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Excited to present my labs latest pre-print, in which we uncover one of the mechanisms used by #SARS-CoV-2 to evade the #ImmuneSystem. A short tweet-torial on what we found 1/10…
Innate immune cells respond first to infection, often by "eating" pathogens. This slows infection, but full clearance often requires adaptive immunity - as in the antibodies and T cells that respectively neutralize pathogens and kill pathogen-infected cells. 2/10 Image
Activating adaptive immunity requires antigen presentation, where an innate immune cell shows fragments (antigens) of a pathogen to cells of the adaptive immune system. If the adaptive cell recognizes the antigen, it becomes activated and begins fighting the infection. 3/10 Image
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The effects of a ketogenic diet on immune function is one of the mechanisms by which it improves brain health. A healthy immune system protects the brain and reduces neuroinflammation. Brain immunology is a thing we don't talk about enough. 🧵
"...the present article encompasses several facets of ketogenic diet as an immunomodulator with respect to its expansive clinical applications."
In my Brain Fog Recovery Program, one of the lessons goes into some very basic brain immunology and discusses how chronic illness affects neuroinflammation, which then impairs vagus nerve function and digestion, and microbiome. It's all connected.
Read 4 tweets
🧵 An absolutely fascinating talk by William Gunning @Dysautonomia conf - Innate Immune system Activation in PoTS. A complex topic made easy to understand by a Prof in pathology & it makes a lot of sense to me, it’s like seeing another puzzle piece! Here’s some interesting
Platelets are very important in innate immunity & homeostasis (still being debated)
Platelets have over 400 biochemicals!
Serotonin is produced in the gut & pooled in platelets for delivery around the body (outside of CNS 99% of serotonin is in the platelets)
3/Symptoms of low seratonin are commonly seen in PoTS
Platelets secrete a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines & chemokines
All cells secrete chemicals that recruit inflammatory cell response
Dr Gunning has done some studies:
- one showed significant ⬇️ in dense granule number
Read 7 tweets
HEPATITIS AGUDA INFANTIL de origen desconocido

¿Realmente la está causando el #Adenovirus F41? 🧐

Hay algunos puntos a considerar. Va mi opinión al respecto🧵👇🏼


Hace un mes (15Abr22) nos enteramos de que Reino Unido 🇬🇧 estaba reportando un incremento inusual en los casos de #hepatitis de origen desconocido en pacientes pediátricos, especialmente en l@s más jóvenes

Después otros países empezaron a reportar lo mismo (tot: 169 casos)

La presentación clínica, es decir, la manera en la que el personal médico identifica la enfermedad👩🏻‍⚕️, es una #HepatitisAguda (el surgimiento rápido de inflamación en el hígado) con una elevación muy pronunciada 📈 en los niveles de proteínas provenientes de ese órgano¹

Read 16 tweets
#2 B-COMPLEX/MULTI VITAMIN. Buy a liposomal or other form that increases bio-availability. Take 1 capsule w/Breakfast and Lunch. If you have stomach upset, try sublingual (under tongue) EZ Melt B-Complex in AM & Multi w/iron for Dinner.…
#3 OMEGA 3s. Fish Oil, Krill Oil, Algae Oil are all good sources of Omega 3. Be careful the EPA/DHA ratio. EPA helps with inflammation/DHA helps with cognition. You need both! Opt for a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA (2:1 ratio eg. 800 DHA/400EPA)…
Read 93 tweets
Debunk on the #pfizerdocuments . They mean nothing. I’ll tell you why. But first here is the link to the original paper:…
If you read them, You will find 42.086 #notifications concerning possible side-effects and a checklist of possible adverse-effects which #Pfizer looks for in the trials (starts page 30)
These adverse-effects are different then side-effects. They haven’t happened, are only mentioned as things to look out for and prove that #Pfizer is thorough in their #testing and #research.
Read 16 tweets
Me pidieron hilos sobre inmuno básica así que va lo básico de lo básico...


Nuestro sistema de defensa es exquisitamente complejo, esta complejidad se desarrolló a lo largo de millones de años y continúa evolucionando


Aclaración inicial: el ser humano moderno tiene por mucho 300mil años de existencia¹ (referencias al final del 🧵), menciono millones de años de evolución porque el sistema inmunitario no apareció con nosotros, sino con nuestros ancestros 🌍


#Evolution #ImmuneSystem
De hecho, la inmunidad adaptativa surgió hace aprox 400 millones de años con los placodermos²

En fin…definamos de manera general 2 conceptos: evolución y genes

La evolución biológica se refiere al cambio constante q presentan las distintas especies a lo largo del tiempo

Read 20 tweets
Excelentes noticias 🥳

Un equipo de investigación encontró que las células T de memoria generadas con las #VacunasCovid19 son capaces de reconocer a las variantes del #SARSCoV2 desde #Alpha hasta #Omicron*

Les cuento qué significa esto 🧵👇🏼


Las #vacunas hacen que nuestro sistema inmunitario produzca dos tipos de células, los linfocitos B y T

Los linfocitos B (o células B) son los encargados de producir los #anticuerpos


Los linfocitos T (o #células T) interactuan ya sea con otras células del sistema inmunitario (ejemplo, #macrófagos) para potenciar su respuesta a la infección, o con las células infectadas para eliminarlas

A los primeros se les conoce como CD4+ y a los segundos como CD8+

Read 16 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/19/2021…
Respiratory Aerosol Emissions from Vocalization: Age and Sex Differences Are Explained by Volume and Exhaled CO2…

#RespiratoryAerosolEmissions #vocalization #age #sex #volume #CO2Exhalation
Read 8 tweets
"I am convinced that immunizing young #children [] will lead to a tsunami of #autoimmune diseases." - Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, virologist

Don't think for 1 sec. that the #pharmaceutical industry is unaware of the implications as outlined by V. Bossche.

"We cannot, we should not, under NO condition, vaccinate any child." - Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, #virologist

COVID-19 Vaccine Risks in #children - Geert Vanden Bossche speaks

Full presentation:

April 10, 2019: "Why Are #Autoimmune Diseases on the Rise?"

"It’s not so much our cleanliness but our increasingly #industrial lifestyle that is blocking the intake of these important #microorganisms."…
Read 7 tweets
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
Don’t miss the latest research from #FacesOfCell Zuri Sullivan (@zurisullivan), “Food allergy as a biological food quality control system”… "I’m passionate about ...
Dr. Sullivan is a HHMI Hanna H. Gray fellow at Harvard University (@Harvard) where she is researching how the #ImmuneSystem influences #physiology and behavior to help animals adapt to different environments. @DulacLab
@zurisullivan’s research interests are in #MucosalImmunology, #SocialBehavior, and #neuroscience.
Read 5 tweets
A metal ion orients SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to ensure accurate 2′-O methylation of its first nucleotide
The #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus is able to utilize the changes in metal ion concentrations to disguise itself in the human host body thus evading immune responses. Image
Efficacy of #clarithromycin on #COVID19 pneumonia without oxygen administration; protocol for multicenter, open-label, randomized-controlled, 3-armed parallel group comparison, exploratory trial #CAMECOVID
Japan Registry of Clinical Trials jRCTs071210011 Image
The influence of #HLA genotype on the severity of #COVID19 infection
A genetic link has been discovered explaining why some people catch #Covid but don't get sick. The gene is found three times as often in people who are #asymptomatic. Image
Read 199 tweets
It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question
- Eugène Ionesco

Our experts will answer your questions/doubts on #Mucormycosis, Dental Health and its relation with #COVID19

Join us tomorrow at ⏰11 AM

So, first question..

Are you ready?

🎥 Image
Do you have any question?

Ask and our👩‍⚕️ Doctors🧑‍⚕️will answer your queries on #Mucormycosis, Dental Health and its relation with #COVID19

See you tomorrow at 11 AM

Post your questions in comments section of our webinar👉 Image
Having #COVID19, in the background of diabetes and steroid use, is a classic setting for triple immune suppression: Dr. Rajeev Jayadevan on what makes us prone to catching #mucormycosis

Webinar on Mucormycosis, Dental Health

Watch LIVE now at Image
Read 38 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/21/2021…
Human wastewater feeding harmful algae blooms off of Southern California's coast…

#wastewater #algae #SouthernCalifornia
World first concept for rechargeable cement-based batteries…

#RechargeableBatteries #ConcreteStorage
Read 10 tweets
🔝5 Concerns about #SARSCoV2 #Biology: A Call to Pause, Deliberate, and Revise Policy─This review is intended both as a basic resource and to initiate an open and critical dialog about SARS-CoV-2 biology for an independent and public call to action.…
Structural basis of ribosomal #frameshifting during translation of the #SARSCoV2 #RNA #genome
A unique feature of the SARS-CoV-2 genome controls protein synthesis and presents an "Achilles heel" of the virus. Image
Brainstem neuropathology in two cases of #COVID19: #SARSCoV2 trafficking between #brain and #lung
Neuropathologic evidence strongly suggests that the pathophysiology of COVID-19 related respiratory failure includes a neurogenic component. Image
Read 213 tweets
"These so-called founders will then passively spread the #vaccine to other animals they encounter either by #touch, #sex, #nursing, or #breathing the same air."…
"For at least 20 years, scientists have been experimenting with such self-spreading #vaccines, work that continues to this day, and which has gained the attention of the US #military."
2020: "We are now poised to begin developing self-disseminating vaccines targeting a wide range of human pathogens, [] decisions remain about how they can be most effectively designed & used to target pathogens w/ a #highrisk of spillover &/or emergence."…
Read 14 tweets
When we talk of Immunity we mean that our body has the resistance to fight or is impervious to a external threat. In the biological context it means we can fight of an organism.1/n
@docphiloshoper @HaryaxPathak @pankti4299 @rud_ras @sarkarrahul
The organism that we currently are interested in is the #SARS_CoV_2 virus 🦠 and it’s variants. Anything that helps us boost our immune system for that is a #ImmunityBooster 2/n
@happygoel4 @imacuriosguy @ChaitanyaD2020 @Apoxipril @docyrh @dr_syedfurqan @Mohan02523702 @meetKool
It means when #SARSCoV2 virus 🦠 enters our body we have a immune system that is prepared to take on the virus and reduce its effect over us. Remember the virus is getting into our body and is in our system. Our #Immunity needs a #ImmunityBooster to fight back. 3/n
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"Those being vaccinated now are, whether they realize it or not - part of the phase 3 experiment. They're part of a #vaccination #experiment. And the companies have openly acknowledged this in their reports to the regulatory agencies." - Dr Byram Bridle

#Covid19 Symposium 2021: Dr Byram Bridle, Viral Immunologist, University of #Guelph

#CndPoli #Canada……
Note that Bridle is a strong proponent of vaccines. ["As a viral #immunologist who develops immunization strategies to prevent infectious diseases and treat cancers, I teach the value of high-quality, well-validated vaccines & passionately promote their use."]

Slides 1-4: ImageImageImageImage
Read 28 tweets
1/ A: Celebrate the mild #flu season & take what we have learned this year to inform future behavior. Harmful germs are not going away. 🦠 Illness from bacteria & viruses that make us sick do not “strengthen” the #immune system & contribute to significant complications & death. Image
2/ The lack of infectious illnesses will not #weaken your #immunesystem. Public health measures to combat #COVID19 including social distancing, masks, & extra hand washing greatly reduced the incidence of some bad microbes that cause common infectious illnesses such as the flu.
3/ More than 15,000 US deaths attributed to the #flu were averted this year. Other common viruses, like rhinoviruses, did not decrease as consistently. #Bacteria & #viruses that cause illness will continue to exist.
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Reducing #COVID19 #Airborne #Transmission Risks on #PublicTransportation Buses
Wearing of #facemasks reduced the overall particle count released into the bus by an average of 50%, the dispersion distance by several feet and #aerosol particles by 84.36%. Image
🔝#SARSCoV2 Infects Human Engineered Heart Tissues and Models COVID-19 Myocarditis
#COVID19 can kill heart muscle cells, interfere with contraction. Details of how #coronavirus infects #heart: models of tissue damage may help develop potential therapies. Image
High-content screening of coronavirus genes for innate immune suppression reveals enhanced potency of SARS-CoV-2 proteins
196 protein products of seven coronaviruses: the genes encoded by #SARSCoV2 are generally more potent immune suppressors than others Image
Read 236 tweets
⚠️#Ocular #MRI Findings in Patients with Severe #COVID19: A Retrospective Multicenter Observational Study
All patients had nodules in the macular region, 8/9 (89%) had bilateral nodules, 2/9 (22%) had nodules outside the macular region. Screening needed. Image
⚠️🔝New-Onset #IgG #Autoantibodies in Hospitalized Patients with #COVID19
An international team of researchers studying COVID-19 has made a startling and pivotal discovery: The virus appears to cause the body to make weapons to attack its own tissues. Image
⚠️🔝Patterns of myocardial injury in recovered troponin-positive COVID-19 patients assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Damage to the heart found in more than half of #COVID19 patients discharged from hospital who show raised levels of troponin. Image
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#Immunity & #Vaccines
Will try to explain with #GIF's

What is Immunity?
Your Immune system will attack anything unfamiliar. This could be bacteria, virus, fungus or anything it identifies as foreign

When #coronavirus AKA #thevirus infects, our body attacks in two stages
The #firststage is the general response. This is common to any foreign body entering us. Various chemicals are secreted to not only destroy the #thevirus but also to initiate the second stage.

This #firststage is called #Innateimmunity
The #secondstage needs some time to build, as its specific to that particular #thevirus. It takes time because the body needs to figure out which part of the #thevirus to attack & what's needed to attack it. This takes around 6-8 days.

This 2nd stage is #Adaptiveimmunity
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