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In an essay I wrote, "only unaware practitioners use made-up #personas in their design work".

I think I know why this is done.

🧵 1/15 Image
There is a difference between #characters and #archetypes. You can make up characters, as long as each character is based on a researched archetype.

People who make up personas are actually making up characters, but they make these characters without any grounding. There are usually no researched archetypes.

You can do better, and have fun:

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Them: "We never have enough time to do proper user interviews."

Me: "How much time do you have?"

Them: "a week."

Me: "Let me tell you a story..."

And the story, #UX and #design friends, goes like this:

I was consulting with an organization, whose team needed to do some research; interviews specifically. They said "well, we have 24 hours based on our schedule…but we have to get to this other work to make deadline and right now it's all hands on deck."

So the team can't spare the manpower or the people and there were lots of reasons why that date couldn't move. In the end, we got eight hours.

Eight hours to talk to users and get some sense of what's going on here.

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🧵 Thread sobre #UXResearch
Quienes trabajamos en el ámbito de la investigación con usuarios, creo que de una manera inconsciente, obviamos, despreciamos y no damos el valor que deberíamos dar a todas las operaciones que implican poner en marcha un estudio de investigación.
2/19 En muchas ocasiones damos por hecho que hay que diseñar, planificar, ejecutar, dimensionar y tener plan B, pero lo cierto es que bien merece la pena pararse un poco a pensar en todo esto.
3/19 Básicamente para mejorar los procesos pero también para indicar el camino, apoyar y enseñar a otras personas que quieren llevar su desarrollo profesional por estos derroteros.
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Hoy quiero escribir y compartir algo que resulta muy útil acerca de cómo implementar operaciones para investigación con usuarios. Vamos a llamarlo "Pasos para implementar #ResearchOps". No es el día de explicar qué son, es el día para llevarnos algo directamente accionable. 🧵
2/13 Para implementar #ResearchOps lo primero que tenemos que hacer es recoger información sobre la situación de partida. Debemos plantearnos conocer cómo se está abordando actualmente la investigación y el desarrollo de producto.
3/13 Nos tenemos que hacer este tipo de preguntas:
🔸 ¿Cuál es la madurez de la organización?
🔸 ¿Cómo es mi equipo?
🔸 ¿Por qué investiga mi equipo?
🔸 ¿Qué tipo de investigación realizan los equipos?
🔸 ¿Cuál es la logística para la investigación actual?
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#HadToBeSaid - Any UX practitioner knows getting stakeholder backing for UX research can be a baffling task. Most UXers surely struggle to find patronage for research sprints, despite its rather apparent benefits. Let’s talk about getting stakeholders buyin for UX research.
It is crucial to speak the stakeholders’ language. When you present a solution that is user-focused, there is a strong possibility that it won’t resonate with stakeholders. But replacing that with a solution that fixes specific business woes is bound to get their attention.
Instead of saying, “The cognitive load is too high at the moment. A heuristic evaluation can give us better insights” or “Flat design elements definitely make a difference!”

It helps to say

“These 2 UX changes will help us reach this quarter’s projections with time to spare.”
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What are the pitfalls of checkout UX? A thread. ⤵️

#ux #uxresearch #uxr #uxdesign #ecommerce
Did you know? According to our #UX studies, 68% of users — after having added items to their cart 🛒 — then choose to abandon their purchase.
During our 9 years of large-scale checkout usability testing, we have also consistently found the checkout #design and flow to frequently be the sole cause for users abandoning their cart 🛒 during the checkout flow.
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Time to livetweet my @UXRCollective talk 🤓 Researchers have always been architects of racism; how we interpret the racial realities of our participants shapes their navigation of the world. How does our minimization of race/racism in #uxresearch produce racist design? #UXRConf Dear Designers...We Need to...
We know that race is socially constructed but what does it mean, as sociologist Dorothy E. Roberts notes, that race is an invention? How have social researchers historically invented notions of race that have served their economic and political goals (and oppression)? #UXRConf Inventor (social researcher...
So... although race is socially constructed, its invention and reinvention has always had consequences. And any design that preserves that racial hierarchy is what we can call racist. Our colorblind approach to user research is one practice that perpetuates inequality #UXRConf Race: The assumption that w...
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For the #Zelda35th, I have a little story to tell.

It was 1991, and A Link to the Past was still in development in Japan. I was 15 years old, having just moved to Redmond, WA. I was a massive Nintendo fan, having played their games since 1983 when Donkey Kong was in arcades. 1/
After arriving in Redmond in 1990, I started writing a bunch of fan-mail to Nintendo of America's HQ, asking for crazy stuff, like the stats of NES Mega Man & Final Fantasy characters, to translate them into D&D characters. I never got a response, but I got a letter later... 2/
The letter was from a small User Research team, who'd bring in a bunch of kids to try out NES and GameBoy titles before they arrived on store shelves.
In a room with 20-something other kids, I'd share my thoughts. I guess they liked my feedback, because they called me back. 3/
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La composante humaine n'est pas à oublier au profit des valeurs analytiques. Les statistiques ne disent pas tout. #workshop #digitalnomad #designthinker #uxresearch #SDGs ImageImageImageImage
Il faut observer, approfondir, s'intégrer, éprouver (ressentir) et faire preuve d'empathie pas de sympathie. #workshop #digitalnomad #designthinker #uxresearch #SDGs ImageImageImageImage
Un simple individus oublié, un élément omis et tout peur être chamboulé . #workshop #digitalnomad #designthinker #uxresearch #SDGs ImageImageImageImage
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Introducing a new feature for subscribers: insights!

Quickly create a card deck of findings from #UXresearch, #marketresearch or #Analytics:
Illustrate with beautiful images from @unsplash and @pexels, or upload your own (video coming soon!)
Add #tags so you can identify patterns and themes:
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¿¡No sabes qué estudiar!?
¿¡Quieres un trabajo nuevo!?
¿¡Quieres un cambio de ambiente!?

Aquí te explico 3 profesiones del sector tecnológico que no requieren ser #ElonMusk o #TonyStark para ejercerlas que quizá no conozcas y que te podrían interesar

Abro hilo 🖌️ 🔍🧑‍💻
UI/UX Designer: #UIUXDesign Es una profesión para personas creativas, UI significa Interfaz de Usuario y UX eXperiencia de Usuario, esta profesión se dedica a diseñar la parte visual de las aplicaciones
asegurándose de que la misma no solo sea bonita sino que también tenga una experiencia agradable al ser usada, normalmente el UI e UX lo hace una misma persona pero en algunos casos se dividen las funciones
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These days most of the applications are developed on top of frameworks. Their Research and Design is the main engagement. Budget planning is required for the Research and Design.

#design #ux #uxdesign #uxresearch #userresearch #budget #designjobs #uxjobs #DataScience #Coach
These days most of the applications are developed on top of frameworks. Their, Research and Design is the main engagement. Budget planning & Team Management is required for the Research Sprint and Design Sprint.

#startup #investor #founder #executive #director #advisory
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There is no #Freelance website that list the hot selling #UserResearch categories. #Research #Consulting is a short term periodical engagement best for Freelancing & on #Contract #Jobs.
1. Generative & Evaluative Research.
2. Behavioral & Attitudinal Research.
3. Experimental Image
(Interventional) & Observational Studies.
4. Summative & Formative Evaluation.
5. Qualitative & Quantitative Research.

#freelancing #uxjobs #jobs #gigeconomy #productdesign #executive #coach #business #itindustry #hotjobs #UXResearch
Please check the tweet thread for a valuable feedback. @freelancer @Upwork @fiverr #freelance #freelancer
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"Abundance" in Design Thinking & Strategy adds a new dimension to UX. Design Thinking has Divergent & Convergent sequences. Including "#Abundance" in the scenario would help to explore a new dimension altogether. Here follow two examples.
A medical device has an alarm. The alarm
beeps in 3 levels of priority. The frequency of the number of beeps increases with the priority of the alarm. Assume it works fine & passes all usability tests with one device. Now Include "Abundance" and think of 20 devices kept in a dormitory room. The difficulty of attention
& call to action multiply in combination.
An email application to read and view the list of emails. Deleting a few 100 emails is fine. Include "Abundance" and think of Deleting a few million emails.
"Abundance" can also be included for processes. Suppose a process is designed
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If adding feature is UX, removing feature should also be UX. What stats & model do we collect to remove feature?

#ux #uxresearch #productmanagement #productdesign #business #startup #founder #vc
There is "cleanup code day" in Agile. Is there "cleanup feature day" in UX?

#ux #featurecreep #productmanager
Why is it every time that the products keep getting bigger and bigger and then stumble and fall?
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The best way to explore #UX shortcoming in #Healthcare Services, Hospital Management and Insurance Approval can be figured out through generative observational studies by placing UX in Billing Counter, Help Desk, Ward Desk, Insurance Desk and Admission Desk. #servicedesign
Placing anyone else in place of trained UX will compromise observational data collection.
Worst Case Scenarios in Hospital Management forces Patient & relatives (attendees) to run pillar to post from one department to another. This can only be managed through generative observational studies.
#ecosystemdesign #servicedesign #uxresearch #healthcare #hospital
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Tata & Birla is summit for Industrialist in India. Reliance is the summit for Businessman in India. Infosys, Wipro & TCS are summit for IT ecosystem in India. Flipkart was summit for Startup Funding in India. What is the summit for UX, Animation & Advertisement in India?
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We have taken the Architectural concept of Cafe from French, Restaurants from the English, Disc-Disco from US and Gaming Parlor from Japan. Nobody is getting my point that in India we need to research on the Look and Feel of Gaming parlours w.r.t Indian Context. Only then
there is some hope to spread the user base among the different age group.

#UX #Design #Gaming #Cafe #Hospitality #Research #uxresearch #userresearch #context #architecture
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@Microsoft #Feedback Forum #CX / #ServiceDesign. No text box to dump feedback with one click. Miles long textual instruction. Poor #UX with high first threshold of user feedback. Image
Encourage people to first dump the feedback then further categories. That way team will have feedback to analyze. If you expect people to look for the category then add the feedback, let me tell you in B2C, consumers will simply drop off. @Microsoft
Isn't all User Research of existing services starts from User Feedback. In view of such a User Unfriendly poorly design #feedback page, I wonder where does the UX Research budget goes? @Microsoft #uxresearch #servicedesign #ux
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All talks no action. Google #Feedback Forum #CX / #ServiceDesign. No text box to dump feedback with one click. Not responsive. Not mobile friendly. Poor #UX with high first threshold of user feedback. @Google Image
Encourage people to first dump the feedback then further categories. That way team will have feedback to analyze. If you expect people to look for the category then add the feedback, let me tell you in B2C, consumers will simply drop off. @Google
Isn't all User Research of existing services starts from User Feedback. In view of such a User Unfriendly poorly design feedback page, I wonder where does the UX Research budget goes? @Google #uxresearch #dropoff
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Great discussion of reasons why the trolley problem is not the right discussion for #AI #ethics

"If we want to make ethical AI, we should be... training self-driving cars to work in ways that we, as a society, can approve of and endorse." via @qz
Decisions for what an #AI system will do are determined long before they are in use.
If the people making the AI aren't ethical, how can we expect the system to be?
Ethical, diverse teams are need to develop ethical, safe AI systems.
Excited to talk about this topic, self-driving and AI ethics at #WorldUsabilityCongress in a few weeks in Austria!
🤖 🚗 🤖 🚙 🤖
@worlduxcongress #ux #ai #ethics #design #uxresearch #usability
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Does anyone has conducted #Ethnographic #Research on the following #ServiceDesign / #Lobby #Design topic? Any #shortfilm or #documentary?
#WorldBank mentality of lobbyist #Corporate #Indian Clan. The idea is to pour funds through #FDI in Indian Corporations. Lobbying to control
the corporation's #treasury. Pocket the #fund through fake #GrowthHacking spending. Hold accountable a couple of influential but network-less people for the mismanagement and the lobby disperse under the guise. Then the lobby waits and plans for the next hunt.

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What is Situational Usability Testing? The Usability Testing carried out under different situations. Under Stressful conditions, our mind and body react differently. Fingers turn sweaty. Touch screen can't recognise sweaty, dirty, food granule sticking to finger touches.
another example of booking Uber Taxi. The Situation influences our Behaviour that influences our Actions. Visualize these three situations while booking Uber Taxi. It is raining heavily, the person is half drenched and he is trying to book the taxi. An employee is engaging in a
sales conversation with his clients standing near the lift trying to book Uber at the same time to take them for a site visit. A person booking Uber from the comfort of his home sitting on his bed.
Let's take an example from Healthcare. Product Features can be
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The HR Recruiters fix UX interview with Technical Architect, Technical Managers, Engineering Directors, Delivery Manager, CTO etc. These guys only understand tangible UI Design and look for it overwhelmingly. They don't understand the Functional & Strategic aspect, that is UX.
UX is Functional and ideally be interviewed by Product VP, Functional Product Manager, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Business Strategist and Chief Design Officer.
UX consultation can be done on Services, Processes, Business and Products.

#UXjobs #UXhiring
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