#Zionists #ApartheidIsrael #IsraelCrimes #PalestinianGenocide #WorldConspiracy #IsraeliCrimes #israeliterrorism #IsraelZionism #DeepState #DeepStateCorruption #IsraelInterferenceInUSPolicy #IsraelLobbyGroup
The #Czech parliament rejects draft resolution on moving the country's embassy from #TelAviv to occupied #Jerusalem.

A US governor has blamed Palestinians for Israel’s ongoing occupation of their land, just weeks before the United States plans to unveil the economic portion of its “deal of the century” peace plan.
Jordan’s King Abdullah II has told US President Donald Trump’s senior adviser Jared Kushner that a lasting Middle East peace can only come with the creation of a Palestinian state on land captured by Israel in the 1967 war.
qudsnen.co/jordans-king-a… …
Jordan king to Kushner: Palestinians must have own state ptv.io/2jsY
#FreePalestine #Palestine

#Israel to construct over 800 new settler units in East Jerusalem al-Quds

All Palestinians against deal of the century: Commentator

A resistance story: over 50 years of life under Israeli occupation
#Palestine #FreePalestine
Accurate and undeniable.
"If Washington D.C. crumbled to the ground, the last thing that would remain is our support for Israel."
-Nancy Pelosi at AIPAC
Yet @IlhanMN is smeared for even mentioning the idea that Israel has a grip on US policy? 🙃
Israel hated ban on intelligence for targeted killings, so U.S. made new rules interc.pt/2WwVb6C
. Palestine - Old films, photo 1000s of them being recovered via a curator Rona Sela at Tev Aviv U
The archive was stolen & hidden by Israel.
israelpalestinenews.org/old-palestinia… …

New bill from Rep. Betty McCollum prohibits Israeli military from using U.S. funds to detain and ill-treat Palestinian children
“H.R. 2407 is sending a clear message to Israeli authorities that the systemic impunity enjoyed for so long concerning widespread ill-treatment of Palestinian child detainees must end,” said Parker.
What has been happening in🇵🇸/MiddleEast for OverHalf a century is now being done to us all over the🌍Ask yourselves,what protection do you have against your MilitaryPolice or govt/corporations?Laws?Thinks again!
We are all connected.Wake Up!
#TBT Israeli companies offer tourist training camps in which families, even with small children, practice shooting live ammunition at targets resembling Palestinians. Such courses are also being offered in the US. Details:

Licensed Israeli Jews are allowed to carry firearms—they have even been encouraged to carry. Palestinians on the other hand are not allowed to possess weapons.

2 Palestinians, one a child, killed by Israeli forces in separate events pbs.org/newshour/world… … @ifamericansknew #ChildKillers
RT @Just2BiZI: @BrianRe19196254 @Dragonsoul9Fire @ZionistReport @ifamericansknew Sen Ben Cardin & The🇮🇱Anti-Boycott Bill
The🇮🇱Anti-Boycott Bill threatens FreeSpeech, hidden in Govt funding a package to be passed. This will make boycot..
Rubio introduces Anti-BDS bill
Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s new bill to Congress that will outlaw any entities doing business with the federal govt from boy…
The Staggering Cost of🇮🇱to #Americans
A stack of $3.8 billion bills would reach the International Space Station.
The new package to🇮🇱will give🇮🇱ten times that much money.
...Whilst🇺🇸on the #brink goes #Boke #Starves
This man has it right. #FreePalestine There is no separation through Jesus Christ! #ZionistTerroristOccupation
The urgent Arabic summit in #Makkah,🇸🇦,is disappointing. Instead of agreeing on, how 2 face the destructive #DealOfTheCentury, they deepens the rift in the region & pave the way 4 more instability & chaos, serving the strategy of🇮🇱in the area. #Iran #Palestine

June 1, 2018: Razan Ashraf Najjar, 22, was a female volunteer medic who was shot & killed by🇮🇱forces while helping treat wounded protesters at a ‘Great Return March’ protest. Razan was from the Gaza Strip.
Read more: bit.ly/2KfPbZy

A simple Dream and a bullet in the heart thegazapost.com/en/post/49102

The🇮🇱police had stormed their village & destroyed tents & tin dwellings & kept the residents homeless under the hot sun during their fast in Ramadan"

🇮🇱Ministry of Housing it’s intention on the construction of 805 settlement units in occupied Jerusalem, confirming that this is the implementation of an expansionist colonial plan...".

The 60th Friday of the weekly Great March of Return and Breaking the Israeli siege protests thegazapost.com/en/post/49150

🇮🇱’s threat to🌍peace
This same warmongering, hard-right ideologue is now leading the drumbeat for war against Iran.
It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that, much like the“intelligence”Bush/Blair drummed up as pretext for their Iraq invasion
Frontline says it may never broadcast the Gaza documentary
Americans who dislike censorship and who feel we have the right and the need to be fully informed on Israel-Palestine.
UPDATE: We’ve just learned that our video is also now on archive.org .
One Day in Gaza - 2019 Documentary (with additional info) 📹disq.us/t/3eyt6fv
The youngest victim was Laila Ghandour, 8 months and the oldest victim was Ibrahim Ahmad al-Arrouqi, 78.
The best way to capture Palestinian children.
What if the police in your country captured your brother in such a way?
Israeli police arrest three Palestinian children at Aqsa Mosque
Israeli forces (the illegal colonisers) today harass, terrorise & abduct at least 17 Palestinians (the landowners) around Al Quds, the eternal capital of Palestine
🎥 @LocalFocus1 🇵🇸
This is #America
An expanding hand to build a settlement in Israel
Extending another hand to amputate a foot or a hand in Gaza
EU condemns Israel's 'illegal' settlement expansion presstv.com//Detail/2019/0…
There should be one of these in every capital city in the world 🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸 #GroupPalestine
Great victory for the freedom of speach, as Israel tries to silence the BDS movement m.jpost.com/Israel-News/Po…
Racist apartheid colonial Trump/Kushner/Israel #FarcePlan is nothing more than an attempt to completely obliterate the Palestinian cause
Welcome to Illegally occupied Jerusalem where, In the words of @HagaiElAd (Zionists are) “Engineering a Jewish majority by driving out Palestinians”
Aka #EthnicCleansing
.@ICCT_TheHague @IntlCrimCourt
Israel STEALS Palestinian classrooms provided by EU & then tries to “auction them off” to raise themselves a few more shekels
amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/may… …

EU condemns Israel’s theft of, & subsequent attempt to auction off Palestinian humanitarian aid
❌Someone needs to take action against this Rogue State & be quick about it
english.pnn.ps/2019/06/01/eu-… …

#Watch| "I've been raising my child for 16 years so that they take him away in a moment?!"
Father of Abdallah Gheith bidding farewell to his 16-year-old son,who was shot by🇮🇱soldiers while trying to reach the #AlAqsa mosque #Palestine #Ramadan
and 448 since #Trump's decision to recognize #Jerusalem as "#Israel's" capital, including 98 children, 18 ladies, 6 with special needs, 73 in Israeli bombardments, 8 prisoners, ad one in an assassination in Malaysia. #Palestine
Political leaders and heads of state from Islamic nations have condemned countries that have made the “illegal and irresponsible decision” to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The European Union strongly criticised Israeli plans to expand settlements in occupied Jerusalem
Extremist Jewish settlers perform Talmudic rituals after storming the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied Jerusalem, today.
Thousands of protesters went to streets to show solidarity with Palestinians and condemn #Trump's '#DealOfTheCentury'. #Palestine #Iran #Iraq #Pakistan #Malaysia #Kashmir #Pakistan #Germany #SouthAfrica #Nigeria #Kenya qudsnen.co/in-pictures-wo…
People around the world hold rallies in support of #Palestine on #Quds Day
#QudsDay #FreePalestine #روز_قدس #نحو_القدس
#EU condemns Israeli regime over sale of West Bank aid ptv.io/2jvA
#WestBank #FreePalestine #Israel

#Israel #FreePalestine #DealOfTheCentury

Israel to auction two prefab classrooms donated to Palestinians by EU ptv.io/2jvt

A senior Israeli source has revealed that Abu Dis would be the capital of any future Palestinian state under Trump's “deal of the century”. #Israel #Palestine middleeastmonitor.com/20190601-abu-d… …

Israel-Firsters embedded in USG gave Israel NSA info on ALL US Citizens; Helped Israel kill Hezbollah leaders. russia-insider.com/en/nsa-gave-is…
The InternationalAssociation of DemocraticLawyers presented a petition from the InternationalLawyersCampaign for the Investigation & Prosecution of Crimes CommittedAgainst the PalestinianPeople to Fatou Bensouda,chief prosecutor of the ICC
Israel is always lying.
Always defending AlQaeda.
Always killing #Syria-ns.
It’s a shame Americans are so subservient to the killers of middle eastern Christianity.
The #US blueprint to end the conflict between #Israel and Palestine is seen by Palestinians, and by some Arab officials and politicians, as a plan to finish off the #Palestinian cause.