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The Power of Repetition in #Copywriting: How to Use Repetition to Make Your Message Stick Image
1. Repetition is a powerful tool in copywriting. It can help make your message stick in your audience's minds. #copywriting #repetition
2. Repetition creates familiarity, which leads to trust. By repeating key messages in your copy, you can build trust with your audience. #trust #copywriting
Read 22 tweets
1/6 - Its Important For Everyone To Understand That The #lgbTQia #TransQueer #Gender #Rainbow #Cult Does NOT Represent #Gay Men or Women At All!
2/6 -Gays & #Lesbians Are Coming Away From The Rainbow Cult Quickly, Publicly & Sincerely. Many Are Ashamed That They Once Fell Victim To, and Were Deceived By, This Cult and It's Diabolical Agenda To Target, Desensitize, Groom, Sexualize & Victimize Others, Especially Children!
3/6 - Please Do Not Write Off All Gays & Lesbians As #Groomers, #Pedos, #Deviants or #Recruiters As We Do NOT Agree With The lgbTQia TransQueer Gender Rainbow Cult or It's #Political #Agenda At All!
Read 6 tweets
As more #hospitals drop universal #masking requirements, I see many patients, family members, and medical staff who are rightly concerned.

🧵This thread has my best advice for protecting yourself from #COVID in high-risk settings.

1/10 Images from various threads...
Big Picture - Top 10 Tips if you're new to thinking about the importance of #mask quality, size, and fit in high-risk settings

#FitTesting is not always needed but becomes extremely valuable if the following apply:
▫️ Prolonged time period
▫️ Others are unmasked
▫️ Indoor air quality is bad or not tested personally

Read 10 tweets
40 Deep #SEO Insights for 2023:

-In 2022, I told to focus on Natural Language Generation, and it happened.
-In 2023, F-O-C-U-S on "Information Density, Richness, and Unique Added Value" with Microsemantics.

I call the collection of these, "Information Responsiveness".

1/40 🧵.
1. PageRank Increases its Prominence for Weighting Sources

Reason: #AI and automation will bloat the web, and the real authority signals will come from PageRank, and Exogenous Factors.

The expert-like AI content and real expertise are differentiated with historical consistency.
2. Indexing and relevance thresholds will increase.

Reason: A bloated web creates the need for unique value to be added to the web with real-world expertise and organizational signals. The knowledge domain terms, or #PageRank, will be important in the future of a web source.
Read 45 tweets
@JukkaDavidsson #Ohisalo myös.
- #Sisäministeri'stä tyynylomalle. Junaili #Torssonen syylliseksi #Auvila'n hylsy-VOK 'vasara-arapien' hyökkäykseen.
Torssosen #KRP sormenjäljet siirrettiin postipaketin teippiin.
- Torssonen vapaa, arapit himassa.
Read 23 tweets
Il capitolo di oggi #14novembre sul #Greenwashing portuale è l'elettrificazione delle #banchine (in gergo #ColdIroning).
L'idea sarebbe semplice: fornire #energia #elettrica alle #navi ormeggiate, in modo che non siano costrette a usare i #motori come enormi gruppi elettrogeni.
Apparentemente sembra la soluzione, almeno per eliminare i #fumi in #porto.
Certo, durante la #navigazione, quando il carburante usato è ancora più nocivo, il problema resta (le analisi di #speciazione hanno provato che il 70% dei #veleni #navali arriva a 400 km nell'entroterra).
Ma torniamo in #porto. Il #ColdIroning funziona già in #California e in #Norvegia. Ad Amburgo nel 2025 saranno predisposte per l’allaccio a terra l’80% delle #portacontainer e l’82% delle #navi da #crociera da oltre 2.500 #passeggeri.
E in #Italia? #Nulla di tutto questo.
Read 12 tweets
1/31 Ενώ οι δίκες των #λιγναδης και #Φιλιππιδης διεξάγονται σχεδόν κάτω από κλειστές πόρτες (η ομάδα φορτσάρει για να βγάλει το μέγκα-θρεντ για Μενδώνη/Λιγνάδη) πάμε να να δούμε σε θρεντάκι αστραπή την ομολογουμένως απαράδεκτη αντίδραση του #γουιλ_σμιθ /#Οσκαρ στο ομολογουμένως…
2/31 …απαράδεκτο "αστείο" του Κρις Ροκ. Αρκετοί φίλοι θεώρησαν ότι πρόκειται για "στημένο" σκηνικό, ειδικά λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν την πολύ "ομαλή" και ψύχραιμη αντίδραση του Ροκ μετά το χαστούκι του Σμιθ.
3/31 Στην ανάλυση παρακάτω θα δούμε γιατί η εκδοχή αυτή πιθανότατα δεν ισχύει vs του ενδεχομένου ο Σμιθ να βιαιοπράγησε εναντίον του Ροκ... (πριν του απονεμηθεί το βραβείο Οσκαρ για τον καλύτερο ανδρικό ρόλο) και αφού η Ακαδημία επιβεβαίωσε ότι δεν συγχωρεί κανενός είδους βίας...
Read 31 tweets
Cosmopolitan liberal journalists only know how to parrot intelligence community and pentagon talking points, socially engineer the gullible or less well off socio-economically, exploit fears, create negative feedback loops, confirm one another's bias and hyperventilate
They are smug and see themselves as morally and intellectually superior to "regular" citizens. They show special disdain for blue collar workers and the "middle" America. They LOVE controlling and influencing those they see as "beneath" them....
The cosmopolitan liberal journalist in the modern age is tasked with the job of social engineering. The work for the regime to instill obedience to authority in the population. #obedience #socialengineering #journalists

Read 41 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/08/2021…
An Interview with Zeynep Tufekci about Lessons from the Pandemic and the Crisis of Authority…

#COVID19 #PandemicResponse #authority #consequences #sociology #paywall
Archie Cochrane and the Early Days of Evidence-Based Medicine: Seeing Medicine through the Eyes of Philosophy…

#EvidenceBasedMedicine #philosophy #ArchieCochrane #history
Read 8 tweets
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
3 Insanely Simple Reasons why this #SnapchatAd 👻 is CRUSHING‼️

THREAD (1/8)
#1 The ad is made to look Snapchat #Native. Many Snapchat ads are simply recycled TikTok or Instagram Ads, and while that can be successful, you can take your content to the next level by building #PaidContent that looks indistinguishable from #OrganicContent.

What makes it perfect for Snapchat? First, it is a selfie, makes up most of the content that organically circulates on the platform. Second, it uses a Snapchat native Caption Style. The translucent gray bar with Helvetica font has become irrevocably tied to Snapchat.

Read 8 tweets
Okay, let's begin: We're about to enter the technical details of ad publishing and ad targeting/marketing which is of course the business that Facebook is into. Now, Facebook needs to learn more about the user (likes, choices, behavior) if they are ever going to target ads...

1\ users that will be valuable to their advertisers. Now, the method employed by Facebook is called "Intelligent Web Tracking" and is based on HTTP Cookies. Now, cookies are those little snippet of data stored on a computer via the browser in use and is associated to...

...the website url that initiated the storage of the piece of data. Now, there are 2 broad categories of cookie from a lifespan perspective - Session cookies and Persistent cookie. Session cookies are created by your fav back-end frameworks like Django/Laravel/Express/Nestjs

Read 35 tweets
"To elevate your team’s capacity to think for themselves, embed the practice of coaching early in the process. Instead of providing answers, ask questions. The quality of their insights will be directly proportional to the quality of your questions.”…
I subscribe to the practice of leading and delegating by providing #Airmen three things. Providing my #intent, providing the #authority to get the work done, and providing the #tools to get the work done.
Iterate often and early. Have the meeting after the meeting, in the meeting…If my delegating includes telling people *how* to do the work, I’ve missed opportunities for #Airmen to surprise me with #innovation.
Read 3 tweets
This is going to be one of my most important threads.

On Oct 24 2020 we analyzed the Rockefeller Foundation "Message Handbook - #Covid19 Testing & #Tracing, Sept 2020".

This thread examines the #UN [Share] Verified Guide to COVID-19 #Vaccine Communications (released Nov 18). Image
Before we begin, we need to understand who/what [Share] Verified is. Self-described as "the biggest team the world has ever seen" Verified is #Purpose PR firm (sister org of #Avaaz) partnered w/ #UN, #Luminate (#Omidyar) & #Ikea. Image
[Share] Verified "Collaborators" include #WorldBank, #Facebook, #Twitter, #TikTok, etc.…

"Verified works with the support of #Luminate, #IKEA Foundation & UN Foundation & partners all over the world." ImageImageImageImage
Read 41 tweets
At Process Street, we’ve been guest posting for sites like @TechCrunch, @HubSpot, @G2dotcom, @thenextweb, @AppSumo, and so many more for years.

And with over 300 guest posts published, here are 4 top tips from our wealth of experience 📝 (A thread)
Tip #1: Build connections via social media (particularly @Twitter) 🤝

It’s a friendly approach where those connections can be built naturally, quickly, and in a more human way overall.… (@Prowly_com) (1/6)
Tip #2: When it comes to guest posting, adhering to pitching and/or submission guidelines stipulated by a site, publication, or blog is an absolute must 📝

So stick to them!… (@compose_ly) (2/6)
Read 7 tweets
#Demystifying #EIANotification Part II
Part I was abt #Evolution. This is abt #Purpose.
Purpose of #EIANotification is to properly assess in #advance d likely environmental impacts of planned developmental ‘#projects’ so that informed decisions cud be made well in time +
& then a #competent #authority (CA) could either accord or decline an EC (#EnvironmentClearance) to a project proponent (PP).
Presumption of course is that d CA is bound by its constitutional duty under Article 48A & d preamble of EPA1986 to ‘protect’ & ‘improve’ d environment.
#project’ has been defined as “expansion or modernization of any activity (if pollution load is to exceed the existing one) or new project listed in Schedule I to d notification.”
#Competent #Authority (CA)
In #EIA1994Notification d CA was d Central Government +
Read 20 tweets

1. St Vitus appears in early lists of Christian martyrs, and probably died during the persecution of Diocletian, which reached its climax in 303.

He is a patron saint of Prague, actors,

#StVitus #Christianity #FourteenHolyHelpers Image
2. and his intercession has been invoked against snake bites and sleeplessness. Chiefly, though, he has been associated with St Vitus’s Dance.

Historically this term has been used to describe nervous disorders involving rapid, jerky, involuntary movements;
#insomnia #sleep
3. it has also been applied to epilepsy. Today, St Vitus’s Dance is more austerely defined as Sydenham’s Chorea, a disease which induces grimacing and jerking in children and pregnant women, and which is often linked to rheumatic fever.

Tradition relates that Vitus
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As in the early 19th century, the nature of #knowledge itself is being transformed in fundamental ways in the early 21st century

3 key challenges of contemporary #research #communication 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼… Image
During #Humboldt’s time, scientific inquiry and rational thought became foundational to the constitution of #knowledge. Today, we see the relegation of #science to one opinion among many, in debates over matters
ranging from #ClimateChange to #Vaccination… Image
During #Humboldt’s time, challenge for researchers was to develop new channels through which to communicate #knowledge. Today, challenge is for researchers to make their voices heard in the noise of social media communications 👉🏼dangerous #infodemic… Image
Read 6 tweets
1] By each passing day, i wonder what goes through #Mwonzora's mind as he continues to lose his #political battles with #Chamisa.

How does he think of himself as SG of a party who's supposed #MPs (majority), continue to defy his #authority?

Surely, one has to #pause & #reflect.
2] MDC supporters have seen 3 splits now.

They know that they have little to do with #constitutionalism.

When Biti left, NC, commenting on the #congress that followed mockingly said "we haven't invited Tendai & his oranges"

Fast forward to 2019, he's his closest lieutenant.
3] When Ncube left, citing certain issues, those who have left now mocked him.

The same happened when Biti & EM & even MaKhupe left.

The #constitutionalists remained.

The MDC supporters are not stupid.
They are rational.
They see through the patronizing Latin from the Lawyers.
Read 11 tweets
1/20 unfinished thoughts...#online Church has been dismissed for years: a ‘last resort’, a ‘pale imitation’, ‘only just better than nothing’ are 3 verdicts I've heard. Some say how much they #mourn the loss of meeting in church buildings. It's a heavy loss, a significant sorrow.
2/20 But, as with many who #grieve, in our sorrow we must be careful not to #wound others, as #mainstream #church struggles to inhabit what has been the lived, continuous (sometimes total) experience of #disabled #christians, Christians with #mentalhealth struggles...
3/20 ...Christians who are #carers for those who can't #access #Church as we knew it & Christians who work shifts. In our thrashing about in this new arena, we should be careful not to push out those whose #spiritual #home this has been for a long time...
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Today at SFI:

External Professor @DaniSBassett (@Penn) on addressing #inequity in the scientific community caused by #bias in #citation practices—focusing on the evidence of a growing #gender imbalance in the reference lists of #neuroscience research.…
The proportion of #neuroscience papers with woman first or last authors grew from 1995 to 2018, but the undercitation of female authors actually *increased* in that time.

SFI's @DaniSBassett (@Penn) on #gender #inequity in the scientific community:
Undercitation of #neuroscience research with first or last woman authors appears to be driven predominantly by the reference lists of papers written by male-male teams.

This is not to say, however, that all men undercite women, or that women do not also undercite women:
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Till 2014, nearly every one had India ahead , the criticism of the then ruling parties was a mere token.. we had become used to life , filled with corruption,in all walks of life! Though we said it aloud,this can't continue, we need to change, it wasn't from the heart , it was
2. Again a token in chorus with others ,and in 2014, the change came, politically, the voting pattern was clear, we wanted miracles to happen - we wanted the charismatic leader in @narendramodi to clean the shit, most of it dried up, over night,and this shit we have been carrying
4. Since pre independence days; however we were not willing to change ourselves and our habits of disobeying rules/regulations and what not? That we were not willing to compromise - we wanted the easy way out - the result every move the government made was criticized and loud
Read 9 tweets

Tonight I'm going to share highlights from the 2010 "Scenarios for the Future of Technology & Int'l Development" report produced by The Rockefeller Foundation & Global Business Network. Not just the "Lock Step" scenario, but all 4 scenarios. [54 page report]
Following Event 201 (Oct 18 2019), we must concede that the ruling class has been gifted with phenomenal and prophetic intuitions & insights. (They truly are the chosen ones.) Thus it is worthwhile, even mandatory, to study their scenario exercises & simulations.
"We believe that scenario planning has great potential for use in philanthropy to identify unique interventions... scenario planning allows us to achieve impact more effectively." [p 4]
Read 73 tweets

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