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Why #academia loves the #pedophilic #corporate #elite, by @HeerJeet in The Nation: 1/5
"It's easy enough to guess why Harvard bigwigs like
Summers hugged Epstein so tightly. The modern
neoliberal university is a shark that must constantly
consume donations in order to stay alive. 2/5
Epstein in particular had a strong affinity for
evolutionary psychology-a speculative field that often
seems to boil down to a defense of existing social
hierarchies as embodiments of nature. 3/5
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Tekniğinden temeline, halka arzlarından yatırımcı psikolojisine, günün en detaylı piyasa yorumuyla herkese iyi sabahlar.

Çarşamba sabahı 250$’dan gelen tepki alımlarıyla güne 257$‘da başlayan @borsaistanbul öğleden sonra gelen satışlarla $ bazında %0.8’lik düşüşle……
Birkaç gün önce TL cinsi faizlerin %25-30 aralığına yerleştiğini, sonucunda da 3 ayda KKM'ye 11mia $’lık yeni giriş olduğunu ve girişlerin her geçen gün arttığını söylemiştim. Ve bunun seçim sürecindeki siyasi riskler ile beraber endeksin önündeki en büyük engel olduğunu da.

Dün…… ImageImage
Geçelim dünkü gelişmelere ve şirketlerden haberlere;

4 şirketin bedelsiz sermaye artırımı başvurusu @spkgovtr tarafından onaylanırken, 2 yeni halka arza da onay verildi.

Hatırlanacağı üzere #TUPRS %600 #GESAN %300 #ELITE %220 #KRON %200 bedelsiz sermaye artırımı başvurusunda…… Image
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@AnonUpon @moronmomma @ThatOneTek @AgesSnark @DouleurExquise3 @StormWarningMom @Monkee_Don @Maga_GA1 @tlshaw1997Q @joenonotthatone @Dman7210 @GenFlynn @aked31 @TrumpWarRoom Okay, folks. Gotta pass this on.
So one of my relatives lives in Nashville, and a friend of theirs did some digging on Covenant.
According to the digger (haven't verified yet) there were some issues at the church back around the time Audrey was there.
@AnonUpon @moronmomma @ThatOneTek @AgesSnark @DouleurExquise3 @StormWarningMom @Monkee_Don @Maga_GA1 @tlshaw1997Q @joenonotthatone @Dman7210 @GenFlynn @aked31 @TrumpWarRoom Supposedly, the pastor (not the one there now) set up his house as a "safe place" for kids of the church if they were having problems at home - he would basically take the kids away and foster them or something like that. And then shenanigans ensued.
@AnonUpon @moronmomma @ThatOneTek @AgesSnark @DouleurExquise3 @StormWarningMom @Monkee_Don @Maga_GA1 @tlshaw1997Q @joenonotthatone @Dman7210 @GenFlynn @aked31 @TrumpWarRoom That old pastor allegedly wrote some books with Huckabee so was obv protected from consequences (old story, right) so nothing ever happened to him.

Gonna do some looking around to see what I can see. Will share here.
Read 36 tweets
@Demarit @MarinSanna Dear President Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan
- Please, note that #Finns have been #deceived in several #rigged #elections and in the 15-y-long hidden #NATO agenda.
92% of Finns do not want to #join NATO.
@Demarit @MarinSanna #Finland #CIACoup aka sc. #ParlamentaryElections2019 by #Scytl-#Dominion.
'#ElectionNight 7,666'
- Valid votes total: 3,081,916 = 99.42%
- From where the figure 7,666 comes?
@Demarit @MarinSanna F.Y.I. #Finland's #PresidentialElections 2018.
- #Niinistö with '#NorthKorea's' numbers, 62,7%, to victory. The matter seems clear, except the #result was #fake and known to the #elite in advance.
B. Yilmaz | Jan 28, 2018
627 #GoldmanSachs #LuckyNumber
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@RTErdogan @PM_ViktorOrban @RSF_inter @amanpour #HUDOC
Dear President Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan
- Please, note that #Finns have been #deceived in several #rigged #elections and in the 15-y-long hidden #NATO agenda.
92% of Finns do not want to #join NATO.
@RTErdogan @PM_ViktorOrban @RSF_inter @amanpour The Ministry of #ForeignAffairs organized an OFFICIAL opinion #poll on joining #NATO, which ended on Nov 23.
The #Finnish people (92%) #REJECTED joining NATO.
The MFA, in #violation of the #PublicityAct, refuses to hand over copies of stats free of charge
Read 15 tweets
#Elıte 2022/12---Haydi İnceleyelim.
#smkasAnaliz Image
#Elıte Şirket açıkçası gelişim hamlesi içerisinde bulunuyor diyebiliriz.Aktiflerden özellikle duran varlıklar tarafında 109 MTL artış geliyor dönen varlıklar +19.2 MTL artarken sermayesini ise gelişiminin üzerine güçlü ekleme yaptı diyebiliriz +114.4 MTL Image
#Elıte Dikkat çeken diğer unsur stoklarda ki artış ivmesi açıkçası bunu ticari hamle olarak düşünüyor ve artı puan olarak ekliyorum.Bakınız geçen çyrk 21.9 MTL artışın üzerine bu çeyrek +39.1 MTL daha stoklarını arttırdı. Image
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Gespräch mit dem #Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Richard Werner
Die #Plandemie wurde genutzt, um die #TOTALEKONTROLLE einzuleiten.

"Aber lassen Sie mich vielleicht schnell anfangen, indem ich über das Weltwirtschaftsforum #WEF spreche, weil ich 2003, vor 20 Jahren, …
…dazu eingeladen wurde und sie machten mich zum globalen Leader für morgen #GlobalLeadersOfTommorrow. Das Programm wurde abgeschafft. Keine globalen Führer für morgen mehr. Verzeihung, du bist auch nicht mehr eingeladen. Aber dann fanden wir ein paar Monate später heraus,…
sie haben gerade ein neues Programm gestartet, junge globale Führungskräfte #YoungGlobalLeaders, haben sie es benannt. Und sie haben sie sorgfältiger ausgewählt, um sicherzustellen, dass es sich um #konforme Menschen handelt, die sie formen können in ihre zukünftige #Elite."

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"The #Elite Use The #93 #Energy For #Destruction"

- Remember -

The #Initials Of A Word Are #Key Indicators Of The #Energy It's #Connected To..

Do you Hear Me Now "(#T)ruth (#S)eeker" 👁

#S+#T = 39

Back When I Followed Zach & Was A Part Of The #Gematria Community

I Called The #Royals 5 Months Before They Won The #WorldSeries Back In 2015

I Told Zach And Of Course Zach Ignored It 🙄

And Then His Teams Lost 🤣

8 years later and nothing has changed 😂😂

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#Democracy/#FacaDemocracy: “Bolstering these #IntellectualProperty protection devices is an expanding set of inter-government deals. The construction of the global #market #system has been marked by a proliferation of over 3,200 bilateral and multilateral treaties on trade ...
... and investment, most of which have never been subject to any #democratic mandate or accountability."
"…. As one Investment #banking expert noted: 'It is a mistake to call it a trade agreement. This is really an agreement that's [sic] purpose is substantially to weaken nation-based #regulation while at the same time strengthening #IntellectualProperty protections.' ...
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Een kort draadje over #angstspelletjes en #extreemrechts in 2023.
Wat je vreest is een #wapen om tegen je te gebruiken.
Door angst voor de #dood levert de massa rationeel denkvermogen in, accepteert zij totalitaire maatregelen en laat zij zich inspuiten met onbekende stofjes.
1/6 Image
Het is nog te vroeg om de gevolgen te overzien, maar als het een vooropgezet plan was: missie geslaagd.

Andersom geldt dat de angst van de totalitaire machtsgrijpers jouw #kennis en #rationeel #denkvermogen is. Die kunnen immers eenvoudig tegen hen worden ingezet...
want ze zijn intellectueel en moreel bankroet.

Daarom zoveel aandacht nu voor #extreemrechts, en ook dat elk oppositiegeluid wordt geframed als extreemrechts: de mensen zijn bang om als #rechtsextremist te boek te staan.

Wat moeten we hieruit leren?
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Did u know?
True #ancient #history #Historia #christmas #Xmas
The real origin of Christmas goes back to ancient Babylon. The name 'Nimrod' is Hebrew and derives from 'Marad', meaning 'he rebelled'.…

...December 25th was the birthday of #Nimrod:
Here we have the real origin of the #ChristmasTree
They celebrated this famous birthday over most of the known world for centuries, before the birth of #Christ (#Jesus)
#WakeUp #humanity #evil #ancient #elite #RULER Then&Now
#Nimrod is said to be the founder, the king of the 1st empire after the #Flood
His realm includes #Babylon (Babel),Uruk,Akkad and Calneh.He's known to be a king that brought #tyranny to the #people while seeking to eliminate #religious #beliefs Story of Nimrod &Tower of Babel appears in numerous texts of ancient cultures including Hebr
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@MarinSanna #Polish trucks carried heavy foreign #warmachines on #Helsinki Ring I Oct 15 at 8:02 am
- According to a reader, there were six Polish trucks in the queue and they were heading east. The caravan that attracted attention was not known to the Helsinki police…
Read 18 tweets
LOS CULPABLES DE TODOS LOS MALES DE OCCIDENTE! PERO LOS DE VERDAD! LOS QUE MANEJAN LOS HILOS! #stop #Agenda2030 #elite #masones #satanicos #otan #onu #oms #fmi
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Deze week las ik een boek uit 1907(!)… en daarin trof ik verrassend rake observaties aan over #elite en #volk
Want de technologische vooruitgang gaat verder, maar de menselijke aard verandert niet.
Disclaimer: Jack London (John Griffith Chaney) schreef dit in een tijd dat #socialisme nog een onbevlekt ideaal was.
De socialisten in dit boek zijn nobele ridders💪 terwijl de kapitalisten de grote schurken👿 zijn.
Maar toch: zoek de parallellen.
De kapitalistische #elite in zijn boek (blz. 37) overtuigt zichzelf het altijd bij het rechte eind te hebben.
Onze huidige elites doen het precies zo. Zij zijn superieur, zij weten het beter dan het ‘domme volk’.
Ze rechtvaardigen onrecht, want ‘het doel heiligt de middelen’.
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Zo👇 denkt de #elite over het #plebs
'Doe wat wij zeggen! Niet #protesteren, geen eigen #mening geven en verdwijn van Twitter.'

O, pardon...!😳
Ik mag natuurlijk geen 'elite' zeggen. Foei.
Als ik 'elite' zeg, ben ik een #populist = extreemrechts.

Gaat het lekker, @nrc?🤨
De @nrc redactie denkt blijkbaar de democratie te kunnen redden... door haar af te schaffen.
'Als dit doorzet is een kantelpunt dichtbij, waar de vrije, begrensde publieke ruimte bij kan winnen.'

Voor wie?
Begrensd ja, voor ons.…
En natuurlijk zijn de opstandige burgers degenen die 'de democratie ondermijnen'.
Het zijn volgens de elite nooit de bestuurders, de politici, de ambtelijke top en andere hoge heren; kortom, de #elite
Ik ben geen fan (meer) van Baudet, maar dit is belachelijk. En gevaarlijk. Image
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Estos rituales se han celebrado durante milenios y los culpables jamás han sido desvelados y aún menos condenados. Hace tiempo que se sospecha que Felipe IV, rey d España, era satanista y que Rubens fue solicitado para decorar su pabellón de caza de la Torre de la Parada..
con escenas de canibalismo, pedofilia y satanismo.

Todas estas denuncias han sido posibles gracias al Tribunal Internacional de Justicia Popular creado por iniciativa de un ex sacerdote canadiense...
quien, cómo no, está perseguido y amenazado de muerte. Empezó investigando la matanza de 50.000 niños nativos canadienses a manos de las élites británicas gracias a la colaboración de sacerdotes y cardenales de la iglesia católica...
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Bu twitimizin altına arkadaşlar ilginç şirketler yazmışlar sağolsunlar. #crfsa #ihlasgrup #penta #egpro #formt #iskpl #selva #cusan #ittfh #vking #elite #ülker #eplas #hubvc
Gerçekten işin bu tarafı çok karışıkmış. yazılan hisseleri teknik grafikleri ile beraber tek tek
yüzeysel olarak gözden geçirdim. Enteresan şirketler var. Bir temel analizci olarak bu hisseye nasıl girilmiş dediklerimde , temelinde birşey gözükmeyip teknik grafiğinin süründürdüğü hisselerde var. Aslında burası tam bir eğitim alanı gibi burada ki olumsuzluklar
üzerinden yapılan incelemeler sebep ve sonuçlar ortaya çıkarır. Şirket hangi temel verilerden veya diğer verilerden dolayı düşüyor analiz etmenin tam yeri. Yoksa #aksa yı veya #eregl yi veya #froto yu analiz ederek kötüyü göremezsiniz.
Yazılan hisseler arasında iyi olanlarıda var
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Oké deze Patrick, Ivan, Ivans vader, Ari, Samuel, Ari's dad en daarvoor nog Guzman - verhaallijn slaat echt nergens op. #Elite
En dat te expliciete aantrekken afstoten tussen "Rebe & Menci" is echt saai. #Elite
Jammer dat Nadia eruit is. Haar broertje heeft echt minder persoonlijkheid. #Elite
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A Thread For List of series I have ever watched(Part 1)
Series 1-100
#TvSeries #Kdrama #Anime
Some of my fav's👇 Image
1. #TheFlash (133epi - 6S - Currently Watching)
My First Ever series.
Started watching On - 07.11.2017
First Few seasons are great but after that becomes very average..

S01 - 4.75
S02 - 4.25/5
S03 - 4/5
S04-S05 - 3.25
S06 - 2.75/5

#Shows2blue #CW #DC Image
2. #StrangerThings (25epi - 3S)
Started Watching On - 12.12.2017
Great One

S01,S02 - 4.5/5
S03 - 4.25/5

#Shows2blue # Image
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To Lancing, there to meet with the willow masters of @Newbery_Cricket, who - in readiness for the mighty deeds that I will be performing this coming summer - are going to be forging me a Bat of Power.
Some might say so, some might say so…
We arrive at @Newbery_Cricket, the Rivendell of the cricket kit-making world…
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het afscheidsfeest van #Demmink op 31 oktober j.l. #journalisten aanwezig op het #Binnenhof #Doofpot #Wiechel #overheid #justitie Image
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Sakharov Prize: European Parliament honors Alexei #Navalny | DEc 15
- The Navalny team was loudly applauded by the broad majority of #MEPs attending the ceremony.…
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A thread on an important symbol: the #maltesecross of the #KnightsHospitaller and it’s use in #definingpower #elite #networks #deepstate #worldgovernment
The #maltesecross of the #KnightsHospitaller are displayed by the Order of St John, Royal Victorian Order & Order of the Bath (GCB) - dynastic orders / orders of chivalry in the UK honours system. ImageImageImageImage
The last 8 Lord Mayor’s of the City of London Corporation, all Knights in the Order of St John - the British branch of the #knightshospitaller

The city brands itself as the oldest continuous municipal ‘democracy’ and serves as the model for the British Parliament. ImageImage
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