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@ir_rkp #Korsakov @MikaLintila
#Gasgrid. #LNG alus ei tuota #kaasua, vaan varastoi #Venäjä'n, aiemmin #Baltiasta ostettua, n. 3x hintaan.
- 10v. ajalta terminaalin kokonaiskustannuksiksi arvioidaan noin €460 miljoona, eli noin €126 000 päivässä
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #GreatReset=#SuurTyöttömyys-#Hätätila
#WEF-#Marxist -ideologia lahtaa yritykset #kaasu'lla. @valtionomistus
#Gasgrid Imatra #Räikkölä vs. #Korsakov
- Korsakov on satamakaupunki ja piirikunta #Sahalini'n saaren eteläpäässä Venäjän  Sahalinin alueella. 
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #Uniper-#Gasgrid #skandaali.
#YGLs veijarit keksivät roudata kaasun #Räikkölä'n sijasta näin. @TyttiTup
#Prigorodnoje'n satama 10km #Korsakovi'n itäpuolella on #LNG'n vientiin erikoistunut satama
From: Port of #Korsakov
To: Port of #Gibraltar (->#Inkoo)
Read 19 tweets
@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut #AliBaba & #WorldBank & #IMF and 40 world wealthiest #thieves.
- Who collects all the world's #CarbonTaxes in their own #coffers?
- The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM #Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world.
Read 10 tweets
🚫 DON’T use glucocorticoids in oxygen-free #COVID19 pts

Just published @NEJMEvidence
Guidelines are against glucocorticoids in pts not on O2 but effect on survival remains unclear
Our meta-analysis found that glucocorticoids increase mortality

🔗 1/5 Image

P: adults with #COVID19 not receiving oxygen
I: intravenous or oral #glucocorticoids
C: any
O: all-cause mortality at the longest follow-up available
S: RCTs, matched studies
➡️ 5 RCTs and 1 propensity-matched study (total 6634 pts) were included Image

🪦 MORTALITY: #Glucocorticoids vs comparator

14% vs 10% (OR=1.56; 95% CI=1.27 to 1.93)
Number needed to harm=27
Mortality increase was confirmed in RCTs only
16% vs 13% (OR=1.34; 95% CI=1.00 to 1.78)
Need for mechanical ventilation was also increased: 18% vs 15%

#FOAMcc Image
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Microcytic anemias, which affect all cell lines, can have adverse effects on brain and nervous system health. Iron deficiency #anemia, the most common type of microcytic anemia, can cause #cognitive impairment. 🧵(1/18)
Iron is crucial for #brain function, and its #deficiency can reduce #oxygen delivery to the brain, affecting #cognitive processes like #attention, #memory, and learning. (2/18)
#B12 deficiency, another common cause of microcytic anemia, can also damage the nervous system. (3/18)
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If you aren't tuning in yet to @VigilForHD16 introducing a phenomenal bill at #colorado #legislativesession ✨HB23-1101 - Ozone Season Transit Grant Program Flexibility ✨ #CleanAir #publictransit #ClimateJustice is important

@baconforco discusses the bill as well - who represents D7, and how much transit has mattered to #students #youngpeople and #workingparents and how much #CleanAir matters to her constituents #copolitics

Follow the bill!🔥
@VigilForHD16 gives us a lesson on group level o-zone - "which is a combination of heat and toxins, and they mostly come from oil and gas operations - and then transportation is the next big one" #copolitics

Fantastic point Rep. #ClimateJustice
Read 15 tweets
1. #China has been involved in illegal fishing in #EEZ of over 80 countries with over 10 million hrs of fishing.

This is a mega report and tweet thread on #Chinese illegal fishing in world's oceans and its impacts.

Read/download the complete report:…
2. The #Chinese fleet is often found guilty of #overfishing,
killing protected species,
falsifying licenses and docs,
seizing territories &
producing tons of sea #waste.

Read/download the complete report:…

3. IUU: #China has been consistently ranked num. 1 on various parameters of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUU) rankings.

According to the IUU rankings report 2021, over 60% of its vessels are involved in IUU fishing worldwide.

Read 24 tweets
in 1932 #oxygen was delivered subcutaneously!
with non-negligible success

#ARDS #ecmo
In 1933 #oxygen wad delivered through the peritoneal cavity and stomach
with non-negligible success

#ARDS #ecmo
In 1935 #oxygen was delivered intravenously
with non-negligible success

#ARDS #ecmo
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1. Good morning! Early start on Saturdays thread as it’s the weekend 😄 I’m going just do a quick thread today about Lough Furnace, which is the aquatic link between the Burrishoole catchment and the North Atlantic Sunset behind Lough France and the Reek
2. This aquatic link runs from the Owenduff/Nephin and Bellacorick bog SACs, @WildNephin, down through Furnace and into Clew Bay SAC, very close to the shelf edge, so 🐟moving in and out of Furnace are essentially on a 🛣️between #Biodiversity hotspots @npwsBioData @MarineInst Map of SACs and Lough Furnace
3. The lake is actually a coastal lagoon, which is a rare, designated habitat (Code 1150). Some of you might be familiar with e.g. Loch Hyne and the salt lake near Clifden. Very detailed information from Brenda Healy on this habitat here from the 1990s:…
Read 24 tweets
28 Very Engaging French movies to Watch - A Thread

Quote how many have u watched..

1. #ThePast
Also Quality content
2. #SleeplessNight
Fast thriller
3. #TellNoOne
Read 24 tweets
I'm so pleased to share the 5-year results of the Nigeria Oxygen 🫁 program! We found #oxygen systems improvements were sustained and were highly cost-effective (US$82–125 per DALY-averted). Why is this important? (1/10)…
We know that #oxygen is an essential medicine for many, many medical conditions. Yet, around the world, the majority of severely ill patients who need oxygen do not receive it. So we wondered how we could change this. (2/10)
We worked with 12 hospitals in Southwest Nigeria to make pulse oximetry routine practice, improve oxygen supplies, and support healthcare workers and biomedical technicans. And we saw encouraging change. (3/10)……
Read 11 tweets
To celebrate the 75 years of India’s independence, here are 75 innovative products that showcase the fervor of incubated startups @IITKanpur.
1. Noccarc V310 was developed by @Noccarc under the technical guidance of @IncubatorIITK within 90 days.
@narendramodi @dpradhanbjp
2. Acqua front Infrastructure @aipl14 under IIT Kanpur’s versatile guidance and support from seven corporate, foundations and government partners; executed the successful installation of ten #oxygen plants in five Indian states within 90 days.
3. Working with an aim to strengthen the health infrastructure of the country Yantram’s non-invasive NV-Core stands at par with global manufacturers. It can achieve wider accessibility of healthcare services at lesser prices and greater healthcare outcomes for masses.
Read 75 tweets
8 yo Girl.
Off food for 2 days.
Bizarre itchy rash
Called 111 told Chilblains
Mum unconvinced

Please show #teachers #education #schools


Think #COVID19 #Omicron #LongCovidKids Image
Symptoms of #LongCovid can be found in the gallery.


Sores at the sides of the mouth.
This child tested positive for #COVID19

Please RT to help others #SpotCovid

#education #schools #teachers
#Omicron #OmicronVarient #LongCovidKids Image
Read 27 tweets
@kimisgubbed @VirusesImmunity @KaminskiMed @Be_Kinderr @jenbrea @ahandvanish Hey! Well hypoxic tissue cld lead to lower O2 extraction, & infected tissue is often hypoxic. Most intracellular pathogens hijack metabolism of cells they infect & “push” host mitochondrial metabolism to anerobic glycolysis (O2 not being used for OXPHOS):…
@kimisgubbed @VirusesImmunity @KaminskiMed @Be_Kinderr @jenbrea @ahandvanish 2/ In fact many intracellular #pathogens either directly or indirectly enhance hypoxia inducible factor (HIF-1) stability. HIF-1 is a key glycolytic regulator/transcription factor whose stability reduces reliance on OXPHOS by initiating glycolytic #metabolism
@kimisgubbed @VirusesImmunity @KaminskiMed @Be_Kinderr @jenbrea @ahandvanish 3/ With that in mind @VirusesImmunity, it was interesting that in your brain organoid model, you showed SARS-CoV-2 capable of infecting neurons, where it induced a locally hypoxic environment as measured by staining for HIF-1 alpha:
Read 11 tweets
#SupremeCourt hears a plea regarding setting up of a commission of inquiry for proper distribution of oxygen

Justice Chandrachud: we don't set up commissions of inquiry here. We have set up a national task force. we cannot encroach upon the executive domain

Justice Chandrachud: it is very easy to criticize the court or government without being on the hot seat. . Is it fit we conduct a legal post mortem of the issue now here?
Justice Chandrachud: You must invoke remedies under CrPC before seeking CBI probe and this is not a case for commission of enquiry. article 32 is to be the last resort..lets do something positive for the society...
Read 12 tweets
Bırakın $ırıngaları da Avrupa'da en fazla kenevir ekili alan niçin ve nasıl Fransa'da ona bakalım..
Keneviri de Fransa'yı da anlatılmadığı gibi anlayalım.
#oxygen #oksijen #PCR #maske #testkiti #ECS #EKS
#Anandamide #hempoil #cannabisindustry #cannabisculture #CannabisCommunity
1- Bugün İstanbul Lisesi olarak kullanılan Düyun-u Umumiye Binası'nın ana kapısı. Düyun-u Umumiye (Düyun-u Umumiye-i Osmaniye Varidat-ı Muhassasa İdaresi), 1881-1923 yılları arasında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun iç ve dış borçlarını denetleyen kurumdur.
2- Navarin Bozgunu, Osmanlı ve Mısır donanmalarıyla, birlikte hareket eden Britanyalı, Fransız ve Rus donanmaları arasında; 20 Ekim 1827 tarihinde geçmiş olan bir deniz muharebesidir. Bu muharebe Osmanlı tarihinde , Navarin Baskını veya Navarin Faciası adlarıyla da geçer.
Read 22 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/19/2021…
This is how western states must change because of the Colorado River water shortage…

#ColoradoRiver #WaterShortage #PolicyChange #WaterRights #OpEd
4760 pieces of trash compose 'perpetual plastic' data sculpture on bali beach…

#PublicArt #DataSculpture #repurposing #PlasticWaste #BaliBeach
Read 8 tweets
#Taliban released a "#Joint_Declaration" about the two-days intra-Afghan peace negotiations in #Doha (17-18 July 2021):
They agreed on the need to speed up negotiations to address the current conflict/crisis in Afghanistan and find a just and lasting solution to the problem ASAP.
They understand the need for a compromise that responds to the interests& aspirations of all men& women in AFG in the light of Islamic principles.
They are committed to engaging in high-level negotiations to reach a settlement& will continue to hold such meetings in the future.
At the same time, the two leaders (Baradar& Abdullah) instructed their negotiating teams to expedite negotiations.
Both sides r committed to ensuring that civilian infrastructure remains secure throughout AFG& will prevent civilian casualties& cooperate n humanitarian assistance.
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a high-level meeting held today reviewed the augmentation and availability of #oxygen across the country.

(Video: DD)
PM Modi today chaired a high-level meeting to review augmentation and availability of oxygen across the country.

#COVID19 | "Over 1500 PSA #oxygen plants to come up across the nation; contributed by PM CARES, plants would support more than 4 lakh oxygenated beds. Ensure that the plants are made functional at the earliest": PM Modi at today's meeting over availability of oxygen

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#NewsAlert | 'SC #OxygenAuditTeam finds #DelhiGovt inflated #oxygen need by 4 times during peak & affected supply to 12 high caseload states. Hope accountability is fixed for disrupting oxygen supply across India', tweets Union Minister @PiyushGoyal.
If you have any shame left #ArvindKejriwal, hold one of your PCs now & apologise to the nation for inflating #oxygen need by four times during second wave: @GautamGambhir, BJP MP.
The demand for #oxygen (in #Delhi) was 4 times more than what it was and the rest of the states had to bear the loss, they fell short. Make noise someone should learn from #DelhiGovernment: @PrakashJavdekar, Union Minister.
Read 18 tweets
#FactCheck of various "Propaganda Cartoons".

Inflation - Average 4.74% from 2014-2020, lowest in last 6 decades.

Unemployment - Yes, it increased because of Delhi - 45.6%, TN - 28%, Rajasthan - 27.6%.

GDP - India's GDP is low but performance under NDA is still better than UPA.
Supreme Court questioned Modi govt on Vaccine supply & differential pricing and its Ok. Point to be noted that it was States who asked for Decentralization of Vaccines. Supreme Court didn't ordered to Modi government to provide FREE Vaccines to States, but Modi did.
Several propaganda cartoons blaming Modi for Covid-19 situation floating around. 'Health' is States subject in India. fact remains, India has registered lowest Covid-19 De∆ths amongst major countries. De∆th rate in non-BJP States are highest, but entire blame is on Modi.
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A metal ion orients SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to ensure accurate 2′-O methylation of its first nucleotide
The #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus is able to utilize the changes in metal ion concentrations to disguise itself in the human host body thus evading immune responses. Image
Efficacy of #clarithromycin on #COVID19 pneumonia without oxygen administration; protocol for multicenter, open-label, randomized-controlled, 3-armed parallel group comparison, exploratory trial #CAMECOVID
Japan Registry of Clinical Trials jRCTs071210011 Image
The influence of #HLA genotype on the severity of #COVID19 infection
A genetic link has been discovered explaining why some people catch #Covid but don't get sick. The gene is found three times as often in people who are #asymptomatic. Image
Read 199 tweets
Karnataka High Court to hear a batch of COVID-19 related petitions shortly.

Chief Justice Abhay Shreeniwas Oka and Justice Aravind Kumar will hear the pleas.

CJ Oka: Before we proceed, one letter received from member of the Bra on shortage of injection/medicine for black fungus. From where do you get it?

AG Prabhuling Navadgi: It comes from Delhi

Court informs accute shortage to Advocate for Centre,
MB Nargund: We are depending on imports. Some imports have come...

AG Navadgi; I would like to share a personal experience somebody whom we know is admitted to a hospital and even after my intervention the patient is not able to receive the injection. There is severe shortage.
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📍#Oxygen Therapy in COVID-19

➡️15% of #COVID19 patients may have moderate disease; #Oxygen saturation level may go < 94%

➡️5% of #COVID patients may have severe disease where once O2 level goes < 90%

- Dr. Ravichandra, National Tuberculosis Institute

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Measuring O2 level with a #PulseOximeter

It measures the oxygen saturation or % of O2 in patient’s blood

A @WHO training manual says if oxygen saturation is 93% or lower, patient needs to be treated quickly

Saturation < 90% is a clinical emergency

2/6 Image

You can measure respiratory rate without any device

Respiratory rate = No. of breaths a person takes per minute

Keep your palm on your chest, measure your respiratory rate for 1 minute

< 24/min, O2 level is safe
> 30/min, O2 level is low


3/6 Image
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