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Jun 21st 2023
Many liberals are amazed that people believe the obvious lies that the Modi government puts out about China. There's a clear inconsistency between Modi saying that China didn't take any territory and army commanders regularly meeting their Chinese counterparts to negotiate.

They're practically begging the Chinese to leave, and the Chinese are refusing. If that were not the case, there would be no need to talk.

Also, the #Indian #Military position MUST BE WEAK, otherwise we would have kicked out the #Chinese. We simply cannot.

So why isn't the Indian public angry with #Modi?

For the same reason they were not angry with #Nehru in 1962.


Indians have a tendency to place their heroes on a pedestal and worship them. As long as they are on that pedestal, they can do no wrong.

Read 21 tweets
Jun 21st 2023
There's no news of #Modi's visit to the #US when you turn on #CNN on TV in India.

So I looked up #NBC online.

I had to scroll past 11 screens to find any news of Modi's visit.

#XiJinping, on the other hand, was on the first screen.

These are the first six screens.

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Things more important than #Modi to the #USA:

1. Missing #titanicsubmarine
2. #Biden calls #Xi a dictator
3. Two people killed in #Georgia
4. Charges against #HunterBiden
5. Sweltering heat in #Texas
6. Judge strikes down #Arkansas ban on transition care for minors

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7. House vote on impeaching #Biden
8. Supreme Court #Alito
9. Limit #Chinese purchase of #US farmland
10. #Sanders to investigate #Amazon safety record
11. NH senator assaults employee
12. #Iowa building collapse
13. #Idaho man shoots 4
14. US ranks 43rd on #gender parity

Read 11 tweets
Jun 21st 2023
The Manipuri Dance, also referred to as the Manipuri Raas Leela of the Meitei community , is a jagoi and is one of the eight major Indian classical dance forms, originating from the state of Manipur. 

The dance form is imbued with the devotional themes of Madhura Raas of…… Image
The Hills occupy almost 90% of the state area, but the Valley, with just 10% land, is home to almost 60% of the people. Image
The Meitei people represent around 53% of the population of Manipur state, followed by various Naga ethnic groups at 24% and various Kuki/Zo tribes (also known as Chin-Kuki-Mizo people) at 16%. Manipur's ethnic groups practice a variety of religions. Image
Read 19 tweets
Jun 17th 2023
Why is what #Annamalai doing so impressive?

Tale of 3 leaders - A small thread

Taking the bull by d horn is a key leadership trait. Handling & successfully overcoming a challenge is a key leadership test that a politician must pass through to build & showcase credibility …1/8 Image
as a leader.

#Modi was sent to Gujarat to resolve crisis within BJP party & govt in 2001. Within months another crisis befell in the shape of Gujarat riots. He sorted out governance issues & ensured riots never ever happened again in a communally strife torn state of …2/8
Gujarat. That built the legend of Modi who has since never lost a political battle!

Who can ever forget teary eyed young MP from UP in parliament 2007, pleading d house to provide him protection. He came from a mafia ruled state, fiercely divided on caste & religious lines…3/8
Read 8 tweets
Jun 15th 2023
What will it take for America to wake up and see that, indeed, Prime Minister #Modi is wearing no clothes whatsoever and that our nation must stop providing him — and his zealots — platforms from which to claim otherwise? #ModiNotWelcome…
In 2022, raising concerns about the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in India, Representative @IlhanMN asked: “What will it take for us to outwardly criticize the actions that the Modi administration is taking?”
Certainly, no one could imagine Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, China’s Xi Jinping, or Russia’s Vladimir Putin being so feted and honored by the US government.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
L'affaire #Dorsey

There's been a minor kerfuffle in India for the last two days since the Twitter ex-CEO, Jack Dorsey, @jack, made some statements about freedom of speech in India under #Modi.

A 🧵

#Liberals are gleefully sharing these comments as evidence of #India not being a democratic country, and defenders of the government are going into attack dog mode, as usual.

But many people on both sides are missing some key things here:

1. Dorsey didn't talk only about India. In fact, he also talked about how the #USA government tried to suppress things. As also #Turkey, #Nigeria.

2. This points to a deeper issue underlying the whole controversy: Is #FreedomOfSpeech absolute?

Read 18 tweets
Jun 11th 2023
wer kennt das? es gibt tolle Momente. Ich habe nicht erlebt wie sich meine "Feinde" vor Gericht verplapperten. Aber soeben. Geduld, #Jedi! "Setze Dich an die Ufer des Flusses & warte bis die Leichen Deiner Feinde vorbei schwimmen." (Sprichwort)
(von wegen Sultaning - Hirn!) Image
2) #Kriminelle machen immer Fehler, auch Blutjunkies in BW, die Druck machen. #adrenochrome
Heute sagten Touristen im Scherz beim Eisstand. "#babies essen wir gerne. die essen wir immer zuerst." Wegen #Trumanshow Tru(wo)manshow lustig machen über mich usw.⬆️ 3) Image
3) Nur bei dem #Bashing der #Politiker #Trump #Biden #Putin #Scholz #Modi #XiJinping #Macron wem werden Menschen glauben, wenn es an die #Offenbarung geht? Leuten, die ihre Privaterpressung in BW machen? Oder #MSM oder #Selensky oder dem Fahrradhändler um die Ecke?
4) Image
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Jun 11th 2023
1. Thread on organisations plotting against #Indian PM #NarendraModi.

Share it to max people to make them understand how these propaganda organisations work!!

17 so called civil rights organisations call on President #Biden to cancel the invitation to #Modi ji. ImageImage
2. The main organisation behind these is #IAMC or Indian American Muslims Council.

Fact : The organisation is alleged to have links with several terrorists organisations. Just check the links here : Image
3. #FreedomHouse says that #India's democracy is Partly Free.

Fact :
How many of you believe this?

Moreover this organisation is funded by George #Soros who has pledged $ 1Billion to fight Modi!!

Checkout the images: ImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
🚨 Who is #BrijbhusanSingh of BJP? #Thread

It is important for us to know who this man is, whom #Modi is doing everything possible to safeguard him.

"You have not proved to be a good father. You have never cared about my sister or me. You only thought of yourself. We see our…… ImageImage
Brij Bhusan Singh was locked up under the Terrorist & Disruptive Activities Act. He was charged with sheltering Dawood Ibrahim’s associates & #Terrorists of the same gang at his residence in New Delhi.

‘Our image has suffered’ admits Late Sushma Swaraj ji in 1996 ImageImage
“I put a rifle to the back & shot him. He died” admits B Singh on TV with no fear of Law & Order.

Forget being convicted, He never even faced a proper trail! 🙏
Read 8 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
Who is #BrijbhusanSingh of BJP? #Thread 🚨

It is important for us to know who this man is, whom #Modi is doing everything possible to safeguard him.

"You have not proved to be a good father. You have never cared about my sister or me. You only thought of yourself. We see our…… ImageImage
Brij Bhusan Singh was locked up under the Terrorist & Disruptive Activities Act. He was charged with sheltering Dawood Ibrahim’s associates & #Terrorists of the same gang at his residence in New Delhi.

‘Our image has suffered’ admits Late Sushma Swaraj ji in 1996 ImageImage
“I put a rifle to the back & shot him. He died” admits B Singh on TV with no fear of Law & Order.

Forget being convicted, He never even faced a proper trail! 🙏
Read 7 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
@AshwiniVaishnaw Man of the moment Shri Ashwini Vishnav Ji, Minister -Railways..
Today evening it wd be 72 hours since the horrific tragedy happened at Balasore 3T train accident. On national TV one could make out the burden, grief and anguish on your face. ImageImage
Sir irrespective of demand for your resignation by some opportunist people you kept your head down and Tirelessly worked with the rescue team along side.
fatigue was apparent. 1 could only imagine what wd be going on in your mind. Watching the mangled trains,dead bodies 👇
and the injured people, and outwardly keeping your calm.
We could see you on national TV working, crawling out from underneath a bogy , Tirelessly supporting the rescue team through out the night.

The grit, the commitment and the dedication personified. ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
This is from the list of "rationalized content" - i.e., stuff that will be dropped - from the syllabus of class X, from the website of the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in India.…

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The rationale for the "rationalisation" of content is that the same subjects are covered in a higher class.

So evolution is covered in XII standard biology, and the periodic table in XII standard chemistry. So why teach it in Xth?

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The problem with this logic is that, in India, students opt for different "streams" after the Xth standard (class X) board exam.

Some opt for science, some for commerce, some for arts.

Non-science stream students will NEVER encounter evolution or the periodic table again.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
#uthiramerur #Modi #NewParliamentBuilding #MahaPeriyava
While performing Bhumi Puja of the New Parliament building, our PM mentioned about a place known as Uthiramerur. There's some very good information about the Democratic Processes in ancient Bharateeya cities and villages! Image
Uthiramerur (TamilNadu) is a model of Democracy! Uthiramerur is situated in Kancheepuram District, about 90 kms from Chennai. It has a 1,250-year old history! There are three important Temples. The three Temples have a large number of inscriptions, notably those from the reigns Image
of Raja Raja Chola (985-1014 CE.) his son Rajendra Chola, and the Vijayanagar Emperor Krishnadeva Raya! During the period of Parantaka Chola [907-955 CE.] the village administration was honed into a perfect system, through elections by the people! In fact, inscriptions on Image
Read 17 tweets
May 29th 2023
#Erdogan has won the elections in #Turkey.

#Indian #liberals are dismayed because Erdogan is trying to #Islamize Turkey.

But this is a decision of the people of Turkey.

Erdogan has won through a democratic, free and fair election.

This is what the people of Turkey want.

If you claim to love #Democracy, that is, the will of the people, then you should be happy with this result.

Erdogan is a #Democrat. He is not #Liberal. He converted the #HagiaSophia into a mosque.

But #Democracy has NOTHING TO DO with #Liberalism, and vice versa.

#Ataturk was a #Liberal in every sense of the word. He abolished the #Caliphate, closed down #Madarsa s, changed the language of the country from #Arabic to #Turkish, banned the #Fez cap, banned the #Sufi and #Dervish orders, and promoted scientific thinking.

Read 8 tweets
May 27th 2023
A friend sent me a video that is apparently making the rounds. It's titled "#Modi the Boss," and features various world leaders praising Modi's popularity and greeting him.

Modi's #Bhakts are clearly in orgasmic bliss with this, and opponents say it's pure propaganda.

But there's more to this than meets the eye.

1. It's a fact that Modi's popularity fills world leaders with awe. They would give an arm and a leg to be as popular in their countries as Modi is in India. He can screw up worse than anyone can imagine and still be popular.

2. In contrast, leaders of most world democracies have to worry about the #economy, #jobs, #Unemployment, #prices, #inflation, #recession, etc. If anything goes wrong with these, they might lose the next #election.

Read 14 tweets
May 26th 2023
India is a veritable #TowerofBabel, with more than two dozen official languages and hundreds of dialects.

This has caused lots of tension because everyone wants to preserve their culture. There's also the feeling that there should be some link language to connect the whole.
For a long time, #English was the link language, but self-styled nationalists, especially from the ruling #BJP, felt this was a betrayal of "Indian" values.

So they kept pushing for the use of #Hindi as the #NationalLanguage.

But Hindi is not even spoken by a majority (>50%) of Indians. It is merely spoken by the most Indians.

So people of other ethnicities worry that under Hindi domination, their languages would disappear.

A three-language formula was suggested as far back as the 1960s.

Read 19 tweets
May 26th 2023
The entire opposition in #India is a bunch of idiots. Be in the #CongressParty, the #TMC, the #AAP, the #DMK, the #JDU, or any of the 19 parties who have decided to boycott the inauguration of the #NewParliamentBuilding by #Modi or complaining about #SengolAtNewParliament

They are just playing Modi's game. And if you play his game, you will lose.

Modi is far better at optics than any of you. He understands that #Hindus love the idea of a Hindu symbol in Parliament. They don't care about the historicity.

And Modi also knows that, for all the talk about Constitutional propriety, nobody gives a damn about either Ram Nath Kovind or #PresidentMurmu - they know these are just puppets installed by Modi.

Modi's fans, which today are a majority of Hindus, want him to inaugurate it.
Read 5 tweets
May 25th 2023
Despite all the hot air about #MakeinIndia, when India needs something important, #Modi has no faith in Indians, even when they have proved themselves.

Our own government organization, #CDAC has made world class supercomputers. They are the #PARAM class of clusters.

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The article in today's Hindu newspaper says that India wanted to get an 18 #petaflop (PF) computer. Well, the fastest computer in India is the #PARAM #Siddhi, located in #IISC Bangalore, with a peak speed of 5.3 PF. Now you want 18 PF.

In 2002, PARAM unveiled its first #teraflop (TF) computer. One PF is 1000 times faster than a TF. By 2020, they had come up with a PF computer. 1000x in 18 years. How long do you think it will take them to go 3x from their existing level?

Read 6 tweets
May 24th 2023
A lot of people are upset that #Modi is going to inaugurate the new #ParliamentBuilding and not #PresidentMurmu

I don't have a problem with it. Frankly, I think the office of the President is a massive waste of taxpayer money, and should be abolished.

Rashtrapati Bhavan should be sold to the highest bidder and converted into a 7-star hotel, with a portion of their revenues going to the government.

Think about it. For a very long time, the Indian President has been just a #rubberstamp.

Whether it was Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed or #PratibhaPatil or #RamNathKovind or #DraupadiMurmu, the office has usually been filled with non-entities. These are political appointees who simply obey the diktats of the people who appointed them.

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May 23rd 2023
#Pakistan has blamed #Modi for destroying it's only surviving industry of printing Indian currency.
After 3-4 years of hardwork and investments now they had started printing ₹ 2000 Indian currency notes that were being sent mainly to Kashmir, Bengal and Kerala.
With this inhuman decision of Govt of India, they are set to loose US$ 2 million investments in the R&D and new printing machinery.

Notes in transit, both in Pakistan and within India, have become useless which is a loss of over US$ 10 million.
And more than 50,000. persons will become jobless which includes about 20,000 in printing factories and balance in logistics.

The official spokesperson of Pakistan also said that they were seriously missing good old days before 2014. 😃
( WA forward )
Read 3 tweets
May 13th 2023
It's now 12.21 pm, and the #KarnatakaElectionResults are firming up.

#CongressParty is leading in 124/224 seats, and #BJP is leading in 70, according to the #ECI website.

Whatever horse trading happens now, it is clear that this is a humiliating defeat for #PMModi

#Modi put his personal prestige on the line and addressed several mega rallies in Karnataka. The roads of Bangalore were closed off for several days so that Modi could do his roadshows.

Given all that, this is a huge #flop

Modi's image has taken a beating.

What this tells us is that:

Modi cannot make up for lousy governance.

The #doubleenginesarkara has failed #Karnataka

Other states may have doubts about enlisting Modi's help when their turn comes.

Read 4 tweets
May 10th 2023
This tweet by a retired wealthy industrialist with too much time on his hands and no idea what to do with it illustrates what is wrong with India.

He extols the virtues of a clay water storage unit, the surahi, from the mid-20th century.


Of course, while he lives in unimaginable luxury, the likes of which we can't dream of.

It's a foolish comparison, because the surahi can only store and cool water by a few degrees, whereas the fridge can cool anything, preserve food, and make ice (needed for his scotch).

But that didn't stop Indian twitterati from going ga-ga over his tweet. Why?

Because if there's one thing guaranteed to give you applause in India today, it is hearkening to the past.
Our grandparents had the most wonderful life. Our country was great in the good old days.
Read 26 tweets
May 8th 2023
Independent India has always been a vibrant democracy, except for the #Emergency years of #IndiraGandhi from 1975-77. That it has taken a decisive turn to religious majoritarianism under the #BJP and under #Modi since 2014 doesn't change that fact. (1/)
Democracy is not necessarily congruent with liberal values or even human rights. #Slavery was legal both in the democracy of Great Britain as well as the USA for almost a hundred years since the US' formation. Even a White woman was not considered equal to a man in America. (2/)
#Blacks in the #US did not have equal rights even after the abolition of slavery for another 100 years under #Lincoln, but we still think of the US in #1960 as a democracy.

Read 35 tweets
May 5th 2023
Wrestlers Protest में लगे ‘आज़ादी-आज़ादी’ के नारे सवाल पूछते ही पत्रकार से भिड़ा Tukde Tukde Gang #wrestlersprotest #jantarmantar #rss #modi #yogi
Read 7 tweets

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