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1/ Realisiert ihr hoffentlich langsam: Der Freiheitskampf ist wichtiger denn je.. #WakeUp.
Wichtig: an die Geschlumpften, Klimakleber-Sympathisanten und CO2-Sektenmitglieder:
Es wird auch euch und eure Familien betreffen!… ImageImage
2/ Leuk im Wallis. stay away!
@MySwitzerland_d Image
3/ eine strategisch wichtige Überwachungsanlage steht in der #Schweiz - unter Kontrolle der mächtigen Dienste des Westens!
Die Schweiz als Drehscheibe der Überwachung! ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
घूंघट की आड से बुर्क़ा के बुर्ज तक।
ये मेरी स्टोरी है। मेरा नाम संस्कृति है और मैं भारत वर्ष में रहती हूं। जिसे आप देवभूमि, तपोभूमि के नाम से जानते थे। संस्कार जिसके धमनियों में बहता था और सभ्यता का आंचल खुले आकाश में उड़े खड़ी रहती वो मां भारती मैं ही थी। #TheKerelaStory १/९ Image
मेरी अस्मिता जागृत थी और मैं एक स्वामिनी, समानाधिकारीनी थी। मैं संस्कृती, नाम तो सुना होगा? ये मेरी स्टोरी है।
में आज घूंघट ओढ़े क्यों खड़ी हूं ये जानने के लिए मैंने घूंघट क्यों पहना और कैसे पहना ये जानना आवश्यक है। दरअसल हिन्दू परंपरा में घूंघट था ही नहीं। २/९
किसी भी पुराने मंदिर के अवशेष देख लीजिए या किसी भी पुराण को पढ़ लीजिए। माथे पर कुमकुम टीका लगाए भारत मां की धरती पर उज्वल भविष्य का बीज बोते हुए मैं चलती थी, गजगामिनी की भांति। पश्चिमी आक्रांताओं ने आक्रमण किया हमारी धरती पर। हमारी सभ्यता को लूट लिया। ३/९
Read 9 tweets
I don't just talk I've backed up my words with actions
that's why right now my words are valuable because with every word the doj prosecution is gathering to be used against me to say why I need to be locked up for life
The #FirstAmendment is 1st for a reason
but to America's enemies it's the last line of defense for freedom & Our enemies last battleground
You really believe after Americans compliance to the lockdowns that yall won't have your 2nd stripped 😂
Talk big but you masked up without
hesitation, claimed you'll lose your job can't shop you freakin name it YOU complied
They know Everything you buy with credit cards they are making cash impossible
#WakeUp #J6ers are in Jail 2 yrs pretrial abused Yall silent
#J6 defendants are tried without access to discovery
Read 4 tweets
Well, it appears that, since people really are like sheep, are manipulated, spell bound, indoctrinated and just as the Bible says, asleep to truth, & their selfish egotistical self centered & desire only to "return to being entertained" instead of awakening to truth...

And I'm talking about the remainder % who saw the spark but once the arc flash had diminished & they could see around them the world's offerings they quickly filled their eyes with desires of the flesh, put their heads down and started grazing again.

Ergo, for the sake that none should parish but all are given every opportunity to "#WAKEUP" the show will continue to the great finally of the scare event. 😱

To those who are fully awake and doing/done your part in the #GreatAwakening operation thank you! Well done!

Read 14 tweets
🇨🇭Mme Keller-Sutter à la mémoire courte et les secrets toujours en vigueur chez nous, il serait temps que les citoyens contrôlent les "contrôleurs" à tous les niveaux, sanitaire, financier, politique, économique, instruction publique bref tous les niveaux de la sociétés.
Surtout la transparence de tous les partis politiques qui pour la plupart s'occupent de leur portefeuille et de celui qui les nourrit.
Il est temps de revoir toute notre Constitution et de que velle-ci soit respectée, que les traités internationaux entre copains soient
vérifier et que les gens de ce pays ne soient plus représentés par des individus vils et cupides et que les citoyens reprennent le pouvoir pour le bien COMMUN!
"Credit Suisse a déjà prélevé le week-end dernier un important montant de plusieurs milliards de
Read 6 tweets
1/ Oh...! Schlafschafe denken:
"Gut haben es die Medien gebracht, SBB krebsen zurück und haben es falsch eingeschätzt"?
Glaubt ihr das? Nichts passiert zufällig.
#Aufklärung, Auflösung am Schluss...: Image
2/ wie alles begann: K-tipp brachte die Story... Die (staatlich geförderten) Mainstream sind brav aufgesprungen; trenden das Thema zuerst... Datenschützer und Kommentatoren springen auf...…
3/ mit etwas Abstand bringen die Mainstream (vermutlich brav gefüttert von SBB und SW-Lieferanten) dann Aufklärungs-Story "alles halb so schlimm"...… Image
Read 19 tweets
1/ #Geopolitik #Nordstream
👀🤔⤵️ Ein Gedankenspiel (oder ist es Perspektiven-Wechsel, oder gar Aufklärung?)
Glaubt ihr an die grandiose Debunking-Geschichte von Star-Journalist Seymour Hersh?
2/ [ Einschub: wer es ausser den (wenigen) Headlines in den MSM noch nicht gelesen hat:
Grandios übersetzt/erläutert bei… von @SpiegelAnti plus auch:… #unbedingtlesen ]
3/ Zusammenfassung: Verschiedene US-Dienste hatten einen Plan konzipiert und diesen, zwecks geopolitischer Kriegsführung und Wirtschaftskrieg, umgesetzt. Mündete in der Sprengung der Pipelines - und indirekt im ausbluten von Europa.
Read 17 tweets
“Premeditated Manslaughter Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Part 2 -Psychopathic democide might be eligible for forgiveness in rare circumstances, but blanket amnesty is not in the cards for crimes against humanity - by @TraderStef #Nuremberg2 #Amnesty… Image
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? - “Plandemic 3” Trailer – Seeing Through The Propaganda…
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? #democide - Jr. covering for daddy, sooo late and behind the curve by a couple+ years, is pathetic - not humble
Read 99 tweets
Cities of Tomorrow*
‘20 minute city’ initiative

All so easy and accessible that in the future you won’t need a #car & if a #climate #Emergency should arise you can easily stay within your #zone
*… #svpol
#Agenda2030 #SmartCity 's
#Paris Is Planning To Become A ’15-minute City’
Where everything you need is within a 15-minute radius on foot or bike. The aim is to cut car use, resulting in fewer #CO2 emissions and cleaner air.…
#WakeUp #Jailhouse #society #Agenda2030
Efficient space use enables 15-minute cities
Improving #urban forms is one of #Europe 's most powerful levers to mitigate the #ClimateCrisis 🤔
#Agenda2030 #WakeUp #Sweden #Worldwide #svpolitik #svpol #powerabuse #tyranny #SmartCity #survilence #society #CrimesAgainstHumanity Europe has committed to reaching unprecedented goals includi
Read 4 tweets
Did u know?
True #ancient #history #Historia #christmas #Xmas
The real origin of Christmas goes back to ancient Babylon. The name 'Nimrod' is Hebrew and derives from 'Marad', meaning 'he rebelled'.…

...December 25th was the birthday of #Nimrod:
Here we have the real origin of the #ChristmasTree
They celebrated this famous birthday over most of the known world for centuries, before the birth of #Christ (#Jesus)
#WakeUp #humanity #evil #ancient #elite #RULER Then&Now
#Nimrod is said to be the founder, the king of the 1st empire after the #Flood
His realm includes #Babylon (Babel),Uruk,Akkad and Calneh.He's known to be a king that brought #tyranny to the #people while seeking to eliminate #religious #beliefs Story of Nimrod &Tower of Babel appears in numerous texts of ancient cultures including Hebr
Read 5 tweets
1/Thread: 'More on the Hegelian Dialectic'
Although this psy-op technique was created and used long before it got it's name, it is modern Illuminists/Freemasons who have mastered it's use
Machiavelli and Plato both discussed this tactic
2/ First a thesis is set up. An anthesis (opposite of thesis) is then set up and out of the conflict comes a predetermined synthesis.
3/ We will use a modern street example to illustrate.
The illuminati's Mafia (yes, they also created & run the Mafia) would send businessmen a letter demanding money signed with black hand. This was the thesis
Read 7 tweets
1/ 🚨🚨🚨Dear #Osmosis #governance and #community, pay attention, we'll explain in detail why the prop.362 is very dangerous and potentially disastrous for the whole #osmosis network!

We at #Sinfonia, as builders & stakers on Osmosis strongly invite you to #VETO PROP.362!
2/#Reverie a 3rd party managing the #OGP is proposing a 1-year program extension by which they plan to continue playing with our funds in a totally non-transparent way and with grant allocs that are not only meaningless (few of them) but also very dubious.…
3/ There have been 8 funding batches so far of which we know little or nothing, except 2 pieces of information they put on for the grants they approve.

Never seen a dashboard with status, or work updates, or public statement with money already disbursed.
Read 25 tweets
1/8. A video was posted on Facebook by #RRISD1CrimeFamily late yesterday continuing to defame @RoundRockISD's superintendent with the endorsement of @jeremywstory & full support of @DonZimmermanATX & his #HateSlate. #RRISD1family
2/8. This despite all investigations being closed by TCSO & @teainfo w/ no findings of wrongdoing. The only thing that remains is an opinion from an "independent investigator" who is known to be neither independent nor qualified as an investigator.
3/8. It is almost certain that @jeremywstory orchestrated this entire mess in #RRISD w/ help from bad actors across the state, including known xenophobes, high 💵 players from @TexasScorecard, & other PAC-funders looking to privatize #TxEd in the upcoming legislative session.
Read 8 tweets
Dr.Ilya Sandra Perlingieri.
researcher, lecturer,author..
Dedicated her life to raising public awareness of the realities of covert chemical spraying #GeoEngineering The links between chronic exposure to invisible environmental toxins & the dramatic increase in human illness.
@RealGeoEngWatch @GeoengWatch “The Assault on Our Health – Environmental Illness and Aerosol Pollution – Connecting the Dots”:

#GeoEngineering @RealGeoEngWatch @GeoengWatch
#warfare on #humanity #DepopulationAgenda #ClimateEmergency #Sustainability #Agenda2030 #wakeup
Read 4 tweets
8 reasons why I wake up at 4:30 am

- A thread - Image
At the beginning of 2022, I decided to wake up at 4:30 am.

Like you probably now, I questioned the efficiency of waking up that early.

But wait till the end of this thread to comment your disapproval.

Here is why you need to wake up earlier:
1. No interruptions

• No kids yelling
• No phone calls
• Silence
Read 12 tweets
D'un hashtag #apresJ20 à une asso🤝!
Aujourd'hui ce sont les 2 ans ## d'@apresj20.

Nous profitons de ce message pour rappeler pourquoi nous nous battons et aussi pour remercier nos bénévoles, membres et nombreux partenaires sans lesquels rien ne serait possible!🧵⬇️
1° La reconnaissance du #CovidLong adulte &pédiatrique, qui est toujours remise en question en 🇫🇷 par une poignée de prof. de santé avec la psychosomatisation (consternant ET anormal) ALORS qu'elle est acquise scientifiquement (@WHO , @HAS_sante etc) et légalement (#loiCovidLong)
2° La lutte contre les inégalités d'accès aux soins :
-pas de prise en charge
-prise en charge inadaptée
Alors que les besoins sont urgents d'avoir des parcours de soins spécialisés pluridisciplinaires (cardio/neuro/pneumo/infectio/etc) coordonnés avec un suivi sur le long terme.
Read 12 tweets
Two weeks before the pandemic started, the government (NIAID) and MODERNA signed a confidential agreement regarding COVID VACCINES, how did they know!!??

Anthony Fauci has to answer some questions!
#vaccine #vaccineinjury #vaccinedeaths
This might have been done before….
#vaccine #plandemic
On behalf of the Rockefellers, dr Frederic Gates injected the army with, ‘A VACCINE MADE FROM, BACTERIAL HORSE PUSS’ in order to stop, ‘MENINGITIS’ so the army got sick and spread it around the world.

Give me a break.

Google it.
#vaccine #vaccineinjuries #VaccineDeath
Read 18 tweets
blackpink - pink venom symbolism pt.1

blackpink - pink venom symbolism pt.2 ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Deena Kaur, daughter of Gurcharan Singh was abducted, converted & forcefully married to a muzlim in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa yesterday!😡

Whose responsibility are the Hindu Sikhs who were held in Pakistan as hostage population, post 1947?
Ashok Kumar Bajaj, caretaker of a Dayaram Darbar Sahib dharmshala along with residents, were attacked by muzlims in Rohri, #Sindh .

Pakistan is a live hell for Hindu Sikhs
& the only Land of Hindus in the world, fails to call Herself #HinduRashtra
What do we need to #WakeUp ?
How different is the situation of Hindus at the hands of muzlims in India?
Read 5 tweets
The elephant in the room:) If the threat of climate change is real, then all policy at this point assures the destruction of the planet. Policies in place assure increase in emissions not a decrease. Not even close. One then has to ask, what is going on? From a .....
probability perspective, when you have unknowns, (Like Hold-em) you assess different probabilities of answers. And that is would we are staring at here, on the range of possible explanations what is the % likelihood each is correct. If you agree with the premise that ....
policy right now is increasing rather than decreasing global emissions, then the % applied to the reason for the policy as a decrease in global warming should be in the 10% area. Afterall, they could just be that ignorant. Unlikely but lets say 10%. So that leaves....
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There is nothing unique about the time we are living in. The battle that is raging now has been one that has been playing out since the beginning of time. The battle between good and evil. It lies dormant for periods and then voila, you get the Holocost, Spanish inquistion,
killing fields, etc. The reason for the evil is the same reason its always been. Power, Greed, combined with the ignorance of the human race. Some things never change. This time around, its framed politically (D vs R). But make no mistake what is happening now transends
politics. The difference this time around is the US is now a player. Before it was either not in existence or you could count on them not to go too far astray from human decency. But we are in a time that is not familiar to Americans. They do not have a clue what is unfolding.
Read 8 tweets
1/ Schon aufgewacht? Warum spielen die Medien wohl dieses Thema?
#WakeUp liebe 62%: es hängt alles zusammen; wir warnen Euch seit über zwei Jahren! #Plünderungen in der #Schweiz!… Image
3/ übrigens: gemäss Umfragen: selbst die 38% haben massiv zu wenig Vorsorge in ihren Kellern! #Thinkabout and #Action
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Therapist Tip for your #mentalhealth: How to spot a #narcissist We are in a #narcisstic #psychopathic and #sociopathic epidemic. Look for these 🚩🚩1. Mirroring your interests 🚩 2. Love Bombing you at first. Feels like bliss 🚩3. Early obsession. Go too fast in any relationship
Fall in love with you in first week(s). 🚩4. Feels too good to be true 🚩5. They are idealising you & you can do no wrong. You are perfect for them. This is the 'honeymoon' period 🚩6. Them comes drama out of the blue 🚩 7. They come from a position of "how am I?" #psychology
Wanting others attention 🚩They do not care about how you are or how your day was. Do they ever ask you how you are, how was your day, say "that sounds like a tough day for you", show genuine empathy) Watch for 'false' empathy. Does the conversation always go back to them? #narcs
Read 25 tweets

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