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Dear @zomato & @Swiggy,

Despite the constant rise in cases of #dogbites across India, both #central & respective #state govts are silent & not bothered.

#Dogattack #Hyderabad #Noida #DelhiNCR #AnimalRights #Safety #DogTerror #deliveryguy #SafetyFirst #BeHumane #Kind #CX PlsRT
Plz don't let your employees go inside buildings or homes where there can be #dogs. Enquire about it before U accept the order. Either reject the #order or ask that customers to come downstairs & take the package. Please #Help & protect your #deliveryguys who work 24*7. #food #RT
Read 3 tweets
[1/🧵] A short synopsis of Joachim Nagel's most recent speech on the future of #economic and #monetary union, presented and released by @OMFIF (@OMFIFDMI). 👇

[2/7] Joachim Nagel, a member of the @bundesbank's Executive Board, discusses:
🔸 #Inflation
🔸 #Monetary policy
🔸 #Fiscal development, ...

... among other topics.
[3/7] According to Nagel, the ongoing #energy #crisis in #Ukraine has resulted in:
🔸 Greater #inflation
🔸 Higher #energy prices ...

... influencing:
🔸 #Industrial costs
🔸 #Financial insecurity.
Read 8 tweets
#Near    Marlborough, find our Company's "Expense reduction consulting Marlborough" business services & consultants, online + local at Google:

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Start saving money for business services & read more #online at our corporate cost reduction services company #page, online at: #Marlborough #Boston #Cambridge #Worcester #Central #MA #business #consultant #consultants #offer #saving #company #local #price
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Why are #Azerbaijan #Iran 🇦🇿🇮🇷 relations so bad?

Five 5️⃣ simple facts 🧵 (below) help explain why the 🇦🇿🇮🇷 Azeri-Iranian relationship has deteriorated and what’s really behind the recent attack against 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan’s embassy in Tehran ⤵️ . . .
1️⃣ #Sociologically: Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 & Iran 🇮🇷 are very different societies. Iran’s regime has a hardline, old and extreme interpretation of Shia-religion, while Azerbaijan has a more modern interpretation (gender parity, customs etc). It lay at the root of many differences . . .
2️⃣ #Historically: Iran (& Russia) colonised Azeri and South Caucasian people, while today large Azeri communities continue to live inside of Iran, many of which have strong linguistic and cultural bonds to Azerbaijan and do not accept Tehran’s radical governance-style . . .
Read 11 tweets
Today is an hot day, not only for temperatures, but also for economic data.

Follow me meanwhile I unroll all the new prints we had today

Super important thread on #inflation and the #housing #market

Lot of metrics to cover, get comfortable and get ready

🤓🧵 Image
#CPI prints:



#Canada YoY

#Canada MoM

Let's unpack it briefly
With a 9.4% UK finds itself on the firsts European (continent) Countries that are approaching double digits #inflation, and with the lack of haste in interventions on the #monetary #policies side, the #peak #inflation seems still far away. Let alone the MoM momentum, still high
Read 20 tweets
¿Ser campeón en Primera siendo un recién ascendido? Eso ya se ha visto...

Si de resurgir de las cenizas se trata, ¿quién le puede explicar cómo se hace a #RosarioCentral?

Uno de los mejores equipos de la década del 80, de la mano del maestro Ángel Tulio Zof

Este es el #Hilo 🧵 ImageImage
A Central le tocó bajar en 1984 por un muy mal año, aún teniendo buenos jugadores y el apoyo en sus divisiones inferiores

Pagó el precio de tener 4 entrenadores en el Metropolitano por no encontrar el rumbo Image
De la mano de "Los Pitufos" Omar Palma y Raúl de la Cruz Chaparro en el césped y Pedro Marchetta como DT📋, el equipo cosechó buen juego y aplausos en cada cancha donde jugó

Su público fue incondicional fecha a fecha acompañando al brillante campeón ImageImageImage
Read 22 tweets
1/ Dear all, many among you have asked me about my opinion on #oil, #logistics, #pipelines, price movements and a reality check on the #german #embargo plans. So I decided to make another explanatory thread. Grab a beer, this may take a while to read.
2/ It has often been said that oil is a global #commodity that travels on the seas. That view is not wrong, but incomplete. In fact, much oil is shipped by pipelines, on all continents. For an imcomplete but illustrative overview, see…
3/ Most pipelines either distribute incoming seaborne supplies to inland consumers (e.g., refineries), or they route domestically produced oil to seaports where it is loaded on #tankers.
Read 25 tweets

🕐En punto de las 6:00 hrs. de #CostaRica arrancará la segunda vuelta electoral en la que se elegirá la Presidencia.

Te invitamos a seguir todos los detalles en este hilo del #MonitoreoElecciones2022


🕐Comienza la segunda vuelta de las elecciones en #CostaRica en la que se elegirá Presidente para el período 2022-2026


🕕 La votación inicia a las 6 hrs y finaliza a las 18 hrs, en una jornada continua.

El horario de las JRV que se ubican en el extranjero varía según lo establezca el @TSECostaRica vía reglamento.

Read 124 tweets
🚨 Irregularidades del Profesionalismo

En este hilo, les traemos una lista 🗒️ de grandes irregularidades que se produjeron en el profesionalismo a lo largo de la historia ⬇️
📌 Campeonato 1932: Según medios de la época, #River incentivó económicamente a #Quilmes para que lesionen a los jugadores de #Independiente. Duelo previo a un desempate entre el #Millonario y el #Rojo. Los de Avellaneda perdieron a sus mejores y el campeón fue River.
📌 Campeonato 1933: Torneo de 18 equipos. El certamen se jugaba sin descensos en un principio pero al finalizar el mismo, descienden #Tigre y #Quilmes por tener poca presencia de hinchas durante la liga... ⬇️
Read 36 tweets
¡MUY BUENAS TARDES ARGENTINA! @JesusEmilianoOk, @GabrielPennise1, @javitocigno, @DavidLuisTigre y todo @RosarioDeportes para #Central - #Huracan y toda la definición de la clasificación a las Copas. ¡Tremendo!

📻 Nos escuchan en #Radio2:
AM 1230
FM 90.1
¡PILCHA ESPECIAL! #Central homenajeará a los primeros campeones, los del '71, con sus nombres en la indumentaria de juego.

📻 Nos escuchan en #Radio2:
AM 1230
FM 90.1 Image
¡YA ESTÁN EN EL GIGANTE! #Central llegó a Arroyito y se prepara para recibir a #Huracan desde las 17, con la #Sudamericana entre ceja y ceja.

📻 Nos escuchan en #Radio2:
AM 1230
FM 90.1 Image
Read 35 tweets
Waited for the last week or so- to have a consensus - but I suppose before a consensus, rains could lash. Hence posting this.

Extreme rainfall alert once again for #Chennai

#ChennaiRains2021 #Chennai #ChennaiRains #chennaiflood #ChennaiRain #chennaiweather #TamilNadu
Twin circulations on both sides of the Indian Peninsula decide the fate of #Chennairains now. With the MJO in Phase 3- firmly - indications of an easterly surge and also a low-level circulation would increase the convective activity over #Central and #Northern #TamilNadu
Moderate rainfall for #Chennai to start from the evening. Southern suburbs ECR OMR Region would experience moderate to heavy rainfall from afternoon City will start to get rains from evening. Rains are expected through night and tomorrow it is going to be heavy to extremely heavy
Read 5 tweets
#Breaking | Don’t know who was worst -former Health Min who launched Baba Ramdev’s 'Coronil' or the current who has declared that 'no deaths due to #O2 shortage': #Congress' @JaiveerShergill hits out at the Union Govt over the latter's reply in the Parliament.
#PriyankaGandhi tweets over the #Central govt's reply in Parliament that no one died due to lack of oxygen.

'The deaths happened because, in the pandemic year, the government increased oxygen exports by 700%', says Priyanka Gandhi.
Health is a State subject. Reporting deaths and the reason for it is the job of State Govts and UTs. We have had #Maharashtra Govt tell the #HighCourt that no one died of oxygen shortage. This lack of empathy has been the case with others too: #BJP leader @amitmalviya.
Read 5 tweets
Superpower or 🤡? "Pakistan’s army & its Inter-Services Intelligence(ISI) play key role in Taliban offensive. Without logistical support from Pakistan, the Taliban would be hard-pressed to operate in such a widespread way".…
2/usa Superpower or 🤡? "Of course, Pakistan has been the Taliban’s patron since its creation in the 1990s.
It is impossible to defeat the Taliban as long as Pakistan provides sanctuary and safety, training, equipment and funds for the Taliban."..3/
3/usa #Clownanalysis101 🤡 "Pakistan cannot be defeated, as it is a nuclear-armed State and has the fifth-largest population in world. ...It is curious that Biden has so little to engage with Pakistan. He has yet to talk with Imran Khan." ☝🏼superpower is going to fight #China?😭
Read 61 tweets

Después del paron por la #CopaAmerica, este fin de semana regresará la Liga Profesional del Fútbol Argentino y en Fútbol al Hueco te traemos todo lo que tenés que saber sobre ella.
En esta guía encontraras:

📌Explicación del torneo
📌Clasificación a copas
📌Jugador Sub 21 a tener de cada equipo
📌Jugadores a tener en cuenta en este torneo.
La competencia será un torneo todos contra todos que tendrá 25 fechas y no habrá fecha de clásicos, además no habrán descensos pero si Promedios.
Read 88 tweets
More conspiracy theory from Financial Times:

"With a new US admin., & [] the vaccination rollout under way, now is a good time for the major economies of the west (& ideally the world) to sit down & devise a new international #monetary order."

#GreatReset h/t @johnsteppling
"As part of that there should be widespread #debt cancellation, especially the gov't debt held by #central #banks. We estimate that amounts to approximately $25tn of gov't debt in the major regions of the global economy."…
"Whether debt cancellation extends beyond that should be central to the negotiations between policymakers as to the construct of the #new #system ...The implications for bond yields, post-debt cancellation, need to be fully thought through and debated."
Read 14 tweets
Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai. A #Thread

With #Geelani being sidelined, will the newly elected #Hurriyat Chief Sehrai make any difference, those who closely follow him say that he is even more hardliner than Geelani & will drown #Kashmir further into chaos
(1/11) Image
Born in 1944 in Tickipora #Lolab, #Kupwara, his forefathers migrated to this part of #Kashmir before partition hailing from the Khans of #Pakistan. He is a staunch Pro-Pakistan supporter & vehemently advocates Kashmir's annexation to #Pakistan
(2/11) Image
Sehrai did his initial education from #Sogam & B.A from #AMU. Like many other #Kashmiris, he was taught by #Kashmiri #pandit teachers. One of his childhood teachers was Gopi Nath Kaul..
(3/11) Image
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[ABRO HILO] #10ÍdolosCanallas: Los máximos ídolos de la historia de #Central 🇺🇦 en el profesionalismo. Dentro de la enorme subjetividad del tema, trataré de ser lo más objetivo posible. Espero que les guste...

🔁 RT para llegar a más gente🤙.
1️⃣ Don Ángel Tulio Zof: Sin lugar a dudas el ídolo máximo del club. Don Ángel es #Central. Gran formandor de jugadores y personas.

Tricampeón como DT (récord) [ ⭐ Nacional 1980, ⭐ Campeonato 1986/87, 🏆 Copa Conmebol 1995].
👴 En su séptimo ciclo al mando del club, conquistó la Copa Conmebol 🏆, primer y único título internacional del Canalla.

🌟 El 19 de diciembre de 1995 será eterno. #Central 🇺🇦 remontó un 0-4 en la final (hecho único en el mundo) y dio la vuelta en el Gigante de Arroyito.
Read 25 tweets
Hoy se cumple un año de la partida del querido Osvaldo Bayer. Lo recordamos con algunas de sus frases sobre #futbol y #Politica:

“Para mí el fútbol era arte y deporte socialista” Image
“El #futbol es un magnífico cuento de magos, volatineros, malabaristas y hasta clowns. El circo de la gente pobre, la misa de campaña de los solitarios que quieren sentirse acompañados por una vez. Es la humanidad en el pequeñísimo cosmos de un cuadrilátero verde”. Image
“El #futbol es un juego capitalista, porque requiere de rendimiento, afán de ganar, de ser superior, pero a la vez de un juego #socialista porque necesita del esfuerzo de todo el equipo, la ayuda mutua para obtener el triunfo. Y en medio de todo: el #gol. El sueño. La esperanza" Image
Read 4 tweets
#Central — black flag & orange flag at the same time.

When CBD’s Office Ladies & Gentlemen come out chanting #FiveDemandsNotOneLess, we all know it’s NOT a fight of youngsters only but a FIGHT of ALL #HongKongers! 🇭🇰

#ResistBeijing #LiberateHongKong #chinazi #HongKong ImageImage
Confrontation in #HongKong’s financial hub still going on —
#HKPolice CONGRATS, you finally managed to work in #Central & go into #University!

Dismiss #HKPolice, #FiveDemandsNotOneLess!

#香港デモ #HongKongProtests #discoverHongKong #antichinazi ImageImageImage
#HKPoliceTerrorism — Riot Police surrounded a number of passers-by outside the high-end luxurious shopping mall, the Landmark #HongKong.

Humiliatingly they were all forced to sit, hands up & “surrender”.

@StandNewsHK #HongKongProtests Image
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Thank you for Senator Cruz for coming to #HongKong!! @tedcruz

We want #Freedom & #Democracy!

Photo by #HongKongAutonomyAction.…

驅逐共黨 光復香港 🇭🇰
#ResistBeijing #LiberateHongKong ImageImage
“And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave. O'er the land of the Free & the home of the Brave!”

Welcome & Thank you Senator Cruz!!

#ResistBeijing #LiberateHongKong
驅逐共黨 光復香港 🇭🇰

#hkprotest #HongKong #StandWithHongKong #America
“Welcome Senator Cruz!”

#graffiti spotted in today’s rally!
Hearty welcome @tedcruz! #StandWithHongKong

#HongKongers' determination for #freedom and #democracy never decreases.

驅逐共黨 光復香港 🇭🇰
#ResistBeijing #LiberateHongKong Image
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At dinner, I learned more about corruption + racism built into society by our masters. A book we discussed (Zinn) was used as part of this "Left" resource's bibliography. I had to share. [A thread]

@BlackSocialists - thoughts on this resource?
It very simply lays out the case that we are all being controlled. It covers hidden history of the United States including their (and, due to the systems created by our masters, our) racism. 

#racism #systemicracism #history
If you haven't been in school for a while (or are in a terrible school), some of the words might trip you up. and are two good resources to help you.
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