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😋Consumption of #KIWI 🥝 improves #DREAM 😴

✔️ Kiwis have been shown to contain melatonin (24 µg/g) 👉 regulates circadian rhythm 👉 reconciles and maintains sleep.
✔️ Kiwis contain serotonin (5.8 µg / g) 👉 improves sleep and mood. Image
✔️Kiwis contain folate 👉 improve folate status 👉 improve sleep
Since Folate (Vit. B9) deficiency has been linked to insomnia and restless leg syndrome.
Consuming 2 kiwis🥝🥝 1h before going to bed for 4 weeks significantly improved total sleep time😴 as measured by actigraphy (16.9%) and sleep efficiency (2.4%)…
Read 4 tweets
- Fat Arab Refuses Arrest -

Oh, my dear comrades, allow me to regale you with a tale of a powerful scene from the early days of the Syrian civil war, before the advent of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Nusra Front.

1/ #Resistance Image
A time when the uprising was a spontaneous and righteous public movement, consisting of individuals from all religious sects - Shiite, Sunni, Christian, and many more.

Mostly students and adults, these brave souls would emerge after Friday prayers,

2/ #Anarchists Image
emboldened by the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood. Yet, as the days wore on, and a year had passed, other groups arose, heavily armed and backed by the likes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

3/ #Free Image
Read 13 tweets

Wakati mwingine inaweza kuwa hatari kutoa maelezo ya kina kwa watu wasioaminika au wasiojali ambao wanaweza kuitumia habari hiyo vibaya au kushindwa kuelewa kwa usahihi.
#Dream #Vision Image
Inashauriwa kuchagua kwa uangalifu watu ambao unashirikisha ndoto na maono yako. Ni muhimu kuchagua watu wanaoweza kukusaidia kufikia malengo yako kama vile marafiki wa karibu, familia, washauri au wengine wenye uzoefu na mafanikio katika eneo lako la ndoto.
Ni vyema kuelewa kwamba kushirikisha ndoto na maono yako na watu wasioaminika au wasiojali kunaweza kusababisha kukatisha tamaa, kuzorotesha maendeleo yako au kuvunja moyo wako katika kufikia malengo yako.
Read 5 tweets
Breaking: Shark Tank India is Cancelled after 2 Seasons?

So... everyone seems to think Shark Tank India is the "next big thing" on TV - but I think it's not coming back for the next season.

And here's how I think this whole thing will go down…

Thread. 🧵 Shark Tank cancelled
Disclaimer - I don't *want* Shark Tank India to fail. The world is more fun if it wins...

But wanting something doesn't mean it's going to happen. If it did, then every bag of chips would have more chips and less air.
OK, let's pretend you are the CEO of Sony India.

Congrats. You did it!

People like your channel. No, no - they LOVE your channel.

But there is a problem. You are not in the top 10 GE channels in India.

Despite having shows like KBC, Kapil Sharma, Indian Idol…

Read 57 tweets
#Agniveer #AgnipathScheme #Agnipath What are the facts to this scheme ? Why is the opposition rattled ?
Or it is the opposition ratted or its a #toolkit from abroad under which the #Dynasts are working ?
#bipinrawat according to sources was the mastermind and the #Dream project .
Was his so called death a conspiracy to distort this Project ??
India becomes a #SuperPower with a Younger Army is unacceptable to many Countries...!!
Opposition is rattled for this Youngsters who join this dream project will come out to be An Indian and they will talk of two things #Country n #Constitution.
The #religious divide will not work for them and they will be the Backbone of our Youth Brigade.
Read 6 tweets
Want to thank @Bindestriche for the retweet. Inspired the need to vent my thoughts in this🧵
An article on Peter #Thiel & his vision, to me a sign: we need to reclaim our #future & not let #techgurus take over.
Let’s start to look at our daily routines: fast pace thru … 1/21
#digital tools for working, shopping, researching, studying. communicating & more, made possible by mostly #SiliconValley’s tech companies for a “convenient” life. And I wonder if this is really the concept of the #goodlife that I dreamed of in my childhood? …2/21
..& will it be favored by unborn generations? It seems we are letting a certain type of tech vision take over.
Let me try to look behind that future that seems to be favored now:
As I see it the few leading tech companies now are mainly white men in their 30‘s & 40‘s … 3/21
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#TheDreamThieves for #AZAG is in #PreOrder!

This is the first official module for this #SwordAndSorcery #TTRPG of modern reinterpretation of classic British #Games (and it’s compatible with Troika as well).…

#DnD #FightingFantasy #ShowYourWork #RPGLATAM Image
In this adventure the characters try to steal back a #Dream from the #Sorcerers who take them from those who enter their domain.

#DnD #AFF #FightingFantasy #ShowYourWork #RPGLATAM ImageImage
It’s a #Surreal #Heist adventure that can be played with different levels of difficulty and is procedural generated, allowing you to play it differently every time you sit at the table!

#DnD #AFF #FightingFantasy #ShowYourWork #RPGLATAM ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Think for A second The number of individuals out there who KNEW what [they] were distributing & chose to say nothing about it … Just went on with injecting the masses/children …

Think of how many pharmacies/pharmacists, Doctors & other medical personnel
Who KNEW but said absolutely nothing about it …

How many do you think will struggle mentally finding out what [they]/Big Pharma companies gave them to distribute out to Men, Women & children …

DJT said “You’re (the people awakened, not woke) playing right into [their] hand.
Now as EVERYONE starts to see 100% clearly of what has been going on all along, what do you think is going through their minds?
Are all those individuals going to start causing more chaos/destruction because of what they have done unto others? #WHY?
Everyone was being SHOWN the
Read 22 tweets
While #science thought us that we can even cut and paste #genes with #CRISPR technology…even with that we only influence 3% to 5% of #chronicillness. The rest depends on #how you #live your #life!!! So how do we #SelfRegulate our #body?
1. Good #sleep is more important than most think! What happens during sleep? The fluctuation of consciousness…that we call the waking state. But in many wisdom traditions of the world, the waking state is merely a lucid dream that consciousness is having…
Read 41 tweets
We are live.

Personal Development Seminar

Topic: Dream it, Work it, Get it.

Speaker: Isaac O. Fatola (A Project Manager and E-Payment Specialist)

A dream implies having a vision of what/how tomorrow should look like. The setting of goals to shape, colour and build one's tomorrow as an individual, a people, a firm or a nation. - @fatolaisaac1 #SaturdayMotivation #Success #ThinkBigSundayWithMarsha

Also, dreams are energies that flow from the mind and the heart of those that believe in the possibilities of the occurrence of the unseen but envisioned reality. They are the beginning of all realities. - @fatolaisaac1 #Motivational #Success #ThinkBigSundayWithMarsha

Read 32 tweets
Had a #dream a fairly-well-known figure in the comics/animation scene made a conscious decision to get into marionettes, under the assumption this was a sparsely-populated hill they could be king of unopposed.

They were they kind of person, y'see, in the dream AND for real.
They uploaded YT bids of themselves playing with/describing acquisitions, one of which was a female version of Frankenstein's monster (no, not Bride of Frankenstein, a female Frankenstein). They just bounced the marionette up and down by all its strings at once, very amateurish.
But I was like, "That's an interesting character," and Googled it.

Turns out, it was an obscure, one-season Nicktoon about a woman who was a mad scientist who made herself a girlfriend, and whose cool cheerleader, Valley Girl daughter thought science was like, SUPER uncool, EW.
Read 5 tweets
Going to put some thoughts on the Texas v. U.S. hearing here. Nina Perales @MALDEF and the state of NJ, both representing #DACA recipients have already given brief remarks.
The Biden DOJ is speaking now and is discussing the Friday announcement that DHS would begin a rulemaking on #DACA and saying at minimum it will make substantive changes to the program.
First question from the Judge to DOJ: when is that rule making going to happen, anticipating that Texas will say "judge we have been waiting years for a decision."
Read 11 tweets
Some Friday afternoon #DACA news. @TheJusticeDept just filed a notice before J. Hanen in the case brought by Texas challenging the legality of the DACA program. In that notice, DOJ says DHS intends to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing a new regulation on DACA /1
A status conference is set for March 30 @11 am CT in Houston where the parties will discuss what happens next. Just as a recap, the parties here are: Texas & other states trying to end the DACA program; @MALDEF & @NewJerseyOAG who have intervened to defend DACA & DOJ. /2
In a very welcome change, this will be the first time since this version of the case that DOJ will be defending #DACA. It's an important hearing to see what may come next in court. But we know that what needs to happen is for the Senate to pass #DREAM for a permanent solution. /3
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#Thread #DidYouKnow
#Chilkur Balaji Temple, popularly known as "Visa Balaji Temple'', is an ancient #temple of Bhagwan #Balaji located at 25 km from #Hyderabad off the #Vikarabad road & on the banks of #Osmansagar is the #picturesque village of #Chilkur with its @LostTemple7
hoary temple dedicated to Sri Balaji #Venkateshwara. It is one of the oldest temples in #Telangana built during time of Madanna & Akkanna, uncles of #Bhakta_Ramadas (fame of #Bhadrachalam). From the style, #architecture appearance, it can be inferred that the @desi_thug1
#temple was built half a millennium ago. Set in sylvan surroundings, temple attracts lakhs of pilgrims every year & is an ideal place for sequestered retreat & #meditation . It enjoyed in the past, great days of pomp & glory. According to #Sattology (truth), a devotee who
Read 20 tweets
1/ This was a dream & vision that God gave me last year on March 24th, 2020. Then, I only shared it w/ 2 other ppl, that I recall.

I saw a man in white robe with a sword in his hand fighting against an enemy. Two young women were standing beside him, one on each side. ...
2/ Fire and smoke shot toward them, and a head appeared from the midst of the smoke. The head was that of a dragon. The head of the dragon had two horns on his head like an antelope. The dragon told the man that he cannot defeat him or protect the two women. The man replied ...
3/ to the dragon, telling him that he is really weak and that he only gets his power by speaking lies. The dragon became enraged and replied, "I will show you my power and strength." The two women told the man that they will help him. The man thanked the women, and he gave ...
Read 27 tweets
حضرت علامہ اقبال (رحمہ اللہ) کا مجسمہ اور تاریخی تضادات

مکمل پروگرام : |

پیشکش : @NativeMediaPk , کاشف بلوچ @kashifbaloch افشاں مصعب @AfshanMasab

#AllamaIqbal #علامہ_اقبال #خواب #دو_قومی_نظریہ #پاکستان
Idol of Dr Sir Muhammad Iqbal , Contradictions in Pakistani Narrative, History, Two Nation Theory & Islam !

Produced by @NativeMediaPk | @kashifbaloch & @AfshanMasab |

Full Segment :

#AllamaIqbal #علامہ_اقبال #دو_قومی_نظریہ #خواب #پاکستان #Dream
Authority on Jinnah , Mr Akbar S Ahmed said that “ Mr #Jinnah ‘s ties with Iqbal was of Saint (Pir) & Disciple (Murid) - Jinnah was trained by Iqbal ! Iqbal taught #Islam to Jinnah | @Dr_IshtiaqAhmad @omarali50

#AllamaIqbal #علامہ_اقبال #دو_قومی_نظریہ #خواب #پاکستان #Dream
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Infinite Spiders, playwright, @johnsteppling

"If you go to, say, Amazon and under books type in #Philosophy, or Philosophy/Truth…you will get a litany of books with the phrase “post #truth” in the title. It is, apparently, a #posttruth world now."…
"This is related to what I experience as absent in daily life. Post truth is post experience in some sense. As Cory Morningstar put it in our podcast (#25); 'we are being reprogrammed'."

[#SocialEngineerring - a prerequisite for transition to #4IR]
"Of course the more profound elements of the #reprogramming are to be found in the #digital revolution. There is no way to overemphasize the impact of the internet & its various platforms....

Societies of the west are increasingly demoralized...."
Read 18 tweets
So ends a political career which proudly included, among many other things:

-voter suppression
-harsh drug prosecutions
-going absurdly hard on cannabis
-knowingly causing lifetime trauma to kids at the border
-trying to deport #DREAMers

Couldn't have happened to a worse person
Sessions could have retired yrs ago on his record as a racist paleoconservative Senator, but he'd had one career goal since the year I was born: running immigration enforcement.

Trump granted his wish, on the condition Jeff eat Trump's shit like it was Sunday dinner. So he did
Sessions was obsessed w/denying those brought to the US as children their #DREAM, and carried a unique hatred for the #DREAMAct. He lobbied Trump for the privilege of ending #DACA. And he happily designed Trump's family separation policy.

What does this man have against kids?
Read 9 tweets
1/ By amending no more than THREE WORDS of the Immigration & Nationality Act, Congress could amend a 91-yr-old law to grant a pathway to citizenship to millions of undocumented Americans in a piece of legislation shorter than this tweet.

Really: three words!

Here's how:
2/ Loosely speaking, the U.S. had virtually open borders for everyone other than Chinese/East Asians until 1917.

The visa system was then formalized in 1924 based on white supremacist "national origins quotas" explicitly designed to favor white northern/western Europeans.
3/ As strange as this is to think of today, we simply weren't keeping good track of who was coming to the country at a federal level until 1906 and there was no mandatory requirement that new immigrants register with the government once here.

There wouldn't be until 1940.
Read 27 tweets
Good morning everyone!! 🌞
Here is a small thread on a beautiful #allegory based upon the Chinese Bamboo .

An allegory that teaches us #patience,#persistence,#hope,#habits, #Growth & Life in general. Image
The seeds require to be nurtured with love and care for no less than 5 years without showing any results. The first 4 years solely consist of nurturing & tending with NO SIGNS OF GROWTH. But the farmer goes about his job out of habit .+
In the 5 th yr all of a sudden it begins its exponential growth & shoots to over 90ft in just 6 weeks.
Miraculous , ain't it? 🙂
The farmer tends without knowing the outcome every single day with the same amount of love & concern .He never gives up. He keeps his habit.
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I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
THREAD -> In this age of artificial intelligence people sometimes ask me what makes us human, and I reply: the ability to #dream. We have the unique capacity to imagine a future different from the present, and act to bring it about. Image
From Joseph in the Bible, who dreamed #dreams and interpreted the dreams of others, to Martin Luther King (#MLKDay), whose greatest speech was ‘I have a dream,’ heroes of the human spirit have taken dreams seriously and used them to widen our horizons of possibility.
The prophet Joel foresaw a time when “your old people will dream dreams, and your young will see visions.” The ability to dream and the gift of finding people who help us realise our dreams are what liberate us from the prison of fate.
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