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Our latest paper describing #universal #CoV vaccine that can protect against #MERSCoV and #SARSCoV is now out⁩ in #preprint@YaleMed⁩ ⁦

Short thread 👇🏼

“Vaccine-mediated protection against merbecovirus and sarbecovirus challenge in mice”…
We were interested in developing vaccination strategies against highly pathogenic human #coronaviruses with epidemic potential. Our previous studies, and those of others, defined the #RBD as a major target of neutralizing antibodies.
We therefore looked to #ferritin nanoparticles as a scaffold to display genetically divergent RBDs from both Group 2c merbecoviruses (#MERSCoV) and Group 2b sarbecoviruses (#SARSCoV , #SARSlike viruses, and #SARSCoV2). Our vaccines elicited broad binding antibodies in mice.
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Er gefährdet die eigene Gesundheit, aber auch die anderer:
Sven Erik Bystrøm fährt trotz #COVID19-Infektion weiter die Giro d'Italia: „Wenn jeder Fahrer nach einem positiven #Corona-Test aufgeben würde, wäre in Rom kaum noch jemand übrig.“

„Ambitionierte Athleten vernachlässigen oft die bei einem Infekt nötige körperliche Schonung, was im Verlauf wiederholt zu der Frage nach einer möglichen Myokarditis führt.“ ⬇️
„Wer bei einer #COVID19 Infektion durchpowert, scheint ein deutlich höheres Risiko zu haben, Long COVID
zu bekommen", so Professor Danny Altmann vom Imperial College London. Auch Menschen mit milderen Symptomen können #LongCovid entwickeln, vor allem wenn sie sich nicht ausruhen, was erklären könnte, warum so viele Betroffene jung und gesund sind.“

#CovidIsNotOver #MECFS #Corona Image
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En ik word nog steeds bozer, om niet te zeggen, woedend, @ArmandGirbes, want het is niet zo dat we als artsen bij alles wat we niet weten, lijdzaam afwachten totdat de heilige Cochrane er een antwoord op heeft. Integendeel.

Je bent nota bene hoogleraar intensive care en klinisch farmacoloog. Dus ik mag enig kritisch denkvermogen verwachten.

En dus wijs ik je op de definitie voor evidence based medicine zelf:
'Evidence-based medicine is the integration of individual clinical expertise with the best available research evidence.'

Mijn 'clinicial expertise' vereiste dat ik het gezicht van mensen moet kunnen zien, en mensen dat van mij.
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🧬Escapes vacunales
🧬Pérdida d eficacia
🧬#LongCovid ,🏥y☠️
🧬 Ideal pautada en mucosa orofaríngea q evita q Vac TRANSMITAN🦠


🦠Desde 1a descripc d coronavirus IBV en 1931,han sido patógenos⬆️ importants en industria ganadera

🦠Décadas d investigación veterinaria para controlar infecciones✖️coronavirus en ganado( pollos,vacas y cerdos), y animales de compañía ignoradas para manejo #SARSCoV2

🦠Los ensayos y errores en campos veterinarios podrían ser una “piedra angular” para control 🌍 d Pandemia
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Gerade wieder viel Interesse an #Schnelltesten & neuen #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 Varianten: Zeigt, wie wichtig kontinuierliche Validierung von Diagnostika weiterhin bleibt. Unser Zentrum @gcevd @Hopitaux_unige führt seit 2020 kontinuierlich dazu Studien durch zusammen mit @FINDdx & @WHO
Diagnostik ist ein vernachlässigter Aspekt in der Kontrolle neuartiger Krankheiten, Studien dazu haben nur geringe Chance hoch publiziert zu werden, Drittmittel dafür gering, Expertise, die man für gute Diagnostik braucht, wird unterschätzt & fehlt oft massiv in Expertenpanels
Dabei ist Diagnostik DER Schlüssel, Fälle einer neuen Infektionskrankheit sofort zuverlässig zu erkennen. Wie fragil die diagnostische Kapazität schnell wird, hat sich Anfang 2020 gezeigt, asl plötzlich extrem viele Proben getestet werden mussten, aber es an allem fehlte.
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1/ Here is a thread of the slides from my recent YouTube video on the evidence against a market origin of SARS-CoV-2. #COVID19 #COVID #SARSCoV #OriginOfCovid
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Hohe Zahlen an Neu- und Reinfektionen durch #omicron werden sich nicht verhindern lassen. Diese werden zwangsläufig in 15-30 % zu
#LongCovid #LongCovidKids führen.
Orientierend an #SARSCoV müssen wir in bis zu 30 % mit Chronifizierungen im Sinne von #MECFS rechnen.
Dies ist verbunden mit einem hohen Anteil an Erwerbsunfähigkeiten. Monate- oder lebenslang. Behinderung führt zu Armut!
Unter der Annahme dieser Fakten gibt es aktuell kein besser angelegtes Geld als in Therapiestudien zu #LongCovid investiertes. @BMBF_Bund @BMG_Bund
Es gibt keine wirksame Prävention von #LongCovid. Bisher ist unklar, wie häufig wir es bei Geimpften/Geboosterten sehen werden. Es gibt für Long COVID nur ein Konzept:
Alles in die Entwicklung einer oder mehrerer wirksamen Therapien investieren!
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Rutte and Dutch parliament continue to cover up their crimes against humanity with scandal. They cower behind incompetence to mask malice and absolve themselves from responsibility, shifting blame to the people. We need to put to words the montrosity happening in real time 🧵
The hospitals and intensive care capacity has already been reached; they are by definition at #codezwart and will soon be rationing care, if not already behind closed doors. 🧵2

Dutch Parliament is now steering towards excess mortality; thanks to delayed and inconsistent reporting, they can hide actual deaths due to #covid19. An extra 3,000 deaths from this wave alone, half of which could have been prevented with timely booster shots, is acceptable. 🧵3 ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
A metal ion orients SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to ensure accurate 2′-O methylation of its first nucleotide
The #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus is able to utilize the changes in metal ion concentrations to disguise itself in the human host body thus evading immune responses. Image
Efficacy of #clarithromycin on #COVID19 pneumonia without oxygen administration; protocol for multicenter, open-label, randomized-controlled, 3-armed parallel group comparison, exploratory trial #CAMECOVID
Japan Registry of Clinical Trials jRCTs071210011 Image
The influence of #HLA genotype on the severity of #COVID19 infection
A genetic link has been discovered explaining why some people catch #Covid but don't get sick. The gene is found three times as often in people who are #asymptomatic. Image
Read 199 tweets
Los casos de neumonía letal en los mineros de Mojiang (año 2012) y el pozo de la mina podrían proporcionar pistas importantes sobre el origen del #SARSCoV2…
Este artículo plantea 2 preguntas:
1. ¿Se notificaron brotes similares de neumonía atípica, incluso en un nivel menor, entre el SARS del 2004 y el COVID-19 en 2019/20 en China?
2. De dónde provenía el beta-coronavirus más estrechamente relacionado hasta la fecha ➡️
con el #SARSCoV2 a nivel de secuencia del genoma de la cepa RaTG13 (CoV4991), que se tomó una muestra de un murciélago de herradura en la provincia de Yunnan?.
Respuesta 1. SÍ. Neumonía en mineros en 2012, mueren 3 de 6
Respuesta 2. Mina de Tongguan en Mojiang, Yunnan, en 2013.➡️
Read 24 tweets
🔝5 Concerns about #SARSCoV2 #Biology: A Call to Pause, Deliberate, and Revise Policy─This review is intended both as a basic resource and to initiate an open and critical dialog about SARS-CoV-2 biology for an independent and public call to action.…
Structural basis of ribosomal #frameshifting during translation of the #SARSCoV2 #RNA #genome
A unique feature of the SARS-CoV-2 genome controls protein synthesis and presents an "Achilles heel" of the virus. Image
Brainstem neuropathology in two cases of #COVID19: #SARSCoV2 trafficking between #brain and #lung
Neuropathologic evidence strongly suggests that the pathophysiology of COVID-19 related respiratory failure includes a neurogenic component. Image
Read 213 tweets
La proteína S del #SARSCoV2 provoca la señalización celular en las células humanas: implicaciones para las posibles consecuencias de las vacunas #COVID19
Esta proteína es de fusión viral clase I, fundamental para iniciar las interacciones virus-célula huésped, facilitando ➡️
la entrada del virus en la célula al ayudar en la fusión entre ambas. Esta proteína consta de dos subunidades: la subunidad S1 que contiene el dominio de unión al receptor ACE2 (RBD) y la subunidad S2 que desempeña un papel en el proceso de fusión.
La mayoría de 💉 introducen ➡️
la proteína S del #SARSCoV2 en nuestro cuerpo, de modo que se estimula la producción de anticuerpos y la inmunidad contra el #SARSCoV2. Los motivos de selección de esta proteína están explicados en el artículo.
Estudiaron dos proteínas S: la S1 y la RBD S1. Los resultados ➡️
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Análisis filogenético y de recombinación de virus similares al #SARSCoV2
La mayoría de los análisis se centra en RdRp como un gen conservado en una región que se cree que es menos propensa a la recombinación. Sin embargo, el análisis de identidad de nucleótidos y la filogenia ➡️
específica de genes revelan una recombinación desenfrenada entre los #SARSrCoV. La recombinación no solo puede dar como resultado una incongruencia filogenética, sino que también puede confundir las relaciones evolutivas cuando los eventos de recombinación ➡️
no se identifican fácilmente. En el caso de los virus similares al #SARSCoV2 como el #RmYN02 y #RacCS203, un árbol RdRp no sugiere una relación particularmente estrecha. Sin embargo, comparten un evento de recombinación de "S", lo que sugiere un ancestro común muy reciente. ➡️ Image
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💡Multi-layered mitigations can substantially reduce the risk of transmission within schools & into households. 🇬🇧 experts recommend set of recommendations in line with CDC & practiced in many countries to reduce the risk in schools / mitigate #COVID19. 🧵…
2) Here is a list of the expert recommendations for safer schools so that kids can attend schools safer and keep them healthy.
3) “Arguments that schools do not contribute to community transmission & overall risk to children from COVID-19” have had major limitations. Here is why:…
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Reducing #COVID19 #Airborne #Transmission Risks on #PublicTransportation Buses
Wearing of #facemasks reduced the overall particle count released into the bus by an average of 50%, the dispersion distance by several feet and #aerosol particles by 84.36%. Image
🔝#SARSCoV2 Infects Human Engineered Heart Tissues and Models COVID-19 Myocarditis
#COVID19 can kill heart muscle cells, interfere with contraction. Details of how #coronavirus infects #heart: models of tissue damage may help develop potential therapies. Image
High-content screening of coronavirus genes for innate immune suppression reveals enhanced potency of SARS-CoV-2 proteins
196 protein products of seven coronaviruses: the genes encoded by #SARSCoV2 are generally more potent immune suppressors than others Image
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⚠️#Ocular #MRI Findings in Patients with Severe #COVID19: A Retrospective Multicenter Observational Study
All patients had nodules in the macular region, 8/9 (89%) had bilateral nodules, 2/9 (22%) had nodules outside the macular region. Screening needed. Image
⚠️🔝New-Onset #IgG #Autoantibodies in Hospitalized Patients with #COVID19
An international team of researchers studying COVID-19 has made a startling and pivotal discovery: The virus appears to cause the body to make weapons to attack its own tissues. Image
⚠️🔝Patterns of myocardial injury in recovered troponin-positive COVID-19 patients assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Damage to the heart found in more than half of #COVID19 patients discharged from hospital who show raised levels of troponin. Image
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When were the first human #coronaviruses (CoVs) discovered and studied?

How were these viruses associated with human #disease?

It's time to learn our history about human CoVs, and the scientists and volunteers that allowed us to identify this new group of viruses.

Mid-sixties: HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43 were identified.
1. Hamre et al. (1966)
2. McIntosh et al. (1967)
3. Tyrrell et al. (1965).

Image: Tyrrell et al. (1965).
Healthy HUMAN volunteers were infected to demonstrate that 229E and OC43 resulted in a common cold.

1. Bradburne et al. (1967, 1972)
2. Hamre et al. (1966)

Image: Bradburne et al. (1967)
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MUST WATCH NOW: #THECOMINGCONTAGION on @CNN: Timely!! Re: #SARS_CoV_2 & the #COVID19Pandemic - what happens when #HomoSapiens messes up with the environment: starting with #Ebola in #Africa, that Equine Virus in Australia, #NipahVirus in #Malaysia, #H5N9Influenza, #SARS, #MERS..
Equine influenza zoonosis - Australia: -
Australian #Hendra Virus zoonosis from race horses which gave clue to the #NipahVirus zoonosis from Malaysian farmed pigs on the edge of the rainforest (eating fruit bats faeces-contaminated fruits on the ground), killing the pig farmers!! Re:-…
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The @SwissScience_TF proposes to halve confirmed #SARSCoV2 cases every two weeks to reach less than 500 cases in January. What does this mean regarding the reproduction number? A thread about doubling times and half-lifes of #SARSCoV. (1/n)
The figure (in German) shows the relationship between the reproduction number and the time in which the number of new #SARSCoV infections double (red) and reduce by 50% (green). (2/n)
In early March 2020, the virus spread uncontrolled in Switzerland with a reproduction number of 2.8 which corresponds to a doubling time of 3 days. (3/n)
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A short thread on PCR #SARSCoV2 There’s been a lot of discussion recently about the use of PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) for the diagnosis of #SARSCoV2 infection, and the interpretation of its results. 1/n
Hopefully, this thread can provide some background and context for those who are not familiar with the technique. PCR has become the cornerstone of molecular diagnostics in virology, and is, simply put, a technique for amplifying DNA (and indirectly RNA). 2/n
It can be used for straightforward detection purposes i.e. to provide a qualitative yes/no answer. Alternatively, it can be used to provide a quantitative result, i.e. to tell us how much of something is present. 3/n
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Actualización sobre la nueva vacuna Rusa.
El día de Hoy salió en @TheLancet es estudio de seguridad y eficacia Fase I-II de la vacuna desarrollada por Rusia…
Se trata de una Vacuna heteróloga (vacuna que usa un antígeno de un organismo para proteger contra otro diferente, en este caso fue un adenovirus que “lleva” o “porta” material genético del #SARSCoV-2 y así generar inmunidad en el pcte. Image
Se enrolaron 38 sujetos por fase. la vacuna se administró por vía intramuscular (deltoides= hombro) los participantes recibieron 1 dosis de rAd26-S o rAd5-S y se evaluó la seguridad durante 28 días
Los participantes recibieron el refuerzo con 21 días de distancia Image
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PROBLEMÁTICA ACTUAL ❗❗🗣️ Yo, @EchinusMelo soy becaria posdoctoral en el extranjero por @Conacyt_MX . Nuestro compromiso es cumplir con actividades en programas de posgrado nacionales. Para que se libere nuestra beca debemos probar que regresamos al país y que trabajamos 6 meses
Cómo lo comprobamos? 1) Nos piden copia de TODO el pasaporte o un registro de entradas y salidas por migración. Y debemos probar ingresos recibidos por 6 meses, sin importar si lo expide @Uber o @LaCasaDeTonoMx (100% fans).
Debido a la pandemia/cuarentena, pedimos a @Conacyt_MX que nos diera la liberación de beca al terminar nuestra estancia y que no nos pudiera estos comprobantes que, a nuestro parecer, son inútiles si quieren evitar la famosa #FugaDeCerebros
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Evidence is clear that people are not getting reinfected at least in the short term. CDC says there are no confirmed reports to date of a person being reinfected with COVID-19 within 3 months of initial infection.
#CovidVaccine @daniellevitt22 #SARSCoV2…
Researchers are optimistic about the emerging data that says the human immune system will most likely fend off SARS-CoV-2 if exposed to the virus again. #covid19 #reinfection

Just now uploaded PDF on ResearchGate. Article covers all the latest evidence:…
Neutralizing IgG, Memory B/ T cells, #SARSCoV (T- cells after 17 yrs), Seattle Boat study (first direct human evidence), Karolinska Uni study, Common cold (cross memory #SARSCoV2), CDC controversy, ICMR. #covid19 @profshanecrotty @EricTopol @daniellevitt22…
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The path to herd immunity is not through the herd.
It's via a vaccine
The path for #SARSCoV vaccine-induced immunity is very encouraging. New summary by @heidiledford @NatureNews…
Main concern is duration rather than "Plan B and T" kicking in.
A review of 4 preprints + recent @karolinskainst T cell @nature paper @Dereklowe on the solid immune response…
"What we’re seeing is that this virus... is also something that our immune systems are dealing w/ in the just the way that you would hope to see"
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