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1/“Whatever changes the people had wanted from the 1962-65 Second Vatican Council were, it seemed, formless, silent, lost in the bustle of a busy church frozen in a medieval mind. Instead, after 400 years without a council of reform, >…
2/“the kinds of changes the people had expected from this council lay yet in Rome, drying in wet ink there and largely ignored here.”
3/“Oh, a few churches redesigned their confession boxes and a few more took down the altar rails, but really, other than that and the move to the vernacular in all liturgical events — nothing much did happen. Most of the changes were window dressing.”
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I worked for the NYPD for a summer as a young woman. I’m the daughter of a NYPD bias. I have also worked closely w/nuns, & I followed BXVI sh*tty deeply misogynist Apostolic Visitation in 2014. 1/…
2/The institution Roman Catholic Church is in great part a transnational crime syndicate. To clutch one’s pearls over nuns w/bongs is quiet naive. The prelates literally traffic children & cover it up. They just lost $17 million in the #Vatican!
3/Nuns are pretty neat, generally. And communities of nuns are rarely unaccustomed to being dogged by the bishops in charge of the dioceses in which they operate & live.
This degenerate prelate , Olson, has been getting lousy press for a few days & suddenly a snitch turns up>
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As some of us celebrate the #Soviet victory over Nazism, let us remember the filthy role of the Canadian state, before, during and after #WWII. Prime Minister King, a vicious anti-Semite, was the most pro-appeasement leader in the British Empire, and was fond of Hitler Image
The Canadian state's interest in WWII was to use the war to whip up #nationalism and stamp out #socialist organizing at home, and to defend British #imperialism abroad. The Canadian state was happy to take on a founder of the Nazi Party, Otto #Strasser, as a political advisor. Image
Strasser's plan was to stage a #coup, so that the #Allies could cut a deal with the 'good Nazis.' But Strasser was a fraud, and only reluctantly, when no 'good Nazis' could be found to cut a deal with, did the Allies invade. The cream of the Nazi army was defeated by the #Soviets Image
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There is a controversial HUGE secret hidden in plain sight all around the world.

But as much artifacts that could be was carted away and hidden beneath places like the #Smithsonian institute & the #vatican.
[they] hid the traces of GIANTS from us as much as possible.
Taking exhaustive measures by removing bones from "indian" mounds, relics, artifacts, texts and countless archaeological relics of these GIANTS to cover up the massive truth of our real past.
Read 31 tweets
Day 409 of the war and here's the daily thread for Saturday.

A quiet start to the weekend, but #Russia's aggression continues as they try to claim the small #Donetsk towns of #Bakhmut #Mariinka and #Avdiivka.

All the news here, throughout the day in one handy place⬇️
Quite a lot of news again yesterday from "leaked" NATO docs, #Russia land-mining, the weakening of the ruble, Russians sabotaging jets for #Ukraine, Occupiers eating endangered animals and loads of #RussiaOnFire incidents

Click and scroll here to catch up
I think I was one of the first western journalists to report this, the last entry on yesterday's thread, so worth a retweet again this morning.

The worry is #Russia often accuses others of what it does itself.

#ChemicalWeapons #WarCrimes

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Media reports say Thursday events for Pope Francis have been cancelled due to a scheduled hospital visit.
Update: Pope Francis has a respiratory infection, according to a #Vatican statement.
The #Vatican statement adds the pope will need to spend "a few days" in hospital but does not have #COVID19.
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#Taiwan foreign ministry says #Honduras demanded massive amounts of foreign aid to continue the diplomatic relationship.
#Taiwan also says it is severing diplomatic relations with #Honduras, which is poised to establish formal ties with #China.
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#Vatican ambassador to #Syria: Providing an urgent relief to quake-affected people a test for humanity
Vatican Ambassador to #Syria, Cardinal Mario Zenari appealed to the international community for providing an urgent relief to those affected by the earthquake struck #Syria, affirming that this issue constitutes a test for the humanity.
The sanctions imposed on #Syria hinder the arrival of aid, Zenari said in an exclusive interview with Vatican Radio, wishing in this regard to resorting to reason and humanity.
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#Vatican and #Libya send cables of condolences for earthquake victims
PM Hussein Arnous today received a condolences cable from the PM of the Government of National Unity in #Libya, Abdul Hamid Dabaiba, in which he expressed história deepest condolences and sympathy to the victims of the earthquake. that hit #Syria.
“We affirm Libya's permanent position with our brothers in the 🇸🇾 through thick & thin, & I express to you, the families of the victims & the 🇸🇾 people our deep sadness & sympathy…I pray to Almighty God for May he grant them strength & patience to overcome this terrible tragedy"
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#AdaniGroup #adaniports #ADANIENT #ambuja
The real story
Every one in the media is taking about #Adani and it’s valuation, damage done by #HindenbergResearch Having headed Institutional broking business and being on board of think tanks puts several different questions
Now this is what we have seen, complete damage now let me try to break it up in simple language as I perceive, the RL perspective
Let me start with a quote
"The shooter is someone different from the arrow." - RL
#HindenbergResearch #Hindenburg is an arrow no point in talking
About the arrow, except for the fact
According to the report of the Financial Times, Hindenburg Research was founded by Nathan Anderson. He is from Jerusalem. He has studied International Business Management from the Connecticut University of America so let’s start with Israel
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1. 🇻🇦|👉 Con motivo de la muerte de #BenedictoXVI comienzo Hilo sobre el #Protocolo, el #Ceremonial y la figura del #Papa ✝️🔴🏛

#MuerteDeUnPapa #Vaticano #Vatican #FranciscoI #IglesiaCatólica

Hilo 🇻🇦🇪🇸⬇️⬇️
2. 🇻🇦|👉 El antiguo cardenal #Ratzinger fue mano derecha y sucesor de #JuanPabloII. En 2013 abdicó del trono pontificio ✝️👑

#MuerteDeUnPapa #Vaticano #Vatican #FranciscoI

Hilo 🇻🇦🇪🇸⬆️⬇️
3. 🇻🇦|👉 En 2013 comenzó su pontificado el antiguo arzobispo de #BuenosAires, primer #Papa de origen #Argentino 🇦🇷✝️

#MuerteDeUnPapa #Vaticano #Vatican #FranciscoI

Hilo 🇻🇦🇪🇸⬆️⬇️
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Le corps de l'ancien #pape #BenoitXVI est exposé dans la basilique Saint-Pierre au #Vatican 🇻🇦 ce lundi et pour trois jours. "Les autorités estiment qu'environ 30 000 personnes par jour vont venir se recueillir", explique Natalia Mendoza, correspondante à #Rome
"La cérémonie sera solennelle mais sobre", les funérailles de l'ancien #pape #BenoitXVI 🇻🇦, prévues jeudi, seront moins fastueuses que celles de ses prédécesseurs. Explications avec Natalia Mendoza, correspondante à #Rome
Le corps de l'ancien pape #BenoitXVI a été transféré dans la basilique Saint-Pierre 🇻🇦, afin de permettre aux fidèles de se recueillir jusqu'à mercredi soir.

L'actuel pape #François présidera les funérailles de son prédécesseur, une première depuis le Moyen-Âge
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🔴 Mort de #BenoîtXVI : pour la première fois dans l'histoire, un pape enterre un autre pape. Un signe à la fin de l'année ?

Le pape émérite Benoît XVI est décédé aujourd’hui au #Vatican. Il avait 95 ans. Ses funérailles, qui seront célébrées par son successeur François, sont 🔽 Image
une première dans l'histoire de l'Église catholique.

Benoît XVI est mort samedi au monastère Mater Ecclesiae, dans les jardins du Vatican, où il vivait sa retraite.

Son état de santé, qui se dégradait depuis plusieurs jours, semble s'être amélioré ces dernières heures, ce 🔽
qui lui a permis d'assister à une messe célébrée dans son appartement jeudi.
Le pape Benoît s'est étonnamment retiré du siège pontifical en 2013, pour des raisons qui n'ont pas encore été totalement élucidées et qui ont donné lieu à d'innombrables hypothèses spectaculaires.🔽
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1/19 “The most brutal crimes are committed by #Chechens. Inhuman cruelty is not a Russian tradition". The leader of the #Vatican Jorge Mario Bergoglio (aka Francis, aka #Pope of Rome) made a statement shocking in its falsity and abomination.
2/19 In an interview with #America Magazine, the Jesuit announced that, it turns out, "the most brutal crimes in #Ukraine are committed by #Chechens and Buryats, because inhuman cruelty is not a #Russian tradition."
3/19 At the same time, the #Catholic priest explained his unwillingness to directly accuse #Russia of invading #Ukraine by the fact that it is "already clear." And he tries "not to specify, so as not to offend ... It is not necessary that I put the name and surname."
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The #Vatican's new document today for the ongoing synod process gives a lot of attention to the role of women in the church, including calls for women's ordination as priests. Short thread:
The text, which summarizes reports from Catholics in places across the world, includes some rather frank remarks. From the Holy Land:

“In a Church where almost all decision-makers are men, there are few spaces where women can make their voices heard."
From Korea:

“Despite the great participation of women in various Church activities, they are often excluded from key decision-making processes."
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#CDC director tests #positive for #Covid19 | Oct 22
- #Walensky is “up to date with her #vaccines,” the statement said, and is experiencing mild symptoms. She is isolating at home,
@CDCDirector @RWalensky
@Rob_Roos #MEP; #Pfizer vaccine never tested for #transmission:
Q: [1:04] #Roos: - Was the Pfizer vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the #virus before it entered the market?
A: [1:27] Pfizer director #Small: -'No, ha-ha...
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1/ How many other bishops have been sanctioned for allegations presumably proved credible? What #Vatican genius dreamed this up? After the disastrous handling of the Theodore McCarrick (a monster if there ever was one) case, has the #HolySee learned nothing about transparency?
2/ This is rank clericalism at its worst. But it also reflects a widespread failure among many Vatican officials to understand basic principles of rule of law.
3/ Many clerics dismiss concern for rule of law as an "Anglo-Saxon" obsession. But rule of law is directly derived from principles of natural law - about which Catholic clerics (or at least those who aren't slaves to sociology and psychology) should know something about.
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Another weekend, another daily thread about the war in #Ukraine, a country fighting for its survival in the face of the onslaught from #Russia's huge army of war criminals and mercenaries.

It's Day 206

If you want to help, please consider donating here:…
So all Saturday's stories coming up, although I am commentating all day today so updates may be slower, apologies in advance.

Friday was quite a day. If you missed anything, fear not. Relive the unfolding events right here:

#SlavaUkraini #StopRussia

First, nice to start with a success story from #Ukraine

Donations helped keep #Mykolaiv zoo and its animals alive and well despite the war.

Online ticket sales raised €3m, staying in business and keeping animals alive. What's more, a rare Amur Leopard cub was born this year
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1/“Cardinal Timothy Dolan was directed in early 2021 to investigate claims against retired Albany Bishop Howard Hubbard, who has been accused of multiple instances of sexual abuse against minors” (child r*pe) >…
2/“and who admitted last year that he transferred several priests to new parish ministries without contacting police, after they were accused of sexual abuse.”
3/“A woman who claims she was sexually abused by Hubbard and other priests while she was a teenager attempted to subpoena archdiocesan records of the Vos estis investigation into Hubbard, which amount to more than 1,400 pages,”
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🛡️#T3 - All Wars Are Proxy Wars
The #PriestKings operate thru sovereign nation states. They are:
Washington DC
Vatican City
City of London
There is an element of truth to the statement below.
Key point: he fails to include the Vatican.
+1… ImageImage
The #PriestKings are masters of propaganda. They love to see you squirm. The #NuclearThreat is their last resort. The only thing bigger than this is a natural meteor strike.
British Lawmaker: Nuclear Accident Could Draw NATO Allies into War…
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The Vatican just joined the call for a @FossilTreaty that:
🚫Ends expansion of coal, oil & gas
👋Phases out fossil fuels
⚖️Supports a #JustTransition
Find out more about the major endorsement of a #FossilFuelTreaty 👉🏽
"Enough is enough. All new exploration and production of coal, oil, and gas must immediately end, and existing production of fossil fuels must be urgently phased out."– Cardinal Czerny
#FossilFuelTreaty #Vatican

Nuestro comunicado sobre el llamado del Vaticano a un tratado que permita implementar una transición justa, lejos del carbón, el petróleo y el gas, también está disponible en español:

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#COVID19 vaccine victims in Italy call for parliamentary investigation… #VaccineDeaths #vaccineinjuries @lanuovaBQ @RicCascioli
The committee — Ascoltami [Listen to Me] — unites 1,800 victims of the anti-Covid vaccine that was supposed to be safe but instead is “disabling thousands of ‘invisible’ victims in Italy who struggle with cardiovascular and neurological problems.”
“Talking about adverse effects from vaccines is no longer taboo, even if the problem, which is enormous, remains underestimated by the State. [The vax] was practically forced by means of blackmail giving rise to the consequent abandonment of patients” who suffered adverse effects
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The Surp Pırgiç Church in Karaköy, #Istanbul is home to a unique ceremony that takes place once a year. The church was the first #Armenian Catholic church to be consecrated in the Ottoman Empire after the Armenian Catholic millet was recognised by Sultan Mahmud II in 1830.#Thread Image
When the church was first opened in 1834, Istanbul was suffering from a major plague outbreak. A painting of the Virgin Mary & Baby Jesus that was sent to the church as an inaugural gift from the #Vatican was paraded around the streets of Istanbul to ward off the plague. Image
Eventually, as the plague outbreak in the city died down, many attributed this to the miraculous powers of this painting in #SurpPırgiç. Sultan Mahmud II took note of this and gifted a diamond brooch to the church and its congregation. Image
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