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🎙️Web3 Security Q&A with our CEO Rick Deacon - @rickdeaconx

⚠️Part I: Common #Web3 Threats

(Part II: How Interlock solves this by using #AI - will be published tomorrow!)

Q: What are the top security problems for crypto and Web3 users right now?

A: "The most prevalent security problems are all focused on social engineering:

1⃣Phishing attacks where attackers try to steal personal information by disguising a malicious website as a legitimate one.
2⃣Malware infections which can steal personal information, funds or take control of a device.

3⃣Scams that take advantage of the hype around #cryptocurrency and Web3 technologies to trick users into sending money or personal information.
Read 18 tweets
Einer ist bislang bei #IchHabeMitgemacht unter den Tisch gefallen: Jan Josef #Liefers. Er lĂśste am 14.10.21 bei @maybritillner den diskursiven Dammbruch pro #Impfpflicht aus, mit der vermeintlich harmlosen Frage: "Ich habs bis heute nicht begriffen (.) warum machen wir keine?"
Um den Stand des damaligen Diskurses zu verdeutlichen: Selbst @Karl_Lauterbach war damals noch gegen die Impfpflicht, weil er der Meinung war, es gäbe sowieso keine Chance, eine Herdenimmunität zu erreichen & man wßrde damit rechten Kräften Auftrieb geben.
Wenn sich der große "Freiheitsheld der Wende" im Fernsehen repressiver aufführt als ein Karl #Lauterbach, läuft etwas gewaltig schief. #Liefers, seine Frau Anna Loos und viele weitere Promis sind Impfbotschafter der @ONEDeutschland-Kampagne von @gavi.…
Read 15 tweets
Ich starte einen neuen Thread zu #Propaganda, #Journalistik, #socialengineering - ganz unwissenschaftlich anhand von Beispielen und Meinungen dazu, ßber die ich gestolpert bin. Zunächst verlinke ich 3 Interviews von @IMVErlangen mit Prof. Dr. JÜrg Becker.
... und meine unqualifizierte Antwort mit Verweis zu einem interessanten Artikel zum Aufstieg des #socialengineering.
Read 5 tweets
#Hypothese: Selbst ZDF-Mitarbeiter trauen ihren eigenen Augen und selbst langjährigen, engen Freunden nicht, wenn Dunja Hayali berichtet, sie hätte nur 20000 ßberwiegend radikale Menschen gesehen.
#Hypothese: das politisch-motivierte #Framing und die einseitige #Berichterstattung haben #Demonstrationen als einem der bedeutsamsten Mittel der #Meinungsfreiheit die Unschuld genommen.
#Hypothese: Wenn sich normale #Polizisten die Einsätze und Altionen ihrer Kollegen während der letzten 2,5 Jahren gegen #Corona-Maßnahmen-Kritiker ansehen, versinken die Meisten vor Schamesröte. Einer breiten Bevölkerungsschicht sind diese Vorfälle unbekannt.
Read 14 tweets
Erst jetzt, wo die Durchimpfungskampagnen der Regierungen wirklich jeden erreichen wollen, fällt auf, dass besonders schwarze und indigene Communities große Vorbehalte gegenüber der Impfung haben - aus guten historischen Gründen, die @BillyPrempeh in diesem Video beleuchtet:
FĂźr die deutsche Woke Lefty Twitter Bubble ist das in meinen Augen ein echtes ethisches Dilemma. Ihr mĂźsst langsam Farbe bekennen - auf welcher Seite steht ihr?

Auf jener der schwarzen und indigenen Communities - oder des Großkapitals, das sie mit einer Impfpflicht bedroht?
Die Entscheidung dürfte einem echten Linken eigentlich nicht allzu schwer fallen - was jedoch zur Folge hätte, dass ihr euch auch hierzulande gegen eine Impfpflicht einsetzen müsst - denn auch hier fühlen sich Minorities von einer Impfpflicht bedroht:…
Read 24 tweets
Cosmopolitan liberal journalists only know how to parrot intelligence community and pentagon talking points, socially engineer the gullible or less well off socio-economically, exploit fears, create negative feedback loops, confirm one another's bias and hyperventilate
They are smug and see themselves as morally and intellectually superior to "regular" citizens. They show special disdain for blue collar workers and the "middle" America. They LOVE controlling and influencing those they see as "beneath" them....
The cosmopolitan liberal journalist in the modern age is tasked with the job of social engineering. The work for the regime to instill obedience to authority in the population. #obedience #socialengineering #journalists

Read 41 tweets
1/210: Markus Kerber's Apollo 13

In March 2020, the German Ministry of the Interior @BMI_Bund issued a #strategypaper that weaponized fear in order to accomplish compliance with #COVID policies. The authors' emails were litigated under #FOIA request. My analysis. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️ Image
2/210: The @BMI_Bund emails have been released to the public as they were successfully sued by lawyer Niko Härting in a FOIA proceeding. They can be requested directly from @BMI_Bund/ @rki_de via @fragdenstaat. Download it here: Image
3/210: The emails originated March 19-25, 2020. They are so explosive because they map the inner discourse of the @BMI_Bund's now infamous #COVID-19 taskforce, which produced several crucial domestic policy documents. @OttoKolbl
Read 210 tweets
1/210: Markus Kerbers Apollo13
Im März 2020 stellte das @BMI_Bund eine COVID-19 Taskforce zusammen, die ein umstrittenes #Strategiepapier verfasste. Die #Emails der Autoren wurden per Informationsfreiheitsgesetz freigeklagt. Hier kommt meine Analyse der 59 Emails. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️ Image
2/210: Die @BMI_Bund-Mails sind geschwärzt für die Öffentlichkeit freigegeben, seit sie durch den Anwalt Niko Härting per IFG-Verfahren erstritten wurden. Über @fragdenstaat können sie direkt beim @BMI_Bund @rki_de angefragt werden. ImageImage
3/210: Die Emails enstanden vom 19.-25. März 2020. Sie sind deshalb so brisant, weil sie die inneren Diskurse der inzwischen berßchtigten COVID-19 Taskforce des @BMI_Bund abbilden, aus der diverse innenpolitische Dokumente hervorgegangen sind. @OttoKolbl
Read 211 tweets
#Technocracy is #Fascism, #Communism, or something parallel. Coronavirus pandemic accelerated long-held plans of #WEF #Davos to establish #Globalist #Elite so-called #Leftist NWO. #Global policymakers advocating the “Great Reset” advocate #EcoDystopia…
The coming #technocracy is Marxism: involves close cooperation between heads of #digital #industry & #govts. Programs such as minimum income & healthcare for all? NWO governance 'strict societal control with the promise of comprehensive social justice
NWO of #digital tyranny comes with a intrusive #SocialCredit system. The People’s Republic of China is the pioneer of this method of #Surveillance & #Control of #Individuals, #Corporations, & #SocioPolitical entities
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March 6, 2019:

"Aligning for Impact: The Transformation of the World Health Organization"

#ImpactInvesting #SDGs #EmergingMarkets #WHO…
>>>"One of the biggest issues facing global health today is the planning for the eventual wind-down of the billion-dollar-a-year Global #Polio Eradication Initiative after the certification of eradication."<<<

#Vaccine #Markets
"Universal #Health Coverage: Tedros described Universal Health Coverage (#UHC) as #WHO's top priority, and that work will be supported by a division on UHC..."

July 23, 2020 thread:

Read 8 tweets
This thread will follow Feb 5 2021 thread [India
#FarmersProtests Goes Vogue] exploring sudden #celebrity uptake - as gov't struggled to contain #resistance.

Here we can study #GlobalCitizen & structure/mechanisms of such NGOs, financed to serve corporate/imperial interests. ImageImageImageImage
#GlobalCitizen model: nurturing of #celebrity worship as a "pop & policy" model to harvest/exploit targeted youth demographic. Via partnerships w/ #Rihanna, celebrities, influencers, athletes, - it intends to become world's "leading international voice, educator, & influencer". ImageImageImageImage
#GlobalCitizen is the Global Poverty Project, Inc.
UK: "We are a sub recipient of funding from the #Gates Foundation (via Global Poverty Project Inc)."

2019: $8,445,887.00 "To mobilize global public support for the Sustainable Development Goals" #SDGs… ImageImageImageImage
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Looking for the ultimate list of #CyberSecurity books you should read in 2021?!

Hold on a secon, cause here we go!
Please fav your top entries and comment your own picks bellow. And please please retweet to make this list a huge one. #InfoSec
Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking, 2nd Edition by the @humanhacker Christopher Hadnagy #socialengineering…
Threat Modeling: Designing for Security (Englisch) Taschenbuch by
#cybersecurity #threatmodelling #stride…
Read 11 tweets
Nasdaq spreading conspiracy theories.


Nasdaq: #2 on list of stock exchanges behind NYSE.

#GreatReset: not a figment of our imagination. Rather, it's the 21st cent. imperative of billionaires to save capitalism.

#Imperative21: 72,000 corporations across 80 countries. 150 different industries.

"An unprecedented coalition of business networks that have come together to raise our ambition. Not just to help our individual CEOs succeed... we'll do that for sure..."

Softening push-back w/ marketing/framing/language. #SocialEngineering

"So that the push-back on the BRT [Business Roundtable] from differ. business publications or other people within the [] community lessens. So there's less of a headwind culturally for this type of leadership"
Read 13 tweets
From #Lockdowns to "#TheGreatReset". Lockdown in the wake of #coronavirus pandemic accelerated implementation of long-held plans to estb. so-called NWO. Under auspices of #WEF, global policymakers are advocating a “Great Reset” with intent of creating a global technocracy
It is not by coincidence that on 18 Oct 2019, in NYC the WEF “Event 201” at “high-level” pandemic exercise organized by John Hopkins Center for Health Security. This coming technocracy involves close cooperation between the heads of the digital industry and of governments
With programs such as guaranteed min income & healthcare for all, new kind of governance combines strict societal control with the promise of comprehensive social justice. The truth, however, this NWO of digital tyranny comes with a comprehensive social credit system
Read 10 tweets
Thread will be added to as time permits


We must know & understand our founding documents so 1st thing 2do is to READ the Declaration of Independence in its entirety, next read the Constitution & ESPECIALLY BILL of RIGHTS
I will start with the deception briefly such as we are a democracy - NO democracy always leads to COMMUNISM
& why James Madison our 4th potus said this:

“Democracy is the most vile form of government.”

AND why they gave us a REPUBLIC of, by, & 4WTP rule of law NOT MOB RULE!
Democrats refer to Democratic Elections leading us to believe the only way to remove them is by elections THEY RIG

#SES LAWYERS/JUDGES WRITE LAW & Legislate from bench.
Original #13A banned ‘titles of nobility’ from public office (B.A.R. British Accredited Registry) ...
Read 17 tweets
WEF's Klaus Schwab: "In all likelihood, unless the #pandemic evolves in an unforeseen way, the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health & mortality will be mild..."

New week-end thread w/ @spencerlatu

#Covid19 as catalyst for #WEF #greatreset
Written by Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, Geneva, July 2020.

"Until 2011, Mr. Malleret was a senior partner at the Geneva-based IJ (Informed Judgment) Partners, an investment boutique for ultra-high-net-worth individuals."

#WEF #GlobalRiskNetwork…
"Malleret is the co-founder & principal author of the Monthly Barometer, an analytical and predictive newsletter on macro issues for high-level decisionmakers." - "Relevant to all; read by the influential"
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The #WE scandal surrounding Cnd. PM Justin Trudeau (& Finance Minister Bill Morneau) broke at the end of June. June 26 2020: "Trudeau accused of cronyism over giving #WE Charity a contract to run $912-million student #volunteer program".…
"#WE Day events for young people [] frequently feature Mr. Trudeau & his wife, Sophie Grégoire #Trudeau, as #keynote speakers. Ms. Grégoire Trudeau is a volunteer "#ambassador and ally” of the WE Well-being initiative."

Grégoire Trudeau's daughter, Ella-Grace, & her mother-in-law, Margaret #Trudeau – spoke at an indoor WE Day event in March 2020, attended by 13,000 people. Margaret Trudeau received $250k for 28 event appearances (since 2016) from sister co. #MetoWe.

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What is a social engineering attack?

In a social engineering attack, an attacker uses human interaction (social skills) to obtain or compromise information about an organization or its computer systems.
An attacker may seem unassuming and respectable, possibly claiming to be a new employee, repair person, or researcher and even offering credentials to support that identity. However, by asking questions, he or she may be able to piece together enough information...
Read 27 tweets

No longer is it necessary to pay attention to my 2019-2020 ramblings/warnings of a global economic reset. Instead, as of June 3, 2020, you can now hear it directly from the source: the World Economic Forum (#WEF).

The World Economic Forum: home of the #FourthIndustrialRevolution as designed and desired by the ruling classes in tandem with the world's most powerful and ruthless corporations and institutions.

Leveraging #COVID19 (& global #protest) for all it's worth, the virus is indeed the new war on terror.

"The Great Reset" - "A better #capitalism and a better world—to help shape the recovery from COVID-19, the Forum has launched the Great Reset Initiative"

Read 32 tweets
Police brutality is abhorrent, but #PsyOpBob played no innocent roll. Everybody there knew he wanted to cause trouble, and was calling him out. He brought a helmet, but did he put it on when the cops came? No, but he put on a mask. #BuffaloPD #SocialEngineering #CivilWar
I've seen many a #CrisisActor, but this guy is a like their stunt double. Sure, he probably did hit his head, but it was "all for the cause". I don't buy the fake blood thing. That would make the cops actors too...
which ain't that far of a stretch considering whackness out here.
I have no idea who to trust any more, but I definitely know who not to trust. So if this is going down, I'm going to support the guy who lets me defend myself form the #LiberalZombieApocalypse, with force if necessary.
I'm Packin' #MAGA for my protection.
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We are in the era of "Personalized Longitudinal Conditioning" and in lack of mutual reference point, we can't even express our position to another person. Long forget the evaluation and remedy. #personalization #conditioning #SocialEngineering #psychology #Sociology #BlackMirror
The OTT platforms are subjected to Brain Hacking by "Micro Expression" through Deep Fake AI.
Is it possible to use Mobile speakers for high frequency sound output to trigger and brain control?
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"The biggest team the world has ever seen" - Purpose PR firm (sister org of #Avaaz) partners w/ #UN, #Omidyar NGO & #Ikea for "Share Verified".

*Fight accelerates for independent #journalism - journalists that serve people/planet rather than ruling class, foundations & capital.*
The EU Commission, WWF & chosen "influencers" are assisting in the promotion of Share Verified launched by the UN (partnered w/ World Economic Forum in June 2019) in partnership w/ Purpose, Ikea, & Luminate (Omidyar).
#WWF is committed to serving corporate funders & capital.
Purpose co-founder Jeremy Heimans is also co-founder of Avaaz - and author of "New Power". Purpose, which works closely w/ Black Lives Matter, has launched a new campaign "Win Black" as a means to engage new voters. MoveOn - a founding NGO of Avaaz, serves the US Democrats.
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The #1 influencer for World Economic Forum/United Nations is resurrected in order to promote "#digitalization for all" as the #FourthIndustrialRevolution brings civil society into it's fold. "Access to #digital #education" prioritized over nutrition, water, & sanitation. #WEF
"Amply, an online attendance-taking system [] to track “impact,” is being piloted through #SmartStart a S. #Africa pre-school franchise.

... financed in part through #UNICEF’s innovation venture capital fund... registered over 3,100 [] as of spring 2018"…
"The tone they use when talking about this lack of “#trust” in the development aid space is steeped in a racist, colonial mindset. The “trust” issue provides cover for their real agenda. Pen & paper methods don’t capture enough #data, & digitized data is what they most desire."
Read 22 tweets
Today at #CovidTownHall: @JonnaMazet! #Epidemiologist & executive director of @OneHealthUCD at #1 vet school @ucdavisvetmed. On board of directors for @GlobalVirome, served on #USAIDPredict to find emerging viruses before they spread to humans. 1/3…
More from @JonnaMazet:
@TEDMED talk “What If We Could Immunize the World Against Pandemics?"
@KnowableMag (4.16.20)…
@KCBSRadio (4.6.20)…
@OneHealthUCD #COVID19 Town Hall (4.9.20)
For those who can't attend today's #CovidTownHall at 3:30pm PDT with @JonnaMazet, you can access all recorded meetings ~24hr after here:…,
including those with @phylogenomics, @DrABrashear, @JamesEKHildreth, @sociovirology, & Brad Pollock 3/3
Read 23 tweets

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