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🔴 Roger Waters, l’un des fondateurs de Pink Floyd :

Vous [#Biden], #Blinken, #Nuland, Sullivan #et le reste des bellicistes à Washington, ainsi que les États vassaux de l'OTAN, êtes les principaux provocateurs. Vous auriez pu suivre l'exemple de Gorbatchev en 1989. Vous 🔽
auriez pu tenir la promesse du secrétaire Baker de ne pas rapprocher l'OTAN à un pied de la frontière russe. Vous auriez pu répondre aux invitations de #Poutine dans son célèbre discours à la conférence de #Munich sur la sécurité en 2007. Ou, en 2008, vous auriez pu 🔽
abandonner l'expansion vers l'est de l’#OTAN. Ou en 2014, vous auriez pu vous abstenir d'organiser un coup d'État illégal en #Ukraine. Ou en 2019, vous auriez pu soutenir les accords de #Minsk. Angela #Merkel dit maintenant qu'ils n'étaient qu'un stratagème pour gagner du 🔽
Read 10 tweets
1️⃣: Guten Morgen aus München. Wir berichten heute von der AfD/Compact Kundgebung mit Elsässer, der anschließenden verschwörungsideologischen Demo von München steht auf. Gegenprotest aus diversen Spektren schon da. #muc1802 #siko
2️⃣: der linke Gegenprotest wird als Versammlung eingestuft. Polizei sieht als Problem noch Vermummung. Meist werden aber nur FFP2-Masken getragen. #MSC2023 #muc1802 #siko
3️⃣: auch Omas gegen Rechts sind mittlerweile beim Protest gegen AfD und Compact angekommen. #muc1802 #noafd #MSC2023
Read 31 tweets
#NATO allies pledge add'l support for #Ukraine, per NATO stmt.

The add'l support incl. heavy weapons and military training.

#Russia ImageImage
WH Press Sec Karine #JeanPierre presser: (Nat'l Security Council Coord for Strategic Comm Admiral #JohnKirby) Says re: whether or not #Biden will meet w/ #Ukraine's pres. during trip: "There is no meeting w/ Pres. #Zelensky scheduled for the trip right now."

WH Press Sec Karine #JeanPierre presser: (Nat'l Security Council Coord for Strategic Comm Admiral #JohnKirby) Says US has not and will not tell other countries if they can give #Ukraine fighter aircraft: (See screenshot because I ran out of character count.)

#Russia Image
Read 42 tweets
Focus on the #Japanese Realism Diplomacy for a new Era. We need some inspiration in #EU since Putin is striking strategic relationship with #China, #SouthAfrica & #Brazil. No time to waste on Franco-Italian tensions triggered by a diplomatic dinner. #Hiroshima #Thread Image
#Chinese FM Wang Yi will visit #Russia as part of a diplomatic tour in Europe. His 9-day trip will also include stops in #France, #Italy, #Hungary and #Germany, where he will speak at the #Munich Security Conference. #CNN 1/1
#EU ambassadors were briefed in small groups over the weekend by Ursula von der Leyen’s chief of staff Björn Seibert about the plans for the 10th sanctions package against #Russia. #Politico 1/2
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#UnitedNations issues public guidance for Monday:
#UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session re: #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine at 10a Eastern

#Putin #Zelensky Image
US State Dept issues readout of Sec State #AntonyBlinken's meeting today in #PhnomPenh, #Cambodia, with #Ukraine's foreign minister, Dmytro #Kuleba.

#Russia Image
WH issues stmt from US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan re: #Russia's new missile strikes in #Ukraine:

"The [US] & our allies and partners will continue to provide Ukraine w/ what it needs to defend itself. ... We will stand w/ Ukraine for as long as it takes." Image
Read 134 tweets
As we already know from our first post about Munich’s sewage system it was created over 200 years ago and only happened after a big #epidemic catastrophe in which Queen Therese of Bavaria died. 1900 around 78% of the 480.000 citizens of #Munich were connected to the #sewer.
1/7 The picture is made up of a...
During that time, all the #wastewater was just added to the Isar river in the north of Munich. The city’s #sewagesystem was built with a small decline to the north. Therefore, it didn’t need a lot of pumps or other technical equipment to channel the #water in that
direction. #People that lived down the #river, i.e., in #Freising and #Landshut protested about all the dirt in the water and its smell. In 1926, the first #wastewater treatment plant “Gut #Großlappen” was built. It is in the north of Munich, close to the #Allianzarena.
Read 7 tweets
The daily🧵for the last day of September, Day 219 of #Russia's war. Today #Putin completes the land grab of 4 regions of #Ukraine

If we do nothing it will happen again. Appeasement is not an option.

Have spare £/$/€? Please donate, just 2 weeks left:

The big news of the day in #Ukraine is the murder of over 20 people in #Zaporizhzhia when a civilian convoy was hit by #Russia's missiles.

More on that in a moment, but if you missed anything yesterday, here's the link for Thursday's thread:

23 people are known to have died, another 28 injured when bombs hit a convoy of vehicles in #Zaporizhzhia

The cars were mainly families heading towards the checkpoint & Occupied part of the region. Of course Putin loves to make a statement on the day he tries to annex all of ZP
Read 40 tweets
"Muy alta e yllustre magestad
Saberá tu alta magestad como somos llegado diez e ocho onbres solamente con una
de las çinco naos que tu alta magestad enbió en descubrimiento de la Espeçiaría con
el capitán Fernando de Magalas que santa gloria aya"
(1/20) Mapamundi con la circunnave...
#Taldiacomohoy de 1522, la #NaoVictoria, dirigida por Juan Sebastián #Elcano y con una mermada tripulación a bordo, arribó en el puerto de #SanlúcardeBarrameda, (#Cádiz), tras concluir la #primeravueltaalmundo.
(2/20) Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. Ma...
Ese mismo día 6 de #septiembre, el capitán informó a Carlos I de su llegada, y de lo ocurrido en la Expedición #Magallanes-Elcano, de la que formaba parte. Fue mediante una epístola o "aviso," #documento cuyo original hoy no se tiene constancia, solo de #copias.
(3/20) Retrato del Emperador Carlo...
Read 20 tweets
#OnThisDay in 1972, Palestinian terrorists mutilated and murdered 11 Israeli athletes during the Olympics in Munich, Germany. The involvement of the German government and current Palestinian leadership needs to be known and shared. THREAD
Future Palestinian President Yasir Arafat approved the operation and current President Mahmoud Abbas financed it. German neo-Nazi groups assisted. In 2019, Abbas dedicated a new university building in honor of the mastermind of the operation, Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad.
German authorities had been told 3 weeks earlier that Palestinians were planning an "incident" at the Olympics but added no additional security. They bungled a rescue attempt, using regular police untrained for negotiations or rescue ops.…
Read 9 tweets
#Zelenskyy compares suggestions of peaceful resolution of #RussiaUkraineConflict by #Kissinger & @nytimes editorial board to #Munich agreement with Nazi Germany. He himself suggested peace deal before abandoning it after UK prime-minister told him so.…
@nytimes "Zelensky’s adviser Alexei Arestovich said in a scathing tirade that some European countries clearly want Ukraine to make concessions to Putin. “No one is going to trade an ounce of our sovereignty or a millimeter of our territory,” he said" with profanity…
Read 3 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 43) – Comenzamos nuestro #hilo diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania. A lo largo del día iremos compartiendo aquí las novedades más importantes de este cruel conflicto.

🟥 A la noche, por supuesto, tendréis el correspondiente informe.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 43) – Parte de la aviación de ala fija rusa se está moviendo desde #Bielorrusia a la Base Aérea de Seshcha, en la óblast de Bryansk, Rusia.

🟥 Días atrás vimos hasta 28 a helicópteros rusos hacer lo mismo.

➡️ Localización:
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 43) – Esto que vemos parece un vehículo de ingenieros IMR-2 ucraniano dañado por los combates.
Read 52 tweets
Le média ultra-nationaliste russe Zvatra, très suivi, notamment par des soldats du rang russe, dont il faut cesser d'imaginer qu'ils sont tous forcés à aller se battre contre leur gré, publie de telles cartes montrant l'objectif à atteindre pour effacer 1989-1991 (1).
Mon engagement pour une intervention en #Ukraine, chose rare dans le paysage actuel qui est unanime à attendre un traité de #Munich 2.0 qui sera notre nouvelle affre pour l'Histoire de notre lâcheté, je la maintiens. Un pays ne se mesure pas à nos méthodes de pensées (2).
La #Russie, et je ne dis pas que #Poutine (méthode occidentale de pensée qui se veut magique en imaginant que le dirigeant n'aurait pas un soutien massif), n'a jamais accepté son déclassement d'empire à celui de nation. C'est leur "traité de #Versailles" à effacer (3).
Read 5 tweets
#Macron et ses amis européens, tous comme leurs opposants nationaux respectifs déjà connus pour vouloir la paix et un traité munichois, anannoncent ce jour l'abandon de l'#Ukraine en rase campagne. Refus de l'intégrer, rejet d'un Horizon proche d'abandon du gaz. Munichois.
Cette lâcheté des dirigeants est insoutenable. Je l'ai vécu quand l'on a vu le martyr des syriens. L'on ne vit à nouveau avec le martyr des ukrainiens. Comme l'ont vécu en leurs temps les patriotes qui voulaient la guerre et qui ont vu l'#Espagne et la #Tchécoslovaquie vendues.
Plus que jamais, le camp du non à l'esprit de #Munich doit s'organiser et porter de la voix. Nous voulons une intervention militaire officielle, sans mandat de l'ONU et de l'OTAN, des forces françaises, avec les pays qui le voudront, en #Ukraine, en assumant les conséquences.
Read 4 tweets
Je suis prêt à porter une initiative, même sans issue, en tant qu'enseignant et doctorant, ainsi que citoyen indigné de la posture munichoise qui gagne l'#Europe, aux côtés de gens comme @RauxJF ou encore @NTenzer, pour soutenir une intervention militaire en #Ukraine (1).
Il y a des hommes, des femmes, qui refusent que l'histoire bégaie de nouveau. Des hommes et des femmes qui ont foi en des valeurs structurées, fortes et profondes que l'on ne peut voir bafouées au prétexte d'une menace qui serait ultime d'un ennemi d'une rare violence (2).
Il ne peut y avoir d'autres discours que celui appelant à une intervention ouverte contre la #Russie. A défaut, nous embrassons le sinistre héritage laissé par les munichois de gauche, du centre et de la droite de l'époque, unis dans le refus d'aider la #Tchecoslovaquie (3).
Read 8 tweets
#Russia has invaded Sovereign #Ukraine.
Russia along with the big 5 gave Ukraine, #Belarus and #Kazakhstan explicit guarantee to respect their Sovereignty and territories as part of #Budapest memorandum in return for giving up their #nukes.
#Putin claimed that "promises" were made and broken regarding #NATO expansion?
Yet #Gorbachev has said many times that no such promise was given
Who should we believe?
The Ethno-nationalist?
Or the Nobel prize winner?
Russia breached this accord with its original 2014 invasion.
The actions of Russia in its pursuit of Crimea and making #Azov a russian lake have led to creating and supporting continued insurgency in eastern Ukraine.
The claim of Putin to be entering Ukraine as a #peacekeeper?
As a guardian of Russian speakers?
Read 14 tweets
#Russia/#Ukraine Thread 🇺🇦 🇷🇺 [1]
#Russian news agencies are reporting that #Luhansk separatist region prevented a terrorist attack on a soldiers rally. #UkraineCrisis #UkraineConflict #Ukraine #Crimea #Donbass #Donetsk #EU #Europe #NATO #US #Russia #Belarus [2]
Elements of #Russian forces in #Crimea are reported by #Russian media to be returning to North #Ossetia and #Dagestan, following the end of special exercise in the region. #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineCrisis #UkraineConflict #EU #NATO #US #Europe [3]
Read 240 tweets
1. Some rambling thoughts that occur to me as I ponder the #UkraineCrisis: A Geopolitical Tweet Thread of Uncertain Proportions.

I really fail to understand the number of people I see actually defending #Russia re: #Ukraine.
2. #Russia has security concerns. I agree. History and geography necessitates they are going to be wary of being attacked, particularly across the North European Plain.
3. But if you want to keep your neighbors out of a rival alliance, invading, seizing territories, ignoring security guarantees previously given, interfering with their internal affairs, and massing hundreds of thousands of troops on their borders doesn't seem like the best method
Read 24 tweets
WH issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Russia's presidential foreign policy advisor, #YuriyUshakov, re: Russia and #Ukraine.

#Ushakov #Putin #Zelensky Image
WH / US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan conversation today with nat'l security advisors, foreign ministers & other officials from #BucharestNine of #NATO Allies re: #Russia & #Ukraine.

#B9 #Putin #Zelensky Image
WH / US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson issues readout of US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Russia's foreign policy advisor to the president, #YuriyUshakov.

#Putin #Zelensky #Ukraine #Ushakov Image
Read 732 tweets
Sakharov Prize: European Parliament honors Alexei #Navalny | DEc 15
- The Navalny team was loudly applauded by the broad majority of #MEPs attending the ceremony.…
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Nat'l Security Council Spokesperson Emily Horne issues readout of Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan's conversation today with #Ukrain's head of presidential office, #AndriyYermak.

#Russia Image
#BREAKING (via WH press pool)
#Biden talks with journalists re: #Ukraine.

#Russia Image
#BREAKING (via WH press pool)
#Biden says re: potential invasion of #Ukraine by #Russia:

"We’ve been aware of Russia’s actions for a long time and my expectation is we’re going to have a long discussion."

He adds that "won't accept" #Putin's red line in Ukraine. Image
Read 599 tweets
UEFA has rejected plans by the German city of #Munich to light the #AllianzArena in rainbow colours for the Germany-Hungary #EURO2020 match in support of the LGBT community and to protest at a law passed by the Hungarian government #AFPSports
#UPDATE UEFA's refusal to allow Munich to illuminate the #AllianzArena in rainbow colours for Wednesday's Germany-Hungary #EURO2020 match in support of the LGBT community was the "right decision", Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said Tuesday
#BREAKING Munich to deck city in rainbow colours after 'shameful' UEFA decision on Allianz Arena: mayor
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Munich exceeded the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week. This emerges from the statistics of the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL),
which are updated daily on Friday. The value is considered an important threshold in the fight against the corona pandemic; if it is exceeded, increased infection control measures are provided. In addition to the state capital Munich with a value of 50.7,
the city of Würzburg (70.38), the city of Kaufbeuren (61.51), the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen (58.78) and the district of Kulmbach (50.11) particularly affected.
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Hoy, 5 de septiembre, se cumplen 48 años de una de las más sanguinarias e inhumanas acciones llevadas a cabo por el #terrorismo #palestino: La masacre de #Munich.
Abro Hilo
No muchos años después de la caída del nazismo, Alemania Occidental trabajaba para demostrar al mundo que aquella densa noche en la que habían hundido al mundo comenzaba a disiparse y la organización de los Juegos Olímpicos era un buen camino.
Organizaron entonces, Munich '72.
La participación de la delegació del Estado de #Israel era un símbolo importante de aquel evento. El olimpismo había sido siempre un símbolo de unión entre las naciones y el Estado Judío participando en Alemania, era de por sí una imagen fuerte.
Read 19 tweets
As #COVID19 cases are found to spread, #Melbourne (city of ~5 million) tries to contain them by going into #Lockdown.
(The interview features the idea of a dedicated #Quarantine building - that would actually help, I guess)...
"People acting as if the pandemic was over was 'not the answer, it is part of the problem' ".

"The virus had leaked from postcodes already under the stay-at-home orders to other parts of #Melbourne."
(and beyond, it is feared).
Due to #Melbourne's outbreak, neighbouring South Australia is about to completely close it's borders to #Victoria.

(Nearly) no exceptions. And those essential few who are allowed in, will have to wear facemasks the entire time...
Read 2915 tweets

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