#Zionists #ApartheidIsrael #IsraelCrimes #PalestinianGenocide #WorldConspiracy #IsraeliCrimes #israeliterrorism #IsraelZionism #DeepState #DeepStateCorruption #IsraelInterferenceInUSPolicy #IsraelLobbyGroup
🆕#Israel ⤵
To be a Zionist is to be a criminal. Israel is a Nazi entity based on the theft of the territory of the Palestinian state.
#Jerusalem ⚠
Mount Hermon⚠
Israel refused to let a Palestinian mother who bore triplets collect her only-surviving baby daughter from hospital for 6 agonising months middleeastmonitor.com/20190529-pales…
Without arrest, interrogation, charge, trial or the right to appeal, israel steals a blind Palestinian woman's money.. because they can #BDS haaretz.com/amp/israel-new…
Israel storms al-Aqsa Mosque, smashes artefacts, bludgeons and brutally attacks ppl praying, while israelis parade their #MarchofHate middleeasteye.net/video/israeli-…
Any 'definition of anti-Semitism should include the condemnation of anti-Semitic & colonial expressions such as: Israel is the Jewish state' middleeastmonitor.com/20190601-israe…
One day, israel will have to become a democracy, with real elections, because it doesn’t have the right to exist otherwise | Gideon Levy haaretz.com/amp/opinion/.p…
Kushner thinks Palestine is incapable of self-governance b/c it has no press freedom or religious tolerance — no, wait, he meant to say israel axios.com/jared-kushner-…
Free access to clean water is a basic human right — a binding legal commitment enshrined in int'l law & yet, denied the Palestinian ppl english.palinfo.com/40382
Israel kills 30 Palestinian civilians in May, including 2 children — one person per day: 28 of the fatalities were from Gaza #EidMubarak electronicintifada.net/content/palest… …
Israel moves to steal 126 acres of Palestinian land from the villages of Burin, Iraq Burin & Kafr Qallil to expand one of its illegal settlements english.palinfo.com/40390
Amnesty demands Trip Advisor stop promoting Israel settlements
spoke like a true white supremacist colonizer.
1 de jun
#Flashback The Crazy Imbalance of🇷🇺-gate: What about🇮🇱? Robert Parry deconstructs the latest🇷🇺-gate propaganda &examines the foreign nation that most influences🇺🇸elections & pushes us into wars:🇮🇱, w the help of its American..

How🇮🇱Weaponizes Archeology. When🇮🇱created itself in 1948—even before this date—the “Jewish State” worked to take control of archaeology, & thus, of the region’s history. It toiled to erase footprints of the numerous civilizations...

WATCH as IOF raid Al-Aqsa mosque and trap Muslim worshipers inside. Palestinians cannot even pray in peace. No respect for freedom of religion.
Israel's ethnic cleansing in Palestine is not history - it's still happening shar.es/a0cEoW Let's call it what it really is... genocide.
By @swilkinsonbc
The EU won't enforce int'l law or make israel pay for its theft; instead it's gifting the killing-state with cash & the message that 'crime pays' electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abun…
🛑Zionist Logic
#Israel Is Not Signatory To NPT So We’re Not Breaking Any Rules #BDS
#US Aid law passed in 1970s strictly prohibits aid to any nuclear powers that don’t sign the #NPT agreement.
😡👉It's illegal under US law to give any aid to #Israel‼️
Trump & Netanyahu effigies BURNT along with their national FLAGS across Palestine, Pakistan and Iran
🛑#UK Sir Gerald Kaufmann MP,“#Israelis Are Acting Like Nazis”..#Israel Dose Not Want Peace ☮️With The #Palestinians -They Regard As Non-Human #BDS #Palestine #Gaza #IsraeliCrimes #ApartheidIsrael
Scandalous Details of Trump’s ‘Deal of Century’ for Palestine - globalresearch.ca/israeli-paper-…
Anyone who supports this Israeli Brutalising Of The Palestinian People is a very sad excuse for a human being , Israel’s actions are an embarrassment to the Millions Of Decent Jewish People ,
Imagine suggesting Jews couldn't govern themselves? Kushner's remarks on Palestinians slammed — RT USA News rt.com/usa/460980-kus…
Smotrich wants israel to be ruled by laws where slavery & stoning to death are practised, homosexuality is illegal & women are chattels middleeasteye.net/news/israeli-m…
Kushner, @jdgreenblatt45 & the others are determined never to miss any opportunity to insult and alienate Palestinians and make sure dialogue with them is politically impossible and that their “plan” will fail, which is the obvious goal. reuters.com/article/us-isr…
Huge protest march outside the US Consulate in Casablanca voices condemnation of Trump's plan to liquidate the Palestinian cause english.palinfo.com/40397
World Health Organisations report finds that israel is permanently disabling 3 Palestinian children per month, every month #StopIsrael middleeastmonitor.com/20190603-who-3…
Israel is a dysfunctional, corrupt country led by right-wing fascists & yet Jared Kushner calls Palestine ungovernable | Richard Silverstein richardsilverstein.com/2019/06/04/whe…
Israel has killed 448 Palestinians since the US falsified Jerusalem's status as "israel's capital" in 2017 — 36 ppl were killed last month english.palinfo.com/news/2019/6/4/…
From May 11 through May 24 Israeli security forces arrested at least 97 Palestinians, including 11 minors; made at least 95 raids on towns and villages; raided at least 92 homes; and set up at least 99 flying checkpoints.

In an act of provocation, israel invades Rafah city on the southern tip of Gaza with bulldozers and armoured vehicles, & razes Palestinian land english.palinfo.com/40401
Israel storms neighbourhoods across Palestine, fires tear gas & stun grenades at residents, drags 12 people into custody #eidmubarak2019 english.palinfo.com/40403
Israeli minister Miri Regev incites israeli settlers to continue breaking into the sanctity of Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque compound #BDS middleeasteye.net/news/we-will-s…
Not content with the massacre of Palestinian children, #Israel is now starting to kill the Palestinian environment by destroying orange trees to pave the way for illegal settlements in a deafening global silence.
By @anyaparampil
Netanyahu is now Israel's Defense, Education, Health, and Justice Minister. If his name were Assad, Maduro, or Rouhani perhaps mainstream media would consider him dictator of a "regime" rather than leader of a government?
If someone was to condemn this religious nut are they anti Semitic? Asking for a friend ‘Kill Palestinians to get closer to God,’ Israeli rabbi says - SUCH TV shar.es/a0G54c
Gaza on the Brink: Norman Finkelstein on Israeli Forces Targeting Palest...
It's absurd that such Racist Literature be allowed to be Propagated in America let alone FUNDED BY TAXPAYERS. There is NO QUESTION that RABBINICAL LITERATURE IS A HATE CRIME UNDER UNITED STATES LAW.
Oh, Goodness, right between the eyes! 😱
The United States convoluted and hypocritical aproach to The Apartheid Regime of Israel trully knows no bounds. 🤢
I will #NeverVote for #Candidates that #StandWIsrael Over half of the presidential candidates provided📹of support to the American Jewish Committee for its 2019 Global Forum.The #AJC is known for its advocacy for Israel #FuckAJC #FreePalestine israelpalestinenews.org/watch-candidat…
Benjamin Netanyahu is now Israel’s:
-Defence Minister
-Health Minister
-Justice Minister....while he faces criminal charges.
This is the so-called ‘only democracy in the Middle East’ 🙃
Beyond Crazy, Straight On to Total Absurdity: As Netanyahu faces criminal indictments & new election – He also just made himself Israel's "Justice Minister" Really? Really? Really. tinyurl.com/y5a97v92
Stunning new interactive map from @btselem illustrates🇮🇱apartheid:
#Israel has expanded into "#Palestinian space over the decades, shattering the land into small, isolated units, & keeping Palestinians apart from one another & from Israelis."
Body of a 4 yr old Palestinian Bedouin girl is found in a burnt out car
But hey🙌🏼 she’s Palestinian, so no one cares
Jared Kushner just laughed in the face of the Palestinian leaders who stayed faithful to the notion that negotiations were the way forward haaretz.com/amp/middle-eas… …
If you support Palestine, you're not anti-Semitic, you're supporting a people who are being deliberately ethnically cleansed from their land, as described so well by Israeli Professor Ilan Pappe in his book, 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine'

I will make a break, enjoy the weather and just leave this here:
Fuck Off ISrael!
Israel Caught Harvesting Organs From Dead Syrians
newspunch.com/israel-harvest… …
Chief #Palestinian negotiator calls on #Arabs to #boycott ‘US settlers’ ptv.io/2k2N

Ayatollah Khamenei slams a US-devised plan on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a betrayal of the Muslim world.
Deal of the century will turn into major failure for Israel, Analyst says
Representatives of Myanmar's brutal killing regime attend israel's arms expo to peruse new weaponry tried & tested on Palestinian civilians 972mag.com/myanmar-genoci…
Palestine will surely be returned to its ppl says Iranian leader, but Islamic nations must unite against israel's criminal acts of barbarism en.mehrnews.com/news/146099/
EU ministers warn that israel is "sliding into a one-state reality" aka apartheid.. hello? — israeli apartheid has been an aka-reality for years middleeasteye.net/opinion/israel…
Violating the int'l rights of the child, israel forbids Palestinian children held in its draconian jails to celebrate or see their parents during Eid english.palinfo.com/40409
Bernie Sanders compares the killing of his own family by the nazis to the israeli regime's crushing & murderous occupation of Palestine mondoweiss.net/2019/06/sander…
WHO's harrowing report on Gaza's wounded sanitises the fact that this body-breaking and traumatising violence is by israeli policy & design electronicintifada.net/blogs/maureen-…
15 masked israelis are filmed throwing rocks & cement blocks at a Palestinian home while the family were hiding for their lives inside haaretz.com/israel-news/.p…
‘Terror attacks aim to deflect attention from #Palestine’ ptv.io/2k4E
#FreePalestine #TerrorAttack

‘A great treachery to the Islamic world’
#Iran's Supreme Leader lashed out on the so-called 'Deal of the Century' peace deal between #Israel and #Palestine, which Donald #Trump wants to implement in the Middle East.
Facing the Facts: Israel Cannot Escape ICC Jurisdiction mintpressnews.com/facing-facts-i…
Both Afek & Ney agreed on many things, including that🇮🇱&🇺🇸are blameless in all of their military conflicts & that they will always be united against any attempt to hold them accountable for war crimes by the International Court of Justice.
Before the 1948 war, Majdal had been a commercial & administrative center with a population of 12,000. It also had religious importance: nearby, amid the ruins of ancient Ashkelon, stood Mash'had Nabi Hussein, an 11th-century structure...
The Al-Aqsa compound is 1 of the holiest sites in Islam & served as the first Qibla, the direction towards which Muslims must turn to pray, before that was changed to Mecca.
🇵🇸s fear🇮🇱is trying to divide the holy mosque btwn Muslims & Jews
He explained that it was impossible to evacuate a 7-StoryBuilding–where 15 families,including some w children & elderly people,lived–within 5 minutes.The ShinBetMan replied:“That’s of no interest to me.I AlreadyTold you:You have 5 minutes.”
'Israel' is an apartheid state, nothing to do with anti-Semitism, denying the Holocaust or being anti-Jewish!