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1/25. Today is the ninth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the continuation of discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork for #LossAndDamage, a number of excellent side events, and importantly the adoption of the agenda. Here are some of our highlights!🧵 Image
2/25. This morning kicked off with three #LossAndDamage side events happening at the same time! Sadly we could not get to them all, but the good news is that there are webcasts with which to revisit them.
3/25. They included: "#HumanRights, #ClimateChange and disaster induced migration and #Displacement: Regional Perspectives" with @UUSC, @esperance_ong, @ALIANZAAMERICAS.

📼See the webcast here:
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Watch this 👇

Layan Kayed's story was one of many we shared in the halls of the Bonn climate conference to remind delegates that there cannot be #ClimateJustice without respect for #HumanRights. 1/4
Last year, as delegates from governments around the world arrived in Egypt for the COP27 climate conference, thousands of War on Want supporters took action to demand that the Egyptian government release journalist, activist and political prisoner Alaa Abd el-Fattah. 2/4 ImageImage
Layan & Alaa both remain in prison for exercising their basic human right to free speech.

Yesterday, as the UK parliament passed its new Public Order Act to clamp down on our own freedom to protest, we stood alongside all those facing political persecution to demand justice. 3/4 Image
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1/38. Today is the eighth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the closing plenary of the Technical Dialogue of the #GST, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork, the continuation of the #NCQG’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue and the first stocktaking plenary. 🧵 Image
2/38. Today also saw a focus on #HumanRights with a number of side events and an action drawing attention to the key message that “there can be no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights”.
3/38. Joining "No #ClimateJustice without #CivicSpace and #HumanRights: zooming in on the @UNFCCC process"* with @ciel_tweets, @amnesty and @350, we heard important messages on the need for safe #CivicSpace under the @UNFCCC so that we can make our #LossAndDamage demands heard!
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1/4. “It is very surprising that at this time we are still arguing for #HumanRights [within multilateral processes]. We are facing harassment, surveillance and sexual harassment...Countries normally vocal are remaining quiet.” @CamilaZepedaL, Head of Delegation, Mexico 🇲🇽. Image
2/3. "As a country we speak up and defend #Pariticpation, defend #HumanRights, we are left alone in many negotiating rooms, including those discussing #LossAndDamage."
3/4. "We have made complaints as a government...Host agreements (for @UNFCCC COP's) going forwards need to protect accountability, the right to assembly and #FreeSpeech. We have proposed language to make sure those agreements public and transparent to ensure #HumanRights."
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🧵 @FreyaVanadiss is attending the debate for #FiLiA. Women from @Womans_Place_UK, @SexMattersOrg, @AllianceLGB here too, as women who have been impacted by gender ideology. Been chatting to a nurse forced from her job for stating #SexMatters #MakeTheEqualityActClear #EqualityAct Image
For those unable to attend, you can watch live from 4.30pm, BST.


#EqualityAct #MakeTheEqualityActClear #SexMatters 🚻 Image
.@ToniaAntoniazzi, a member of the Petitions Committee, has been asked by the Committee to open the debate. MPs from all parties can take part, and the Govt will send a minister to respond. Follow the Committee on Twitter & join the discussion using #EqualityAct #PetitionsDebate
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@iltasanomat #Vantaa-#HellOnEarth
'Pahoinpitelyn jälkeen nuorisoporukka poistui paikalta juosten kohti Länsimäen kirkkoa.
Rikosnimikkeinä toimii tällä hetkellä törkeä #ryöstö ja törkeä #pahoinpitely.'
@iltasanomat @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Koraani.
#IslaminPerusteet - #mus­limi on määrätty #taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #väärä­uskoisia vastaan.
Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa #sotilaal­linen toiminta #islam'ssa on.
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#Texas Patrols Its Own Border, Pushing #Legal Limits; Gov. #Abbott is expanding state law enforcement on the border as some state leaders appear eager to test the waters on how far Texas can go in enforcing #immigration law.…
1) And now #Florida, which doesn’t have a border with Mexico, is involved. #immigration #legal…
2) Republican governors from #Virginia, South Carolina, W. Virginia and #Iowa said they are sending National Guardsmen + other state LE officers to the state of Texas to expand the militarization of the US border w/Mexico.#immigration #law…
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1/9 📢Die tragischen Ereignisse in der #Ukraine erfordern volle Aufmerksamkeit und Mitgefühl.

Clausewitz sagte: "Krieg ist nichts als eine Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." Aber was, wenn diese "Mittel" die Grundrechte des Menschen verletzen? #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 Image
2/9 🚨 Die Berichte über die Lage in der Ukraine sind erschreckend. Es werden Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit gemeldet, die wir entschieden verurteilen. #JusticeForUkraine ⚖️ Image
3/9 💥Die jüngste Zerstörung des Staudamms bei Kachkowka und die Folgen für die lokale Bevölkerung sind verheerend. Dies geschah im Kontext des Krieges, wodurch die Verantwortung auf Russland fällt, da es die Ukraine angegriffen hat. #HumanRights 🕊️ Image
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@MikkoVapa @ECHR_CEDH @osce_odihr @anticorruption @RSF_inter @oikeusasiamies @oikeusmin @anna_maja @STM_Uutiset @MFredman #UnitedNations #Convention Against #Torture
- The text of the convention was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1984[1] and, following #ratification by the 20th state party,[3] it came into #Force on 26 June 1987…
@MikkoVapa @ECHR_CEDH @osce_odihr @anticorruption @RSF_inter @oikeusasiamies @oikeusmin @anna_maja @STM_Uutiset @MFredman #Finland again reprimanded by the committee against #torture | 20/08/2015
- there is much room for improvement in the #conditions of #Finnish #policeprisons.
- previous recommendations have still NOT been #implemented, even made 20+ years ago.… Image
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Transgender health: Comparing model bills to real proposals; Many bills have preambles asserting that the risks of #gender-affirming care outweigh its benefits, which has been rebutted by major #medical organizations.…
1) The AP obtained the texts of more than 130 bills in 40 state legislatures from Plural, a public policy software company, and analyzed them for similarities to model bills touted by the conservative groups Do No Harm and the Family Research Council.
2) The model bills have similar preambles, including the assertion — rebutted by major #medical organizations — that the risks of gender-affirming care outweigh its benefits.…
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As a member of the @UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, it has been a privilege to participate in the second session this week in New York. Here is a🧵of key points I heard made (note: this is NOT the forum’s official report)
#PFPAD #UN #HumanRights #AfricanDescent
1/ An insistence on robust civil society participation and a call for the removal of structural and bureaucratic barriers to those attending annual sessions, including accommodations for language, disability, and event capacity
2/ assertions that while many UN mandates are well-funded, organizations supporting people of African descent often lack adequate support. The costs or access issues should not be onto individual participants
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“Crimean Tatars after February 2022” - a conference organized in cooperation with @AnnaFotyga_PE & @UA_EUMission at the @Europarl_EN

It was dedicated to a tragic date - the day of remembrance of victims of the genocide of Crimean Tatars 1/6

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“In 1991, Mejlis was elected - a representative body of Crimean Tatars. We decided to be part of independent 🇺🇦 then,” told Gunlara Abdulaieva.

A little over 20 years have passed, #Crimea suffered the 🇷🇺 occupation in 2014, Mejlis was announced as an extremist organization 2/6 Image
The entire population of the occupied #Crimea has been under pressure, intimidation and in danger of imprisonment since then.

Aziz Umerov told the story of his sister, #PoliticalPrisoner Leniie Umerova who faces up to 20 years of imprisonment under trumped-up charges ‼️ 3/6 Image
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Pres. Biden's statement on Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act and possible sanctions sparks a key debate: Should a global power use economic means to interfere in another country's domestic affairs? A thread on potential impact.🧵#UgandaAntiGayLaw -… Image
Biden condemns Uganda's anti-gay law, arguing it not only violates human rights but also poses a threat to everyone residing in Uganda, including US personnel. He warns of "significant action" that could include economic sanctions. #HumanRights #LGBTQ -…… Image
It's important to note that sanctions are a double-edged sword. On one hand, they could push Uganda to reconsider the law by affecting the economy. But they could also cause collateral damage, impacting the lives of ordinary Ugandans. #Sanctions #UgandaAntiGayLaw -…… Image
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Folk in the trade need to rally round this. The proprietor here put a great big target on their back
#InfoSec #DataProtection media, legal, #HumanRights and #Librarian Twitter were the trades I was mainly referring to
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@KristaKiuru #Tedros Adhanom: #WHO chief may face #genocide charges | Dec 14
- David #Steinman accused Tedros, 55, who took over at the WHO three years ago, of being one of three officials in control of the Ethiopian security services from 2013 to 2015.
@KristaKiuru 27 years, the #TPLF dominated and controlled every walk of life in every corner of #Ethiopia.
- #HumanRights abuses were rampant, independent media and journalists were non-existent and arrest and intimidation of opposition politicians was commonplace.
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Since ‘21 lawmakers proposed nearly 900 anti-#LGBTQ+ bills, nearly 500 of which were introduced this year in 49 state legislatures+Congress. Many bills target rights of #transgender people by curtailing “basic healthcare, education, legal recognition & the right to publicly exist
1) Many of the anti-trans bills target the rights of #transgender people by curtailing “basic #healthcare, education, #legal recognition, and the right to publicly exist” #LGBTQ…
2) #NorthDakota recently enacted a statute restricting access to sex-segregated spaces…
Read 13 tweets
As an advocate for fairness and justice, I strongly condemn the American government's recent accusation against South Africa for allegedly providing arms to Russia. It is deeply hypocritical for the US to level such allegations while simultaneously engaging in similar actions... Image
... by providing arms to Israel, a country with its own record of human rights violations.

The refusal of the American government to hold the Israel regime accountable for its crimes against humanity is deeply troubling...
... The ongoing oppression and displacement of Palestinians demand immediate attention and accountability. We must strive for consistency in our condemnation of arms deals and human rights abuses, regardless of geopolitical alliances...
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Ahead of the #CouncilOfEuropeSummit, CIEL, @Greenpeace, @amnesty & @hrw joined forces to call on @coe Member States to recognize the right to a #HealthyEnvironmentForAll through the drafting of a dedicated protocol to the @ECHR_CEDH


A🧵 Image
On May 16-17, @coe nations will gather for a once-in-a-generation Summit in Reykjavik 🇮🇸.

This is an opportunity for European States to reaffirm their commitment to core European values, including the rule of law, democracy, & #HumanRights.
But doing so will require more than a family photo featuring heads of State: States should use this opportunity to fill a yawning gap in the European human rights framework & take a decisive step towards effectively protecting the right to a #HealthyEnvironmentForAll. Image
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Yesterday @victor_madrigal the UN’s Independent Expert on sexual orientation and gender identity expressed his deep concern with the situation in the UK for LGBT people.

The expert says he is deeply concerned regarding “…increased bias-motivated incidents of harassment, threats, and violence against LGBT people, including a rampant surge in hate crimes in the UK”
“All of this is attributed – by a wide range of stakeholders – to the toxic nature of the public debate surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity,” he further explained.
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Tinder will exit Russian markets on June 30, citing its commitment to "protecting human rights."🫡😂


#Russia #Tinder #HumanRights… Image
1. Let us have a look at the Human Rights within Tinder as a company?
Sean Rad, Chris Gulczynski, Whitney Wolfe, and Justin Mateen co-founded the dating app Tinder. In 2012, the dating application Tinder was born in a Los Angeles IAC startup incubator, Hatch Labs. It was a pivot…… Image
2. Whitney Wolfe, Tinder's former vice president of marketing, had filed a lawsuit in 2014, accusing company co-founder and chief marketing officer Justin Mateen, with whom she had a brief romantic relationship, of sending her "a barrage of horrendously sexist, racist, and…… Image
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'The been passed by Parliament in the UK, is deeply troubling legislation that is incompatible with the UK’s international human rights obligations regarding people’s rights to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, PEACEFUL ASSEMBY and ASSOCIATION..…
It is especially worrying that the law expands the powers of the police to stop & search individuals, including WITHOUT SUSPICION; defines some of the new criminal offences in a vague & overly broad manner; & imposes UNNECESSARY & DISPROPORTIONATE criminal sanctions on people...
organizing or taking part in peaceful protests,”
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Don't do this - human rights defenders already have images and videos undermined - don't contribute to it by utilizing AI-generated imagery in this way. Yes, there will be ways to use AI-generated imagery for advocacy - this is not it.
Activists we work with @witnessorg constantly defend credibility of pics/ videos.

In Prepare, Don't Panic work we talked to them (+ journalists) about AI-generated media.

A key fear? Undermining their evidence with claims all can be falsified.

What they wanted? - links pinned
It's not that there aren't ways to use AI-generated images/ videos - we explored in recent workshop in Nairobi, but also fundamental reality that #humanrights defenders can't be naive or compete with abusers in using or AI imagery: we have more to lose.
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US Govt-funded religious watchdog USCIRF is to  publish a report TODAY & will likely designate India CPC. Again!

USCIRF, an evangelical flavour org, is infiltrated by Islamists – so much so that now an active member of Muslim Brotherhood joins as Commissioner!

A Thread: Image
#USCIRF has hired Mohamed Magid, former head of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) as Commissioner in Aug’22. He has served as VP & President of ISNA between 2010-14 and still attends ISNA events!

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ISNA has proven terror connections, including with Hamas which the front has admitted itself! Its name was also implicated in the Holy Land Foundation case of terror funding. HLF was banned by the US govt for its ties with Hamas

(3/n) Image
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