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May 25th 2023
This summary provides an update on the situation in #Bakhmut, as reported by the General Staff.

The fighting in the area has continued, albeit with decreased intensity.

#Ukraine #warzone #militaryoperations #battlefield #conflict #defense Resume: This summary provid...
The AFU has managed to make gradual advances in the suburbs. The enemy has conducted offensives in multiple directions, resulting in 23 skirmishes in the past 24 hours. They have also carried out air strikes and shelling from MLRS.

#combat #UAVattacks #artillerystrikes
The Defense Forces' aviation responded with seven strikes targeting enemy personnel and military equipment. Ukrainian defenders successfully destroyed two Shahed strike UAVs and an Orlan-10 reconnaissance UAV.

Read 5 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
#Palestinian Authority: #IOF #Jenin raid 'organized #crime and a #massacre' | 12:54
- IOF raided the Jenin camp in Occupied Palestine's #WestBank on Thursday morning, leaving residents and popular resistance groups with no choice but to defend themselves
#Israeli forces #martyr another #Palestinian in occupied #WestBank | Jan 27
- The official Palestinian news agency #Wafa said he was shot in clashes which erupted during a protest against the killings of nine Palestinians during a raid in #Jenin.…
#Israel and #Gaza militans exchange #missiles following deadly raid in the #WestBank | Jan 27
- as tensions soared following an Israeli #raid killed nine #Palestinians, including at least seven militants and a 61-year-old woman.…
Read 19 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
Étant d'origine Russe, ayant de la famille sur place, j'en ai plus que marre du #RussianBashing des médias français, et des occidentaux moralisateurs en général. Que dirait les USA si la Russie allait installer des bases opérationnelle avancées au Mexique et à Cuba ? 1/2
De plus, n'oublions pas que les accords de Minsk ne concerne que les territoires de la Crimée et du Donbass. Les termes était l'arrêt de l'avancée des pro-russes au-delà de ces territoires. C'est ce qui a été fait. Poutine ne fait que reconnaître une république qui a déjà 8 ans.
Biden et les représentants de L'OTAN n'ont qu'à arrêter de prendre les gens pour des cons. N'avaient ils pas promis en 1989 de ne pas s'étendre en direction des frontières Russe ? Qui sème le vent, récolte la tempête.

#Ukraine #RussiaUkraineCrisis #Russia #UkraineCrisis #Donetsk
Read 90 tweets
Jun 28th 2021
#US Conducts #Airstrikes In #Iraq, #Syria Against Iran-Backed Militia Groups | Jun 27
- Iran-backed militias were targeted in the strikes as a result of the militias’ ongoing attacks against U.S. interests [stealing oil] in the region.…
Drone attack said to target US forces in Iraq | Jun 23
- The #US returned to #Iraq in 2014 to help 'fight #ISIS.' However, tensions with Iran have led to calls for the US to leave.…
The #Iraq war was launched in March 2003 upon the invasion of Iraq by US forces | Jun 10, 2021
- it is estimated that the #UnitedStates spent a total of over 819 billion US dollars on war costs in Iraq.… Image
Read 14 tweets
Mar 19th 2021
Pakistan's tried & tested template.Don't ask for prosecution of terrorists for past terror attacks.Let's start afresh (till the next terror attack)
India has repeatedly fallen for it
1. IC 814 hijack
2. Parliament Attack
3. J&K Assembly
4. 26/11 Mumbai
5. Ind emb Kabul
Long list
#Pakistan targeted India with impunity because Indian leadership was told they are a nuclear weapon state India cannot respond. A strong pro Pak lobby played the Pak game of dialogue despite terror for peace in the sub continent. Uninterrupted & uninterruptible dialogue tamasha.
So even after 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks India did not hit back, resulting in more terror attacks. ISI tested PM @narendramodi's resolve too. Terror attacks on our consulate in Afghanistan & strikes at Pathankot, Gurdaspur... Uri & Pulwama resulted in #Surgicalstrikes & #Balakot
Read 5 tweets
Dec 6th 2020
I cover US airstrikes on the ground from Somalia, and wrote a number of investigations on the topic. The implications that this potential withdrawal has given the fragile situation in the country is significant and about more than airstrikes or counter-terrorism.
Comments that the airstrikes will continue and/or the generally vague statements about the boost this could give to al Shabaab seems to be the mainstream US focus and are practically besides if you want to talk about how this will impact people on the ground.
The impact this seemingly relatively abrupt even small withdrawal could have is on Somali politics and the #Danab, the Somali Special Forces who work with the US.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 3rd 2020
#Syria: #Airstrikes targeted #Damascus International Airport (31 August) and #T4 #Military Base (2 September).

#ISI #intelligence #IMINT #VISINT #Space #AI #Defence #Iran #IRGC
#Syria, #T4 Airbase: Two accurate #attacks targeted the base on 2 September 2020 and hit the runway and an apron and resulted in a temporary #lockout of the #airport's #operation
#Syria, #Damascus International Airport: The #attack (31 August 2020) hit an area that was previously targeted (February 2020) next restored.
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Aug 30th 2020
Bij #NPO dramaserie over NL commando's. Dat is natuurlijk veel spannender dan wat echt aan de hand is in Nigeria, Burkina Faso en Ivoorkust. #journaal heeft al maanden niets meer gerapporteerd over ontwikkelingen mbt de mondiale jihad.…
Read 43 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
Special Report
"... unconfirmed reports allege that #Israel participated in the war against #Yemen on behalf of the #Saudi-led coalition as a part of a series of covert interventions involving mercenary forces..."
by @AlhouthiAhmed… #yemencrisis #Friday
“Peace in Yemen cannot be secured through capitulation to Israel,”
by @AlhouthiAhmed… #Israel #Yemen #yemencrisis #Palestine #IsraelAttackedLebanon
"Given the nature of Israel’s recent wars against #Gaza and #Lebanon, it is unlikely that #Israel would feel constrained by any moral dilemma should they chose to launch #airstrikes against civilians in #Yemen."
by @AlhouthiAhmed…
Read 5 tweets

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