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Jun 18th 2023
In #Peine hat ein #Neonazi mit einer #Armbrust auf Menschen geschossen & einen Mann lebensbedrohlich verletzt. Wir sollten mal darüber reden, dass solche legalen aber tödliche Waffen in rechten "Survival"-Shops seit Jahren angepriesen werden. Wie hier von Sebastian Schmidtke .... Image
Schmidtke, der vor allem auch als Medienaktivist aktiv ist und sich gerne als Journalist ausgibt, sitzt im Bundesvorstand der jüngst in "Die Heimat" umbenannten NPD. Seine #Outdoor, #Prepper und #Survival-Shops firmieren unter der gleichen Adresse, wie die Parteizentrale ...
Über die Telegram-Kanäle des per Haftbefehl gesuchten Attila Hildmann bekommt man dazu Rabatcodes für den Shop von Schmidtke
Read 7 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
Last night after the show a friend and I were verbally & physically assaulted at @PhebesNYC by a drunk girl who I only assume was an NYU student with a fake ID. It was traumatic, but I wasn’t about to be victimized. Not after starring in a show I wrote about not being victimized.
It started when she grabbed me from behind with both hands and pushed me away from the bar yelling “excuse me I need to get a drink!” I turned right back around and bumped her ass out the way with my hips. She was stunned and looked at me wide eyed: "what are you doing!?”
“What are YOU doing?!” I asked back, quite sincerely.

“You pushed me!” She squealed.

“You pushed ME,” I reminded her.

She looked around and saw everyone was staring at her. And then the white girl tears started to well up and we all watched as the perpetrator played victim…
Read 20 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
Persistent #running can add 6 years to your #life

1. Running has several benefits including lesser risk of death and longer #survival. As per a research study, persistent running over 15 years can add 5.9 years to life.…
2. As per study, runners added 3 years to life as compared to never runners, and persistent runners (who continued running through the follow up period) added 5.9 years to life.
All cause death reduced by 29% and cardiovascular death reduced by 50% among consistent runners.
3. The benefits on survival and reduction in death were seen in all runners.
Weekly running even <51 min, <6 miles, 1 to 2 times or <6 miles/hour was sufficient to reduce risk of death, compared with not running.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
They’ll tell you that ‘we’ the fishermen and our families are labour activists. They’ll tell you that Labour have brainwashed and coerced us. ‘We’ are forcing an anti-freeport agenda. That they’re using us for their political gains.
Shame on them: exploiting political conflict for their own motives to make themselves sleep better at night.

They haven’t. We are not any one political party and we have our own voice - and their voice does not represent ours.
Their empty requests for financial report are a haphazard launched into the abyss so satisfy the media frenzy, to acknowledge that they were never going to consider anything but their own agenda. As if it ever could…
Read 12 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
1/2 Compelling share from @oliver_phil...

"Remarkably, previously #hospitalized and #nonhospitalized patients remained with decreased numbers of CD1c+ #myeloid DCs and pDCs seven months after #SARSCoV2 #infection."

#COVID19 IS NOT #mild
2/2 "Moreover, the expression of #dendritic #cell (DC) markers such as #CD86 and #CD4 were only restored in previously #nonhospitalized patients, while no restoration of integrin β7 and indoleamine 2,3-dyoxigenase (IDO) levels were observed."

Read 5 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
THREAD: #Virology: Unmasking a 100+ Year Old Lie

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong.

#vaccinegenocide #vaccines #vaccinedeath #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #thread…
We Need To Base Our Understanding of Reality Upon Reality, Not Manipulation.

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong....
In order to understand the world around us as the truth about it is emerging from a 100+ year slumber, it’s going to be important to challenge ideas that have absolutely zero basis in reality.

I will start off by saying that we have been duped - ALL OF US.
Read 266 tweets
Jan 14th 2023
"He lost the ability to move his legs at the age of 14. #Dreams came crashing down like a pack of cards for Ashish Da. I met him at his 90 sq ft room near the outskirts of Kolkata.

#respect #fightingspirit #nevergiveup #motivation #inspiration #kolkata
In today's world of jazzy startups, Ashish Da had his own story to share -- one of #struggle and #survival.

When Ashish Da first realised that he wouldn't be able to walk for the rest of his life, he decided to do something that he was passionate about -- #Kites!
Ashish Da spoke about how he would use papers and sticks to build brilliant kite designs He would spend 12 hours a day sitting on the floor to do everything himself. He never asked for any help or any kind of physical or financial support from anyone.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
Correlation between resting #heart rate (HR) at admission and long-term #Survival in patients admitted with #stroke
1. High resting HR is a risk factor for stroke and death. In a recent study, patient's HR at admission after stroke was correlated with long term survival & death. ImageImageImage
2. Compared with the reference group (mean heart rate < 60 bpm), risk of #death was 23% higher for mean heart rate 60–69 bpm, 74% higher for mean heart rate 70–79 bpm, 116% higher for mean heart rate 80–89 bpm, and 183% higher for mean heart rate ≥ 90 bpm.
3. Compared with the reference group (mean heart rate < 60 bpm), the risk of cardiovascular death was 18% higher for mean heart rate 60–69 bpm, 57% higher for mean heart rate 70–79 bpm, 98% higher for mean heart rate 80–89 bpm, and 136% higher for mean heart rate ≥ 90 bpm.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
@Garbaj2 This issue is sadly nothing new: Some #Games [i.e. @CallofDuty:#ModermWarfare3] have certain weapons [i.e. the RSASS] that have no fire rate limit ingame.

@Garbaj2 @CallofDuty Seriously, #MW3 is absolutely unbalaced:
@Garbaj2 @CallofDuty To the point that it allows firing guns faster than they can cycle in real life.
Read 6 tweets
May 6th 2022
"No matter how outrageous a claim may initially seem, we all need to consider the possibility that it might actually be true – just consider how many things that you never thought would be possible are now reality." -- Rebecca Sherry Eshraghi…
Sustaining Antimicrobial Stewardship in a High–Antibiotic Resistance Setting | Clinical Decision Support…
#AntibioticResistance, #AntimicrobialStewardship, #ClinicalDecisionSupport, #CohortStudy
Read 13 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
@euphoniYum @spriter99880 1/3. There is a #Power called "#Evolution" and the #Survival of the best "#Fit".
To #Unite many #Different views into 1 and giving up one's OWN desires for that of the GROUP, Homo Sapiens Sapiens developed #DNA-caused "#Group #Thinking", to change from #Many views to #ONE.
@euphoniYum @spriter99880 2/3. >>But these #Genetics are #Predictable and can be #Manipulated by the #Few.
Mass-Psychologists, in #Think #Tanks of the ruling class in the West, Oligarchs, developed "#NLP" or "#Neuro-#Linguistic #Programming", known as "Marketing", Brain Washing and yes... Propaganda.
@euphoniYum @spriter99880 3/3. >>Key is the presence of "#Fear", "#Uncertainty" & "#Chaos".
An article about this Geopolitical tool used by the #Empire from #SouthFront, blocked by Twitter.
The URL is in the top of the page. That will work.
scroll👇1st page
SouthFront👉👈via Archive
Read 4 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
1/8. A longread thread.
What happened in #Breakaway area #Donbass in Eastern #Ukraine after #NATO's Brutal #Maidan #Coup + installation of a #Nazi #Regime, that started a bloody #CivilWar between the #Galician NeoNazi's supported by NATO & the #Russian #Speaking ½ of the nation:
2/8. 2016. #Donbass Region, #Eastern #Ukraine.

#Russian speakers, common workers, watch children, family & friends #Die.
On a #Daily base.
By "The #Kiev Army", but really a #Gang of #Nazi's.

- Click 👇 Below 👇 the #Sinister text for #Video.
3/8. 2016. #Donbass in #Eastern #Ukraine.

#Russian speakers, common workers, hiding in their cellars, watch their children, family & friends #Die.
On a #Daily base.
They want their #Voices to be #Heard.
Here they are.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/28/2022…
Higher levels of biodiversity appear to reduce extinction risk in birds…
#biodiversity, #BirdExtinction, #RiskReduction
The Single Most Important Question In The World Right Now…
#RussiaUkraine, #internationalRelations, #GlobalBrinkmanship
Read 13 tweets
Jan 15th 2022…


EXCLUSIVE: First Hand Accounts Allege Officer #BrianSicknick Was Denied Critical Treatment By Police

One witness helped another offered life saving care

Jan. 13, 2022

Fight the censorship & algorithms: like, comment, retweet, share, follow!
Two shocking eye-witness accounts corroborate something worse than we could have ever imagined. The @CapitolPolice appear to not only be responsible for the #death of multiple #protesters (which they lied about) but also for the #death of a fellow officer, #BrianSicknick.
Read 53 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
With Government bringing in new guidelines for COVID situation, A weekend curfew has been imposed - which makes the situation even more worse for Kannada Film Industry.

#NamCinema #nightcurfew #WeekendCurfew #OmicronVarient #COVID19
Owing to COVID situation in past couple of years many theatres across the state which predominantly screened Kannada movies have shut down owing to financial losses.

#NamCinema #nightcurfew #WeekendCurfew #COVID19 #OmicronVarient
Now with present scenario more theatres would follow the same suit as they no movie goers or the general audience making it theatres given the strict COVID guidelines.

#NamCinema #nightcurfew #WeekendCurfew #COVID19 #OmicronVarient
Read 6 tweets
Dec 4th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/04/2021…
A 45-year-old man declared 'dead' was found alive after 7 hours in a morgue freezer, reports say…

Magnetizable Concrete in Roads Could Charge Electric Cars While You Drive…

#ElectricVehicles #BatteryCharging #MagnetizableConcrete
Read 13 tweets
Oct 8th 2021
1. Congrats Dr. Heinemann and authors that evaluated the long-term post-transplant outcomes for pts with autoimmune liver diseases comparing living & deceased after brain death donor liver transplantation using the European Liver Transplant Registry. #ph260720 #AJT @amjtransplant
2. In this study, the authors studied 29902 patients from transplanted (including 1003 living donor liver transplant [LDLT] patients) for autoimmune liver diseases between 1998-2017.…
3.… After risk-adjustment, both adult and pediatric LDLT recipients had a higher hazard of death if they had primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). This hazard was equivalent between the graft types for other liver diseases (AIH, ALD & PBC).

#ph260720 #PSC
Read 47 tweets
May 23rd 2021
Sirene berbunyi dan dunia telah jatuh dalam kekacauan, kamu dan aku berlari untuk harapan hidup yang semu. Dijalan yang berdarah ini, kita di takdirkan untuk saling terikat satu sama lain.
━━━━━━━━ ImageImageImageImage
📌Genre; #Slice_of_Life #Farming #Romance #Action #Supernatural #BL #bxb

📌Language; Bahasa
📌Author(s); @jellybamie Image
Read 15 tweets
May 3rd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/03/2021…
First known gene transfer from plant to insect identified…

#GeneTransfer #plant #insect #PestControl
Read 10 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/02/2021…
Suburban Survivalism Demonstrates The Most Obnoxious Brand of Privilege

#urban #elites, #survival
Diapers on cows: A water quality solution? – Ohio Ag Net | Ohio's Country Journal…

#cow #diapers #water #environment #ohio
Read 8 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
Random #winter #camping slides I gave to some scouts a couple of years ago. ("Survival on the Planet of Hoth")
Read 11 tweets
Feb 10th 2021
Good evening, everyone! Welcome to #SexAbuseChat. Join tonight with me and @JCStaff_ !

House rules:

- Say hi!
- Use the #SexAbuseChat hashtag in tweets AND replies.
- Engage only if you want to.
- Be respectful of others.
- Avoid explicit language that may trigger others.
We don't discuss politics during chat.

Please avoid explicit language that may trigger others.

Please stay on tonight's topic of discussion.

As always, remember to use the
#SexAbuseChat hashtag in tweets AND replies.
As a reminder, #SexAbuseChat is not, nor is it intended to be, a therapeutic service. If you want or need therapy please seek an experienced, qualified professional.

TRIGGER WARNING: Tonight's chat discusses child abuse. While participating please practice excellent self-care.
Read 7 tweets

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