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A new study from Colorado State University's Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences & the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology found “that #regenerative practices—including integrating crop & livestock systems—were successful as long-term #CarbonStorage solutions.”
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Researchers conducted a “global systematic meta-analysis of the effects of #regenerative management practices on Soil Organic Carbon (#SOC), Particulate Organic Carbon (#POC) & Mineral-Associated Organic Carbon (#MAOC) in cropland.”

They found that:
1️⃣ “no-till (NT) and cropping system intensification increase #SOC (11.3% and 12.4%, respectively), #MAOC (8.5% and 7.1%, respectively), and #POC (19.7% and 33.3%, respectively) in topsoil (0 to 20 cm), but not in subsoil (>20 cm).”
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"One of the planet’s most vital #CarbonSinks i.e. SOUTHERN OCEAN (SO) (absorbs ~40% of C) is revealing its secrets as tiny organisms in the SO play an outsized role in moderating Earth’s #climate."

Details from the recent research are discussed in a🧵⬇️
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"Based on 107 independent observations of the seasonal cycle from 63 #biogeochemical profiling floats, new study conducted by scientists from #NOAA & University of Hawai'i provide the basin-scale estimate of distinct biogenic #CarbonPool production at Southern Ocean."
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Researchers find "significant meridional variability with enhanced #ParticulateOrganicCarbon production in the subantarctic & polar Antarctic sectors & enhanced #DissolvedOrganicCarbon production in the subtropical & sea-ice-dominated sectors."
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"One of the planet’s most vital #CarbonSinks i.e. SOUTHERN OCEAN (SO) (absorbs ~40% of C) is revealing its secrets as tiny organisms in the SO play an outsized role in moderating Earth’s #climate."

Details from the recent research are discussed in a🧵⬇️
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"Based on 107 independent observations of the seasonal cycle from 63 #biogeochemical profiling floats, new study conducted by scientists from #NOAA & University of Hawai'i provide the basin-scale estimate of distinct biogenic #CarbonPool production at Southern Ocean."
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Researchers find "significant meridional variability with enhanced #ParticulateOrganicCarbon production in the subantarctic & polar Antarctic sectors & enhanced #DissolvedOrganicCarbon production in the subtropical & sea-ice-dominated sectors."
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Multi-temporal variability forecast of particulate organic carbon in the Indonesian seas


This research aimed to forecast the temporal variability of POC in Indonesian waters.
POC forecasting is essential in predicting the productivity of Indonesian seas, for several reasons, namely, that it will affect marine productivity, the Indonesian seas are dynamic, and the existence of global threats to the ocean (climate change, ocean acidification, and d'Ox)
Read 15 tweets
2022 brought new wars and the continuation of old ones. But it also brought some real advances in the protection of civilian rights. Here are ten of the most important, many of which involved efforts from @CeasefireCentre over the last 3 years:
#PoC #IHL #NotATarget S Kivu, DRC/M Lattimer
1. For decades the poor cousin of criminal prosecutions, #reparations awards took centre stage in 2022, incl. a ground-breaking #ICJ judgment in Feb ordering Uganda to pay $325m for armed activities and mass violations on territory of #DRCongo…
2. While the intl community has largely failed to deliver justice to the victims of #ISIS – incl. the #Yazidis – Iraq launched in the Autumn a holistic reparations scheme for Yazidi, Christian, Turkmen and Shabak survivors under the new Yazidi Survivors Law
#YSL #Yazidis #Iraq Nineveh, Iraq/M Lattimer
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The #EthereumMerge made everyone an expert on the subject of the different consensus mechanisms.👑

But the discussion revolves more around proof of work (#PoS) and proof of stake (#PoW).🚀

Shining light on others like proof of burn (#PoB) and proof of activity (#PoA):⚡
A consensus mechanism is the set of rules under which the #blockchain operates.✨

These rules dictate who gets to mine new crypto and the conditions for it.💎

1. Proof of activity (#PoA):💸

Proof of activity is the hybrid of #PoW and #PoS.💰

This consensus mechanism is used by @EspersCoin and @decredproject.

In #PoA, the first step is mining the blockchain in a traditional PoW way.👇
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Die Überzeugung teilt bei weitem nicht jeder.

#RoeVWade liegt erst wenige Tage zurück und schon ist klar, dass das oberste Gericht der #USA nächstes Jahr über das Wahlrecht entscheiden wird.
#Trump bereitet seine Wiederwahl vor und der 6.1.21 ist noch nicht aufgearbeitet.
Mit der von #Lindner an den Tag gelegten Blauäugigkeit rennen wir in die nächste Katastrophe.

Wenn die #USA tatsächlich die guten Freunde sind, als die sie Lindner beschreibt, liegt es in unserer Verantwortung auf Fehlentwicklungen hinzuweisen. Nicht, alles schön zu reden.
An dem Tweet von #Lindner ist einfach alles falsch. Noch in den 1930ern war Staatswirtschaft angesagt, um durch die Rezession zu kommen. Bis heute ist der militärisch-industrielle-Komplex ein Hauottreiber der Wirtschaft. Die #USA betreiben mit ihren internationalen Konzernen eine
Read 7 tweets
Guten Morgen ihr Lieben, ich hoffe ihr habt besser geschlafen.

Mein vorletzter Tag als @einwortmehr hat begonnen. Im DM Fach sind noch ein paar eurer Lebensgeschichten, die noch erzählt werden wollen.

Auch nach dieser Woche möchte ich euch eine Stimme geben. ↘️
Eure Geschichten erzählen, euch Worte geben.
Jeder von euch ist wichtig. Jeder muss gehört werden.
#IchBinArmutsbetroffen darf nicht verstummen. Die ersten Medien haben das Thema aufgegriffen.
Es müssen mehr werden. Wir müssen mit den Vorurteilen aufräumen.↘️
Denn wenn der Großteil der Bevölkerung versteht, was #IchBinArmutsbetroffen wirklich bedeutet und auch sie jederzeit treffen kann, dass wir genauso sind wie sie, mit Träumen, Wünschen und Zielen, unsere Kinder sind wie ihre Kinder, erst dann beginnt ein Umdenken.↘️
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An important document👇

Project Stella ECB + Bank of Japan

Synchronized Corssborder payments 2019
@Interledger @Hyperledger

My Theory
#Ripple < #ILP < $XRP pay channels for settlement

--Technical DLT Information--
#Interledger #PoC #Ripple #XRP #DLT…


This is very technical information for people interested in DLT and banking payment upgrades.

Not for the faint of heart.
Talks about Bank of England synchronized settlement of RTGS

I've seen that before and the common denominator was @Interledger #ILP #fintech #payments #settlement

3rd photo is the Bank of England document I read years ago on the ILP PoC success.
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There was a time a freshly graduated urban student from #Karachi 🏙️ (#Pakistan 🇵🇰) upper urban middle class, with an expensive British education, had a real talent for writing fictions and for advertising an expertise...1/20
Photo: Casey Horner
...she did not have thru her re-formulation of trendy topics. Surfing the wave, she considered herself as a #Writer and as a #Consultant.
Unfortunately, nobody in “patriarchal #Pakistan 🇵🇰”, as she says, was ready to hire a young... 2/20
Photo: #BernardGrua @BernardGrua Ramla Akhtar, Postgrowth, @BarfeootRara at Baltit fort, Kari
a young professional #female with no experience for the jobs she was pretending to. Her career disillusions and her unsuccessful personal life caused her severe depressions with more and more frequent mental disorders. 3/20
Photo: #BernardGrua @BernardGrua Ramla Akhtar, Postgrowth, @BarfeootRara at Karakoram mountai
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Eine Personenkontrolle darf nicht aufgrund der Hautfarbe erfolgen, urteilt das Verwaltungsgericht Dresden.
#RacialProfiling verstößt gegen die Grundrechte und ist somit illegal.

Ein junger Mann wurde aufgrund seiner Hautfarbe am Bahnhof kontrolliert.…
Da ausschließlich #PoC von der Polizei kontrolliert wurden (was ein Beamter bei der Gerichtsverhandlung einräumte), verweigerte der junge Mann die Herausgabe seiner Ausweisdokumente - zurecht, wie das Gericht ungeteilte - allerdings half dies dem Mann in dieser Situation nichts.
Nun drehte die Polizei richtig auf. Der junge Mann wurde nach seiner Weigerung mit auf die Wache genommen, über Stunden festgehalten, eine Untersuchung sämtlicher Körperöffnungen durchgeführt und schlussendlich wurde er noch an den Haaren hochgezogen. - Auch all das stufte das
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Tweeting under @BarefootRaRa, @Barefootramster, @BarefootRamla, @CopingWithCovid, @BestInventoryPR, @BestInventoryFX, @GruaAbuseArkive, etc.
Over the last three years, the Pakistani urban woman from Karachi, Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, oriented her life towards a massive
cyberstalking on social media. She takes great care to hide her identity and real face while using stolen profiles pictures and numerous anonymous or impersonating accounts with frequently changing handles, names and bios. It allows her to produce repeated reports to Pakistani
and foreign authorities as if her numerous calumnious denunciations were coming from several abused people and/or entities. In this presentation we will try to give some keys about such an inextricable purposely created confusion.
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$SGMO status going into C22
Two synthetic gene transfer programs:
- HemA now run by $PFE P3. Hold for protocol amendment. Expect timing update for full analysis in next couple months.
- #Fabry owned program good data potential first/best in class
No further programs.
$SGMO development focus leveraging ZF technology shows evolution from old four platforms to new integrated tech message. ZF tech facilitates both ex vivo and in vivo genomic medicines. Examples are CAR Tregs cell therapy and ZFP-TF CNS regulation.
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Cell therapy pipeline:
-Sickle cell collab with $SNY lead indication (see next)
-$GILD collab programs on hold. No update for a while but likely tied to durability issues seen at $ALLO $CRSP $DTIL
-Steadfast study is #POC for CAR Tregs with significant pipeline to follow
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#Leerdenker schlagen wild um sich, wenn sie Masken aufsetzen sollen.
#Nazis fühlen sich ermutigt an der Grenze zu Selbstjustiz zu greifen.

Das ist das Resultat einer verfehlten Sicherheitspolitik von #CDU und #CSU.
Ständig wird zum einen Versucht die Stimmung
im Land aufzuheizen.

Als im Wahlkampf die Felle weg schwammen, wurde noch mal vor Migration und kriminellen Migranten "gewarnt". Auch zuvor sind #Union'spolitiker immer wieder damit aufgefallen Migration politisch zu missbrauchen. Allem voran #Seehofer.

Gleichzeitig ließ man
#Nazis auf Demonstrationen frei randalieren. #PoC durften durch Innenstädte gehetzt werden, Rassismus in der Polizei wurde klein geredet.

Nun ist es halt so weit, dass Nazis mit Waffen an die Grenze zu Polen reisen.

Auch dass #Leerdenker jetzt zuschlagen darf nicht verwunden.
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Me, waiting in an overcrowded pharmacy for my #COVID19 booster

Woman of Color (#WOC) in front of me: It is NOT safe to have this many people in one place!

Me: I hear you. This is not COVID-19 safe at all. I'm here for my booster.

WOC: Wait, I have some questions about that.
Me: I work in medicine. Maybe I can help.

Her: See, what I don't understand is: why are there two shots?

Me: Yeah, fair. This kind of virus confuses your body, so the first time your body sees it, it is CONFUSED.

Her: Yeah, yeah.
Me: And the second time your body sees it, it's like "wait a minute, I KNOW this" & it's ready to FIGHT.

Her: Now that makes sense.

Me: Mm-hm.

Her: You know, I'm just here to pick up my prescription. I have to work tomorrow, you know, third shift.

Me: Yeah, you work hard.
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Said in response to a whole population of hs students who collectively commited horrid acts of anti-Black American racism.
See below.
It's just like a white supremacists to say "Sorry, didn't know better, please teach me".
Parents + fellow students are demanded suspension. 👏🏾

White and Latino students at #Salinas high school made a IG page featuring images of them being violently aggressive towards a Black doll they named #Shaniqua

Apparently they didn't know this was wrong so they just need a racial sensitivity workshop. ImageImage
These incidents clearly didn't stem from a singular, sudden idea. It takes a deep rooted hatred of Black Americans to cause something like this to spread within an entire high school. #salinas

#blackandbrown #poc #bipoc
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A rant...,

The words that I express here are my own and have no affiliation to @ADOSorg @BreakingBrown or @tonetalks. If you would like to talk about their agenda, they are always available to clear up misconceptions from what I have noticed.

But I'm finna say this... 1/11
Africa celebrated the first AA president in America, not because his family had descended from American Chattel Slavery and made it to the point where he could matriculate at a #PoisonIvy institution and become the leader of the free world, NO! They celebrated because... 2/11
He is the first generation of his African family to be born in America. It was an accomplishment that should have been celebrated. That, IMO, should have been the point where we began #Diaspora repair. People where congratulating me like my brother won, lol 3/11
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@GruaAbuseArkive is an impersonating ID used by Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, a 🇵🇰Karachi radicalized Sunnni, woman famous in #Hunza because of her #hatespeech against #Wakhi minority and because of her xenophobia against western visitors. @GruaAbuseArkive Ramla Akhtar, Betterbonds@GruaAbuseArkive Ramla Akhtar radicalized stalker@GruaAbuseArkive Ramla Akhtar Child abuser@GruaAbuseArkive Ramla Akhtar whore and witch
Ramla Akhtar, tweeting under @GruaAbuseArkive, was arrested by GB police for child maltreatment against Sofia, her biological daughter.
#ChildAbuse Ramla Akhtar, tweeting under @GruaAbuseArkive, was arrested
Pakistani Ramla Akhtar, tweeting under @GruaAbuseArkive, is promoting and selling illegal medicine against #COVID19.
She was banned, as "BlackMoonSoul" from @Medium for this fraud. @DRA_Pakistan, @MOIPakistan, @nhsrcpk , @TBaltistan… Pakistani Ramla Akhtar, tweeting under @GruaAbuseArkive, is
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Dear Fellow White People,

I am a gay woman of Jewish ethnicity living in #Texas and have faced discrimination in my life. However, my experiences are through the lens of a white woman, someone who doesn’t face the daily #SystemicRacism embedded in our society and institutions.
Let’s be clear. The USA was built on the backs of slaves, human beings who were considered property for no other reason than the color of their skin, and the institutions within this country were both developed and implemented by, and for, white people.
By virtue of this fact, white people have the inherent privilege of living in a world that was created for their benefit.
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🔝5 Concerns about #SARSCoV2 #Biology: A Call to Pause, Deliberate, and Revise Policy─This review is intended both as a basic resource and to initiate an open and critical dialog about SARS-CoV-2 biology for an independent and public call to action.…
Structural basis of ribosomal #frameshifting during translation of the #SARSCoV2 #RNA #genome
A unique feature of the SARS-CoV-2 genome controls protein synthesis and presents an "Achilles heel" of the virus. Image
Brainstem neuropathology in two cases of #COVID19: #SARSCoV2 trafficking between #brain and #lung
Neuropathologic evidence strongly suggests that the pathophysiology of COVID-19 related respiratory failure includes a neurogenic component. Image
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Tweeting Live: @PARealtors #FairHousing @Newsday documentary @ChrisRaad An important conversation for all #realtors everywhere. #FairHousingMonth #FairHousingAct #fairhousingmatters @BCAR 💥💥💥
“Testing the gatekeepers of real estate.” @BillDedman Disparate treatment, steering, unequal treatment of #poc especially Black vs. White customers/clients, inappropriate comments...
An example of steering: an agent telling a client that it is a wonderful home and place while telling another client that it is a dangerous place. Knowing or unconscious biases? However, it is the Law so it doesn’t matter re motivation.
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„Bei uns, bei der #Eintracht, ist das einfach eine Familie. Egal aus welchem Land man ist, wir versuchen jeden mitzunehmen.“

- Ben Manga, Direktor Profifußball #SGE, sprach bei @IndeedDeutsch über #Diversity & #Rassismus & gab dabei erstmals auch sehr persönliche Einblicke (1/x) Image
Bei der #Eintracht wird #Diversität und #Integration großgeschrieben: „Egal aus welchem Land man ist, ob aus Deutschland oder woher auch immer. Ob Mann oder Frau spielt bei uns keine Rolle. Das ist in vielen anderen Bereichen leider nicht so. Aber der Sport verbindet uns.“ (2/x)
In #Frankfurt sind die Rahmenbedingungen dabei perfekt: „Die Stadt ist ja schon sehr global. Alle kommen nach Frankfurt. Die ganze Stadt Frankfurt ist sehr offen. Da ist es einfacher. Unser Sport kann Vorreiter sein in diesen Dingen.“ (3/x)
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Reducing #COVID19 #Airborne #Transmission Risks on #PublicTransportation Buses
Wearing of #facemasks reduced the overall particle count released into the bus by an average of 50%, the dispersion distance by several feet and #aerosol particles by 84.36%. Image
🔝#SARSCoV2 Infects Human Engineered Heart Tissues and Models COVID-19 Myocarditis
#COVID19 can kill heart muscle cells, interfere with contraction. Details of how #coronavirus infects #heart: models of tissue damage may help develop potential therapies. Image
High-content screening of coronavirus genes for innate immune suppression reveals enhanced potency of SARS-CoV-2 proteins
196 protein products of seven coronaviruses: the genes encoded by #SARSCoV2 are generally more potent immune suppressors than others Image
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⚠️#Ocular #MRI Findings in Patients with Severe #COVID19: A Retrospective Multicenter Observational Study
All patients had nodules in the macular region, 8/9 (89%) had bilateral nodules, 2/9 (22%) had nodules outside the macular region. Screening needed. Image
⚠️🔝New-Onset #IgG #Autoantibodies in Hospitalized Patients with #COVID19
An international team of researchers studying COVID-19 has made a startling and pivotal discovery: The virus appears to cause the body to make weapons to attack its own tissues. Image
⚠️🔝Patterns of myocardial injury in recovered troponin-positive COVID-19 patients assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Damage to the heart found in more than half of #COVID19 patients discharged from hospital who show raised levels of troponin. Image
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