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Jun 8th 2023
@ir_rkp #Korsakov @MikaLintila
#Gasgrid. #LNG alus ei tuota #kaasua, vaan varastoi #Venäjä'n, aiemmin #Baltiasta ostettua, n. 3x hintaan.
- 10v. ajalta terminaalin kokonaiskustannuksiksi arvioidaan noin €460 miljoona, eli noin €126 000 päivässä
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #GreatReset=#SuurTyöttömyys-#Hätätila
#WEF-#Marxist -ideologia lahtaa yritykset #kaasu'lla. @valtionomistus
#Gasgrid Imatra #Räikkölä vs. #Korsakov
- Korsakov on satamakaupunki ja piirikunta #Sahalini'n saaren eteläpäässä Venäjän  Sahalinin alueella. 
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #Uniper-#Gasgrid #skandaali.
#YGLs veijarit keksivät roudata kaasun #Räikkölä'n sijasta näin. @TyttiTup
#Prigorodnoje'n satama 10km #Korsakovi'n itäpuolella on #LNG'n vientiin erikoistunut satama
From: Port of #Korsakov
To: Port of #Gibraltar (->#Inkoo)
Read 19 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut #AliBaba & #WorldBank & #IMF and 40 world wealthiest #thieves.
- Who collects all the world's #CarbonTaxes in their own #coffers?
- The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM #Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 26th 2023
Here's a thread with key lessons from each chapter of the Bhagavad Gita.
Chapter 1:

Every duty comes with challenges. Learn to embrace the hardships - thats half the battle won.
Chapter 2:

You will never know peace, long as you are attached.

Peace comes from detachment.
Read 19 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
🫶Finally, I selected the 👑Top 28% of #Gitcoin Grants projects from each round.

A Complete Step-By-Step Tutorial:

A-Z Guide with projects list I'm donating ✨
💟 Like 🔁 Retweet 🚀 LFG

🧵Here My collection 💔Dont Missed 🤓Big #airdrop ($2K🤗 Image

Impact evaluations for 158 Gitcoin Grants - and the 44 I chose to fund Remember that this was one of the criteria for Optimism airdrop ($2K)🤗

Here's how to participate and grab the opportunity here my collection , Image

There are now 3 rounds instead of 5 and a minimum $10 donation amount for upcoming rounds. Additionally, anyone who donated less than $ 10 to the Fantom round will not receive a Fantom POAP,You can also read more details here.… Image
Read 18 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
Quest'uomo lascia il segno in ogni cosa che fa.
In ogni maledetto disco nuovo.
Non fa semplicemente musica.
Lascia il segno.
Lui ama il soul (e l'ha spiegato bene nello splendido discorso "La nota giusta" del 2012) e questo disco era prevedibile.
C'è #Soul nel suo rock.
C'è sempre stato.
Con questo album di cover fa una dichiarazione d'amore così genuina che spinge me (e molti altri credo) a ricercare i brani originali e dà nuova linfa al genere.
Dà credito ad autori del passato che magari non si ascoltavano più o che molti nemmeno conoscono.
Lui non copia.
Lui mette il suo stile in queste cover.
Omaggia i grandi ma fa sue queste splendide canzoni.
E la sua voce a 73 anni è qualcosa di inimmaginabile.
Sexy, appassionata, divertente.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
Everything for them.

For our families and children❤️
For their future, freedom, life.
We will never give up.
And we will win 🇺🇦
Beauty can save the world.

But who said it was about appearance?

#soul #good #mercy #love
Read 4 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
Beauty can save the world.

But who said it was about appearance?

#soul #good #mercy #love
"Tell mom that I've seen so much pain that now she will never break me" - a military doctor from Mariupol
1. And these occupiers want to defeat this country and people?
❤️In Kiev, a small world champion in checkers collects money for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
6-year-old Solomiyka from the Dnieper by playing the flute collected more than 130 thousand hryvnias for the Army.…
Read 9 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
#Soul Purpose in #astrology - Jamini Insight.

Well In Astrology soul purpose or Soul Quest is seen from the Placement of Atma Karka Graha in Natal, Drekkana(D3) & Navamsa(D9) chart.

Planet having Highest degree shows about your Soul nature, what kind of lessons Image
you have to learn in this life , why you have taken birth in this life, what is the purpose of Life what kind of soul or people you may meet or interact with them and finally finish your Rinanaubandhan of this life.
First of all check which planet is your Atamakarka Graha & see where it is placed in natal chart that shows about the primary goal of soul related to that house & Sign ( that is your Pakka lagna). Planetary aspects on Ak Planet will show challenges and learning in this life
Read 9 tweets
Sep 21st 2022

LEAKED Footage surfaces from the Air Plane Taking off with the Migrants that came to the United States from Mexico, They stated in An interview they’re “Suing DeSantis because they didn’t get to blow one down with Snoop-A-Lopp while being transferee to
Marthas Vineyard” …

Later Reports came in from the ‘The Daily Test-E’s’—
-John F Kennedy Jr Met with DeSantis, The Mexican Migrants & .@SnoopDogg to Calm the Situation down.
During the 17 Hour long meeting between JK, Snoop, DeSantis & the Migrants—A small portion of
the meeting was overheard: #START Quote;
“Fellas Fellas, there’s no need to Stress, I met with you all here today just to let you know it’s going to be alright, don’t worry”.
I also brought with me my secret stash Called ‘The Deep State of Mind’, I also brought with me THE
Read 12 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
#CatholicTwitter #CatholicChurch #Soul #pain 1/ Fr Ephrem has been talking about the soul in his recent sermons. Today’s Gospel (12th Sunday after Pentecost) is about love. The soul is very much apart of God’s love, all our senses are taken from the soul.
Like a corpse, the “spiritually dead” might have eyes to see, ears to hear, skin to feel, but they cannot see, hear, feel when God speaks to them. It is the soul that sees, hears, feels, who possesses the senses. All are not purely biological, our souls are what drives us.
3/ We are not just biological creatures answering to the laws of physics, anatomy and physiology, but of the psyche, aka our souls. Physical pain is real, but the source also comes through the soul. Through humility, and prayer, recognizing our nothingness without Him, is when >
Read 9 tweets
Aug 2nd 2022
A deep 🧵 on @moporobbie music: I will be taking a brief respite from what has been 6 months of focus on the #RussianInvasion & support for #Ukraine to announce some #MotionPotion stuff. Honestly feeling crappy since 🇺🇦 gets no breaks & very little to hear other than shelling.
2) The timing is awful since 50+ #Azovstal defenders, some of the modern world's most heroic warriors were murdered recently in order to cover up the fact that they had been abused & tortured by the #Russianterrorists. & here I sit, safe & sound in 🇺🇸 posting about music. 😰
3) Please be patient with me & know that this brief detour back to the person I have been for 25 years: a musician, DJ & event world professional, is in no way distracting me from the needs of the brave humans fighting for my freedom & way of life in Ukraine. My 💙 is with you.
Read 24 tweets
Apr 15th 2022
The NEON god everyone made, the one that’s beneath the bright light upon the world stage,the ones that’s on TV, the one that’s made government pretty much the only thing that matters, he was chosen By God/#REAL & #REAL doesn’t care that MOST have chosen Lucifer & Him as the ones
To lead you across the finish line …

#REAL was thrown off like A piece of TRASH, So in the TRASH #REAL has chosen to stay amongst all the others who were just thrown away like they didn’t matter.
So many who were screaming/crying out for help, they were leaving TRUTHS hidden
In plain sight for ALL OF THE WORLD to know not only who is who, what is really going on but also HOW to avoid all the FAKES/FAKE/INFILTRATORS Along with all the propaganda.
Secret BACK DOORS around it all, very few chose to see & by very few, maybe A little over 140,000 Chose
Read 7 tweets
Mar 19th 2022
While #science thought us that we can even cut and paste #genes with #CRISPR technology…even with that we only influence 3% to 5% of #chronicillness. The rest depends on #how you #live your #life!!! So how do we #SelfRegulate our #body?
1. Good #sleep is more important than most think! What happens during sleep? The fluctuation of consciousness…that we call the waking state. But in many wisdom traditions of the world, the waking state is merely a lucid dream that consciousness is having…
Read 41 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
We are so excited to introduce the #oasisaccelerate 2022 cohort 🧵
1/ Transform your production data into privacy-preserving and highly realistic synthetic data with @betterdataai 🕵🏽‍♀️ #oasisaccelerate
@betterdataai 2/ Looking for fast, dependable and affordable money transfer? Look no further than @sendit_money 🌪 #oasisaccelerate
Read 17 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
Jul 16th 2021
"Over time, Jung concluded that there was within each of us a deep resilience guided by some locus of knowing, independent of #ego consciousness; a center that produces our dreams to correct us, symptoms to challenge us, and visions to inspire us." ~James Hollis, Jungian analyst
"[Jung's] was not an amateur's trust in impulse or a captivation by psychological complex; it was a long, patient, humbling attendance upon the psyche, or #soul, and its perspicacious permutations." ~James Hollis, Ph.D., Jungian analyst, Living Between Worlds, p. 17
"All of Jung's intense exploration occurred in the context of cultural ferment & dislocation. While he was most intensely engaged in an investigation of the inner terrain of the human #soul, most of Europe was engaged in a vast bloodletting, the consequences of which we are…
Read 6 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
La #Identidad y la #Memoria siempre han sido temas recurrentes en el CINE.

¿Somos lo que DECIDIMOS ser conscientemente o lo que APARENTAMOS inconscientemente?

¿Cuánto de nuestros deseos configura la personalidad desconocida del otro?

Hoy toca #HILO de pelis sobre ello ⬇️⬇️ Image
Los temas de la #memoria, los #recuerdos, la #idealización o la #identidad pueden suponer SPOILERS de la trama en sí...

Avisados quedáis.
#Rebecca (Hitchcock, 1940) Image
Read 100 tweets
Apr 25th 2021
If Fred Hampton knew his anti-capitalist speeches will one day be featured in a glitzy performance at #Oscars...
And this starts my #Oscars live tweeting of tonight
Lol kudos to the guy who quitted his PhD in philosophy to write movies!! #Oscars
Read 33 tweets
Apr 22nd 2021
How six screenwriters wrote their hardest film finales, by @danreilly11 #Oscars
Sofia Coppola, On the Rocks: Image
For filmmakers, the ending can be the most arduous part of moviemaking. “A filmmaker who’s not obsessed with endings? I can’t imagine any,” says Sound of Metal director Darius Marder. “You can have a wonderful movie, but if you don’t land it, it really doesn’t work”
Read 5 tweets
Apr 22nd 2021
"The post resonated at a time when weary people across the world are experiencing #ennui, 3dread & more work-related #stress during the coronavirus pandemic."… #socrates #soul #zombies
1/ "Since he described his epiphany a week ago, his post has been liked over 200,000 times. It has received more than 10,000 comments from readrs describing how their own brushes w death had led them to step back from work & take stock of the way they had been livng their lives."
2/ "Even those who have been lucky enough to keep their jobs have questioned their #purpose in life as they spend long hours on #Zoom calls and answer #emails into the night."
Read 10 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
as much as people go on about freedom of speech
of expression

i'm sure you'll agree, there's no such thing
too many lights of life have been snuffed out by those who enjoy darkness, for us to ignore or to lie about the matter
too many of us have
come under deep attack been wrongfully judged mistreated isolated jailed sent away ill spoken of...

the unjust reaction to truth being shown lived SPOKEN OF and to...
is alot

so it's no wonder so many of us feel as though something we can't quite name or
put a finger on...
*some thing* keeps us quiet when we're meant to shout out

keeps us on mute when we need to be heard

keeps us wordless when
all we want are the words
our heart so desperately
FEELS and resonates to

it's alot
and many many generations are the maimed
Read 9 tweets
Jan 3rd 2021
And we are live with the first meeting of 2021 with TM Shilpa Gupta. (A #Live Tweet Thread) Theme: Year 2021: Every Cloud has a #silverlining

SAA TM Shilpa begins with a pleasant welcome and New Year wishes.
She congratulates the new EC, states the mission of #Toastmasters, and states the rules of a general #meeting
The newly elected President (TM Sanjeev Gupta) is on the Virtual Stage
Read 67 tweets
Dec 11th 2020
-I was having some racing thoughts today & decided to turn on my voice memo to record & #blog about it later-but the recording turned into an outpouring of my #soul that I’m not sure could even come close to the raw emotion felt within my words if I were to put it in writing 1/
Input is welcome from anyone [not just friends I’ve tagged] THANK YOU FOR THE HELP YALL 💓💓💓🙌🏼
#bloggingcommunity #blogging #bloggers #blogoftheday #bloggerstribe #bloggers #askadhd #ADHD #adhdtwitter #AskTwitter
Read 5 tweets

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