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#Information cascade alert!

The US #intelligence agencies are supposed to reveal all information they have with respect to the #OriginOfCovid

I wanted to use the opportunity to explain exactly what you will see happening in the media, no matter the content of those reports
🧵 Image
First, let's talk about expectations.

From the get-go, it is absolutely clear that there is no #smoking gun or similar to be expected.

The intelligence services all had access to the same information and most assessments are low confidence, with 4 agencies favoring #zoonosis. Image
Within the 'manmade' mythology, too many unverified stories are taken as gospel truth.

Overall, the best LLs can hope for is that the IC can verify some #circumstantial evidence that they have spun into their #mythology; but honestly, I highly doubt that.
Read 18 tweets
I am raising my head above the parapet and posting about something which causes me great concern on many fronts, as a:
🧠#neurodivergent individual
👩‍🎓#Neurodiversity-advocating Professional
👩‍👧‍👦Mother of 2 neurodivergent #children living in Leicestershire
It seems that, for a number of years, the LA has been at the forefront of an initiative to find: "Cost-effective models for delivering behaviour analysis teaching in UK schools and local authorities"
Integrating ABA into #maintained & #academy, #mainstream & #SpecialSchool for "affordable" "positive outcomes". It concludes, "School-based models, such as Leicestershire's, provide a sustainable model which can be used with a large number of children for...little extra cost."
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There are new pathogens in our midst.

My latest article about media #manipulators, velocity #hacking, and the latest Covid origin #controversy.

Maybe some #mainstream journalists & influencers take a good look in the mirror.

Read:… Image
How much should we think about the role of information in society?

In this article, I use the recent media coverage surrounding #lableak versus #zoonosis to point toward a new threat we have not yet wrapped our heads around:

Information pathogens with high #velocity. Image
#Velocity is a metric for the transmission efficacy of information given a particular content payload, its viral packaging, and its host environment.

Basically the R0 of information, a measure of #contagiousness.

Info pathogens with high velocity outcompetes good information. Image
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En 2014 un traité a été signé, les accords de #Minsk, entre l’Ukraine et la Russie (sous l’égide de la France et de l’Allemagne). L’accord de #Minsk prévoyait un cesser le feu immédiat, une cessation des hostilités entre l’Ukraine et le #Donbass.

Quelques éléments à connaitre⬇️
Une reconnaissance d’autonomie des deux régions de l’Est , le #Donbass et le #Lougansk, avec l’organisation d’élections dans ces territoires.
Dès le début le gouvernement ukrainien de #Kiev a violé ces accords en continuant la lutte armée contre les “séparatistes pro-russes”. Cela fait huit ans que cela dure et cette guerre civile insupportable aurait fait 14 000 morts déjà !
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Il #vaccino #mRNA #Covid di #Pfizer è stato approvato senza la sperimentazione sulle donne in #gravidanza
Di conseguenza si può affermare che tutte le gestanti che si sono inoculate i #vaccini hanno fatto da cavia…

Questo ovviamente getta un'ombra enorme su #FDA, #EMA e #AIFA che hanno autorizzato un farmaco senza dati di sperimentazione.

Curioso il fatto che la #Pfizer non abbia rilasciato nemmeno i dati sul piccolo gruppo di volontarie (349)

Ma cosa dicevano le virostar nel 2021 senza avere i dati della sperimentazione di questi finti #vaccini #mRNA #COVID19 ?

Iniziamo con #Burioni sulla sua rivista online fa pubblicare un articolo eloquente "Una persona vaccinata, due persone protette"…
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#BillAckman is a very well respected name in the World of Finance and Hedge Funds. The fact that he actually bothered to comment on #AdaniGroup and #hindenburgresearch suggests that this Episode has become #Mainstream in US FINANCIAL Markets. What does it mean ?
#AdaniGroup #Hindenburg Report will become Main Stream Discussion in the Broad Rooms of all the Major Financial Institutions in the World, Investment Banks, Pension Fund, Sovereign Funds, Hedge Funds, Rating Agencies, ESG agencies, Bond Holders etc
For Now, Most International Banks, International Bond Holders and any intermediaries will PUT any decision Making on #AdaniGroup on Hold and will try and REDUCE EXPOSURE.
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I #giornalisti #mainstream sono il cancro della società moderna.
La loro #propaganda ha spinto miliardi di persone a distruggere il proprio sistema immunitario con finti #vaccini #mRNA per evitare invano il #Covid di cui hanno occultato e avversato le cure.
Radiosilvana è un troll 🤡 conosciuto, lo ritroverete spesso sotto i tweet sui vaccini e il Covid, come descritto qui, è un caxxaro e in quanto troll non è un interlocutore quindi è inutile che lo prendiate sul serio 😊
Ben invece è un troll che cerca di avere un seguito, ma gli altri troll gli preferiscono Radiosilvana 🤣
Qui potete vedere una serie di sue perle 👇
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So #GainOfFunction started in 2003 then went silent until a 2012 #biolabs story #linked Hawaii bio center to #coronavirus #SARS #monkeypox also it explains how the @CDCgov ships the viruses in every day moving box’s on planes and trains , other nations have patients on it as well… Image
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Il video riproposto da #GlennGreenwald ed #EdwardSnowden vede protagonista un ex-analista della #CIA di nome #FrankSnepp, il quale, in un'intervista rilasciata nel 1983,...


#USA #media
... rivela come i #giornali ed i vari quotidiani "#mainstream", ritenuti fonti di informazione affidabili, abbiano frequentemente avuto il ruolo di "megafono della disinformazione" per conto della #CIA e del Dipartimento di Sicurezza statunitense.


Egli descrive altresì le strategie che venivano usate dalla #CIA per convincere i giornalisti che le loro notizie fossero vere e verificabili.

Frank Snepp citava testate giornalistiche importanti quali New York Times, #TIME e New Yorker.

#NYTimes #Time #newyorker

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@IMVErlangen (1/14) Dank für die hier erhobenen Einwände! - Im Verhältnis zwischen empirischer #Untersuchung und #Tatmotiv steht unter üblichen kriminologischen Verhältnissen, in denen sowohl Untersuchung des Tathergangs als auch Motivsuche ...
@IMVErlangen (2/14) ... nicht von äußeren Interessen überlagert wird, die angewandte #Heuristik nicht zur Debatte, wobei zusätzlich zur genauen Beschreibung des Tathergangs und nach Vernehmung etwaiger Zeugen ergänzend ein schlüssiges Motiv des Täters eingefordert wird, ...
@IMVErlangen (3/14) ... das eine innere Folgerichtigkeit im Hinblick auf das Geschehene liefern soll, was sich bei erdrückender Beweislage zwar erübrigen mag, aber für den Richter dennoch in der Ermessensfrage des Strafmaßes Relevanz besitzt. ...
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ITALY 2022 - the Propaganda thread

Dall'Enciclopedia Treccani:
#PROPAGANDA - Complesso di notizie destituite di ogni fondamento, diffuse ad arte e per fini particolari.
Uno degli aspetti più subdoli della propaganda mediatica è l'utilizzo di cantanti, influencer, attori e personaggi appartenenti agli ambiti più disparati, utilizzati come alfieri di qualsiasi tema o argomento che sia caro a chi controlla i Media (…...).
Nei talkshow (ma anche al bar) i paladini dell'informazione (o i loro inconsapevoli servitori) attaccano dicendo "sei virologo? sei climatologo?" "sei militare?" "sei economista?" non appena la discussione prende una piega non gradita e si contestano i dogmi della "narrazione"
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Durante #cryptosummerweek de @cryptoplaza_es debatimos sobre las plataformas integradoras y los puentes de conexión CeFi<>DeFi 🌉

Gracia a @YerayJMS de @Onyze_official y a @YaelHOaknin de @token_city por participar!😁


Si quieres saber más sobre la conectividad CeFi<>DeFi, este hilo es para ti.

-La industria #crypto necesita madurar, y eso lo hará a partir de la entrada de #capital💸
-El capital, en este caso, tanto de retailer cómo de inversores institucionales 🏦

Para que el #capital institucional🏦llegue al mundo #crypto, requiere de:

-Más #seguridad regulatoria⚖️
-Facilidad tecnológica 👨‍🔬
-Garantias y buenas rentabilidades 📊
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La questione di #Bucha, a parte il crudele carico umano di cui abbiamo parlato in due articoli, ci mostra dal punto di vista tecnico la questione dell'affidabilità delle informazioni.
Perché circuiti di #factchecking internazionali come @EDMO_EUI e @factchecknet (cui
noi ci ispiriamo e seguiamo nei loro valori) hanno usato immagini satellitari, video ad alta risoluzione e testate di alta reputazione mentre i "#debunker di controparte" hanno tirato fuori foto sfocate che pareva di vedere lo #gnomoarmatodiascia a #Mistero? Non vi sembra assai
bizzarro che nell'epoca in cui per 400 euro ti metti in tasca un cellulare "#rugged" (corazzato) con *almeno* 48MP se sei sventurato, grandandolo, stabilizzatore, filtri e ottiche prosumer ci sia gente che trovi accettabile video che manco gli MPEG a 144p e inferiori nei CD demo
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Den derzeit wohl ekeligsten Diffamierungs"journalismus" betreibt die @SZ. Es vergeht fast kein Monat, in dem die Redaktion nicht jemanden heraussucht, der dann mit höchst manipulativen Mitteln attackiert wird. Jetzt hat es den UN-#Folterberichterstatter @NilsMelzer getroffen: ImageImageImage
Allein die suggestive HL "Die fragwürdigen Methoden...". Dann kommt @SZ mit allen derzeit im #Mainstream beliebten Diffamierungskeulen: Im Twitteraccount wimmle es "von Rechtsextremisten & Kreml-Apologeten" + er hätte Kontakte zu "Verschwörungsideologen & Hass-Propagandisten"... ImageImage
Als der UN-Sonderberichterstatter dann in Reaktion auf den @SZ-Diffamierungsartikel eine Replik veröffentlichen will, verweigert ihm dies die Redaktion ohne weitere Angabe von Gründen. In der Replik weist Melzer nach, dass SZ explizit Lügen verbreitet hat.
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Looking for the best #programmingcareer & #teammanagement related videos from last year? Look no further, we have already selected them for you!🥳 Let us bring you up to speed with what was in the #mainstream last year, and choose your favorite!…
How to avoid failure in your agile retrospective?
@apaipi and @antz29 highlight the role of the facilitator as a team psychologist and what future #retrospectives can do for you.…
In search of the missing boredom by @mwohlmuth:
Key takeaways:
-The role of #technology in our life
-Take control of your information diet
-How to handle interruptions and context switching
-How to invite boredom back in your life…
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1/47 If you're new to #cryptocurrecy, getting started can be quite confusing. Especially when you're having to use a #DEX to purchase your desired #crypto #asset because it isn't listed on a popular #CEX yet. So let me see if I can help you with this guide.
#CEX = centralised exchange, these are your typical #Mainstream #apps found mostly in the #app store
#DEX = decentralised exchange, these are more like a site that may host a broader range of projects not currently found on the #CEX. #LEONICORNSWAP falls into this category.
3/47 For the purposes of this tutorial, I'll be using the #binance #app. Some may not be able to use it in their countries so look around as they all basically do the same things.
- Register
- Verify
- Card crypto purchase
- Markets
- Withdraw/Deposit
- Wallets
& Extras
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Causa #Protasevich ist wohl geklärt. Neben zahlreichen Fotobeweisen hat jetzt #Azov-Kommandant Biletsky bestätigt, dass der angebliche dort "als Journalist tätige" mit dem Neonazi-Bataillon gekämpft hat: "Roman hat zusammen mit Asow(...)gegen die Besetzung der Ukraine gekämpft."
In voller Kampfmontur des rechtsradikalen #Azov-Bataillons, Knarre inklusive, ist wohl nochmal ein ganz neues Level von "embedded journalism"...
PS: Die Fotos stammen alle direkt von der VK-Seite von Asow bzw. aus SocialMedia-Kanälen von Freunden #Protassewitsch's.
Auf dem Foto trägt der vom Westen gehypte "Oppositionelle" #Protasewitsch mal locker flockig ein T-Shirt der Neo-Nazi-Marke SvaStone: "SvaStone bedeutet im ukrainischen Szeneslang Hakenkreuz"
erklärt @bpb_de dazu. Ob er das nur als Mode-Accessoire trägt?…
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296. #SophieJones (2021) A raw and resonant coming of age story about dealing with grief and overcome pain,it feels very personal. The cinematography is gorgeous and visually stunning with excellent performances by the cast especially the lead who is great.Really good. ⭐⭐⭐1/2 ImageImageImageImage
296. #Moxie (2021) A fun and entertaining coming of age movie that might be a bit flawed, but the performances by the cast is good and it is a bit long however it deals with a lot of important issues and it have a really powerful scene at the end, the direction is strong. ⭐⭐⭐ ImageImageImageImage
297. #TheHitchHiker (1953) A swift thrilling noir film that is visually pleasing with great direction, it is very tense,suspensful and fast paced (yeah it's only 70 min)anchored by a trio of great performances by the cast. The story might not fully fleshed but still fun. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ImageImageImageImage
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New important thread.

Explored: Rockefeller communique on #contacttracing, Verified (UN) guide on #vaccine #communications, insights via #Vaccine Confidence Project, & a Behavioral Insights report. Today> special report from Oct 15 2020 meeting, #WHO, Technical Advisory Group. Image
"On 15 Oct 2020, the WHO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Behavioural Insights & Sciences for Health held a special meeting w/ the WHO Department of Immunization, Vaccines & Biologicals to discuss behavioural considerations in relation to COVID-19 #vaccine #acceptance & uptake." Image
The report was developed by members of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behav. Insights & Sciences for Health, chaired by Cass Sunstein, largely credited w/ developing/popularizing notion of "nudges" as policy tools.

Technical Advisory Group members:… Image
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(1/x) Nachdem am 02.Mai eine öffentliche „#Meditation für #Meinungsfreiheit und gegen #Einschränkung|en der #Grundrechte“ auf #Marktplatz in #Einbeck stattgefunden hat, gab es am Samstag eine weitere #Versammlung dieser Art. #Thread
(2/x) Wahrscheinlich wieder veranstaltet vom "Einbecker #Frieden|sforum" meditierten ca. 10 Personen auf dem #Hallenplan in #Einbeck. Dabei lagen um die TN Flyer unter Steinen, die sich Passant_Innen mitnehmen konnten. Image
(3/x) Die ausgelegten Flyer mit der #Überschrift „Realreport #Corona / #COVID19“ strotzen nur so von „#Verschwörungstheorien“ zu der Pandemie und stellen u.a. die #These auf, Image
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As promised to @g_m_hodgson & @ingridharvold I got myself a copy of Hodgson’s book…. It’s hard 2 do justice in a thread to the many arguments he makes, but I’ll try to engage. 1/
Among other things, a) Hodgson correctly points out that lack of raison d’etre 4 hetecon may be responsible 4 its marginalization. I also agree that b) agreement on a “core” among hetecons would be desirable. He also notes c) general neglect of micro (I’ll return 2 this). 2/
Reviewing various attempts at self-definition of heterodoxy, Hodgson looks at the late Fred Lee’s “political” project of gathering anti-capitalist economists under the heterodox umbrella as prone to failure; & Tony Lawson’s dichotomy b/w “open” and “closed” systems... 3/
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1/20 unfinished thoughts...#online Church has been dismissed for years: a ‘last resort’, a ‘pale imitation’, ‘only just better than nothing’ are 3 verdicts I've heard. Some say how much they #mourn the loss of meeting in church buildings. It's a heavy loss, a significant sorrow.
2/20 But, as with many who #grieve, in our sorrow we must be careful not to #wound others, as #mainstream #church struggles to inhabit what has been the lived, continuous (sometimes total) experience of #disabled #christians, Christians with #mentalhealth struggles...
3/20 ...Christians who are #carers for those who can't #access #Church as we knew it & Christians who work shifts. In our thrashing about in this new arena, we should be careful not to push out those whose #spiritual #home this has been for a long time...
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🗣️Our new book is out today: “#CasaPound Italia: contemporary #Extreme #Right #Politics” co-written by @CaterinaFroio @SciencesPo_CEE Matteo Albanese, Giorgia Bulli and myself @CrexUiO, for @routledgebooks @FFRAFAction (thread 1/15)
@CaterinaFroio @SciencesPo_CEE @CrexUiO @routledgebooks @FFRAFAction The volume presents a theory of contemporary right-wing #extremism that helps understand how a fringe group like CPI has been successful in placing its ideas in public debates in #Italy. (2/15)
@CaterinaFroio @SciencesPo_CEE @CrexUiO @routledgebooks @FFRAFAction We argue that this type of success has to do with #hybridization, which we define as the blurring of five main aspects of ‘#extreme right politics’: #ideology, internal structure, #activism, #mobilization and #communication. (3/15)
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