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@PiaAhrenkilde @EU_Commission @EC_AVService #mRNA-#Leyen-#Pfizer.
cc: @ Rabyna46
#WEF: At least 4 billion #UselessEaters must be #eliminated.
- #Schwab mentioned the #Chinese and #Japanese people as they have been regimented for centuries who accept and #obey #orders without question
@PiaAhrenkilde @EU_Commission @EC_AVService 1. Insider Jacques #Atalli Revealed "#Vaccine" #Genocide Plan in -81 | Dec 7, 2021
2. This missive from Jacob #Rothschild (Lifts the #Veil) was written in reply to this article which appeared at thetruthseeker | Jan 8
- "#Covid is a necessary #hoax"
@PiaAhrenkilde @EU_Commission @EC_AVService #Darpa-#WarpSpeed-#mRNA.
Revealing Symbols - Top of the Pyramid
- #Rothschild coat of arms
- The coat of arms where the knight has two blue feathers on the edges and one white in the middle belongs to the #Leyen fam
Read 15 tweets
The Dark Roots of the “#BrusselsEU” - The birth place of the "Brussels EU" on the drawing boards of the #Nazi/#IGFarben-coalition for a post-war Europe under their control | 2016
- #MI5 files: Nazis planned '#FourthReich' in post-war #Europe… ImageImageImage
The Dark Roots of the “#BrusselsEU
- The corporate preparations for #WW2 started as early as 1925, when #Bayer, #BASF, #Hoechst and other German multinationals formed a #cartel called “#IGFarben Industry”… ImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Children of #Donbass - THE #WAR IS ON! CHILDREN vs THE #NAZIS | 5 months ago…
#SaveOurChildren deNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt cc: @ DaniMayakovski
#Ukraine. Images from the #Azov Battalion children's camp, where children from the age of 8 are #brainwashed into #Nazism and prepared militarily by indoctrinating them into a #hatred of #killing Russians. (2015)
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Ukrainian children drugged and indoctrinated by the #Nazis into shouting the #Hitler salute of "#SiegHeil" while being laughed at. (2016)
This video was captured from the flash drive of a press reporter from the #AzovBattalion at the #Mariupol base.
Read 45 tweets
@leslibless btw: There were many of us tweeting this "authorization was not justified" #warpspeed by DJT and knew HCQ and Ivermectin from the very start stopped covid.
This is a coverup by #fakenews to state they didn't know b/c #Nuremberg2 cometh. lying b'stards.
@leslibless #WarpSpeed Killed Thousands #Nurember2 cometh. Megan is Lying watch her eyes. She knows Media Was Hung Right Alongside the Nazi's for Lying to the Public. Thousands of People were telling everyone about #Ivermectin, I had many tweets #AskACowboy in re.…
@leslibless Here is just one of my files: Vaccination, The Jab, Big Pharma, Covid, Kill Shots. Infographics…
Read 14 tweets
@CristianTerhes @vonderleyen @AlbertBourla Swedish Radio SR:
#Sweden had to #destroy 8,5 million '#Covid19-#vaccine' shots.
- Swedish are not interested enough to take 3rd, 4th or 5th jab.
@CristianTerhes @vonderleyen @AlbertBourla #EU #Ombudsman to identify good #practices on how the EU admin keeps #records of work-related text and instant #messages | 02 July 2021
- has written to several EU institutions and agencies to ask what #measures they have in place for #documenting msgs
Read 13 tweets
@IPiikki @turnusband "PEG-nanokantajat pääsevät kulkemaan elimistön biologisten esteiden läpi. Ne menevät rasvaliukoisina nanokantajina myös [1]veri-aivoesteen läpi ja jos ne läpäisevät veri-aivoesteen, ne läpäisevät myös istukan."
@IPiikki @turnusband #PEGylated lipids; #ALC135
ALC-135 is functional Cationic lipid of the vaxx.
-introduction of an aquenos #RNA solution.. at a specific pH leads to an #electrostatic interaction between #negatively charged RNA backbone and #positively charged Cationic lipid
@IPiikki @turnusband #SINOPEG #China Pat. #CN112220919A
Nano #coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking #GrapheneOxide as carrier
- The invention; field of nano materials and biomedicine, and relates to a vaccine, to devt of #2019nCoV #coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine
Read 24 tweets
@ChuckCallesto #RussianRonJohnson plagiarizes @GovRonDeSantis who said he would do that. As a Medicinal Chemist who taught drug dev process to Biomedical Scis, MDs,PhDs, PharmDs, I provided a summary. Bottom line #WarpSpeed cut time to market fr 8-15yrs to 2yrs, limiting data #BlameTrump @GOP
@ChuckCallesto @GovRonDeSantis @GOP Drug dev begins w Rational Drug Design of likley candidates, based on Structure Activity Relationship models. Then lab, bench scale prep, efficacy tests, in vitro, then in vivo. Likely candidates tested in rats to get ADME-Tox data.Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion
@ChuckCallesto @GovRonDeSantis @GOP 3/ Safety & efficacy tested in animal models (all research animals protected under IACUC protocols under USDA regs). If safe & effective, plans to proceed to Clinical Trials, under @US_FDA guidelines governed by 45 CFR 46 Human Subjects Research protection regs. CT Phases I-IV.
Read 8 tweets
Kyllä me #judaisti-#siionisti-#kasaari-#natsit sitten naurettiin.
- Sinisilmäiset #goyimit kaikkein mieluimmin alentuvat pelleiksimme, sotivat puolestamme, tuhoavat maansa ja kansansa omalla kustannuksellaan ja nuolevat saappaamme puhtaiksi, lastensa verestä. ImageImage
#EudraVigilance: 41,834 #DEAD 3.9 Million #Injured Following #COVIDVaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100% | Mar 22, 2022
- From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,814,420) are SERIOUS injuries.
https://tinyurl. com/24j2ssbj Image
#Darpa-#Roulette-#mRNA, #Idolatry in the Twenty First Century.
80 #Canadian MDs “#boosted” and dead | Oct 20, 2022
- Though many #doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign.
Read 36 tweets
Introducing Warp: a new implementation of data-driven smart contracts built on top of the @arweave network. Who would find it useful, and what are best fit use cases in the existing ecosystem? Read the🧵below to learn more.
#arweave #smartweave #warpspeed Image
@arweave What issue are we solving? First of all, astronomic usage costs of current #blockchainprotocols.
1GB of storage costs at least $1M on @ethereum,
at least $500k on @solana — it is just too expensive. @arweave comes to the rescue, with mind blowing $5 per 1GB storage (as of 2022).
@arweave @ethereum @solana It’s more than #storageonchain, though.
Here's what Arweave’s own protocol #SmartWeave is good at:
🔐 providing #dataintegrity,
🤝 offering real #dataownership through #NFT
💫 decoupling storage from computation, saving a ton on process efficiency
Read 7 tweets
Dice la bibliografía q la #educacióninclusiva es un proceso sin fin, y con @smart_open como director se nos ocurrió q con ese horizonte estaría bien investigar maneras de pisar el acelerador🤔 @RedDivulga @CrueUniversidad @UniBarcelona @UBDivulga Abro #HiloTesis👇
Con el equipaje de años de experiencia docente, en la administración y la universidad, observamos el sistema con #lentesinclusivas, en busca del impulso q acercara la #educacióninclusiva a la #warpspeed q requieren los tiempos y la obligación profesional, social y moral
Empezamos por analizar la evolución del marco conceptual de la discapacidad, q no es poco, para reflejar cómo la manera de entenderla (y definirla) condiciona la intervención, respuesta educativa, organización del sistema… pq no es lo mismo la mirada individual q la social
Read 20 tweets
1. I get why @TheDemocrats don't want to engage in a propaganda war, but by leaving the field to the #GQP, the disinformation will only get worse. Responding, to counter GQP falsehoods with truth is one tool that is being employed, but more subtle weapons can be employed that can
2. have a real impact on the propagandists.

Why is the #KochNetwork #propaganda machine attacking #Covid19 #vaccines when they're a product of TFG's one major achievement? Remember "#WarpSpeed?" TFG should be getting credit for vaccines, but the GQP #KochNetwort made vaccines
3. the boogieman. #TFG needs #KochNetwork cash, so he won't say anything, especially after being booed for suggesting people get vaccinated.

It's been apparent to me for many years that #Koch and #Putin are working together in many areas with the shared goal of retaining power.
Read 14 tweets
Finding new DeFi investment opportunities on Ethereum is difficult with the dominance of Blue Chip projects and farming explosion on EVM compatible Layer 1s. @warpfinance, an evolving money market, provides an exceptional risk/reward opportunity.

Let's start with the problem. Warp Finance has been slow to market with its V2 because they were waiting on a security audit from @trailofbits, and made the decision to shift from purely focusing on Uni V3 NFT compatability to incorporating @element_fi LP tokens as collateral.

The audit was completed, however, documentation leaves a lot to be desired. Warp has not updated their website docs, Discord server is dead, and everything is either on Twitter or Telegram 🤮

Read 11 tweets
“La vacuna Covid de #AstraZeneca ha estado marcada por nobles intenciones, errores de comunicación, juicios complicados, pesadillas de fabricación y rivalidad política y económica. ¿Cómo fue que todo salió tan mal? vía @BW #Bloomberg
“Mene Pangalos, jefe de investigación biofarmacéutica de #AstraZeneca Plc, se acostó el lunes 22 de marzo sintiéndose bien por primera vez en mucho tiempo. Después de trabajar las 24 hs del día durante el fin de semana, acababa de anunciar mejor que los resultados intermedios”.
“Eran resultados del gran ensayo de vacunación de la compañía en EEUU 🇺🇸: La inyección fue segura y 79% efectiva para prevenir casos de #Covid19 sintomático. Noticias positivas, por fin, después de meses de preguntas sobre todo, incluida la seguridad y la escasez de suministros”.
Read 78 tweets
On #FaceTheNation, Trump's #WarpSpeed chief Moncef Slaoui now trying to claim credit for @POTUS @JoeBiden's success w/ #COVID19vaccinations.

Reminder: Trump wanted much lower $$ for #vaccines R&D. Congress went higher with $8.3B/rejected Trump's $2.5B.…
Another reminder: Trump had no idea #NIH & $MRNA had started on a #COVID19 vaccine in mid-January 2020 based on research funded by the @BarackObama administration.…

Trump himself claims he first heard of #coronavirus in late January.

#FaceTheNation #FTN
Also, NIH & U.S. companies were long into #COVID19 #vaccines R&D before Moncef Slaoui came on the scene with Operation #WarpSpeed.

Slaoui doing a lot of rewriting of history on #FaceTheNation today.

#FTN #COVID19vaccines #COVID19 #COVIDvaccinations #OWS
Read 4 tweets
@Summers33456923 @2dedostesta @Public_Citizen @propublica @blowwhistleloud @AOC @SenSanders @ewarren @trayNTP @TheGrayzoneNews @HighWireTalk @BernieSanders @JayChance12 @POTUS @JoeBiden @VP @KamalaHarris @NIH @BarackObama @Baric_Lab “The sequence for 1918 H1N1 influenza belongs to the main avian H1 cluster, which contains sequences from the avian reservoir for 2009 H1N1 influenza. Antigenic similarity between H1 HA from 1918 & 2009 although nearly a century apart, is well supported.”…
@Summers33456923 @2dedostesta @Public_Citizen @propublica @blowwhistleloud @AOC @SenSanders @ewarren @trayNTP @TheGrayzoneNews @HighWireTalk @BernieSanders @JayChance12 @POTUS @JoeBiden @VP @KamalaHarris @NIH @BarackObama @Baric_Lab “CDC researchers and their colleagues successfully reconstructed the influenza virus that caused the 1918-19 flu pandemic, which killed as many as 50 million people worldwide.” 👉1918-2009👇…
Read 292 tweets
Para los que quieren conocer mejor la vacuna proteica contra #COVID19 de @Novavax NVX-CoV2373, uno de los candidatos de vacunas en pruebas de Fase 3 en 🇲🇽y que esperemos reporte ✔️ resultados de efectividad y seguridad en los próximos meses, abro hilo para @WeTweetScienceM 1/ 11
Si bien esta pequeña empresa de Maryland 🇺🇸 no tiene aún ningún producto aprobado en el mercado, la tecnología de nanopartículas📷cubiertas de proteínas sintéticas esta bien fundada y con años de investigación (tienen vacuna de flu q ya reportó fase3)2/…
La vacuna NVX-CoV2373 de @Novavax contiene nanopartículas de lípidos (esferas de 40nm) con 14 proteínas similares a las proteínas S (spike)del coronavirus🦠junto con un adyuvante (q amplifica la respuesta inmunológica) hecho de Quillaja saponaria Molina 3/…
Read 11 tweets
.@DrNancyM_CDC on #COVID19 vaccinations: It's the early stages of the complicated task but a task we're up for.
These are new vaccines & new platforms.
Storage/handling/administering slightly complicated.…
#STATPlusConversations #vaccines
#STATPlusConversations .@DrNancyM_CDC: Now that facilities/hospitals have experience with #COVID19 #vaccines & holidays over, expect pace of administration to go up massively in next couple of weeks.

Read 27 tweets
Here's #WarpSpeed's Slaoui again #gaslighting.
No, it wasn't just 20M #COVID19 #vaccines doses "available" or "allocated."

Watch how Slaoui squirms when clips replayed of him, Azar, Trump all saying 20M vaccinated by end of 2020.

And then Slaoui goes on to lie again here.
#WarpSpeed's Slaoui Dec. 2: "We will be able to distribute enough vaccine to immunize 20 million people in the U.S. in December — that's 40 million doses."

They failed. They've not distributed those #COVID19 #vaccines doses.

It's Jan 5 & only 15.4M delivered/4.5 administered.
Does #WarpSpeed's Moncef Slaoui have any credibility left?

After Slaoui lies on national TV & then is confronted with clips of him stating he said 20M people vaccinated/immunized by end of 2020, he brushes it off with "So," & then lies again.

#COVID19 #vaccines
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Here's Alex Azar #gaslighting on #COVID19 #vaccines & also appearing to shoot down Slaoui $MRNA half-dose idea.

Azar/Slaoui vowed 40M doses - enough to vaccinate 20M - by end of 2020. #Christmas was always part of their schedule. They failed but want to make excuse after excuse.
How much confidence should Americans have when Alex Azar says he's surprised there haven't been more glitches with #COVID19 vaccinations & brushes off everything that's gone wrong as expected? Really?… #vaccines $PFE $MRNA
The commitment was to have 40 million #COVID19 #vaccines doses - enough to vaccinate 20 million people -"distributed" by the end of 2020, not "available" as Azar is #gaslighting today & Slaoui/Perna tried to do same at last week's #WarpSpeed briefing. Azar failed on delivery.
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The U.S. surpassed 350,000 reported deaths from #COVID19 last night.…

And Trump, Pence & Alex Azar are doing what about it today?

Where is the accountability for these deaths?

As of yesterday #CDC says 13,071,925 doses of #COVID19 #vaccines distributed but only 4,225,756 administered.…

Recall, Alex Azar pushed back against any additional funds for states to administer vaccines. #HHS was also slow to distribute #CARESAct funds.
Fauci on #ThisWeek: "There's no running away from the numbers."
"The deaths are real deaths."

Meanwhile, Trump remains in denial & continues to undermine #CDC's #publichealth experts.

#COVID19 #pandemic #vaccines
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Azar on @CBSThisMorning insisting it's important for him to get $MRNA #COVID19 vax today b/c he's a "leader."
Azar's wife tested positive & he's refusing to quarantine & he's been at photo ops/briefings.
Today, he'll be at #NIH, putting Fauci, @NIHDirector, others at risk
Is it leadership to refuse to quarantine, claim you're an "essential worker" to get around that quarantine, hold photo ops putting others potentially at risk, not to mention stepping in front of health care workers at #NIH to get $MRNA #COVID19 vaccine?
1 month left Azar at #HHS
Would it have shown better leadership to follow #CDC's advice, #stayhome & #quarantine after being exposed to #COVID19 & wait your turn to get $MRNA vaccine rather than stepping in front of critical health care workers?

Azar claimed he gets the shot today b/c he's a "leader."
Read 77 tweets

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