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May 17th 2023
🧵🗣️ #EuroMaidan
Le mouvement EuroMaidan a démarré avec mille manifestants pacifiques à #Kiev, le 21 novembre 2013, protestant contre le refus de #Ianoukovytch de signer l’accord avec l’#UE.
Pourtant, un sondage montrait que 48% des #Ukrainiens soutenaient la décision du Président de ne pas signer l’accord à ce stade, 35% la désapprouvant.
Le mouvement a alors gonflé, atteignant 500 000 manifestants le 1er décembre – la majorité des manifestants venaient de l’Ouest. On voit dans cette vidéo édifiante des milliers d’étudiants scandant à #Lviv des slogans : « Pour l’UE », « Mort aux ennemis »
Read 17 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
Bei der Diskussion um den Verursacher der #NordstreamSabotage sollte man nicht vergessen: Das Streuen von verschiedenen Verursachertheorien ist eine klassische Desinformationsstrategie. Erinnern wir uns mal an ein paar Vorfälle, für die es massenweise Theorien gab. Ein 🧵 /1
Giftanschlag auf Skripal: Am 4. März 2018 wurde der 🇷🇺 Ex-Agent Sergej Skripal mit Tochter von Russland vergiftet. Russische Theorien: GB will von Brexit ablenken, NATO-Verschwörung gegen Russland, Attacke von USA, Schweden, Tschechien, Slowakei (wtf?!), Ukraine (ist klar). /2
Die von britischen Behörden identifizierten Täter ließ man sogar im russischen TV auftreten. Sie seien nur als Touristen in Salisbury gewesen und wollten sich die dortige Kathedrale anschauen. Die ganze Show um die Vergiftung ist sogar zum Meme geworden. /3
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Mar 23rd 2023
@IntlCrimCourt Broke?! Hobbyist level #Zaporizhzhia #FalseFlag. The cameraman was waiting for explosions that came from #inside the apartments to the #outside. He dared to go and take close-up pictures because he knew that no more #explosives had been #planted.
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimAAKhanKC This is just the appetizer from 'Thread 62'⬇️ mentioned:
#Ukrainian #fascists hold a party at #Kyiv's "BarHot" organized by #cartoonist Anton #Chadsky, eat a cake depicting a #Russian #baby
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC
FROM: @amanpour “What is #Russia afraid of? #Democracy expanding,” says #Estonia’s Prime Minister @kajakallas | Mar 14
TO: #NATO #Stoltenberg On Air, Let's Count The [A]s | Mar 14, 2023.
Read 50 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
@PM_ViktorOrban #US planned the #War and the #EnergyCrisis in #Europe | Sep 13
- In what appears to be an exceptional internal leak from the close-to-gov think tank #RAND Co., known among other things to have been behind American strategy for foreign and defense policy.
@PM_ViktorOrban #RAND Co | Jan 25
- There is an urgent need for resources to flow into the national economy, especially the #banking system
Only European countries bound by #EU and #NATO commitments will be able to provide them without significant mil and pol costs for us
@PM_ViktorOrban #Rand Co | Jan 25
- 'The key objective described in the doc is to #divide #EU by placing #UsefulIdiots in political positions in order to stop #Russian #energy supplies from reaching the continent'
- The entire #EU #economy will #collapse.
Read 22 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
@amanpour @kajakallas Canned meat distributed by the #Ukrainian #Nazi A. #Gramanchuk with fascist symbols such as the shield of the Ucronazi collabrs and the colors of the OUN-UPA, on the label it says: "#meat of Russian-speaking #babies"
Alluding to dead children in #Donbas
@amanpour @kajakallas Thread 19
FROM: #Marin in #Nazi -funeral #Ukraine | Mar 7, 2023
TO: #Kotsyubaylo eliminated | Mar 7, 2023
- when the #Americans visited the positions in #Avdiivka, he said that he was feeding the tamed #wolf "the #bones of #Russian-speaking #children.
Read 70 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
Die ohnehin längst durchsichtige Maske der Russischen Föderation fällt immer schneller. Ein Thread: /1
Heute veröffentlichte das "Russische Ministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten auf der Krim" @PMSimferopol folgenden Tweet. /2
"Die Proteste (...) die in #Tbilisi (Tiflis) ausgebrochen sind, führen zu Forderungen nach dem Rücktritt der Regierung. Wir empfehlen dem georgischen Volk, sich an eine ähnliche Situation in #Ukraine im Jahr 2014 zu erinnern und daran, wozu sie letztendlich führte!#ThinkTwice"/3
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Mar 7th 2023
🚨🇬🇪Alta tensione in #Georgia. Migliaia di persone stanno manifestando a #Tbilisi davanti al palazzo del Parlamento dopo che quest'ultimo ha accordato il suo iniziale sostegno ad un progetto di legge sugli "agenti stranieri" che potrebbe costituire una svolta autoritaria e……
A sostenere la legge in questione è il partito al potere", Georgian Dream: la misura richiederebbe alle organizzazioni che ricevono più del 20% dei loro finanziamenti dall'estero di registrarsi come "agenti stranieri", pena multe salate. Cosa c'è di sbagliato?

Un piccolo……
Barricate erette attorno al palazzo del Parlamento. I manifestanti stanno tentando di rimuoverle per fare irruzione nei palazzi del potere. Vi riporto una frase emblematica, citata dalla Reuters, attribuita ad un manifestante di 30 anni: "Sono venuto qui perché so che il mio……
Read 21 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
@Europarl_EN @EP_President cc: @ ivan_8848
War Is Inevitable?
The #war in #Ukraine started on Feb 16. Russia #responded 8 d later by preempting the Ukrainian ground assault on #Donbas.
People are dying in a #US #proxy war that was deliberately #provoked by the US-centralized empire
@Europarl_EN @EP_President The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by #Ukraine a week before.
- The #OSCE #France is a witness to this.
#BULLETINNo27 | MAR 2022
- Il pourrait s’agir de #mercenaires de la #CIA...
@Europarl_EN @EP_President cc: @ TaranQ
14/ "Here’s the top adviser of #Zelensky, #Arestovych in 2019 talking about how their plan to join #NATO will prompt #Russia to #invade Ukraine.“ They must do this before we join NATO.” Our #PRICE for joining NATO is a big #war with #Russia."
Read 47 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA Thread 31
From: In 2013, Sen. #McCain appeared on stage in #MaidanSquare, shoulder to shoulder with #Svoboda leader #Tyagnibok
To: “#Ukrainian People’s #Tribunal” Sentences #Kiev Leaders for #WarCrimes | Jun 23, 2018
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA cc: @ ivan_8848
How #Maidan turned into #War
From 2014 to 2022, the DPR and LPR territories was subjected to daily #shelling from 🇺🇦 side. It all started from Maidan movement, which gained momentum in Kiev in 2013.
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA cc:@ TaranQ
Nov 2013, days before the #EuroMaidan protests started. A deputy denounces in the #Ukrainian Parliament that the US is preparing a #civilwar in Ukraine -"NGOs" are organising a #coup from inside the #US #Embassy in Kiev. 1/2
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Feb 26th 2023
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @ KanekoaTheGreat
12/ In 2013, Sen. #McCain appeared on stage in #MaidanSquare, where he stood shoulder to shoulder with #Svoboda leader #Tyagnibok and #protested the elected #government of #Ukraine.
#Nuland was caught on a leaked phone call ..
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @ KanekoaTheGreat
9/ In 2013, #Ukrainian Pres Viktor #Yanukovych rejected a $17 billion #IMF loan and #EU association #agreement.
In response, #McCain and #Nuland worked with neo-#Nazis,.. to escalate the violence and overthrow Yanukovych.
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @ivan_8848
How #Obama And #Biden Installed Neo-#Nazis In #Ukraine
Today’s war cannot be understood without first understanding the #US government’s role in Ukraine's #MaidanCoup.…
Read 32 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
Un anno fa
l'assalto aereo fallito all'aeroporto di Hostomel
gran parte di questi elicotteri con le truppe d'assalto a bordo verranno abbattuti
nella notte agenti del gru hanno dato la caccia a Volodymyr Zelens'kyj per ucciderlo, fallendo
gli ucraini accolgono con i fiori gli invasori...
Read 20 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
If you don't know much about #Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity, just look at the images below and to feel what we felt in the winter of 2014. The winter that changed us forever 👇
#UkraineFrontLines team.
If you don't know much about #Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, just look at the images below to feel what we felt during the winter of 2014. The winter that changed us forever 👇
#UkraineFrontLines team.
If you don't know much about #Euromaidan, the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, just look at the images below to feel what we felt during the winter of 2014. The winter that changed us forever 👇
#UkraineFrontLines team.
Read 21 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
.@POTUS in Kyiv.
All streets are closed in Kyiv downtown.
Today the official Day of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes,those murdered at the #Euromaidan.
If @POTUS joins the Ukrainians on this day and sets foot on Ukrainian land, steps on Institute street, where all this happened - this means...
...that the entire democratic world is with Ukraine today, shares our pain and will express support in the struggle for our freedom and victory over Russia.
#Euromaidan #RussiaUkraineWar
Read 21 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
Dopo aver visionato in anteprima "#Putin Vs the West", in onda questa sera sulla BBC, posso dire che l'anticipazione sulla telefonata intercorsa fra #BorisJohnson e Vladimir Putin è solo una - e nemmeno la più fragorosa - delle bombe giornalistiche di cui oggi i cittadini del
Regno Unito potranno godere in prima serata.
Il documentario è di fatto una ricostruzione storica attraverso il metodo del "dietro le quinte", un susseguirsi di retroscena raccontati dai protagonisti che mette sotto la lente di ingrandimento gli avvenimenti e le negoziazioni
che hanno condotto fino all'odierna situazione tra #Russia e #Ucraina.
La prima delle tre puntate della serie prende le mosse dall'#Euromaidan e arriva fino alla firma degli accordi di #Minsk, ma per rendere chiaro quanto la cronaca sia strettamente collegata alla storia di
Read 44 tweets
Nov 22nd 2022
Hier der etwas längere Teil 3 der #Maidan Vatniks Verschwörungen. Was ist mit der Rolle der #Rechtsextremen? Ist es zutreffend zu sagen, dass die Proteste von "#Nazis" dominiert, angetrieben oder lediglich angestiftet wurden?
#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussia #Orcs #Euromaidan
1/1 Die meisten Experten sehen das nicht so. Einige wenige, vor allem Volodymyr Ishchenko und Serhiy Kudelia, argumentieren jedoch, dass die Rolle der extremen Rechten auf dem Euromaidan bedeutender war, als oft angenommen wird. Wir müssen diese Argumente ernst nehmen.
2/1 Wir können uns jedoch von der Annahme verabschieden, dass die Rechtsextremen die Mehrheit der Demonstranten stellten. Daran glaubt kein Experte. Laut Wjatscheslaw Lichatschow, einem Spezialisten für die 🇺🇦Rechte, machten diese Personen lediglich 1 % aller Demonstranten aus.
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Nov 21st 2022
Nun zur 2. der 3 Behauptungen - dass der #Euromaidan von der #US-Regierung inszeniert wurde. Wenn #Vatniks dieses Argument vorbringen, gibt es ein paar "Beweise", die die Befürworter dieses Bullshits gerne aus dem Arsch ziehen.
#Ukraine #FreeUkraine #The_Revolution_of_Dignity🔥 Image
1/1 Erstens verweisen sie darauf, dass prominente US-Politiker wie John McCain und Victoria Nuland nach Kiew gekommen sind, um ihre Solidarität mit den Demonstranten zu bekunden, und in Nulands Fall so weit gingen, dass sie... zusätzliche Backwaren verteilten.
2/1 Abgesehen von der Verteilung von Millionen von mit Meth versetzten Keksen gibt es absolut nichts, was McCain oder Nuland hätten tun können, um 8,5 Millionen Ukrainer dazu zu bringen, auf die Straße zu gehen und einen Präsidenten zu stürzen.
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Nov 21st 2022
It is #DignityAndFreedomDay in #Ukraine. Ukrainians celebrate the beginning of the #EuroMaidan mass mobilization (Nov 21, know in its aftermath by some as #RevolutionOfDignity). Here are a selection of my & other folks Research
1️⃣ who protested & why?… 1/24
This @monkeycageblog piece is about the different cycles of contention (with @GwendolynSasse) during the #euromaidan… 2/24
Next up a short reflective article one year after:… (a summary based on of survey work over 100 on-site interviews, 50 in-depth interviews, more than 8 focus groups and thousands of digital documents). 3/24
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Nov 21st 2022
Welcome along to the daily thread covering #Russia's invasion and war on #Ukraine.

The new week starts with Day 271 of the illegal conflict.

For a recap on yesterday's news (though it was quieter) click here:

The daily update from Britain's Ministry of Defence concentrates on what's happening in east #Ukraine, particularly #Svatove.

I must point out we think more of #Russia''s troops are arriving from #Kherson to bolster an aggressive push rather than just defensive.
#Russia:s estimated daily losses remain steady.
Read 32 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
Welcome to Sunday's thread with all the news of #Russia's illegal war - updated live, throughout the day.

All of #Ukraine has been under air raid warnings for an hour with 🇷🇺planes in the sky

Here's the link for yesterday's thread if you missed anything:
It's Day 263 of this war.
In 8 days it's the anniversary of the start of #Euromaidan protests in #Ukraine and subsequent Revolution of Dignity when the corrupt pro-#Russia president fled.

It's also 18 years since Moscow poisoned pro-West future President Viktor #Yushchenko.
The UK daily update focuses on the news about kids getting military training in #Russia's schools.

Will it increase patriotism?

#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussia
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Nov 1st 2022
Chissà che fine hanno fatto, i ragazzi di #Euromaidan.

Chissà se sono vivi, se hanno lasciato l’#Ucraina per raggiungere l’Europa che sentivano scorrere nelle loro vene. Sentivano, ma non toccavano.

Chissà se sono al fronte, con barbe lunghe e cicatrici sul corpo. Chissà
se la notte, prima di dormire, baciano le foto di donne e bambini.
Chissà se sognano un futuro di Indipendenza, come il nome della Piazza delle loro proteste. Chissà come guardano al passato, alla sfida ad un governo così filo-russo che quel "filo", pensandoci bene, poteva
pure non essere scritto. Chissà se, dopotutto, il filo, si erano illusi di averlo reciso.
Perché sì, nonostante gli arresti, i cecchini sui tetti, la repressione, il bagno di sangue (ah, non vi fa pensare all'Iran?), gli ucraini, questo popolo coraggioso,
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Oct 3rd 2022
1. 🇺🇦🇷🇺|👉 Inicio #Hilo sobre #Ucrania y la #NuevaRusia. Y las razones que alega #Putin para anexionársela

➡️ La semana pasada se realizaron #Referéndums en las tierras ocupadas por #Rusia #Zaporiyia, #Jersón, #Donetsk y #Lugansk 🗳🇷🇺


Hilo 🇺🇦🇷🇺🇪🇸⬇️⬇️ Image
2. 🇺🇦🇷🇺|👉 Actualmente #Rusia ocupa aproximadamente el 12% de #Ucrania. Las últimas regiones en anexarse han sido las provincias de
#Zaporiyia y #Jersón, junto con las #Repúblicas de #Donetsk y #Lugansk.


Hilo 🇺🇦🇷🇺🇪🇸⬆️⬇️ Image
3. 🇺🇦🇷🇺|👉 La #Ocupación de #Ucrania por parte de #Rusia se basa según #Moscú en la defensa de los #Rusos que viven en tierras ucranianas

➡️ Solo en #Donetsk y #Lugansk los rusos parlantes son mayoría entre las nuevas tierras ocupadas


Hilo 🇺🇦🇷🇺🇪🇸⬆️⬇️ Image
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Aug 24th 2022
1. 🇷🇺|👉 Inicio #Hilo sobre la #Rusia gobernada por #Putin. Intentaré #Acercar de forma #Amena y #Didáctica la esencia de la #PolíticaRusa 👥🇷🇺.

#RusiaSegúnPutin #GeopolíticaDeEuropa #Europa #Gas #Ucrania #StandWithUkraine️ #UniónEuropea #EstadosUnidos #China

Hilo 🇷🇺🇪🇸⬇️⬇️ Image
2. 🇷🇺|👉 La #ConstituciónRusa es del año 1993 📕🇷🇺. Su característica principal es un #EjecutivoDual con un #Presidente fuerte y un #PrimerMinistro subordinado.

#RusiaSegúnPutin #GeopolíticaDeEuropa #Europa #FederaciónRusa #Putin

Hilo 🇷🇺🇪🇸⬆️⬇️ Image
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Jul 16th 2022
“Gujarat #SIT confirms Teesta Setalvad was “honoured” with Padma award for maligning PM #Modi’s image.”— CNN News 18

Are we shocked?

This is exactly what #HilaryClinton had done against Modi ji when he was the CM of Gujarat. Ws there a connection between Teesta & Clinton?
2/4 So what did Ms Clinton do? The plan was to malign Modi! While in power she had sent several expert teams in the guise of #NGOs to Gujarat to try and find mass graves, to “get Modi”. Rest of the story in my article frm Dec 2021. 👇…
3/4 By now we all know about Ms Nuland (part of Biden admin) visit to any country is followed by a wave of civil unrest in the country. Ukraine #EuroMaidan is an example. Had covered it here. 👇
Read 7 tweets

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