Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #ECO

Most recents (21)

Jun 13th 2023
1/38. Today is the eighth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the closing plenary of the Technical Dialogue of the #GST, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork, the continuation of the #NCQG’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue and the first stocktaking plenary. 🧵 Image
2/38. Today also saw a focus on #HumanRights with a number of side events and an action drawing attention to the key message that “there can be no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights”.
3/38. Joining "No #ClimateJustice without #CivicSpace and #HumanRights: zooming in on the @UNFCCC process"* with @ciel_tweets, @amnesty and @350, we heard important messages on the need for safe #CivicSpace under the @UNFCCC so that we can make our #LossAndDamage demands heard!
Read 39 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
#Voyager plus sobrement, c’est possible ? 🧳

Dans ce thread en collab’ @EchosStart , on vous donne des chiffres et des astuces pour découvrir de nouveaux horizons.. Sans plomber votre empreinte #carbone.
Partir en vacances en 🇫🇷 France, c’est émettre 310 kg CO2e en moyenne, soit l’équivalent des #émissions de 13 jeans 👖, 10 smartphones 📱, 83.000 spams ✉️
En partant en #vacances à l’étranger, on émet 5 fois plus qu’en restant en France, soit 1.635 kg de CO2e en moyenne. 📈
Read 8 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
This is a threaded version of Chapter 21, titled,

“Gaia’s Weeping:

“Toxic Womb ~ Toxic Earth.

“How We Re-Create Human Prenatal Irritation-Burning in a Polluted Planet;

“Earth Diagnosis, Prognosis, & Prospects”

READ BOOK…… #psychology #Earth

PA 21/1
of the book, *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... #psychology #Earth #climate #PMEs #environment #FetalMalnutrition #pollution #womb

PA 21/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…we re-create that which we need to experience. We stood upright; & now, unless something radical happens, it will lead to the end of life for ourselves & possibly everything else on this planet in short order.” []


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Read 149 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
Scoop: Amidst US-China #chip war, @CommerceGov to send an Export Control Officer (#ECO) to #Taiwan. Currently, #BIS of the Commerce only has 9 ECO positions in 7 locations overseas. Taiwan and Finland will soon be two newly-added locations watching #China and #Russia. (1/7)
The most important role of ECO is to conduct end-user verifications. The US officer arrives at the end user's location to ensure the US goods or technology are doing what they're supposed to be doing. (2/7)
Current 7 locations: China, HK, India, Singapore, Germany, UAE, Turkey. "[These are] choke points, places where there's a significant amount of trade....a risk of diversion of US goods to unauthorized end users," former #ECO of Singapore Donald Pearce told Business Weekly. (3/7)
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Jan 3rd 2023
[1/🧵] #XRPLedger's Green ♻️ Agenda 2030 — Part 2/2

#XRPL, the leading and first prominent #DLT to achieve 💚 carbon neutrality 💚

Part 2 of this series will teach you all you need to know about the #eco-friendliness of #XRP, the digital asset. 🧵👇 Original Source:

This is typically a heated topic. That is why I will do my best to be neutral, clear, and factual. Expect no guesstimates or personal opinions on this subject.

Everything is stated exactly as it is! Source:
[3/26] If you haven't already, I highly recommend reading part 1 of this lengthy series to get a feeling of the magnitude of the undertaking that @Ripple is leading in this domain with the help of the #XRPL. 👇

Read 28 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
Chapter 14

of *Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Prenatal Suffocation Become Greed & Class War, PME 2:”

READ THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK

THREAD… #womb

PA 14/1
Chapter 14 is subtitled:

“Prenatal Matrix of Human Evil 2...

“Gasping, Suffocation, Drowning, Being “Cut Off” Become Greed, Oppression, Conformity...

““They’re Sucking the Very ‘Life Blood’ Out of Us!””

READ BOOK> #psychology #prenatal #anthro

PA 14/2
[Quotes/highlights:] “The timelessness of prenatal experience at this point—when not getting enough air—feels horrific, an unending nightmare. This part contributes to human ideas of places of forever, endless suffering, for example, hell.” []…

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Read 134 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
Se acerca el final del ciclo #ReflejArte para el #TwitterCultural, con obras basadas en los efectos de luz en el agua.

El agua puede servir de #espejo, como capta maravillosamente #Caravaggio en su versión del mito de "#Narciso", el joven enamorado de su reflejo.

#Caravaggio, en su estilo #barroco, capta a un joven apuesto y bello, probablemente un modelo de los que "alquilaba" en las escaleras de la Plaza de #España de #Roma, contemplándose en el agua oscura, con reflejos trémulos, enamorado de sí mismo, de su fantasma borroso.

Es la última obra de su 2ª etapa, pintada entre 1597-1599, de composición muy sencilla, un encuadre casi de instantánea fotográfica, con la figura casi a tamaño real, casi saliéndose del lienzo: un recurso típico de #Caravaggio que busca crear cercanía con el espectador.

Read 23 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
Pointing out #HateMongering, #AbusiveBehaviour etc is #VictimComplex,but all day will be crying out same #VictimCompLex against #Brits & #Mughals!!
For these #Viraats, #Hindus are not victim based upon if they were wronged, but rather "who" wronged(& #Viraats can do no wrong)!!😏 Image
Read 3 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
#journalists needed to run a story relating to #PetTheft in the U.K. and the escalating rise on #DogTheft 4 #dogs here #Eco #Zorro #Pixie #Stellina in 19 days #stolen from #EastLondon details here #help please…
Read 15 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
#LONDON we need your eyes 👀 to keep looking for #Eco
#LONDON we need you to let people know #Eco is missing
#LONDON we need sightings of #Eco
#LONDON Dogs don’t just disappear #Eco is somewhere
We just need to find her #Twitter #followers please #RT Image
Still missing 😭😭😭
Read 3 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
Desde hace días tenía ganas de hablar sobre la OPA de #CLH, pero especialmente sobre la falta de deber fiduciario de las SCBs de este país, así que como dirían en El lobo de Wall Street, "Fuck the clients" y vamos con el hilo 🧵...
Para empezar, nos remontamos al 2012, Cemex necesitaba reducir y refinanciar su deuda y mejorar métricas. Entonces, agrupó las operaciones de Centro-Sudamérica en #CLH, y procedió a colocarla en la @bvcColombia, por la importancia de la operación local.…
En esa época, todas las comisionistas locales, la compararon con otras cementeras del mundo, la consideraron "atractiva" y la vendieron como pan caliente. Los clientes, en cambio, terminaron pagando una prima de>3,2x VL (asumiendo un ROE bien alto y que todo era perfecto).
Read 20 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
#Eco stolen from #Whitechapel London please help and join the group… #RT #FindEco Image
@dotslondon please can you keep an eye out for Eco please
More photos of #Eco possible sightings in #BethnalGreen missing since 6th September #FindEco #Staffy Image
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Aug 22nd 2020
[THREAD] 1 - hier j'ai eu l'honneur de représenter 4 groupes #LongCovid #EU 🇫🇮🇪🇸🇮🇹🇫🇷 à l'OMS avec l’équipe #apresJ20 pour:
1)RECONNAISSANCE basée sur les symptômes
2)SOINS dans tous les territoires
3)COMMUNICATION au public et aux doctors
4)RECHERCHE impliquant les patients
l'OMS va s'assurer que nous recevions les soins et la recherche nécessaire pour le longcovid dans chaque pays

Nous avons besoin de vous @EmmanuelMacron
@gouvernementFR @olivierveran @MinSoliSante
3- RECONNAISSANCE: la classification du #COVID19 patients en: asymptomatique, léger et severe n'est pas adéquate
🔜 la reconnaissance des #LongCOVID devrait être basée sur la qualité de vie des patients (non retrouvée après des mois), les symptômes et non test/sejour hôpital
Read 8 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
As the old miner said to his donkey:" All the world's crazy except me and thee and sometimes I wonder even about thee"
Read 57 tweets
Mar 31st 2020
Me acabo de currar este megahilo artístico con un poco de todo. Fotografía, cine, música, pintura, #StreetArt, vídeos y de todo. Cosas chulas que tenía guardadas. Añadid lo que queráis y yo también. ¡Que esto no pare! #arte #Hilo

Canal de #telegram 👉🏾…
Vivian Maier era una niñera de New York con una pasión oculta: la fotografía. Fotografió sin parar incluso almacenando carretes q nunca llegó a revelar. Su obra sale a la luz ahora, fotografía urbana en Chicago y NY entre 1950 y 1990 #fotografía #arte

👉🏾… ImageImageImageImage
El productor musical Eamonn Doyle se pasó a la fotografía tras 20 años dedicados la música, con una obra centrada en Dublín y de temática urbana.

🎙️Hablé con Carlos Gollonet para la Jirafa que asoma sobre la exposición de @MAPFRE #podcast #fotografía
👉🏾… ImageImageImageImage
Read 67 tweets
Jan 28th 2020
Range anxiety is a real concern for changing our mindset around #ElectricVehicles.

Just how close to the left of the needle can we go?

Tomorrow I’ve got a few offsite #CSIRO meetings between #Newcastle & #Sydney, so why not come on:
“A day in the life of an #EV

Starting, NOW!
Off on the first leg of the #EV trip, leaving work for the day: I have an 8am meeting so will get a head start.

Leaving the charging point behind & starting with a ~full charge + range of 429 km.

Bring on tomorrow’s #RangeAnxiety experiment!
@TheDriven_io @AEVA_National #CSIRO
First leg of #RangeAnxiety experiment 🧪went as expected:

16 km trip from Office to Home, 15 km reduction in range.

Now to take the dog 🐕 for a bush walk & await the next experimental leg.

#CSIRO #Renewables #Australia #ElectricVehicles #EV
Read 33 tweets
Jan 16th 2020
My current #Working #Research #Topic: "A Review of the #CommonMonetaryArea of #SouthernAfrica: Are Client Countries Better-off De-Linking from the #Anchor #Economy?". I'm using #OptimumCurrencyArea #OCA #Theory to analyse the #CMA arrangement. Draft will be ready January end..!
The #CommonMonetaryArea of #SouthernAfrica or #CMA could seem to some (mostly the technically inclined) to be a no-brainer & a clear natural #OptimumCurrencyArea given the historical links between the #anchor #SouthAfrica & the #clients (#Lesotho #Eswatini & #Namibia)...
Be that as it may, 2020 marks 46 years since the #RandMonetaryArea - #RMA agreement and 34 years since the RMA was revised to establish the #CommonMonetaryArea - #CMA between #SouthAfrica, #Lesotho, Swaziland (now, #Eswatini) and #Namibia...
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Dec 3rd 2019
After 2 years and 7 months I have resigned from my post as the director of #PMPML. My tenure working for the public transportation body has been one of the most rewarding and educating experiences of my life.
Guided by the then CM @Dev_Fadnavis ji, my priority and goal was to provide #eco-friendly transportation for #Pune. Am happy to share that in my tenure we not only procured 990 new buses; none of them are diesel and 150 fully #electric buses are already plying our roads.
500 new buses will be arriving soon to give the much needed impetus to Pune's public transportation.
I would like to thank the management, the staff and workers of #PMPML for their efforts in us achieving our goals.
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Sep 25th 2019
22. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world?

#Hypocrites #DoubleStandards #Liars #Warlords #USRealTerrorists
1 to 20. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world? 🤨👇🏼…
21. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world? 🤨👇🏼…
Read 90 tweets
Nov 15th 2018
I have 2 essays about #ecoapartheid in Brazil this week. 1st is about Bolsonaro’s menace to Amazon (& most Brazilians), esp the insidious threat of low-carbon #ecoapartheid, where fumbling climate progress and racial violence go together… Thread 1/
Then there’s this piece about São Paulo’s historic drought, which could return. I push back against the optimism that lots of progressives have that climate disasters will solve their problems by teaching ppl a lesson. Don't believe it… 2/
Really excited that this water piece is in a @ijurrresearch "Parched Cities" collection, also feat. the brilliant @liquidperson, @maliniranga, @suraya_scheba, @nate_millington, Megan Peloso, @disrumpere, Leila M. Harris. Edited by @lizaweinstein… 3/
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Jan 12th 2018
It would seem to be a mistake to not have taken peoples' very real, practical concerns more seriously…
This was the article which had been retweeted…
3/ Given extent, range, & specificity of research that has gone into making appeal so far it raises certain questions about how the local council justifies itself as operating for the greater good of all of its locality-while pumping publicity for...…
Read 13 tweets

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