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#Toxicnewsrooms? Ask me. I saw someone literally die in front of me. He suffered a massive heart attack and breathed his last in an e-rickshaw on way to LNJP. Before we talk about #toxicworkculture, first we need to understand what is a #toxicworkplace. @IndEditorsGuildv
“...a workplace that is marked by significant infighting, where personal battles often harm productivity. Toxic workplaces are often considered the result of toxic employers and/or toxic employees who are motivated by personal gain (power, money, fame, or special status)
, use unethical, mean-spirited, and sometimes illegal means to manipulate people …” Toxic workers do not recognize a duty to organization or their co-workers in terms of ethics or professional conduct. They don’t recognize merit and thrive in an atmosphere of favouritism
Read 37 tweets
BOOM 🔥🔥 #UAP Whistleblower Blows The Lid Off The #UFO Topic!

It’s explosive. TRIPLE corroboration from senior insider officials on the record and others are unidentified.

Impeccable IC credentials and multiple commendations.

Sorry debunkers and nay-sayers this guy is 100% kicking down the door

Get ready for much more - Europeans get your VPN ready!
Read 17 tweets
Shingles is reactivated by the mRNA jabs and the mechanism is known.
Mass advertising for Shingles treatments in Australia under a marketing agreement between Pfizer and GSK
@abcnews @abc730 @FergusonNews @SBSNews @10NewsFirst @7NewsSydney
@abcnews @abc730 @FergusonNews @SBSNews @10NewsFirst @7NewsSydney Shingles, which kills 1 in a 1000 victims aged over 70, emerged rapidly as a direct effect of Pfizer Jabs from the beginning, so what do we know about the mechanism? Image
Read 4 tweets
Complete #solidarity to @DragoslavicM - and a little 🧵on protection of #journalists granted also by Article 21 (#rightofpeacefulassembly), not only Article 19 (#freedomofexpression), ICCPR
#UN #humanrightscommittee General Comment 37 on Article 21, ICCPR: "The role of #journalists, #humanrightsdefenders, election monitors & others involved in monitoring or reporting on assemblies is of particular importance for the full enjoyment of the #rightofpeacefulassembly."
"Those persons are entitled to protection under the Covenant. They may not be prohibited from, or unduly limited in, exercising these functions, including with respect to monitoring the actions of #lawenforcement officials."
Read 6 tweets

#Denounce, #deny, #deceive - 6 common tactics of media manipulators and why they work to sabotage public discourse

It is time to stop being naive about online discourse.

“The discourse holds so many traps for the unwary. It’s a bit like financial scams and gambling that are a tax on the financially naïve. A similar tax is being levied on the intellectually naïve.” —  @ArthurCDent

@ArthurCDent In the article, I lay out 6 common #manipulation tactics and why they work to sabotage discourse on scientific topics.

First up is "just asking questions" or "#sealioning", which uses social expectations and #framing effects to distort conversations.

Read 12 tweets
The #PutinHitler system of fear can’t solve its people problems.
Regime choice ist external distraction of opinion + internal destruction of people
#negotiate ignores that wars, not war serve its purpose.
#ukraine only more of the same.
Long #thread 1/22
Western approval ratings used by #Russia at gunpoint explains the repeated requirement for wars, not war.
Not external factors, as #negotiate likes to make believe.
Reason to stop war will not work for a system, which needs to start wars and only stops to prepare for the next. 2
#negotiate speak in terms of resources & solutions omits, it requires a productive system to work for output. All #terrorists systems quickly deteriorate to their single core asset, which is fear, not productivity. #Russia is the mother of fear, fed by western appeasement. 3/22
Read 23 tweets
On 1 February @PaBalochistan passed #Balochistan #RTI Act 2021 to protect citizens’ access to information & meaningful participation in the democratic process. Despite the passage of 2 years @dpr_gob failed to implement the Act.
Neither established the Balochistan Information Commission nor the designation of Public Information Officers (#PIOs). Provincial departments are reluctant to respond to information requests & do not comply with the Act.
Without the appeal forum, citizens are deprived to have #AccessToInformation. We (citizens, civil society & #journalists) demand to establish Balochistan Information Commission (#BIC) without further delay. @iFarahAzeemShah
#RightToInformation #Right2Information
Read 4 tweets
one more rumination for tonight, I think. this one is about something that's been called "contrarianism"—a word that's been coined in some attempt to describe the perplexing behavior of celebrity 'influencers', specially the more toxic ones like @mtaibbi and @mattyglesias.

but the behavior is probably quite general. just about *all* of the #journalist and #media figures who have some privileged access to the press and to mass audience have learned to behave in this way on @Twitter and social media: they run away from challenging questions.

the blue-checked "influencers" of the @LPDonovan / @StevenTDennis / @JakeSherman sort (I've picked three names almost at random) are the people who have *benefited the most* from the #Internet-ization of #journalism. social media has amplified their social privilege.

Read 25 tweets
#Ukraine's #Zelenskyy sacks top officials in anti-#corruption clear-out | -3h
- Zelenskyy has sacked over a dozen senior officials following corruption allegations, in Ukraine's biggest political shake-up of the #war so far.…
#Ukraine Rocked By #Corruption #Scandal, Wave Of Top Officials Resign: Sports Cars, Mansions Luxury Vacations As People Suffered | Jan 24
- regional govs, officials overseeing regions including the #Zaporizhzhia and #Kherson regions. Image
Defense minister #Reznikov under fire as #corruption probes rock #Ukraine | Jan 23
- Oleksii involved purchases of military rations at #inflated prices - a topic that has snowballed into top news in #Kyiv.… Image
Read 14 tweets
#Journalists use social media platforms to pursue audience engagement.

They have learned these platforms carry personal & professional risks eg accusations of political bias can lead to being sacked, as well as trolling, doxing, & threats of violence.…
This is especially true for women journalists and journalists of color. This study examines the extent to which newsroom managers help—or hinder—their journalists when it comes to navigating the risks and challenges of audience engagement via social media platforms.
It draws on interviews with 37 reporters, editors, publishers, freelancers, and social media/audience engagement managers from throughout the U.S. about their experiences with and thoughts about their newsroom’s social media policies.
Read 5 tweets
@pamconstable1 From your @washingtonpost article:
“The Taliban wants to segregate women. So it’s training female doctors.”
“This makes me feel like we have done something useful, that all my years of fighting were worth it,” said a Taliban security guard..…
Taliban are NOT training women to become doctors:

Taliban banned #Aghanwomen from attending universities and from getting higher education in Afghanistan, according to the letter released by the Taliban's Ministry of Higher Education.…
I have to ask: just exactly how many #AfghanWomen did you interview before you published this story? I think you need to do more research:…
Read 17 tweets
Thread on #KanjhawalaDeathCase -
How not to investigate a story as a #journalists
एक पत्रकार के तौर पर तय करें कि आप क्राइम रिपोर्टिंग कर रहे हैं या इन्वेस्टीगेटिव रिपोर्टिंग। सबसे पहले दोनों में फ़र्क समझें।
Thread on #KanjhawalaDeathCase -
How not to investigate a story as a #journalists
एक क्राइम रिपोर्टर के तौर पर आप केवल, पुलिस की कार्रवाई-जांच और केस की फर्दर प्रोसीडिंग-अपडेट रिपोर्ट करेंगे। आप पीड़ित और आरोपी के बयान पर रिपोर्टिंग कर सकते हैं। आप अपराध रिपोर्ट करेंगे।
Thread on #KanjhawalaDeathCase -
How not to investigate a story as a #journalists
लेकिन अगर आप इन्वेस्टीगेटिव रिपोर्टिंग या इन्वेस्टिगेटिव क्राइम रिपोर्टिंग कर रहे हैं, तो आपको अपराध की जांच के बुनियादी उसूलों को सामने रखना होगा। खोजी अपराध पत्रकारिता के उसूल भी वही हैं।
Read 42 tweets
1/On Friday. Dec. 23, Judge Ryu granted a preliminary injunction to stop #SanFrancisco from enforcing ordinances that prohibit involuntarily homeless individuals from sitting, lying, or sleeping on public property. However, this does not mean #sweeps will cease completely.
2/The ruling, “does not prevent the city from enforcing laws against public nuisance, protecting accessibility and sidewalk path of travel, or abating unsanitary conditions.”…
3/These types of abatements happen in #Berkeley, which has serious consequences for #unhoused residents’ mental and physical health. “When you consistently lose your stuff in this manner, you begin to lose your mind,” said Eren, a camp resident.
Read 10 tweets
#CIA and #MI6 KNEW #Iraq had NO WMDs. #USA #GeorgeWBush #Cheney @CondoleezzaRice #ColinPowell and #UK #TonyBlair knew it too so they needed a plan to slander #SaddamHussein: Use 3rd party called #Bellingcat to launder #lies via client #journalists + #media, and manipulate World. #CIA and #MI6 KNEW #Iraq ha...
When USEFUL IDIOTS lie: #Navalny with #Bellingcat's Christo Grosev said, "#Novichok disappears from body within hrs" plus Navalny's chief of staff Leonid Volkov trigger phrase "#Putin's signature" for effect. They forgot #Skripal's blood were taken weeks after they were poisoned.
Read 3 tweets
Unredacted 'Fauci emails' proving no scientists had any idea about the virus and no inclination of any cover-up, quite the opposite actually, they investigated thoroughly the idea of a #lableak.

I hope this will be a lesson to many in the media who extended a lot of false goodwill to the fantasies of rank #conspiracists over the statements of professional virologists just doing their work.

The fact that they double down after being proven wrong is just 🚩🚩🚩
As I said previously, and repeatedly, there is no place in polite society for people who profit from #lies, who push harmful conspiracy myths that expose scientists to harassment, threats, and #stochastic terrorism

Any journalist who still decides to #amplify them is accountable
Read 9 tweets
Why the FTX drama is not the end of crypto, but rather a beginning. 🧵

(1/21) For those who don't know me, I guess I should start by just saying I've been in this space for a while. I was here before #MtGox imploded. I met Vitalik before #Eth was a thing. I remember exactly..
(2/21) exactly where I was when #Bitcoin hit $100 & $1000. I remember when the engine driving Bitcoin was a philosophical and ideological one, when the space was a bizarre hybrid of gold bugs, libertarians, anarchists, hackers & OG #cryptography evangelists.
(3/21) I've been here for a while & the recent/ongoing drama involving FTX & #SBF is probably the worst I've seen to date.

Lately we've all heard the same question. "Do you think the FTX debacle is the end of #crypto?". I understand the question, but as somebody who knows...
Read 21 tweets
#Fact: #KhazarianMafia #USA #DeepState #Pentagon own global #media. #Journalists, some #Pulitzer Prize winners, provide full range of clandestine services, intel gathering and serve as go-betweens with #spies. Reporters shared their notebooks w/ #CIA. Editors shared their staffs. #Fact: #KhazarianMafia #USA...
How #KhazarianMafia #USA control global perception: #CIA officer Snepp explained (1983) how CIA planted #news stories in #Vietnam + #fakenews #media @nytimes @NewYorker @latimes @ChiDailyNews etc. Same to this day - #COVID19, #ClimateScam, #Ukraine, etc.

How #KhazarianMafia #USA co...
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The United Nations condemns 42 countries, including India, for retaliating against human rights activists & journalists.
#HumanRights #UnitedNations #India #Journalists #Media #CivilRights…
In his annual report, Secretary General Antonio Guterres highlights the disturbing trend of human rights violations against journalists and human rights defenders at the hands of States and non-State actors over the past year.

#HumanRights #India #UnitedNations #Journalists
The UN report said that the surveillance of individuals and groups who cooperate with the UN continued to be reported in all regions with growing evidence of online surveillance and cyberattacks.

#Surveillance #CyberSecurity #Pegasus
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A short thread on #ClickBait

There is considerable controversy surrounding things #journalists print today. Yes, journalism has always attracted controversy. It should. There is no way around it. This is most true with stories on sensitive subjects.
Think about it. We outrage when such stories are true, and we outrage when such stories are false. We should. We outrage more when misled--even more if baited. Clickbait and misleading titles are the bane of good journalism. I want to focus on this point.
We all know this but it bears repeating. Most journalists don't write titles for their articles. Editors do. Many an article I wrote has a title I would never write. But, I sympathize with editors. They have an impossible job.
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In case you don't know my story, I developed #MECFS #POTS etc. from a virus 8 years ago.

When the pandemic started, I reached out to @itsbodypolitic in May 2020 at the first indication of #LongCovid to help. I would never imagine the sheer number of people it would affect.
Now today, I have close friends from @itsbodypolitic at the #MillionsMissing protest in Washington DC who developed #MECFS from Long COVID. I am devastated that millions more people now suffer from this terrible disease which we have no treatment for.

I am angry because this suffering need to be addressed appropriately. The government failed to act before the pandemic, for the 2.5 million of us with #MECFS and now they have failed to act for the many, many more with #LongCovid who have joined us.

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In the last week, not only 27 Opposition MPs have been suspended (4 in #LokSabha, 23 in #RajyaSabha), but as many as 97 Questions asked by these MPs have been DELETED & Govt has avoided answering these Qs!
There is NO provision in RULES to permit such deletion of Qs!
This dubious practice, which isn't permitted by Rules & has no logic, was first noticed in #MonsoonSession 2020, repeated in Monsoon Session 2021, Winter Session 2021 and now happening again in current #MonsoonSession2022.
See our earlier #Thread-
In the current #MonsoonSession, following is the tally of Qs 'DELETED'. Also, see pics of some Deleted Qs.
- 11 Qs asked by 4 suspended Opposition MPs in #LokSabha
- 86 Qs asked by 23 suspended Opposition MPs in #RajyaSabha

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For every #SriLankan who saw protestors at #GGG being assaulted by the #military & said "if they are doing this in #Colombo, can you imagine what happened to #Tamils in the #North & #East?" ENOUGH! There is no need to imagine, we know! 1/8
There are enough videos, films, still photographs, eye witness testimony, survivor testimony #UN reports, & other expert reports to clearly lay out what happened in #Mullivaikkal & before, was #CrimesAgainstHumanity, #WarCrimes & #Genocide. You chose not to believe! 2/8
There are 100's of people who died getting that information of #WarCrimes out of the #WarZone. Too many #journalists & #activists were killed, attacked, jailed, #tortured & exiled trying to disseminate that information, because you chose not to believe. 3/8
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Democracy is at stake in the midterms. The media must convey that.

We journalists have to try harder and find new ways to convey to voters how badly things could turn out

Good article about journalistic responsibility by @Sulliview…
"thanks to a paranoid, delusional and potentially violent new strain in our nation’s politics, Americans may not be able to count on future elections being conducted fairly — or the results of fair elections being accepted."

#DemocracyInDanger… Image
"most of the Republican Party publicly touts the LIE that Donald Trump won the 2020 election but that the vote was rigged and victory stolen from him.

The Republican elected officials who won’t back Trump are being driven out of office by his faithful."… Image
Read 8 tweets

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