saddled up at Luceco as independent non-exec/on audit committee: Tim Surridge, former partner at KPMG transaction services. Image
3/ Installed for the IPO, a shiny new CFO, however, the rot had seemingly already set in. Luceco’s 2016 audit report was declared by the FRC as a ‘dud’, but the accounts detailed the rather fabulous level of KPMG’s £1m fees (£116k audit; £857k IPO related; £49k tax & audit). Image
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that 15,427 page #GK8 document filled with #CelsiusNetwork's creditors personal detail is quite an amazing document.
i have so many questions, but let's start with:

1. Why are there an enormous numbers of creditors in countries GK8/Celsius aren't supposed to do business with?
Corporate entities in the #CelsiusNetwork / #GK8 / #GK8Limited bankruptcy, pt. II. Noticed:

➤ Ernst & Young (maybe?)
#KPMG (#Wirecard's dad)
@TheBlock__ ("journalism")

@AABerwick @kadhim @Frances_Coppola
Read 14 tweets
#NorthernData published several press releases since the BOY, but omitted most of the relevant information.
The company missed its already lowered guidance, is sued by $RIOT for $114m and auditors issued a going concern warning
$NB2 guided 100k ASIC miners for 2022, 200m to 250m revenue and adj EBITDA (excl. trading losses) of up to 75m. They missed all of them. Only the mined BTC were slightly above the lower end of the guidance
Partners cut ties with #NorthernData which leads to a revenue decline of at least $25m. On top, $RIOT is suing Northern Data for $114m, the #Bafin and public prosecutors are investigating the company.
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@retheauditors @premnsikka 1/‘ Investigation in to #AIM listed #RevolutionBeauty unveils "serious issues" over the way the business was allegedly run under previous senior managers’. Revolution hired Macfarlanes to investigate after their long term auditors #BDO ‘reared up’.
2/ Yesterday it reportedly emerged that Macfarlanes had discovered Revolution made "unacceptable" loans to senior managers, requested distributors book orders worth £9m to meet y/end financial targets + failed to consider key info. when acquiring a company owned by its chairman.
3/ Revolution’s auditor prior/during/post #AIM listing was #BDO. BDO & Mazars were criticised in 2022 by the UK audit regulator #FRC for ‘unacceptable’ audits (the worst auditors inspected for the 2nd year running). Meanwhile over in the US ‘BDO USA botched more than half of …
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[1/🧵] #LiquidityHub—Einigen als Begriff vielleicht bereits bekannt, ist es das natürliche Upgrade der #Ripple #ODL (on-demand-liquidity) Plattform.

Noch nicht offiziell "gelaunched", gibt es dennoch erste Eindrücke und Informationen, die sehenswert sind. 👇🧵 Source:
[2/19] Der Umgang und volle Nutzen von #Crypto wird bei weitem noch nicht ausgereizt und steckt in der Wirtschafts- & Business-Welt noch in den Kinderschuhen.

Aber woran liegt das? Was ist der Flaschenhals?
Welcher 🔑 öffnet das 🔓 zur Massenadoption?…
[3/19] Schaut man sich den neuesten Blogbeitrag—Enterprise Applications of #Crypto Liquidity—von #Ripple an, stellt man schnell fest, dass Unternehmen aus aller Welt derzeit beim "investieren, kaufen, verkaufen und halten" feststecken und darüber nicht hinauskommen.
Read 21 tweets
Freunde der gepflegten Prüfungsunterhaltung, es geht weiter mit dem Sonderprüfungsbericht von #KPMG zur #Adler Gruppe Teil 2.

Da ich am 27.04. auf Dienstreise bin, kommt mein "Tagesthread" schon am Vorabend. Ob ich Teil 3 am Donnerstag schaffen werde, weiß ich noch nicht.

Vorabfazit nach ca. ½ des Berichts: ich habe den Eindruck, #Adler könnte ebenso dubios sein wie #Wirecard, wobei es 2 Unterschiede gibt: die Beträge sind geringer & das Vorgehen scheint erheblich ausgefeilter. Aber ich bin kein Jurist, daher nur unqualifizierte Meinung.

Read 37 tweets
Freunde der gepflegten Prüfungsunterhaltung, es wird mal wieder Zeit. Ein neuer Bericht wurde veröffentlicht, dieses Mal zur #Adler Group. Natürlich nehme ich ihn mir gern wieder vor, um zu schauen, was der Bericht im Vergleich zu vollmundigen Pressemitteilungen besagt.

Vorab wie üblich mein Disclaimer: ich bin weder ein Mitarbeiter der #Adler Group noch von #KPMG. Ich habe auch keine persönlichen oder finanziellen Interessen an #Adler. Könnt Ihr euch deswegen auf mich verlassen? Natürlich nicht, schließlich ist dies ein anonymer Account.

Ich bin weder Jurist noch Prüfer, daher sind alle Wertungen als persönliche Meinung zu verstehen. Quelle ist i.d.R. der Sonderprüfungsbericht von #KPMG…

Read 45 tweets
1/13 Een #Draadje met #Ernstige #Kritiek op het #Corona-#Beleid van dat #Neoliberale Kabinet van #Rutte.
Ik geef dit al aan vanaf voorjaar 2020, eerst via @OccupySchagen, daarna ook via m'n eigen Account in het Nederlands. Eerst wat cijfers en zo: ImageImageImageImage
2/13 Er zijn 3 Soorten beleid sinds de start van de Pandemie in Jan.-Mrt. 2020.

1. #ZeroCovid: Beperk Besmettingen, roei 't virus uit.

2. #WeinigCovid: Beperk besmettingen.

3. #HerdImmunity: laat het virus rondrazen in afwachting van vaccins.

Hieronder alle 3, met hun impact.
3/13 1. #ZeroCovid: speur alle besmetten via #Testen op en #Isoleer ze.
Lokale Lockdown uitbraken + iedereen daarin testen.
China, Australië, Nw Zeeland, Z-Korea.
Totaal Corona-#Doden cijfers per #Miljoen #Inwoners:
NwZ : 6
Z-K : 55
Aus: 65 Image
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In het rapport Dit zijn de lessen van 1,5 jaar coronacrisis, dat deze donderdag verschijnt, is #KPMG zeer kritisch over de door het kabinet gevolgde strategie en de resultaten daarvan.

Er zijn in Nederland meer doden gevallen door dit beleid! 🔥…
Pas ingrijpen bij volle bedden ipv indammen
Read 10 tweets
Wir veröffentlichen heute 4.228 Seiten Akten zum #Dieselskandal. 2018 haben wir Andreas #Scheuer aufgefordert, uns dazu umfassende Informationen zuzuschicken, mit Berufung auf #IFG und #UIG.

Das haben wir in drei Jahren Rechtsstreit gelernt:

1/ Das #IFG muss grundlegend reformiert werden. Wir brauchen nach der #btw21 ein echtes #Transparenzgesetz. Denn aktuell können staatliche Stellen das Transparenzprinzip ad absurdum führen und ins Gegenteil verdrehen – wie in unserem Fall #BMVI und Andreas #Scheuer.
2/ Zwischen #Staat und #Zivilgesellschaft besteht eine große Waffenungleichheit. Andreas #Scheuer und #BMVI haben mehr als 300.000 Euro in die Hand genommen, um unsere Anfrage mit Hilfe einer sehr teuren Anwaltskanzlei (#KPMG Law) jahrelang abzublocken.…
Read 12 tweets
1. We all saw the #destruction caused by visible #looting in #SAUnrest & communities are reeling from the impact. But about 1000 times of what it will cost to repair last week’s damage, was “invisibly” looted through #StateCapture & #corruption. Here are some highlights
2. According to @ShadowWorldInv1 the #ArmsDeal of the 1990’s cost SA an estimated R2,2 billion looted to pay bribes and kickbacks. To date nothing has been recovered. Money that could have changed the poor’s lives wasted on #GrandScaleLooting.
3. In 2015 @CompComSA found #construction companies #GroupFive, #WBHO, #BasilRead, Murray&Roberts, #Aveng & #StefanuttiStocks guilty of #colluding when building 2010 FIFA World Cup stadiums. This added R14 billion to construction costs. (Your taxmoney!)
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1/ $QNT- the most experienced enterprise team in #crypto:

✔️GILBERT VERDIAN-CEO(founder of #blockchain ISO Standard TC307)

✔️GUY DIETRICH-Managing Director of #Rockefeller Capital

✔️MARTIN HARGREAVES-Vocalink/#Mastercard Vice President

✔️NEIL SMIT-Vice Chairman #Comcast Corp
2/ #Quant_Network has groundbreaking #Overledger technology offering any:any #interoperability acknowledged by SIA (the leading financial network provider; 580 banks), #Oracle, Simba Chain, #Deloitte, #KPMG, #MIT, World Bank, #SDX(Six Digital Exchange), UK, US, AU governments… ImageImageImageImage
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There are 175 corps/institutions now overseeing your children's #education going forward. They will be shaping/molding your child's #ideologies &
#worldviews - all while harvesting their data.

Global Education Coalition Members (announced Mar 18 2020): Image
"Civil society & non-profit organizations" (those serving capital & elite institutions) include:

-Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
#ONE (Bono)
-Global Business Coalition for #Education
#Sesame Workshop

See image. #4IR Image
Read 14 tweets
14 corporations that gave money to the senators who tried to overturn the election


Its PAC gave TRAITOR Sen. #JoshHawley (R-MO) $1,000 and Sen. #RickScott (R-FL) $1,000


Its PAC gave $10,000 to Sen. #RogerMarshall (R-KS).


Its PAC gave $5,000 to Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and $10,000 to Marshall.


Its PAC gave $10,000 to Marshall.


Its PAC gave $3,000 to Scott and $1,000 to Sen. #TedCruz (R-TX)


Its PAC gave $5,000 to Lummis and $10,000 to Marshall.


Its PAC gave $1,000 to Marshall


Its PAC gave $2,000 to Marshall.

Read 6 tweets
This bird's app has been inundated with diverse opinions on the afore-mentioned. It was the aftermath of @EWAWUNMIII's tweet. I decided to wade into this without any form of prejudice. Please, Kindly read on👇(1/2)
First, here's a background to myself. I had ND (Distinction), HND (Upper Credit) - this was because I was into full time business and couldn't concentrate on my studies. Then of course, I had BSc(First Class). Please, do note that I stated this just to provide clarity. (2)
Clarity, to show that I have experienced both worlds - I'm on a pedastal where I can address this objectively. For the young ones among us, please learn and quit needless arguments. When your future is at stake, you need to let go of being self opinionated and listen.
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Andreu Riera founded #Scytl in 2001. The cryptography expert came up with the idea during the 2000 U.S. presidential election.

Although, Riera died in a car accident 2006, missing out on Scytl’s biggest phase of growth and its sunset.…
But in 2000, during the Florida recount, which decided the election between #Bush and #Gore, Andreu #Riera became an idea, that an electronic vote would have to be more effective than the business of paper ballots and hanging chads.
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For the records: Laut #ESMA hatten die #BaFin-Mitarbeiter der Abteilung für Marktüberwachung (WA2), die #Wirecard handelten, Zugang zu Insiderinformationen. Zwei Mitarbeiter aus WA2 waren 2020 sehr aktiv, u.a. mit Derivaten (s. Tabelle). In der BaFin sah darin niemand ein Problem
Und im Juni 2020 waren zwei Mitarbeiter aus der Abteilung WA2 natürlich auch aktiv #BaFin dealings #Wirecard
Mehr zu den #BaFin-Händlern aus der Abteilung, die eigentlich für Marktüberwachung und den Kampf gegen #Insiderhandel zuständig ist und im Fall #Wirecard eine zentrale Rolle hatte, hier…
Read 8 tweets
Let's talk business.

Wat het kabinet nog steeds onvoldoende lijkt in te zien, is dat "het virus rond laten gaan" de #economie harder schaadt.

Want, consumenten blijven angstig. Ook zonder lockdowns.

Dus: je helpt de gezondheid EN de economie, want:

virus terugdringen = hoger consumentenvertrouwen

#ABN hoofdeconoom @SandraPhlippen zei het al bij @Nieuwsuur:


In #China lijkt al zichtbaar te worden wat het de economie oplevert om het virus onder te controle te hebben en daarmee meer consumentenvertrouwen te hebben.


Read 4 tweets
The #WE scandal surrounding Cnd. PM Justin Trudeau (& Finance Minister Bill Morneau) broke at the end of June. June 26 2020: "Trudeau accused of cronyism over giving #WE Charity a contract to run $912-million student #volunteer program".…
"#WE Day events for young people [] frequently feature Mr. Trudeau & his wife, Sophie Grégoire #Trudeau, as #keynote speakers. Ms. Grégoire Trudeau is a volunteer "#ambassador and ally” of the WE Well-being initiative."

Grégoire Trudeau's daughter, Ella-Grace, & her mother-in-law, Margaret #Trudeau – spoke at an indoor WE Day event in March 2020, attended by 13,000 people. Margaret Trudeau received $250k for 28 event appearances (since 2016) from sister co. #MetoWe.

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Die dramatischen Entwicklungen bei #Wirecard nehmen kein Ende. Innerhalb von zwei Tagen ist der Aktienkurs um knapp 70% eingebrochen. CEO Markus Braun ist zurückgetreten. Die Hinweise für einen Betrugsfall von großem Ausmaß verdichten sich. Eine Chronologie. /1
#Wirecard hat ein jahrelanges rasantes Wachstum hinter sich. Gegründet in Aschheim expandierte das Unternehmen für Zahlungsdienstleistungen schnell. Gekrönt wurde das Wachstum mit dem Aufstieg in den #DAX im Sept. 2018. Die Aktie notierte in Hochzeiten bei knapp 200 €. /2
30.1.19: Die Financial Times erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen #Wirecard. Demnach habe ein hochrangiger Manager in Singapur womöglich Verträge gefälscht und Geldwäsche betrieben. Die Aktie bricht schlagartig um knapp 20% ein. /3…
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In #SDNY pedophilia trial, jury asks for "all chats in evidence." 2 days ago, Inner City Press requested access to exhibits
Prosecutors & Waqar's 7 relatives are waiting in the courtroom. Waqar is sitting waiting for his lawyer, speaking to no one
Verdict in #SDNY: Mr Waqar was just found guilty of attempted child enticement. Gov wants remand…
Read 11 tweets
I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds @joswinson an irritating and entirely disingenuous politician. Her attack lines make a *lot more sense when you review who funds her...… #NeoliberalDemocrats #KPMG
@joswinson Let's take Melissa Geiger of #KPMG who donates to @joswinson's office

Melissa is a Partner and Head of International Tax and Tax Policy for KPMG in the UK…
@joswinson @atulkshah @premnsikka @rbrooks45 @RichardJMurphy @PeoplesAudit Then there's @joswinson donor - Michelle Quest, also of #KPMG - a corp tax kingpin of the global 'tax planning' [read #taxavoidance] industry. These people clearly have a *lot to lose if a Labour Govt crack down on London's pinstripe accounting mafia...
Read 6 tweets

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