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Jun 20th 2023
(1. Touched down in #Dublin🇮🇪earlier today. Good to be in #Ireland for a few days. Been following some commentary on the Consultative Forum closely,disappointed at some of the false binaries we are imposing on ourselves: pro-#NATO/anti-NATO or pro-#neutrality/anti-neutrality.
(2.What we need is better knowledge&depth as well as workable #security options that public want to unify behind & sooner rather than later. Inducing more polarization only weakens #Ireland's national #security further--diametric opposite to what we are looking for.
(3. If politicians, academics&policy experts fail to help in developing options along these lines&if some chose to side-track themselves with bitter disputes or false binaries then I think this will be a big opportunity missed to improve matters & history will be a harsh judge.
Read 5 tweets
May 29th 2023
War on the Kinahan cartel: ‘Fear of financing terrorism spurred US to join forces with gardaí’

Former top garda John O’Driscoll reveals concerns that #moneylaundering by Daniel Kinahan’s gang could fund terror groups.

#Ireland #OrganizedCrime…
Daniel Kinahan: The cartel boss is believed to have moved to #Iran - a place where 'organised crime groups are going to launder money'
Kinahan cartel used tiny Iranian island to launder dirty money and for holidays

It is understood that Christy Kinahan discovered Kish when he was first travelling in the Gulf.

#KinahanCartel #Iran…
Read 20 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
📆 #UnDiaComoHoy hace 280 años, fue primera ejecución en el Covent Garden Theatre de la obra más conocida de #Handel: The #Messiah

📆 #23marzo de #1743

🏤 #oratorio #barroco #musicabarroca #CFLC #LopezCapillas #leonardoai
🎼 Aunque El Mesías es hoy en día una de las obras más famosas de Handel, en su época no fue un éxito inmediato, la 1ra presentación de la obra en #Dublín en #1742 fracasó, y no fue sino hasta que Handel la presentó en Londres un año más tarde que ganó popularidad. #leonardoai
La parte más famosa, es el #Hallelujah chorus, pero sorprendentemente, Handel no compuso esta sección para el final de la obra. El #Hallelujah era la conclusión del segundo acto; hasta después de su muerte se convirtió en una tradición interpretarla al final de la obra. 🏤#CFLC
Read 6 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
At the beginning of February 2022, #Biden warned that "if #Russia invades #Ukraine with tanks and troops, then there will be no more #NordStream2"
#ItsDone #NordStream: Fourth leak found as Russia and West trade blame over alleged sabotage of gas pipeline | Sep 29
- #EU and #US have stopped to directly accusing Russia, a #Kremlin official was rebuked after hinting that #Washington was #responsible.
Read 42 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
Playing around with applying our method from… for a new project; we can use it to map, e.g., (2016) walking commutes by electoral division in #Dublin using
We can also combine this with our cost-distance method (self-promotion!…) to find the cost of traveling a given distance (based on opportunity cost of travel time, buying walking shoes, etc.) to see where walking infrastructure/service is relatively poor
From this it looks like more suburban/outlying areas (that likely have more disconnected street patterns) are relatively more costly to walk
Read 5 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
Adelaide, Australia
Birmingham, England
London, England
Glasgow, Scotland
Montreal, Canada
Ottawa, Canada
New York, US
UC Irvine, US
UC Santa Barbara, US
UC San Diego, US
Read 13 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
1) At 05:20hrs this morning, approximately 80 Gardai arrived at Ionad Seán Heuston. Several homeless were arrested and will be before the high courts this morning for breaching a court order prohibiting them from seeking shelter in an abandoned warehouse.
2) @DarraghOBrienTD & @HomelessDublin are responsible for this situation. Not once in four weeks did they attempt to engage with the homeless there to offer alternative accmmo and an exit plan out of homelessness.
3) Instead, we have a massive Gardai operation and expense to the public with a pending court hearing which will see homeless either gaoled or back on the streets. #Housingcrisis #homeless #Dublin @rtenews @thejournal_ie @IrishTimes @DublinLive @fiannafailparty @FineGael
Read 3 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
Conversations between #Turtle & #MP
Few days before heading to Ireland, MP is coming home late after working all day on presentations he is invited to give @ECMP2022 in #Dublin, surprised to see his buddy slowing coming up his driveway.

MP: Hey buddy, what are you doing?

MP: It might have taken U some time to come all the way from park

Turtle: Yes doc, I heard U were heading to @TourismIreland island & wanted to join U. Since it would take me more time & I didn’t want to rush, I thought I will come over & rest behind your house till we leave
MP: What do U mean & how did U know?

TL: Well, my 3rd cousin from my mom side who lives in #WicklowMountains close to Dublin told me that you were coming there soon

MP: What, how did she know?

Read 13 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
New route numbering with #BusConnects will replace a system of bus numbering which dates back to the original #Dublin #tramways (NLI image from 1947:…) but /1
Route numbers were only introduced in 1918. In the horse tram era, each route had different colour cars and the destination painted on its sides, like this #Rathmines tram on #Westmoreland Street in 1892 (…) /2
Apparently interchangeable destination boards were introduced in c. 1897, then in 1903 roller blind destination scrolls came into use (corner of Grafton/Nassau St,…) /3
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Jul 15th 2022
La gente está fatal! 🤯

#Dublin, #Irlanda. Se dice que este hombre trató de agarrar a una niña menor, pero los vecinos no lo dejaron ir así como así.🤔

En respuesta al “deseo” fallido y la reacción de los transeúntes, comenzó a "tocarse" en medio de la calle. 🤭
🥁🎺 #Irlanda del Norte, Bandas del ejército desfilan por las calles.

Pero el chico de la casa de enfrente tenía planes de dormir. 😴🤷‍♂️

- Buenas noches y no les deseo #desfiles debajo de su ventana hasta la mañana 😉🤗

#UK #Ucrania #supermoon #Putin
#USA ❗️Mientras tanto, en #Texas, los padres se pelearon por #dulces gratis para sus hijos 🤷‍♂️🍬🍭

Dando ejemplo! 😕
Read 5 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
Our 1st #LGBTQI #Youth News Bulletin is out. Here's a recap of some of the major news & policy developments that happened in the Council of Europe Region in June 2022 from an LGBTQI Youth perspective. [1/9]

📰 Read our full Bulletin down this thread or on
🏳️‍⚧️ #Cycling, #Swimming and #Rugby’s International Governing Bodies Impose New Anti-#Trans Rulings [2/9]
🇷🇴 #Romania to Potentially Prohibit the Dissemination of Information on #LGBTQI Issues [3/9]
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May 7th 2022
Very interesting meeting today organized by @RivoltiB in #Zugliano, discussing #Eu externalization of migration policies. #Pushbacks, role of #Frontex and role of states along the #Balkan route. @AdrianaTdn @IcsOnlus @CoordEuropa @BalkansCaucasus @pfmajorino
@annalisacamilli explains the double standard recently applied by the #Eu vis-a-vis European and non-European refugees and how more humane #migration and #refugee policies are possible.
@roargh Milena explains the pattern and practice of #pushback with #Croatia being number 1 in #Europe in terms of violations
Read 16 tweets
Nov 14th 2021
❗️Thread « Quel #islam pour l’Europe? Les institutions de formation des Frères Musulmans»
▶️ Documentaire exceptionnel de @KellerSaida sur la façon dont les Frères Musulmans forment des imams en Europe, diffusé au festival de film de #Carthage
Plusieurs fins connaisseurs expliquent les méthodes de l’entrisme des Frères Musulmans:
@BestandjiNaem décrit leur ciblage de la gauche via la stratégie de victimisation et le militantisme islamiste autour du voile;
@djemilaben décrit leur capacité à séduire les européens
.@Maaroufi9 décrit la #Turquie comme une théocratie qui, à l’initiative d’#Erdogan, cherche à influencer par le biais d’organisations et d’instituts de formation, à la fois la classe politique européenne et les musulmans de notre continent
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Nov 11th 2021
¡Diez cosas que siempre quisiste saber sobre los #vikingos y nunca te atreviste a preguntar!
¡Adentro 🧵!
#Arqueologia #Arte e #Historia de este pueblo de la #EdadMedia escandinava. ¿Salvajes guerreros, intrépidos exploradores o refinados comerciantes?
1⃣ Es posible que os baile la cronología vikinga. Tradicionalmente se usan como inicio y final del periodo dos fechas:
793-Saqueo del monasterio de Lindisfarne (Inglaterra)
1066-Derrota de Harold el Despiadado en la batalla de Stamford
Por tanto, se ubican entre los s.VIII y XI
2⃣ No constituyeron un estado unificado, sino que les unían la lengua (noruego antiguo), la cultura y las creencias religiosas. Suele hablarse de #vikingos daneses, suecos y noruegos, según su ubicación original.
Read 19 tweets
Nov 6th 2021
A major #COP26 climate change protest is about to get underway in #Dublin

Environmental groups, political parties, student unions and teaching unions are among the organisations here.

A boat reading “our planet is burning” will also be carried through the city.
“When the planet’s on the line, no more workers left behind”

Hundreds of people are making their way up O’Connell St calling for urgent climate justice.

More on @VirginMediaNews at 5.30
“Free frequent public transport” is one of the asks of protesters at a huge climate change protest in Dublin, coinciding with #COP26
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Oct 28th 2021
The #Zapatista tour of #Ireland, a long aul’ thread (but pix and vids!) to wrap up

In 1994 indigenous peasants in the mountains of SE Mexico rose up against #neoliberal capitalism, their latest struggle in 500 years of resisting colonialism…

#LaGiraZapatistaVa #EZLN Zapatista women at La Realidad
If you need a backgrounder, here's Mick McCaughan, ex-Latin American correspondent for the Irish Times and Guardian introducing why the #Zapatistas matter:

27 years later, they hold liberated territory the size of Munster –

governing themselves from below

with a powerful #womxn’s movement

practicing #AgroEcology

and with their own culture, education system, community media...

Read 72 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
1.#Author #Writer #WritingCommunity #Gaspers #AMagdaleneRose

I'm very pleased to have finally joined the ranks, beginning with my first #Consumer book on #CabinAirQuality; what every #Passenger needs to know!…
2. #Author #Writer #WritingCommunity #Gaspers #AMagdaleneRose

I'm also very pleased to report that my second book is now very close to conclusion and looking to early 2022 for publication

It's abt #HumanRights failures in #Ireland & the impacts on my GM/Dad/Family & #Justice! Image
3. #Author #Writer #WritingCommunity #Gaspers #AMagdaleneRose

I have other projects in the pipeline and going forward I will talk abt my writing activities by updating this thread.

#Publishers #Filmmakers #Podcasters who wish to discuss or feature my work can DM me directly Image
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Aug 3rd 2021
Inspired by @MonicaK2511 to share photos taken my ME, God has been so wonderful to me that my work has taken me to so many places & I share some pictures from my travels. Maybe I will add to this like a series but this is just a beginning. #Amritsar #Dhaka #Dublin #Mysore
To these I add #Holland #Qatar #Norway and #California There many pictures but these are just a few, representative...
The next in line are #Paris #NewYork #Switzerland and #Kolkatta... Each place has a beauty, charm, culture, that must be experienced.
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Apr 21st 2021
Activity levels in #Ireland are fast approaching pre-pandemic levels, with Google Community Mobility levels of Parks, Residential, Grocery & pharmacy, and Workplace into above-average, non-lockdown levels of mobility.
TomTom is registering levels of congestion close to pre-pandemic 2019 traffic in #Dublin and #Cork, with congestion in #Cork now HIGHER than pre-pandemic 2019 traffic over the weekends.
Mobility and congestion returned towards pre-pandemic levels from the full school return on Monday 12 April, with high levels rising over the preceding weekend.…
Read 10 tweets
Mar 24th 2021
106 years ago, one of #Ireland's giants of #Astronomy, Margaret Lindsay Murray Huggins (1848 - 1915), passed #OnThisDay

#HERstory #STEM #GLobalIrishNation #OTD Margaret Lindsay Huggins
2) Margaret Lindsay Murray was born in #Dublin in 1848 and lost her mother her mother, Helen Lindsay, while still a child. In the absence of her mother, she seems to have developed a shared interest in Astronomy with her paternal #Scottish banker grandfather Robert Murray
3) Margaret seems to have been self educated, delving into #astronomy and developing photographic skills which became important for her future research in astronomical spectrography which involves the examination of light spectrums emitted by planets, stars and nebulae
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Mar 22nd 2021
#Irish artist, Sarah Purser (1848 - 1943) was born #OnThisDay 173 years ago. Her family was prosperous with a background in brewing. Shortly after her birth, her father Benjamin decided to move the family from #Dublin south to Dungarvan in #Waterford

#OTD #BOTD #HERstory Image
2) Sarah would go to finishing school in #Switzerland where she learned to speak French and began painting. On her return to #Ireland she enrolled in the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art and would go on to attend the Académie Julian in #Paris Image
3) In the early 1870s Benjamin’s businesses collapsed and Sarah now had to rely on her ability to generate income from art commissions. While she did some landscape and genre painting, portraiture appeared to be her metier

#MaudGonne #WBYeats ImageImage
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Mar 9th 2021
I discovered something new about humans: how parents name their children reveals info on how many kids they’re planning to have.

Thread on forthcoming paper in #Demography on kids’ names & sexual/fertility norms among #Irish #Catholics

Preprint:… Image
The map shows where Catholic parents chose distinctly Catholic names (Catholic Index) or traditional names (Traditional Name Score) for kids + their total surviving children as of 1911 (Net fertility). Family size highly correlated with Catholic and traditional names.
In 1860, a woman in an industrializing nation like Britain could expect to give birth to 6 children.
By 1940, that number had dropped to 2.
Read 20 tweets

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